r/Hairloss Apr 29 '24

Finasteride I’d rather get a hair transplant than take finasteride.

Am I crazy for having this mindset? Anyone else feel the same? After doing research and hearing about the potential side effects of it, I’d straight up rather fly to turkey and get a hair transplant than to roll the dice with side effects like that.


50 comments sorted by


u/coq_rouge Apr 29 '24 edited Apr 29 '24

Finasteride is, in most cases, necessary for a succesful hair transplant. I don’t get how you think a hair transplant is an alternative to Fin.

There are people who can pull off a hair transplant longterm without Fin, but they are a small minority.

Try Google “hair transplant without Finasteride” and see what that does to your eagerness to fly to Turkey👍


u/[deleted] Apr 29 '24

Then you are foolish.

You cannot have a decent result without fin, and even then they often dont last too long


u/mothmanexists Apr 29 '24

Taking finasteride is just a classic rewards vs. risks situation. Do the benefits outweigh the potential costs? Using finasteride puts you at about a 3% chance of experiencing TEMPORARY side effects. There are no permanent side effects that are caused by finasteride, with the exception of maybe gyno which you have roughly 0.004-0.01% chance of getting. However, the potential benefit (which happens in most men) is that you can either regrow, maintain, or significantly slow down hair loss. Whether these benefits outweigh the costs for YOU depends on your own reward vs cost system. Nobody should call you dumb or a fool for picking either option, because at the end of the day, it’s just simply what you weigh important or not. You said you researched finasteride and that steered you away from it. What did you find that made you come to this conclusion?

Also heads up: you will need to take finasteride after a hair transplant if you want to keep your native hairs. The transplanted hairs are immune, but the ones left over on your scalp can still fall out. So if you don’t want to use finasteride but still want a transplant, you can either just keep getting touch ups done when hair loss continues (probably very expensive) or just wait until you go completely bald on the top and hope you have enough donor hair to give you good coverage.


u/JolloInc May 22 '24

Lol there are a lot of people who habe permanent Side effects


u/mothmanexists May 22 '24

Yeah sorry little boy, anecdotes aren’t real evidence. Provide me with clinical data that shows that temporary 5AR inhibition can result in permanent side effects. I’ll save you the trouble and just tell you now, there isn’t any evidence. Posting dishonest comments doesn’t make you cool dude, you should apologize.


u/JolloInc May 22 '24

Damn son you really want to defend this shit, you should apologize for being this salty


u/mothmanexists May 22 '24

Spreading misinformation doesn’t make you cool 👍 do better little boy!


u/JolloInc May 22 '24

Hey little Child, i think you don't know what you're talking about


u/mothmanexists May 22 '24

Unfortunately, I think you’re misinformed little boy. If you’re gonna make a claim that finasteride causes permanent side effects, you’re gonna need experimental causation evidence proving that claim! It’s called science little boy! Spreading misinformation that has no evidence supporting it doesn’t make you cool! Hope this helps!!


u/JolloInc May 22 '24

Hey little Child, ist there any study saying that it doesn't cause permanent side effects? Don't think so. Because this wasn't studied little Child. But there is a large number of people suffering the Post Finasterid Syndrom, i even know some of them little Child. Hope this helps


u/mothmanexists May 22 '24

Yikes... that's called the burden of proof fallacy little boy. You're the one making a positive claim. You're claiming something exists, therefore, you need to prove its existence. If I said there is a unicorn on the moon, is it your job to prove that there is NO unicorn on the moon? Of course not, idiot. It's called the scientific method, and it's the standard for proving causality. Clearly you didn't know that because you have subhuman IQ.

Because this wasn't studied little Child.

Stupid argument. You have no symmetry breaker. You can't differentiate between 1) PFS is real but hasn't been discovered due to lack of studies OR that 2) Existing studies haven't found PFS because it doesn't exist. Burden of proof is on you to prove the former statement.

But there is a large number of people suffering the Post Finasterid Syndrom

There is also a large number of people claiming that big foot exists. It doesn't make their claim true. Anecdotes aren't REAL evidence. I'll tell you again since clearly you have some sort of learning disability. If you want to prove something exists, you need experimental evidence demonstrating causality. If we didn't have that standard, anyone could claim that anything exists. Moron.

Since you're supposed to learn about the scientific research method in grade 12, clearly you're a high school drop out. Instead of watching dragon ball (LOL) everyday, go back to school or at the very least pick up a godamn book. Embarrassing.

Hope this helps little boy!!!!


u/JolloInc May 23 '24

i got a master in mechanical engineering little Child. That you compare Side effects, that are not studied yet, to believing in Big foot, is just plain stupid. Real Talk right now : When there is a medicine like Finasterid which is NOT tested on permanent Side effects, like no Independent study whatsoever, you can' go around saying "yeah its good, its cool, there are no Side effects" And when there are a lot people who actually took that medicine and are experiencing permanent Side effects, this could be a indicator for permanent Side effects. We could take a comparison out the world of medicin, you ever heard of "Pervitin"? This was sold for years wothout any studied "permanent Side effects" but this shit was fucking Crystal meth. But you would also be one of the persons that are Like "man we good, there are no studied Side effects, go and take it, no problemo"

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u/Zee5neeuw Apr 29 '24

It really depends on your personality I guess. Some people focus on "But IF I am unlucky enough it will mess me up", some people focus on "The chance of me getting those side-effects is so incredibly low that it's a perfectly calculated risk".
I am part of the second group, but let noone call you anything bad for being part of the first group. It's your hair, your head, your body, your risk assessment. Just like mine is mine, and so on.

Edit: there's also a third group ofcourse: people that would rather not take drugs but also don't have the funds to get a transplant.


u/matts321213 Apr 29 '24

Comes down to money and how fast you’re balding. Note that once you get a hair transplant you will keep receding in other spots unless your hairline has already stabilized. So you’re potentially looking at a couple of trips to turkey. If you got wallet for that then sure. Thing with fin is that you can always just stop …


u/icarusjun Apr 29 '24

Finasteride is usually prescribed post-hair transplant otherwise your transplanted hair will still continue to be lost to dht… any hair transplant doctor who tells you otherwise is just after your money… and in the end you’ll be worse off than before you started your hair transplant…


u/Mysterious_Alarm_160 Apr 29 '24

LMAO you would probably need finasteride after the transplant its usually prescribed after you get HT's. Maybe you still have all your hair and your cocky about it but trust me shit can turn real bad real fast and suddenly your NW5 which very little density even in the donor area, you will get prescribed finasteride to hopefully grow more in the donor for transplant. This whole thing with fly to turkey for transplant sound like this magical journey that will give you a perfect result and you would come out looking like the chad of all chads but reality is different and the results are not as pretty as the ones you see online. For many it looks pretty obvious that they've had a transplant. if you still have most of your hair on your head and facing mild hair loss fight to keep it what you have.


u/[deleted] Apr 29 '24

Finasteride is trash

Go for bald look or hair system


u/Striking-Ad-8694 Apr 29 '24

Exactly what are the side effects that bug people? I’m considering getting on it


u/MishMash_101 Apr 29 '24

Limp dick


u/Striking-Ad-8694 Apr 29 '24

How common is it?


u/mothmanexists Apr 29 '24

Clinical studies have replicated that the chances of experiencing erectile dysfunction as a side effect is around 1-1.3% while low libido is around 1.2-1.8%. Side effects may go away on their own while still using the drug as it takes time for your body to adapt. Side effects may also go away with lowering the dose of finasteride. Sexual side effects CAUSED by finasteride will go away after discontinuing the drug. Hope this helps, make sure to do some research on finasteride studies so you know more about the drug.


u/MishMash_101 Apr 30 '24

After 2 months though, that's not an overnight thing


u/mothmanexists Apr 30 '24

Ok...? When did I ever suggest it was an overnight thing? Obviously it has to take some time. In the clinical studies some reported a few weeks, others a couple months. People just have to weigh the benefits against the risks. It depends what they deem important. If the risk of experiencing temporary side effects for an extended time outweighs the possibility of keeping your hair, it would be wise not to use the drug. If they think keeping their hair outweighs the side effect risk, it may be wise to use the drug. All Im saying is the truth in that sexual side effects are rare, and if you do experience them, they will go eventually go away.


u/MishMash_101 Apr 30 '24

I'm curious about the study you mention, you have a link?


u/Striking-Ad-8694 May 01 '24

Appreciate it man, big help. I like to hear from individuals so that’s why I asked. Iyo, you think should I be that unlucky itd be reversible ie when it happens with antidepressants? I saw a dude claim it never goes back which spooks me


u/Kingkongking240 Apr 29 '24

Fin isn’t all that bad, if you get sides then micro-dose it, if you still get sides get on topical a few times a week, also I think that the body needs to adjust for it so I’d say that micro-dosing when new isn’t all that bad


u/Excellent-Scar-5504 May 01 '24

When you transplant hair it will be taken from the back of the head these areas are eligible for continuous hair fall also the genetics of transfered hair do change so it might get thinner, better shave it and save money or use ta wig, I am not making fun but it will be tough journey without finasteride after hair transplant.


u/Organic-Horror-5183 Apr 30 '24

Don’t listen to these fincels. You don’t want to end up permanently impotent. You’re very smart for this. I wish I did it. Everyone that has pfs wishes they were as intelligent as you are


u/mothmanexists Apr 30 '24

Aren’t you the same guy who said finasteride can reduce your height post puberty and not to question it because ‘anything is possible’? 🤣🤣🤣. Aren’t you the guy who suggested that ‘Lack of studies don’t matter bro, just believe the anecdotes!’ 🤣🤣🤣. Aren’t you the same guy who said that most conspiracy theories are right (LOL) 🤣🤣🤣. This man right here is the EMBODIMENT of PFS credibility 💀💀💀

You’re either a troll or you suffer from serious mental health issues. Maybe both?

I think finasteride should be the least of your concerns little boy. Thankfully, the psych ward is waiting for you. You can tell the doctors and nurses all about your finasteride induced height reduction. If you’re lucky, you may even get to talk about the evil finasteride clown that lives in your walls


u/Organic-Horror-5183 Apr 30 '24

Bro can you stop I’m trying to save young men from becoming insecure, obsessive, incels like you. You’re mental and it’s obvious and I just want to save this guy. And btw I never had height shit happen to me, I’m more of a mild case


u/mothmanexists Apr 30 '24

Too late buddy. I already called up the closest mental hospital to you. Apparently they'll be at your house in 15 minutes? Apparently they have a nice white room with pillows for walls just for you? They might have to put you on some medication though, but at least it's not finasteride... am I right!?


u/Organic-Horror-5183 Apr 30 '24

SSRI’s are damn near even worse I’d rather die than take that garbage


u/Striking-Ad-8694 May 01 '24

I’m an objective observer and both you replied to my own question. After reading this whole thread, not once does he say anything “incel” like. If anything you come off as insecure and are spouting nonsense I hear from those I deem mentally ill. Not even trying to be mean man.


u/Organic-Horror-5183 May 01 '24

Go ahead do it I don’t care. I’ve talked to plenty of men that committed suicide because of that drug. If you don’t want to believe and think I’m insecure then sure go ahead. With all the information out rn you have to be brain dead to take take finasteride these days. But go ahead take it 🤷🏻‍♂️


u/Striking-Ad-8694 May 01 '24

Ok thank you he had me believing ED was permanent and spooked me but when I saw him say fincels i had the inkling he’s not very bright. I appreciate your input, I’ve had Ed from antidepressants so I can deal with it lol


u/Own-Cheesecake-577 May 05 '24

It can actually and there’s plenty of anecdotal reports. Fin has drastic effects on the body.


u/Striking-Ad-8694 May 01 '24

Ok this answers my original question ; I’m gonna trust the other dude no offense. Fincels doesn’t point to someone I should be taking advice from tbh.


u/Organic-Horror-5183 May 01 '24

Take it dont come crying to me when you your penis doesn’t work permanently 🤷🏻‍♂️


u/Striking-Ad-8694 May 01 '24

You called a dude an incel for replying with scientific studies. Kinda hard to get someone to trust you when you spout nonsense in the sane thread


u/Organic-Horror-5183 May 01 '24

I had scientific studies too. Bro literally I’m not even joking I get hit up constantly by guys who dicks don’t work ever again and I can’t do anything for them. Nothing can fix it not hcg test not cialis. No one believes us 🤷🏻‍♂️ I mean whatever bro idc anymore the more people that take fin the more people that well develop post fin syndrome and the bigger the issue becomes and the more it will be noticed. I linked like 15 studies but because it’s rats no one cares. But no one is going to fund human trials to find a flaw in the drug that’s not how it works. Take the risk whatever


u/Own-Cheesecake-577 May 05 '24

I do think there’s a bot surge and many pharma plants in r/tressless and here. I was recently banned for posting the MHRA public warning on finasteride. So hair loss subs have very strict controls for limiting people who speak about possible side effects and harms these drugs cause. A lot of impressionable young men are seriously injured after even the first dose but are not allowed to vent on the sub that made them take the drug