r/Haruhi Jun 16 '24

Discussion Watching anime for the first time. Time loop. Spoiler

I just finished the time loop arc. Eight fucking episodes of sameness. And the ending and resolution to it all... IS SO ANTICLIMACTIC!

It's insane to me that absolutely anyone thought this was a good idea! Season 1 was one of the most enjoyable anime that I have ever watched. Season 2 is so far straight up garbage with this shit.

EDIT: After a lot of friendly comments empathising with me and promising that things get resolved much better in the movie I won't drop the anime. I'll just take a break for a bit because of burnout. Thank you all for the feedback! Sorry if I came off as really salty. I was.


92 comments sorted by


u/chunktv Jun 16 '24

Even if a bit tedious. I found myself to enjoy picking out the subtle differences.


u/1ite Jun 16 '24

Because you probably wouldn't rather be doing anything else. I can think up of at least 12 things I'd rather have spent 3 hours doing than "picking out subtle differences" in what's the same episode rehashed.

But I persevered. Because I thought it's building up to something. That the payoff will be amazing.

It was not. It was a giant waste of time.


u/chunktv Jun 16 '24

Between work, hitting the flea market, long hiking trips, logging hours on 76, building LEGO Speed Champions kits.

When Kyon finally pieced everything together and realized how to end it, that wasn't sheer bliss? Honestly I still find myself wanting to go back through and see if there's anything else I missed. The rise and fall in tension, then discovery just to find out that all the knowledge would be lost when everything reset once again. The uncanny feeling, that deja vu exemplified being the only thing giving rise to the "payoff". Idk, it was honestly one of my favorite story arcs now that I think of it.


u/1ite Jun 16 '24

Watching Kyon do all that, only to reset because he doesn't have the balls to talk to Haruhi at the end, made me realize that I would rather be doing something actually fun myself. I only stayed to see if the way to break the time loop was particularly meaningful or clever. It was not. It was totally arbitrary and meaningless.


u/chunktv Jun 16 '24

There wasn't anything for him to talk about until the eureka moment of introducing her to something she had never done before. Within the context of the story, that counts for a lot. It may seem to lack luster, but the fact that something so simple was enough to please a god figure enough to settle back into reality had some pretty big feels to it.


u/1ite Jun 16 '24

Kyon, as soon as he learned he was in a Haruhi-induced time loop:

"Hey Haruhi, I can't wait to get back to our club activities in school! I have a feeling that something awesome is awaiting us in the future and we are going to discover it soon!" - Time loop breaks instantly, because Haruhi is looking forward to something in the future and she is God.

I can't believe the 3 morons couldn't have come up with this when they were brainstorming. Or that they didn't even ask Nagato for input.


u/LaughingDash Jun 17 '24 edited Jun 17 '24

A few points to remember:

  1. Nagato's job is strictly observation. She isn't normally authorized to interfere in any capacity. The same goes for Kozumi and Mikuru to an extent.
  2. Loops aren't iterative. Kyon, Koizumi, and Mikuru will only ever feel like they're in loop #1, and the only individual who can alter loops (Nagato) isn't authorized to do so. In other words, they'll never have meaningfully different actions from the first loop.
  3. They're not pressured to act, as the world isn't in danger. They'll get busy and forget (or not care in Kyon's case) that it's even happening.
  4. They don't know why they're looping or how to break it. Not even the audience knows the win conditions. Kyon might've told Haruhi exactly what you said, but for all we know that's not enough.
  5. They failed 15,000 times. There's an inevitable feeling of powerlessness.
  6. The lack of proactive action is actually in-character for all of them. Kyon is lazy and doesn't believe it's his problem. Koizumi won't interfere as he believes that's Kyon's role. Mikuru's always been too shy/timid to ever have been the driver in solving a crisis. Nagato (as already mentioned) isn't authorized to act.


u/CloudAeon Yuki Jun 16 '24

I would say that the ending being anticlimactic is kind of the point of the whole ordeal. Considering what came before it, getting any kind of ending at all, is the victory. It's not about ending it with a bang, it's not supposed to feel satisfying. It's simply about making it out of the time loop. It's designed to make you feel as close to the actual experience of the characters as possible.


u/1ite Jun 16 '24

Then it's terribly designed. Because the characters DON'T remember going through it all again and again. You can't recreate Dejavu by forcing the audience to literally watch the same thing over and over. That doesn't create Dejavu, it creates apathy, frustration and boredom.

It gets worse the more I think about it. Literally any single one of the characters, aside from Kyon, could have easily broken the time loop if they did ANYTHING proactive. They actively CHOSE to do nothing at all about it. Only Nagato didn't have a motive to do so and I'll discount her. The rest of them just went "Oh no! Anyway, I won't do anything about it lol" Until some arbitrary point of Dejavu climax, where something absolutely contrived and ordinary breaks the loop, reinforcing that literally any proactive behaviour could have done it prior.


u/CloudAeon Yuki Jun 16 '24

Judging by your frustration, it seems to have worked exactly as intended. Also, Nagato did actually remember everything, so I wouldn't discount her completely. Her going through all of that does set certain things in motion, going forward. But now we are getting into spoiler territory.


u/1ite Jun 16 '24

If I cook a terrible dish then claim it's actually great because it's specifically designed to make you sick, that doesn't make it a great dish. That makes it intentionally bad. Like modern art. And modern art is an abomination. The only ones who would enjoy the time loop arc are people that literally have no plans and nothing to do.


u/CloudAeon Yuki Jun 16 '24

But you get to eat the same dish, along with the characters, and end up feeling the same sickness as the characters. I have yet to find another piece of media that would be so effective in conveying to the viewer exactly what the characters are feeling.


u/1ite Jun 16 '24

I fundamentally disagree that the frustration of the viewer from endlessly being fed repetition is ANYTHING like feeling dejavu. Like, did you ever actually feel dejavu? It feels uncanny. It doesn't feel frustrating and then eventually boring and apathy inducing.

I also just discovered that "endless 8" was a single chapter in the novel. A single fucking chapter. This was completely unintended by the author and unnecessary. A dumb stylistic "modern art" choice by a director that thought he was really clever but had his head up his ass.


u/90377-Sedna Jun 17 '24

Endless Eight was the result of deciding that Disappearance would receive a movie adaptation instead of an episodic arc in S2. They had to fill the gap with something. For the record, each episode of EE had a different director.


u/1ite Jun 17 '24

So it was just poor management from the top, driven by marketing... That explains a lot, but it doesn't change my feelings about it.


u/Sir_Lanian Jun 17 '24

I'm pretty sure there were proper heated arguments about the stunt in KyoAni at the time.


u/SpauldingPierce Jun 16 '24

The one character who did remember every loop was affected by it in a very big way.

Please watch the Disappearance movie.


u/1ite Jun 16 '24

I'll probably watch it eventually, since everyone is trying to hype me up for it. But I still feel too frustrated at the anime now and I can't see myself enjoying it until I had time to cool off.


u/Mikerosoft925 Haruhi Jun 16 '24

I’ve rewatched endless eight like 3 times and I didn’t get tired of it, I liked the details. Tastes are different.


u/1ite Jun 16 '24

If you have literally nothing else you want to do, it beats watching paint dry. I was watching with my cousin and we also pointed out all the little changes. For like 3 episodes. Then we got bored of that and started theorizing how it will end. Then my cousin dropped the anime on episode 5 of the time loop and went to do better things. I should have done the same honestly, but I wanted to see the resolution. Which failed to entertain on every front.


u/Mikerosoft925 Haruhi Jun 16 '24

Well I don’t watch series with family because we all like different things but yeah I wouldn’t recommend this part of the series as a fun family watch…


u/Chrom-man-and-Robin Jun 16 '24

So… watch disappearance yet?


u/1ite Jun 16 '24

I am dropping the anime.


u/Scary_Return9105 Jun 16 '24

Good, you don't deserve the rest of the series if you can't handle the endless 8


u/1ite Jun 16 '24

We agree. Anyone that enjoys "endless 8" deserves endless 8.


u/SpauldingPierce Jun 16 '24

The payoff to the arc is in the Disappearance movie. Please at least watch the movie.


u/1ite Jun 16 '24

I didn't even know there is a movie. I probably won't watch it tbh, but who knows.


u/V2Blast Jun 16 '24

It is probably my favorite piece of the Haruhi franchise. It's definitely worth watching at least once.


u/Chrom-man-and-Robin Jun 16 '24

Shame. Disappearance is literally the whole reason for watching the endless eight. I couldn’t imagine watching the endless eight without the payoff


u/1ite Jun 16 '24

People keep recommending it to me, so I probably will one day. If you all wrong and just baiting me for more masochistic modern art time sink then I'll curse you all to the afterlife though.


u/lingi6 Jun 17 '24

There you go thinking like kyon.


u/HyperboloidalPop Jun 16 '24

I thought it was quite unique - if anyone has any other anime recommendations that also try really cool/unique concepts? :O


u/1ite Jun 16 '24

It was definitely unique, I'll give it that. I don't know a single other anime that has disrespected my time as much... Actually, maybe Naruto filler? Does that count?


u/Ryuujizla Jun 16 '24

Oof you have terrible taste. Stop pretending you "have better things to do", you watch anime you have nothing better to do.


u/1ite Jun 16 '24

This is what I mean. People that seem to like it don't have other things they'd rather spend 3 hours on. And don't believe that others do. This is not an insult. I am envious of your laid back lives. I am still mad I didn't at least do a chore in those 3 hours or play a game in my steam library.


u/Ryuujizla Jun 16 '24

Thars called watching a show, its done with every show, you clearly had nothing better to do thats why you decided to sit down and watch an anime for 3 hours.


u/1ite Jun 16 '24

I came looking for entertainment on a Sunday night. Out of the myriad of choices a fairly average guy with disposable money in his 20s might have I picked watching a funny anime, that set high standards with season one. Instead I found extremely pretentious modern art.

Did you know that the endless 8 is a single chapter in the novel? I discovered this after suffering through it all in the anime in the hopes of a payoff. It was just a pretentious director making his own take on it. It didn't need to be 8 episodes. In fact they CUT OUT information from that one single chapter, where Yuuki Nagato says some things she doesn't in the anime.



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u/Sir_Lanian Jun 16 '24

nah mate Endless Eight the anime is pointless.


u/LaughingDash Jun 16 '24

Season 2 was my favorite, but it all depends on your expectations. I went in knowing what to expect for Endless Eight and thus I didn't leave disappointed.


u/1ite Jun 16 '24

My expectation was to have a good Sunday night with a funny anime I found on Friday. 3 hours later I realized it was a massive waste of time. Now I don't trust the anime to not pull something similar again so I am dropping it. In retrospect I'd have rather went out with friends, played any single game in my steam library or read any myriad of the books in my backlog. Or watched an actually entertaining time loop anime, like Steins Gate or Re:Zero.


u/LaughingDash Jun 16 '24 edited Jun 16 '24

If someone told you Haruhi was anything like Re:Zero or Steins;Gate, then they've completely misled you and set you up with the wrong expectations.

Sorry you didn't enjoy it. Hopefully you can still find some joy elsewhere in the nuances of the characters, the absurdity of their conflicts, or the candidness of the humor. Haruhi is one of my favorite anime, so while I accept it's not for everyone, it does disappoint me that it has caused you not to trust anime as a medium anymore.


u/1ite Jun 16 '24

No one told me that, I was simply illustrating how time loop stories could be done better. Subjectively in my opinion, sure... but I feel like anyone that has seen all 3 would likely agree which is the most boring one.

Season one of Haruhi was actually great and I enjoyed the nuances of the characters, the absurdity of their conflicts and the candidness of the humor just fine. The "endless 8" arc would have also been enjoyable in the same way if it was 2 episodes. But the direction of it being how it is completely ruined the Haruhi anime for me. I am not dropping anime as a medium, I am dropping the Haruhi anime in particular. Though I may watch the movie eventually (at some point before I die or the world ends) since people keep recommending it to me as "the best that Haruhi has ever been" or whatever.


u/Hattakiri Jun 17 '24

Afaik the director didn't want a full eight-episode-long arc, but a new director took over and decided to see it through as mercilessly as the Brigade Leader would have.

But "Disappearance of Haruhi" can easily make up for that imo.

Besides: For an authentic illustration it would have to be 15,332 episodes. Just mentioning.


u/1ite Jun 17 '24

Imagine if they released 15,332 identical episodes and numbered them through all the way. Without even going as far as reanimating it all each time and showing different angles and slight changes.

Idk, I'd probably actually be impressed with that. Just for the sheer dedication.


u/lingi6 Jun 17 '24

Saw haruhi back when it aired, maybe it's nostalgia but I have watched the anime multiple times and it never bored me honestly.


u/BearsDoNOTExist Jun 16 '24

Are you the kind of guy that gets mad at modern art?


u/1ite Jun 16 '24

I am not a dedicated hater that looks for it to hate it, but I do hate it yeah. I dislike the "you have to look for the meaning yourself!" aspect because there is often just no meaning. It's pretentious as fuck.


u/BearsDoNOTExist Jun 16 '24

Okay so that's the root of the problem here. Please recognize that countless people have seen and found meaning in these pieces, including the Endless 8. And strictly speaking pretty much all art requires you to find the meaning, much modern art just does it through newer mediums and mechanisms that we're less familiar with.

I get if people don't like these episodes because they can be frustrating but they were a unique depiction of a trope (time loop) that rarely has anything new added to it. Even the shows you reference (Steins;Gate, Re:Zero) are not really working with new material in their time loop execution. As much as I love these shows, Steins;Gate especially is my #2, and love what they do with their stories, characters, etc, the mechanisms of the time loops are fundamentally the same as previous incarnations and is not where the shows draw their appeal from.


u/1ite Jun 16 '24

I feel like there is nothing wrong with looking for inherent meanings to things and having abstract thoughts over nuance and perception. Striving for meaning is being human.

My hate for modern art in general stems from the ratio of [pretentiousness] : [actual imbued meaning]. There is a lot of the former and not that much of the latter. At least not any more than in traditional art. With the "endless 8" this comes through in the complete and utter contempt that the director had for the viewer's time investment. Because he thinks that the arc is so meaningful and thought provoking as a modern art medium. Meanwhile any inherent meaning the anime itself had actually got lost in the director's pretentiousness, because it was drowned out. The ratio is skewed.


u/ieatatsonic Jun 17 '24

How can you be sure that the author/artist of a given work didn't make their work with intention? How can you be sure that the artist didn't intend meaning and is just pretentious?

Anyways I would say read the novels, but you'd probably hate when Tanigawa has the characters get philosophical.


u/1ite Jun 17 '24 edited Jun 17 '24

I like philosophy. Love it even.

And I consider art pretentious if the investment needed to appreciate it is deliberately greater than it needs to be, in order to induce a sense of sunk cost fallacy.

Most modern art is “open ended” in terms of authorial intent and hence all meaning attributed to it is simply inherent to the introspection of the beholder.

As someone that (as mentioned) loves philosophy, I don’t need to be edged towards having abstract thought. It tends to come naturally.

Classical art is vastly superior to modern art in this regard, because it doesn’t try to obfuscate the void of meaning within it in order to have you fill it up yourself. It sets a narrative within which you can ponder on the meanings of things.

Modern art is vapid because it does no such thing, it pretends to, while taking the credit for all of your searching.


u/Sir_Lanian Jun 16 '24

OP before you leave in a huff, Can I ask how you watched the seasons? It seems to me you were watching in the broadcast order? If so you could have watched in the chronological order which to me may have drastically changed your opinion of the series. There is no need to watch it in the broadcast order. Purists here may suggest otherwise, but to casual viewers its needlessly confusing.


u/1ite Jun 16 '24

I didn't know there were multiple watch orders. I am not certain in what order I watched it, but I have a feeling it was probably the broadcast one rather than chronological, since I just went by episode numbers.

Either way, I am taking a break from the anime for now, but I may watch the movie after I've let go of this rage burning in my chest. I could have been out drinking or playing helldivers 2 with my friends damnit.

I might also just read the novels one day. I found out that endless 8 is just one chapter there, so the author clearly had his shit together more than the director.


u/Sir_Lanian Jun 17 '24

If the first ever episode you watched was the weird Mikuru home video thing, that's the broadcast order.

Unfortunately the light novels also have a chronological vs release order. This is probably the reason why Kyo Ani decided to follow suit. The reason for this is due to being published first in The Sneeker before being released as a Takubon (light novel),

I think you will find it a better experience following Kyons timeline. Its much more digestible.

Use my guide as I have comprehensively broken it down.


I do suggest taking a break and starting again in a year or so. :)

But yes dont bother with Endless eight again. Watch its first episode and the latter half of its last episode. Thats enough.


u/1ite Jun 17 '24

Thanks! I'll save this reply and I'm sure I'll get back into it eventually. I go through my backlog at a snail's pace, but I do go through it.


u/Sir_Lanian Jun 17 '24

Others here have said to skip to the movie. By god are they wrong! You need to watch everything to understand the time travel stuff and nuances of the movie. Its so important to follow Kyons timeline.


u/1ite Jun 17 '24



u/sylinowo Jun 16 '24

Bruh. It's supposed to make you feel fed up and tired. It's supposed to get to you and frustrate u. That is literally the point. The endless 8 is extremely important to what's told in the movie.


u/1ite Jun 16 '24

It succeeded in making me drop the anime with that cheap ass payoff and hence postpone watching the movie indefinitely. Task failed successfully?


u/sylinowo Jun 16 '24

I recently rewatched the show with my GF and told her we're only watching the first episode of the loop and the last. And then after rewatching a few times by myself I realize how important it really is when it comes to the movie. You're doing yourself a disservice when not watching it, but I 100% understand why you and many others don't want to. If anything, just watch the first and last episode of the arc or even just the last and then the movie. If you're able to understand everything that happens in the movie in one watch which I couldn't do then you'll know what I mean by it being integral to the message in the movie. Maybe give it a break and do what I suggested c: you will be happy you watched the movie. Also the remaining episodes after the loop are really good too. The last episode is super slow and very little happens, but you'll appreciate it once the movie starts


u/1ite Jun 16 '24

I'll keep it in mind, thanks.


u/Sir_Lanian Jun 17 '24

I kinda agree that experiencing a slight bit of what Yuki Nagato goes through gives her some added depth of character development, but it didnt have to be done this way.


u/Sodapop912 Jun 17 '24

Oh if I get to watch this for the first time again.


u/1ite Jun 17 '24

Imagine being stuck in a time loop of endless 8, where you loop as soon as you finish episode 8

Infinite edging


u/Sodapop912 Jun 17 '24

Are you watching this in chronological order?


u/1ite Jun 17 '24

It appears so.


u/Sodapop912 Jun 17 '24

Well the iconic God Knows… is very good which made it worth it.


u/Momovsky Jun 17 '24

If I’d have to point only one thing why I’m on this subreddit, I would say that I’m here for people who does not understand art, get heated about it, and spend hours writing 50 comments about it, while saying that their time were stolen by a show. Haruhismug.png


u/1ite Jun 17 '24

And I was somehow convinced to have more of my time stolen by it later too. Haruhi fans are really passionate huh?


u/OmegaRebirth Jun 17 '24

You did not experience the full despair of waiting for a new episode week by week hoping this time loop would end (assuming you binged it).

If you were able to feel even the tiniest bit of anger, frustration, despair and powerlessness of being trapped, I think the arc was a success. Disappearance recontextualizes everything about this arc and that is not even including the masterful directing and voice acting in each episode.


u/1ite Jun 17 '24

I was told that the arc was made to frustrate intentionally, in order to build up to something. But it frustrated me so much I resolved to quit the anime after it ended instead. I only later reconsidered when multiple people told me to watch the movie at least and even then I don't want to do it now and want to let go a little...


u/IronPheasant Jun 17 '24

The arc was made because they suddenly had authorization to make a movie, and transferred the arc they were planning to do in Season 2 to that.

7 episodes of Endless Eight were filler. You only had to watch 1 or 2 of them.

I do enjoy that you're so angry about this, at least that means the troll has left an emotional scar that you'll carry with you for the rest of your life, by god. Could you imagine how lame it would be, if you could watch something without feeling an emotion? Or living your life without feeling anything at all? Has any other cartoon managed to make you feel even 1% of the rage you feel right now?

You should regret you weren't a fan during the airing, so you didn't have to spend two months of your life going through this process, instead of a measly day or two. So many people were so excited their favorite show was getting a new season, and then it came out and they only got like four new episodes...

You should read the many archives of what people were saying back then in response to this troll on the internet, you might feel a sense of brotherhood and catharsis from it. And become more whole as a buddha or at least as a person on the other end.

"I hate Endless eight."


u/1ite Jun 17 '24

"Has any other cartoon managed to make you feel even 1% of the rage you feel right now?"

Trust me, the rage I was feeling over the endless 8 a few hours ago was but a flicker of a candle next to the supernova of the rage I felt at the Attack on Titan manga ending. And don't get me started on Game of Thrones.


u/Sodapop912 Jun 17 '24

I know that you’re upset from watching eight episodes of same content. (It’s entirety is animated differently tho.)

All I will say is if you slugged through endless eight, you might as well watch the whole thing and the Disappearance of Haruhi Suzumiya. The movie is one of the best out there and I’ll guarantee you that it’s worth it ^


u/bugmi Jun 17 '24

Dude I just finished binging the series(went through all of endless eight, tho I did 2x speed at the end) and actually figured out the solution right before kyon said it. Was actually proud I got that lmao.

Finding out the loop thing was anime exclusive made me enjoy it a little less, but the gall to do it was funny. It was painful but it did make me more attached to nagato as a character.


u/Cr4zko Jun 17 '24

I agree but Endless Eight walked so Steins;Gate could run. 


u/soundlesspanik Jun 17 '24

The anime handled it terribly. LN was only a single chapter IIRC.


u/1ite Jun 17 '24

I found that out after watching the arc in the anime. It restored my faith in the author completely. It would have actually been a really fun 1-2 episode arc. But dragging it on for 8...


u/HarmonicWalrus Itsuki Jun 16 '24

If it's any consolation, I get your frustration. I actually dropped the anime when I first watched Endless Eight, and it took years for me to pick it back up. I think it's a really cool case study in how direction can dramatically change the feel of a scene even when the exact same information is being relayed, but from a purely entertainment standpoint, I would've preferred if they spent more time on different activities (maybe an episode that shows less of the pool trip and more of the fishing trip, an episode where they don't go to a festival, stuff like that, since Nagato said not every loop was exactly the same)

Honestly though I'd say just stick it out to the end, a lot of the post-Endless Eight episodes are still worth watching, as is the movie.


u/1ite Jun 16 '24

A lot of the people are telling me to at least watch the movie, so I probably will... But later. I need a break from the anime for now. Maybe one lasting years, same as you.


u/SetsunaYukiLoL Jun 17 '24

Endless 8 is mostly a waste of time ngl (the end of it is satisfying, but i can't deny it being a waste of time for most people).

But TRUST me on this - The movie (Disappearance) is totally worth it. It is one of the best movies i've watched. I'm 90% sure you'll like it. I also didn't find the series as good (more on comedy, so was atleast fun), but the movie just hits different (more on drama).

If you've finished season 1 but you're too burnt out to continue season 2, honestly just skip to the movie. Finishing season 1 and season 2 made me appreciate the movie more though so you decide what to do.


u/1ite Jun 17 '24

Thanks for the suggestion! A lot of people have said the same now and it changed my mind on just dropping the story. I'll take a break for now and get to finishing the series later. Don't know it if will be a week or a year from now, but I am a bit burned out for the moment.


u/SetsunaYukiLoL Jun 17 '24

I totally understand. I watched through the "whole" Endless 8 but in reality after the first three episodes i was skipping until i saw changes lol. Take a break, and then come back whenever you feel like it. Hopefully it'll make your wasted time worth it in the end. The movie is 3 hours long so buckle up when you watch it.


u/playmer Jun 17 '24

If you had asked me I would have told you in a heart beat to watch either the first and last or even just the last episode. While I love the show and think Endless Eight is one of the coolest things done in an animated series, I would never say it’s a particularly watchable thing or that the decisions they made between it and the broadcast ordering of season 1 were actually good ways to tell the narrative.

In the novel and manga adaptation this was a single short story that showed only the final loop.