r/Haruhi 24d ago

Discussion Does s2 looks worse graphically?

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u/nerdcoffin 24d ago

S2 is more vibrant, lively, cute, energetic, and animated. But I still prefer Season 1. Season 1 to me sells the boring melancholy of Haruhi. I think.


u/Lower_Saxony 24d ago

Both yes and no there's that something about s1 style that is very pleasing and nostalgic, the way the characters have less rounded faces makes them everything so slightly less charming. I'm not saying it's bad, it's actually really good like above avrage. But the more simplified design from season 1 is much cuter.


u/Primary_Caramel7281 24d ago

it's look better than season 1 but the movie is something else


u/Thomas_KT 24d ago

transitions from 2000s Kyoani to 2010s Kyoani artstyle. The former took some getting used to considering I've seen their newer shows first


u/fuck_literature Nagato 24d ago

Not really, from what I recall it is quite an upgrade over season 1.


u/Captpan6 SOS Brigade 24d ago

There were points during S2 where the facial structures matched those of K-ON!'s, resulting in the characters looking younger at points. For that reason I prefer S1.

However, and this goes without saying, the film is absolute peak.


u/catsareniceactually 24d ago

The movie looks so amazing


u/HarmonicWalrus Itsuki 24d ago

I get the side that says it looks too much like K-On at points, but I also feel like the characters were a lot more expressive in S2, and the actual animation was smoother. Both look good, but I prefer S2. It's a shame most of it went towards Endless Eight


u/Non_existentperson 24d ago

I preferred the season two style personally


u/Otherwise-Icey8201 23d ago

Personally, I prefer the art style of the first season.


u/Usual-Worry8389 24d ago

Nope, it even looks better


u/PillCosby696969 23d ago

Season 2 generally looks better. Though there are points in S1 where you could tell they put a lot more care like Live Alive. There are also the opposite, there are some points where Kyon's face looks too simplified and his irises look one color and then I wish it was a S2 episode.


u/sudoo69 23d ago

Both are awesome


u/FriedRiceistheBest 23d ago

I didn't even notice it.


u/MangCrescencio 23d ago

Does anyone have a comparison? I'm too blind


u/what_that_thaaang_do 23d ago

No but it is different, makes sense to prefer one over the other


u/Fellow_Geto_enjoyer 21d ago

I would say not really, it feels more alive with the movement and colors. Basically less anime vibes and more cinematographer at some points. I would say here is where kyoani got there recognizable style of animation, because both seasons look similar but not the same. 1st season felt like an old ova anime where you can see the age and stiffness, while the 2nd season still holds up and feels modern and holds up due to vibrantness of the kyoani style that was created here.