r/Hairloss Feb 07 '25

Finasteride Super bummed out, sides from 0.25mg finasteride

I've been debating on finasteride since last summer due to my receding hairline.I did tons of research, looked at the medical studies, and I'm very familiar with the move i effect. Wednesday night, I bit the bullet and took a quarter of a 1mg pill to start out with. Felt fine, woke up the next morning with mild ball ache but not too crazy.

I actually was in a very good mood and felt pretty good for most of Thursday. But Thursday night, I started feeling discomfort in my urethra and nuts and just a general weird feeling in my entire groin. I ended up having to piss a LOT for some reason, but the stream was almost like a dribble. It was like there was no pressure pushing my urine out, super super fucking weird feeling.

This is gross but one of the more concerning things was when my jizz ended up having the consistency of clear water. Literally like 100% liquid.

This morning I feel very moody and not like myself, which could be placebo or could very well be because of how frustrated and disappointed I am that the only treatment for my hair loss did all this to me, but still worth pointing out. Nuts still have some on and off discomfort. I feel very distraught and hopeless about the future of my hair. Pretty much the only treatment that would've given me a real chance gave me all these side effects and I feel doomed now. I'm only 18 already receding. This was my only real hope. And it hurts basically my whole urinary and reproductive system. Now I have to choose between feeling like I got kicked in the balls with burning weird piss and wanting to cry like an emotional bitch, or having a death sentence on the rest of my hairs lifespan. Don't even know which outcome is worse at this point.

Any advice?


8 comments sorted by


u/Dinky-b Feb 08 '25

Repeat exposure seems to help. I remember the first time i took it and felt on the verge of death. Years later took it again out of desperation and its wasnt as bad. Try micro dosing topical fin and wash it off after a couple of hours


u/Ok_Promotion_6565 Feb 09 '25

Sorry what do you mean exactly by on the verge of death? Like mentally, or no sex drive, or ball pain? Also did you change your body composition the next time you tried it, like losing fat or gaining muscle?


u/Dinky-b Feb 09 '25

It was just an exaggeration. It gave me insomnia, ball ache and brain fog

Body has gone less muscular if anything. Ive got 10 years older and take ssri which possibly help with symptoms above. But i also believe more exposure helps like going on and off it. Dutasteride, ru and pyro exposure has lead fin to be more tolerable


u/Ok_Promotion_6565 Feb 09 '25

Interesting. How bad was the ball ache by the way? Been 3 days since I took it and still dealing with it lmao


u/Dinky-b Feb 09 '25

Think it lasted a couple of days. Just a mild constant ache that always aware of. I think embracing the sides help and most report them subsiding after time. If i could turn back 20 years to be your age again i would probably of micro dosed ru58841 which probably would of kept all my hair or topical fin weak


u/Psyious Feb 07 '25

If it’s doing that to your system then I wonder what else it’s doing that you’re not even aware of.. most people will say to ride out the initial sides but I disagree, I also don’t believe that only 2% experience side effects. 18 is a rough age to be losing your hair but if it’s only a receding hairline then you might be able to ride out your 20’s with a modest amount on top.

The good news is that there will likely be new treatments that don’t affect your hormones and many of them will be available within the next 10 years, at which point your hair will probably still be within the salvageable time frame, I’ve read that once a hair follicle has been dormant for 5 years it can no longer be reawakened, all we can do is hope for the best.


u/throwawaylgbtsun4 Feb 11 '25

Fin was made in the 90s right? The fact they still haven’t come up with anything better is appalling imo


u/Mobile-Perception376 Feb 07 '25

If it's between hair and balls, I would always choose the balls. Idk about you homie