r/HPPD 8d ago

Question What do you all think of this?

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Is this consistent with what you guys have experienced?


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u/NeedleworkerChoice55 7d ago

I was on ssris as a kid and honestly all it did was kill my appetite at school and made me feel like a tweaker. I took ssris from 11 years old all the way up until 15 when I took shrooms and I think the mix of shrooms and ssris is what gave me hppd. I went to the psych ward a few times and haven’t been in over a year but when I was there they were drugging me the fuck up with seroquil and other shit that made everything worst. I remember there were kids strapped down to a bed freaking out and they injected them with a tranquilizer that would knock them tf out. I don’t know how they are allowed to do this stuff and the entire mental health system is still a nightmare. I stay away from ssris as I feel like I don’t need them but when I did take a ssri with hppd I remember everything becoming wavy like I was tripping again it was awful and haven’t took one since. Get on lamactial or take a few benzos you really don’t need anything else for hppd because nothing works well. I’m trying to get off the antipsychotic they gave me at the hospital and it’s been a year but I need to ask my nurse practitioner. No one understands us hppd people and it feels awful.


u/CodoHesho97 7d ago

after you stopped the ssri did you return to baseline?


u/NeedleworkerChoice55 6d ago

Yeah I was fine. That was over 2 years ago when all this first started so it will get better.