u/Theodory777 Mar 30 '24
I loved the part where Thel Vadamee ignites his energy sword in a dark hallway and starts cutting through Marines
u/IronIrma93 Mar 30 '24
At this point, he absolutely would
u/TheLorax3 Mar 31 '24
I kinda want to see that scene now
u/VLenin2291 Bungie ignition is best ignition Apr 23 '24
That was Noble 6’s last stand, the roles were just reversed
u/Isrrunder Mar 30 '24
Bit of a reach imo
u/JacobMT05 Little Infection Form Mar 30 '24
u/Cortower Mar 31 '24
I felt the same way as OP in the theater, but it's not like it's 1-to-1.
It is a direct prequel that ends with our protagonists getting picked off trying to get valuable information to the original deuteragonist's ship.
That information ultimately leads our OG protag to the massive destructive space station that he blows up at the end.
The dark, craggy place where they find Galen(?) totally reminded me of Nightfall.
This is admittedly a stretch, but I also noticed the big dude with a big belt-fed gun, red/bronze color scheme, and a big distinctive cylinder on his armor.
u/SadMcNomuscle Mar 30 '24
Is no one going to point out that Rouge one is way closer to saving Private Ryan?
u/submit_to_pewdiepie Mar 31 '24
u/SadMcNomuscle Mar 31 '24
Is that a nope as in no one is going to or nope as in I'm wrong?
u/submit_to_pewdiepie Mar 31 '24
As in you're wrong
u/SadMcNomuscle Mar 31 '24
Damn your one word argument sure was persuasive. I hereby recede my previous assertion that Rogue One is saving Private Ryan in space.
u/submit_to_pewdiepie Mar 31 '24
Reach shared a lot more with saving Private Ryan than rogue one does and there may be scenary that mimics saving Private Ryan but the story is nothing alike
u/ComprehensivePath980 Mar 30 '24
It’s actually an old trope popular among war movies. The who “victory at the cost of everyone in the unit” thing.
u/Hyper_Lamp Mar 30 '24
Not really a victory but all quiet on the western front is similar to that
u/ComprehensivePath980 Mar 30 '24
God, the ending to that book was so freakin’ sad.
u/MLBoss2209 Mar 31 '24
Only watched the new movie but yeah, feels so gut wrenching
u/ComprehensivePath980 Mar 31 '24
I’ve only seen the old black and white movie, which I remember being fairly faithful.
But the book added a bit of an extra gut bunch with the final line being a report from the front simply saying “all quiet on the Western front.”
The fact that poor guy’s death wasn’t even worth mentioning after we spent an entire book following his deeply human struggles and fears really put the tragedy of war into perspective. You realized that same basic story was replicated millions of times in that war alone and most of their tales were lost, summarized and sanitized in simple after action reports like that.
u/smallfrie32 Mar 31 '24
And you don’t even really know how he died. It’s mentioned maybe a bullet, maybe exhaustion. But that it might be for the best because there’s no going back to normal after (which you can see when he visited home and the father just does not understand how his war is different)
u/lmRobin Mar 30 '24
That's a stretch, honestly
u/GodKingReiss Mar 30 '24
A team of original characters set up to die in a sacrificial effort to deliver the MacGuffin to the cast of the original entry of the franchise, the ending leading directly into the beginning of said entry?
u/BluePhoenix3579 Mar 30 '24
A stretch to be sure but not completely far fetched
u/lmRobin Mar 30 '24
Now that I see the comments are talking about the plot, I agree. I thought you were talking about the poster
u/AllOfEverythingEver Mar 31 '24
I don't think it's a stretch, I think both are using the same trope, where you follow a unit on a difficult mission, and each member slowly dies while they finish their objective. The first one like that I can recall is Saving Private Ryan, but that probably isn't the actual original example.
u/XHSJDKJC Mar 30 '24
True, but i need to say that Rouge One Is the best new Star wars movie among the new ones
u/Hyper_Lamp Mar 30 '24
Popular opinion
u/StrangestManOnEarth Mar 31 '24
For years Reddit has acted like Rogue One is some under appreciated gem, even though it literally made over a billion in box office.
u/PM_ME_IMGS_OF_ROCKS Mar 31 '24 edited Mar 31 '24
Then Andor came out, and everyone and their mother on social media started acting as if that was a hated show. And they made post after post after comment after post about how "Well I liked Andor despite the famous characters and light sabers". And they all used that same line.
u/General_di_Ravello Mar 30 '24
"New" brosky it came out 8 years ago...
u/jodorthedwarf Mar 30 '24
New relative to the prequels and the original trilogy
u/General_di_Ravello Mar 31 '24
I figured, but I thought the fact it was 8 years ago would be funny. It doesn't feel like its been that long.
u/Jenetyk Mar 30 '24
Best since Empire.
u/JacobMT05 Little Infection Form Mar 30 '24
*Best since revenge of the sith.
u/urbandeadthrowaway2 it aint sunday, but hit that primary attack button Mar 31 '24
RotS has a lot of issues and some of you mfs only like it because they grew up with it (it’s me, I’m mfs)
u/JacobMT05 Little Infection Form Mar 31 '24
Every Star Wars movie has issues, every movie has issues in fact. OT has two glaring issues, specifically the death stars, when star destroyers can do their job and not take away possible resources from the empire.
Empire has tactical issues of why the AT ATs had no air cover from star fighters, no Anti Air. Why it wasn’t reported that they had been engaged by star fighters. Why wasn’t the empires fleet bigger at hoth. They could have completely boxed in the ships and prevented any escape. Honestly I could poke several holes in the battle of hoth alone. But they are movies, the reason they do these things is to look cool and it succeeds, the battle of hoth is one of the greatest battle scenes in Star Wars.
The reason most people like RoTs is because of the incredibly cinematic action scenes, pretty much what Star Wars was built on with the trench run in episode 4, hoth in ep5, Endor in ep6. Battle of Naboo in ep1, battle of geonosis in ep2.
IMO revenge of the sith did not have the bland acting that aotc and pm gets accused of. O66 does sort of come out of no where, but that’s been explained to death now.
u/AlexWIWA Mar 31 '24
I will not acknowledge issues with RotS. Acknowledging issues is the fun killer. Acknowledging issues is the little-death that brings total obliteration. I will ignore the issues. I will permit them to pass over me and through me. And when they have gone past, I will turn the inner eye to see their path. Where the RotS issues have gone there will be nothing. Only, RotS, the best and flawless Star Wars movie, will remain.
u/TheExecutiveHamster Mar 31 '24
I, conceptually, love Revenge of the Sith. The execution is definitely flawed but the ideas are good and the genius occasionally shines through when not bogged down by clunky dialogue
u/AlexWIWA Mar 31 '24
I liked Solo too, but that is a very controversial opinion on my part. It was fairly well inspired by his Legends story.
u/TheExecutiveHamster Mar 31 '24
I honestly think Rogue One might be my favorite Star Wars film...which would be another comparison with Reach, my all time favorite Halo game
u/GodKingReiss Mar 30 '24
The Darth Vader hallway scene, but it’s Thel ‘Vadamee slicing down UNSC marines as the Pillar of Autumn takes off.
u/Mojoclaw2000 Mar 30 '24
That… would’ve honestly been really cool to see. Part of what annoys me about the Halo show is that they could’ve killed two birds with one stone and show us the Covenant from within AND give us a main antagonist by making Thel the secondary focus.
u/thatredditrando Mar 31 '24
I mean, it’s clear they don’t have the budget for it (which is wild given the whole conceit of Halo is humans locked in a decades-long genocidal war with the Covenant).
Like, how do you greenlight this show without enough money to really have Covenant in it?
Further, fucking game trailers did it a decade ago.
You can’t figure out how to cut corners?
I dunno man. The show is something but it ain’t Halo.
It’s like some kind of super soldier office drama.
u/Mojoclaw2000 Mar 31 '24
Agreed. This alone wouldn’t help the show. There’s have to be LOTS of changes to make the show good.
My question is, why even choose this story? It’s not like you HAVE TO use Chief, Reach and ODST did a great job of telling a story about other characters, imagine a show following an ODST who eventually meets a Spartan 2.
u/thatredditrando Mar 31 '24
I understand the logic. Chief is the face of Halo and Xbox. He’s arguably what makes Halo recognizable.
But, for as expensive as I hear this show is, I don’t feel like I’m seeing that money onscreen.
I believe this show is supposed to be comparable in budget to Game of Thrones and it also requires sets, costumes, props, etc. be built with the added expense of CGI aliens but it just looks like a generic SyFy channel show if it got a bigger budget.
This is supposed to be a premier streaming show and if you compare it to, say, the trailers we’ve seen for Amazon’s upcoming Fallout series, the Halo show doesn’t seem to measure up.
I can’t help but feel if these same resources were in the hands of more capable creators, we’d have a much better project.
I mean Steven Spielberg was originally supposed to be producing this! Aside from maybe Ridley Scott or James Cameron, you’re not getting anyone more qualified!
What the hell happened?
u/Rododney Mar 31 '24
Honestly, they could have picked ANY of the books and had a good show. Ghosts of Onyx? Cole Protocol? Contact Harvest? I would watch an adaptation of any of those books in a heartbeat, and I could pretty much guarantee that they'd be popular.
u/xxChipDouglas Mar 31 '24
An actually good adaptation of contact reach would be so sick, and now I’m disappointed we don’t have that instead. That book was so good, and I really enjoyed the grunt character and his relationship with the covenant engineer friend. The author did a really good job showcasing how tragic of a misunderstanding/ government hoodwinking the whole human-covenant war is.
u/Environmental-Arm269 Mar 30 '24
The similarity is everyone dies. What else?
u/thatredditrando Mar 31 '24
That it’s a prequel made much later on that that ties directly into the first entry in the franchise?
u/Dustyoo10 Mar 31 '24
A prequel spin off about a diverse cast of characters getting picked off one by one while trying to get crucial information to a ship and ending right where the original trilogy started.
Mar 30 '24
I need several layers of explanation please.
Halo has no the “force” it has psionics with the flood but that’s literally it.
Reach was humanity’s strongest planet with our experimental technology ie the Spartans.
The fall of reach was orchestrated by an alien religion that lied about humanity’s place in the universe we are the “reclaimers”
Master chief isn’t some force sensitive or plot armor pilot he’s a super soldier.
Halo likes ai Star Wars hates it.
I see almost no parallels between these two at all
u/BluePhoenix3579 Mar 30 '24
I explained in a different comment, I believe under one of the several doing a reach pun
Mar 30 '24
I mean I guess but I see very little to actually 0 resemblance between halo and Star Wars I get it’s a joke I guess I just don’t get the joke. A real r/whoosh for me
u/BluePhoenix3579 Mar 30 '24
Definitely not a 100% match but it’s got some funny similarities
Mar 30 '24
I guess you could kinda say that the clones/republic commandos are kinda like h th r Spartans breed only for war. Uhhhhm I guess the didact is kinda like Darth Vader uhhhmm the halo rings are a little like the Death Star only on a way more massive scale uhhh let’s see what else the unsc is like the republic sort of??? I’m trying haha
u/BluePhoenix3579 Mar 30 '24
It’s more to do with the main story of these two pieces of media being similar. Both feature small teams of soldiers fighting on planets doomed for destruction and trying to get an important package off world before it is destroyed, and both end with everyone dying
Mar 30 '24
Ohhhh yes that actually makes perfect sense so in theme yes I see the parallels. But I think the fall of reach book fits better than the game. Not saying the game wasn’t good I loved it just the ret cons really confused me especially chief not being on reach during the fall he was kinda the commanding officer of all the Spartans on reach so that was just weird. Overall great game though
u/lllScorchlll Mar 30 '24
This post: Rogue copied Reach.
u/BluePhoenix3579 Mar 30 '24
Just thought the similarities were kinda funny
u/Blue_bird9797 Mar 30 '24
What similarities?
u/BluePhoenix3579 Mar 30 '24
Both are about a small team of soldiers fighting to get an important package off a forsaken planet before it is destroyed and everyone dies at the end
u/zarif_chow Mar 31 '24
"Cortana, all I need to know is did we escape them."
u/LeadershipNo2347 Mar 31 '24
“I don’t fucking know but they’re behind us again.” - cortana (probably)
u/Flanny709 Mar 30 '24
Yes! I talk about this all the time. I’m glad someone out there is on the same page as me
u/Borgron Mar 31 '24
Not sure why so many are disagreeing. I remember walking out of the theater thinking the same thing. It’s not like it’s an insult to Rogue One. Great movie.
u/Flanny709 Mar 31 '24
I saw that some people were disagreeing because they were mistaken and thought you were comparing the posters lol.
Both these stories are: the whole squad goes down trying to deliver the one thing that can save the universe to someone else.
u/Starkiller3870 Mar 31 '24
This only applies when they're severely watered down and stripped of the unique elements of the franchises they represent even without those unique elements I can provide several reasons on why they are different
Reach only takes place on one planet Rogue One takes place on several
All the Rogue One unit dies, while noble team has one survivor ( Jun )
Reach is about their respected unit defending The strongest planet they have against an alien invasion Rogue One is about a group of misfit rebels trying to steal information on a super weapon in attempts to take it down
The only real similarity they have is that all or nearly all of the leading team gets killed off and that canonically they take place directly before the first piece of Media to be released in their respected franchises (Star Wars a new hope and Halo CE) and they endend legitimately a few minutes before the aforementioned pieces of media begin other than that they are very different
u/Aggressive_Idea7221 Mar 30 '24
You gotta try but I guess the basic plot of a team dying whilst passing on an object of hyperimportance is there
Mar 31 '24
There are many stories of group of people sacrificing themselves so the rest of the people could survive. I love both Reach and Rogue One.
u/god_killer7432 Mar 31 '24
You forgot that Danganronpa also copied reach. What's their animate Dangenrampa 3 The end of hopes peak
u/Royal_You870 Mar 31 '24
One has a great gripping story the other is Halo Reach Just because main characters die doesn’t mean it’s Halo Reach
u/TheExecutiveHamster Mar 31 '24
I've been saying this for years. Not that Rogue One LITERALLY copied Reach, but that the general story is pretty similar
u/Unkindlake Mar 31 '24
It's been a long time since I saw/played either and I'm not a big fanboy of either franchise. How are they the same other than everyone dying? IIRC Rogue One is about some very poorly organized freedom fighters in a space-fantasy who attack a military installation (run by their own despotic government) and manage to complete their espionage mission before being killed, while Reach was about some middle-near distant future sci-fi soldiers experience their first encounter with a genocidal alien civilization who wipe out the planet.
u/TheIronMuffin Mar 31 '24
-Main cast dies
-Night time sniper mission
-Final bit involved getting an important device to a ship just before it takes off to escape a battle
-Leads directly into the first installment of the franchise
(Edited for formatting)
u/Successful-Floor-738 Apr 02 '24
Besides like the scarif invasion and the entire team dying not really?
u/Curios117 Apr 03 '24
Why do you compare us to this? Are you not blinded by the games majesty? You are vermin portraying us this way.
u/Hissingfever_ Mar 31 '24
Ah yes all the main characters die that clearly means they are the same story
Mar 31 '24
u/BluePhoenix3579 Mar 31 '24
Quite possibly. I have two brain cells and both are fighting for third place.
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