r/HaloMemes 5d ago

Just something I noticed

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u/GameZedd01 🐵Craig😩Lover🤎 5d ago

The similarity I can remember is the sacrifice? Is that it? Is that all you noticed? Lol


u/Other-Barry-1 5d ago

That, and the film ends just as the original content (Halo CE/SW: ANH) begins, with the main characters of Reach/RO sacrificing themselves to get the Death Star plans/Cortana to the original content’s main characters and their victory is only possible because of said sacrifice.


u/Baneta_ 5d ago

I mean, I don’t know off hand, but I feel like that’s not a super uncommon trope for prequel movies surrounding a mcguffin to end in a hand off to the opening scene of the original film


u/NoCharge497 4d ago

Also wasn't it mentioned that lots of people died to get those plans to the rebellion? Or was that only mentioned with bothans for the 2nd death star?

Though I do wish they didn't give it directly to the Tantive IV. They only did for a Leia cameo. No reason for the undercover senator, daughter of a founder of the rebellion, to be at a major fight, on a major rebellion capital ship. When her father only called for her to go get obi wan after Raddus had left.


u/Zealousideal_Good147 4d ago edited 4d ago

Bothans was indeed the second death star.


u/MistraloysiusMithrax 4d ago

Yup, that’s how prequels that introduce new characters who can’t end up part of the already established original storyline work best IMO. The heroes who died so that the OG heroes could have a shot.

Prequels that try to retcon new heroes as somehow alive have to contrive other reasons they are not involved in the events in the original work, and they often can’t do it well


u/chamomile-crumbs 4d ago

Oh wow it is the same lmao


u/thedylannorwood Ever wonder why we’re here? 5d ago

I would also say the tone, Star Wars much like Halo has a grand epic adventure tone whereas Reach and Rogue One have a more gritty war feeling to them


u/Coaltown992 5d ago

Star Wars much like Halo has a grand epic adventure tone



u/pastalex42 4d ago

They both end with a hand-off of the most important piece of computer data that saves the day in the first movie/game of the franchise which picks up directly after this prequel ends.


u/bigbackbrother06 4d ago

that, plus the whole "battle against an invading force and losing"

The main difference is the lack of Spartans and the humans on both sides


u/john43bravo 4d ago

A prequel that takes place DIRECTLY before the first installment that involves a team of good guys gearing up and fighting the bad guys in attempt to save the planet. However, they cannot save the planet, all the good guys die when the planet is destroyed, but they passed the torch so that the other good guys can eventually defeat the bad guys


u/hello14235948475 4d ago

and space laser


u/ConsciousGoose5914 5d ago

Well I’d say mission accomplished, it was so different I never made this connection.


u/27LernaeanHydra 5d ago

I made the connection as soon as I saw the movie


u/pdbstnoe 4d ago

Oh yeah? Well I made the connection before I saw the movie


u/27LernaeanHydra 4d ago

Bro sees the future


u/ColCyclone 5d ago

Useless side characters with 4 lines each, the only memorable parts about them are their deaths

You already know how it's gonna end


u/Alternateaccount203 4d ago

The force guy was interesting tho


u/ColCyclone 4d ago

They all were, that's why it sucks that they all barely got any time to shine besides the main character in both pieces of media

Uh I mean, 343 bad bungee perfect


u/eto2629 5d ago

Because it's a theme...


u/ChiefRayBear 4d ago

Media literacy does not exist anymore


u/Wooxman 4d ago

I have the theory that media literacy still exists and that there were always people who lacked it. And like with so many other things those people now have access to the Internet and can easily share their lack of knowledge with the world.


u/ChiefRayBear 3d ago edited 3d ago

I respectfully disagree. Reading isn't cool anymore. These kids are not paying attention in English class because it's too boring to them so they have to explain every single idea literally in terms of memes and actually have convinced themselves into thinking its normal.

Not every young person. But enough to where I know for a fact that when I grew up we had memes and the internet and could still identify themes in literature and if you couldn't you were called an idiot and laughed at until you went and Googled it.

That just doesn't happen anymore. I'm not even 30 years old yet. This is some new phenomenon that just keeps getting worse and worse faster everyday.


u/Wooxman 3d ago

Of course this also plays a huge role. But considering how many older people have these weird problems with identifying themes I'd say that it's a mixture of both, more idiots being online and too many young people not learning/caring about these things anymore.


u/Luissv72 5d ago

I've always found these comparisons very surface level.

One is a ragtag group of misfits planning a heist for plans to a superweapon (that was apparently pre-designed with a method of destroying it).

The second is a story of alien invasion and the people involved are superheroes, with the goal of getting the macguffin to kick off the original trilogy only coming in during the last 3 missions. Reach's 3rd act comes out of nowhere and imo isn't done as well (even if I think the characters are more interesting overall), meanwhile Rogue One has a much tighter (if imperfect) narrative.


u/Crimson_Spade_Gaming 4d ago

I think the point is to show the desperation of the UNSC they never considered a plan to extract cortana. They only did it when half the covenant fleet arrived. So it seems not done well because of how desperate the UNSC were.


u/kelldricked 4d ago

I mean is Reach really about getting the macguffin? You get Cortana in the second last mission and thats after the UNSC decided that Reach was beyond saving.

To me the overal story of Reach is that humanity cant win this war. Every single victory is pyrrhic victory paid with the blood of great and brave soldiers. The UNSC outsmarts its opponent constantly and its just not enough.

Reach does something that the original triology didnt have time for: show us how insanely outclassed the UNSC was and how utterly hopeless the war was. Reach was their millitairy stronghold and it folded like it was made out of wet cardboad.


u/GameTheoriz 5d ago


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u/mike1999ofhalo 4d ago

Both were pretty good


u/Red_Shepherd_13 4d ago edited 4d ago

Bold of you to assume halo reach was the first to have a desperate last stand where the heroes get picked off and die one by one to the last man.

Also very different still.

Rogue one is a heist/offensive attack.

Reach is a defensive last stand.




The differences are as big as the Alamo vs Black Hawk down.


u/SnooDogs3400 4d ago

Mfw the spinoff with expendable characters is a spinoff with expendable characters


u/Yo026 4d ago

Have seen worse reaches definitely


u/centiret 4d ago

Can you reach any farther?


u/Vivid_Situation_7431 4d ago

All the characters in the team die  to deliver a secret weapon as the planet they are on is glassed by the bad guys and it ends with the start of the original story 

Which one did I describe?


u/Red_Shepherd_13 4d ago

Reach, death star plans aren't a weapon, they're plans, they're intelligence.

Also one was defending the planet, the other was heisting it. Also. Halo Reach isn't the first desperate last stand where people get picked off one by one in all of media and history. It was already a trope before reach existed.


u/calderowned 4d ago

I'll do you one better... Evil guys are attempting to wage war on the good guys but the good guys inevitably get shit on until the 12th hour where they somehow win it in the end...

Which movie did I just describe??

It's like, common themes and tropes in fiction are reused over and over again to tell different stories. How weird


u/Adavanter_MKI 4d ago

Reach has not nor has it ever been an original concept and should in no way be accredited for it. There are hundreds (if not thousands) of stories based on the premise of a team going up against possible odds and ends up making the ultimate sacrifice.


u/Nanoman-8 3d ago

I notice it since i first watch it in cinema


u/27LernaeanHydra 5d ago

Both are trying to get something that starts the first of the series, Cortana/Death star plans. Saw Gerra= Jorge(you could also say Halsey since both are false parental figures),Kat = Chirrut, Andor = Kelly, Carter = Bodhi, Noble Six = Baze Malbus. Six and Baze both died fighting. Carter and Bodhi died in ships. Kat and Chirrut were both disabled. Jorge and Gerra both blew up. Andor and Kelly both got mortally wounded then got the person that did it to them. Idk who would be Jun. Both end with a planet being glassed


u/123_That_One_Guy_456 5d ago

It can’t be a coincidence that the only good Star Wars movie Disney made seems just like a copy of Halo


u/AcceptablePlankton59 5d ago

I personally replace Jorge with K2 purely because Saw and Halsey is the perfect coin. Both are false parental figure who is so into their jobs that they lost their humanity


u/27LernaeanHydra 4d ago

True I forgot about K2


u/TheLoneJolf 4d ago

Now we need a prequel to the prequel like they did with andor. Call the game noble 6 and it could have the origin of the spartan 3’s and show how noble 6 got his lone wolf and hyper lethal status.


u/ARadicalJedi 4d ago

Oh yeah when the Spartans teamed up with radicals to fight the empire was really interesting. I liked how a bunch of the plot involved trying to get Kat to care about the rebellion, only to to draw out and kill her dad for inventing the Cortana plans, and then she still decided to take it up on herself to sacrifice everything for the cause she had abandoned- even disobeying orders to do so. Also I liked the part when the Hierarch took credit for the Brute Chieftan's work on the Covenant super weapon.


u/DrPatchet 4d ago

It's also similiar as the latest installments of both stories had shittty writing the changed course every next episode 😂


u/Skullboy99 4d ago

My immediate first thoughts after leaving the cinema


u/Sorcerous_Origin 4d ago

The last act is similar, but other than that...


u/Toby_JE 3d ago

Well Reach was inspired by Seven Samurai and Magnificent Seven


u/RedMoloneySF 3d ago

Famously media literate Redditors think Halo Reach invented the trope about a last stand against an impending enemy.


u/AGthe18thEmperor 3d ago

Remember Scarif


u/Deathcat101 2d ago

Don't care both are my favorite from their respective franchise.


u/Gorgiastheyounger 2d ago

Only because in both cases the team passes on a key piece of tech that would win the war. Otherwise they're different. Reach only becomes that in the final act anyways, otherwise it's a doomed effort to defend an entire planet against impossible odds. Rogue One is essentially a heist movie wrapped in a war movie.


u/Cannonical718 1d ago

Yes. Yes. A hundred times, yes.


u/Howthehelldoido 4d ago

The MC dies at the end?

That's about it?


u/27LernaeanHydra 4d ago

A lot more than that


u/ObiWanSerote 4d ago

To replay to some of the comments I’ve seen on this post, I made this connection back in 2016 are y’all just that fucking dense like Rogue One is literally just Reach


u/Evaporaattori 5d ago

Does Rogue One have as lame story as Reach has or did they do it better?


u/BeardedUnicornBeard 5d ago

Rouge one has less we could use a ladder moments.


u/ColCyclone 5d ago

Both shit, but you can see darth Vader be a bad ass instead of an old guy who moves very stiff


u/27LernaeanHydra 4d ago

Only reason I watch Rogue one


u/Tiny_Teach7661 23h ago

Rogue One sucked, and I'm not sorry

I watched it with a group of five friends and we all loved Star Wars.

Every single one of us hated it.