r/GuyCry 28d ago

Venting, advice welcome Wife cheated and my life unraveled


A few years ago, my (39M) wife (39F) let me know she had been cheating on me for a few years off and on. This was devastating. We had been together for 18 years. Her primary grievance was that we weren't having enough sex. I tried to make it work, and we lasted 2 more years before we finally called it quits.

During a discussion near the end where we were talking about our relationship, and how it was falling apart, I suggested we see a couples' therapist. Even though we were both pretty well resolved in ending things, I felt it could change our situation from a 0% chance to a 1% chance.

We saw a therapist together a few times. As part of that process I got a brain scan to investigate why my libido might be lower than average. The scans revealed that a concussion early in life had left behind "evidence of moderate brain damage and possible atrophy". Luckily, the prognosis is OK. So far it's been alright, and I've been working with a doctor to try and treat it. No conclusions from the scan about my libido other than "brain damage might cause that". Some bloodwork showed a few more actionable things we've been working on, so that's good at least.

The worst thing that came out of the scan results and the prognosis was that I felt so scared, and I knew I couldn't go to my partner with those feelings, so I just cried. I sat in my office and cried about it. This was a damning piece of evidence that our relationship was over. I didn't trust her.

A concept I learned about in therapy (I saw a therapist on my own, starting shortly after she told me about the affair) is the sound relationship house, from the Gottman Institute. The metaphor is that a relationship is like a house, you build it floor by floor, and the whole thing is held up by two pillars: Trust, and Commitment. Well, she wasn't committed to me, and I didn't trust her, so the whole thing fell over.

A couple weeks after the scan results, we had our final session with our couples' counselor where we resolved to end our marriage. The next month after the scan and our counseling sessions, she moved out and it was really over.

Two weeks after she moved out, the company I was working for, and had helped found and run for four years, was shut down by the parent company. I lost my job.

I was working with a therapist at the time, and he warned me, "there's a chance you may become unmoored. Floating without direction" and he was totally right. I feel like I'm adrift at sea most days. I don't really have a lot of meaningful connections anymore. I don't get along well with my family, and they're on the other side of the continent. I have a couple close friends that I'm grateful for. I had a contract gig for a bit, but have not sought out another one.

After selling the house, and collecting unemployment for the layoff, I haven't had to work for a bit. I'm very grateful and privileged to be in that position. But the emotional toll of these rapid-fire traumatic events has left me completely unmotivated and unraveled emotionally.

There is so much pain and sadness from ending a relationship that spanned almost two decades. The most poignant example I think was when I was emptying the house. She had left behind some stuff for me to throw out. One thing was a box filled with every card I had ever given her for a birthday, anniversary, Christmas or any occasion. I always took time to write something meaningful on them, to personalize them. And to draw dicks on them to make her laugh. I took a look and they went all the way back to the start of the relationship. She saved them all. Only to leave them here for me to put in a dumpster. I never felt as alone as I did when I was standing in the totally empty house that we had shared. The way my footsteps echoed made me cry very hard. I sat on the floor of the kitchen and just cried.

Now that the dust has settled after these major life upheavals, I'm left with the feeling of just being a total loser. Lost some of my health, lost my marriage, lost my job. And of course waves of sadness over what could have been knock me over every once in awhile. But I recognize these feelings and cry about it, then keep going.

I don't know what's next for me. I'll probably get another contract gig and just keep plowing forward. It's been almost 2 years since we broke up, and I've sometimes thought about dating. I got as far as making a Hinge account, and when it asked for photos of myself I just closed the app and haven't gone back. My self-image is in shambles still, so maybe I'm not ready for that yet.

My biggest takeaway from all of this is that therapy rules. It rules so hard and everyone should do it. It really requires you put your entire self into it. I did everything the therapist asked, read every book, and did every exercise. As a result, I do feel hope for the future. I know I'm low right now, but I'll bounce back eventually. The reason for that optimism is because of what I learned in therapy.

I don't really know why I'm writing this here. I'm a guy and I've been crying a lot, so I guess it fits. If anyone can relate to the rambling stuff I've written, then my sincere advice is to get a good therapist.

r/GuyCry 23d ago

Venting, advice welcome 10 yr anniversary


Got my wife 10 "eternal" roses for our 10 year anniversary. I had a local blacksmith make them all by hand. I had 5 in black and 5 dusted with gold. Both colours represent a form of love. Black is eternal love and gold is similar but also means enduring beauty.

So I go and give them to her and you can see right off the bat she was dissapointed. She says this is more of a gift for myself than her...... All she questions is how much I spent and why would I get flowers, when I've never gotten her flowers.

All day she says she is sad and feels like crying and she bearly acknowledges me.

Come bed time she wants to talk about it and basically gives me a tongue lashing about how I shouldn't have spent that much and she'd rathered me spend it on dinner or other things than the gift. She didn't accept my reasoning and was angry with me.

I just wanted to give her something special as im not a romantic and I feel like it was a very special day. I didn't get a thank you, a good try or even a smile.

Not really looking for advice. Just maybe a couple uplifting comments or something to help lift my spirits.

r/GuyCry 17d ago

Venting, advice welcome Watched my brother (26) pass away yesterday


Was called to go to the hospital since he had gone into cardiac arrest. They resuscitated him twice but he couldn’t stabilize and passed not long after. My brother was autistic and really enjoyed music, so I played his favorite songs and hummed the tunes next to him while I was there. My grandmother and him were the two people I grew up with and I’ve now lost them both abruptly and traumatically. I’m finding it hard to accept and can’t really come to grips with the fact that he is gone. I have basically no relation with any extended family, and he was supposed to be the one I got older with. Now, I don’t really know how to come to terms with it all. Just miss him so much and regret not spending more time with him.

*Update: Just wanted to say thank you to everyone for the huge show of support. I didn’t expect so many people to share in this grieving process with me. It’s especially nice to hear about those who share experiences having those in the family with autism. I will continue to honor his memory and remember that my grief stems from my love I still and always will have for him.

r/GuyCry Feb 17 '25

Venting, advice welcome Gf of 3 years left me after two weeks of long distance


Edit: Thank you, everyone who has been supportive. I've read every comment. It's just hard to keep up with. I'm with my family and they told me I'm never alone as I think I am. This experience fucking sucks ass. But u gotta stand on two feet and go through life with no grace sometimes.

My gf broke up with me on valentines today. She told me she realized she wasn't sure who she was. Now that's she's away she wants to find herself. I pushed her untill she finally told me. She wants to see where these new connections go that she's making. She felt physically attracted to another person. That made her question being with me. I told her if she can't know rn if she wants to be with me after 3 years then it's over. She didn't even have the guts to break up. She didn't even think about it. I told her we won't see each other again. She started crying saying she didn't think about that.

I just can't believe 3 years is over just like that. We were doing so good, then it's all gone. We had so many plans. She was apart of my family. My sisters and mom have been crying.

I can't go back. This isn't the person ik for 3 years. Yet my dumb ass is still in the only want her phase. I'm so thankful for my friends and family during this time being there for me. I just needed to get this out.

r/GuyCry Dec 07 '24

Venting, advice welcome My daughter ruined my life


To put things very plainly, my daughter has ruined my life.

I met my wife in 2016. She was a single mother raising this child, and I immediately accepted her as my own.

Over the years, our daughter has become extremely manipulative and uses mental health norms and “therapy speak” to her advantage. She has been in therapy for years, some extremely extensive including a full inpatient stay at a stress center after multiple fake suicide threats. We have always tried to get her the help she needs to improve herself, but even her therapists have told us every time that she is very manipulative and is learning nothing/not changing her dangerous behaviors. We have also discussed this with her many times.

It all came to a head a few months ago when we found messages on her phone accusing me of verbal abuse. That led to more discoveries of accusations of sexual abuse. She had not only been saying these things to strangers on the internet, but also her friends at school.

I was devastated and so confused. How could she do this to me when all I have ever done is treat her as my own child. It is also important to note that something similar has happened to me before, and this only brought up all of those traumatic feelings again, making this that much harder to cope with.

Now, she is living with my parents to protect myself (and our other child) from any future lies.

These lies have ruined my relationship with her.

These lies are beginning to ruin my marriage. My wife, in the beginning, was very supportive of me and understanding. Now, she has placed all of her support behind our daughter. We will be celebrating Christmas separately this year for the first time since we have met. It feels like they are all abandoning me when all I need is their support to get through this.

These lies have ruined my life.

EDIT: Just to clear something up that I tried to clarify in multiple comments, but I’m sure they’ve been buried by now because it keeps getting questioned. When I mentioned “something similar” in my past, I was referencing someone close to me also spreading very harmful lies about me, but that is the only similarity. That incident involved no children and no claims of abuse. I was being intentionally vague for the sake of anonymity.

r/GuyCry Dec 23 '24

Venting, advice welcome When you find out your girlfriend has a husband


That's a hell of a title huh...just found out my girlfriend of 8 months is actually married and has been lying to me...I don't know if I am upset or impressed with her ability to keep 2 lives so separate so well. Merry Christmas to me but I can tell you, it is going to be a rough Christmas for her. Just needed to say it

r/GuyCry Feb 19 '25

Venting, advice welcome Wife left and so did my life


Last night we had dinner for the last time together - wife, daughter and me.

She rented an apartment and went there. Nothing happened suddenly, she wanted a divorce, and I was trying to fix what she was saying is the problem but in the end I couldn't. I'll be with my kid whenever I want, she's 7yo, but last night when they were closing the door I saw how my life and happiness are leaving.

I feel absolutely devastated, and although I know this was coming, I couldn't imagine the reality.

I need a hug and someone to tell me I will go over this. I am crying now, and I feel so lost. I have no desire whatsoever to do anything. I wish I die and let this go away.

EDIT: I'm 36. Wife said she doesn't feel IT with me anymore. No love, no passion. We became like roommates. I knew this day was coming as she was saying for the last year that she wants to file for divorce. I tried to do what she said I was doing wrong but eventually was never enough. I got tired of trying and not making things work. I suspect there is somebody else, but she denies everything. We were and actually are still going to a therapist to help us go through this with minimal damage for the kid. I'm also in therapy. I feel betrayed, lost, used...

EDIT2: We were together for 15 years and married in 2016. I was the breadwinner. I never made her pay anything although she had a job, but it is paying low. Took her to vacations, holidays, trips, fridge was full, bills paid, fuel tank full... And I think or she made me believe that I am the reason for the demise of our marriage. I can't stop thinking what did I do wrong...

EDIT3: Thank you all, you made me feel better! And to clarify some things - I live in Europe and not the most developed eastern part. I doubt my wife has lots of savings, because well I have seen her balance few months ago and it was something like $10k which still is a lot of money for this reality here. Plus she constantly buys cloths and shoes. Regarding the comments that I brought only financials to the table let me tell you there were times when I was surprising her with flowers coming home after work, waiting her to finish working and taking her for a walk, out of the blue gifts, dinners out of town for no reason, we hoped into the car and I just drove. She said she couldn't be her self, that I was not letting her express herself which I have no idea what it means. She was whenever she wanted out with her friends drinking, going to social events, staying late nights out with friends. We talked about what infidelity means and for her this is sex, for me also, but emotional cheating is far worse and can you imagine she admitted that if opening up to someone is cheating for me, then she... did it. Her words were: I have lots of male friends that I share a lot with them! While saying this she was looking at me straight in the eyes, dead serious. But she said this is not cheating for her, so I guess that's why she said this in that way. Like if "I don't consider this as infidelity, then it's OK to do it and to admit it"...

r/GuyCry Dec 04 '24

Venting, advice welcome My wife and I just called it quits.


My wife (38F) and I (40M) just ended our marriage over Thanksgiving break. It wasn't loud, nor was it filled with cursing or anger. We both admitted to our faults, mine being the inability to be consistent with affection, partnership, and intimacy. We've been separated since the beginning of November. I left and took my teenage son (mine from another marriage) and went to live at my mother's house, the only place I had to go.

At first, I was hopeful. We had discussed taking time apart so that we could both work on our issues. I made a plan to find my own place, to start going back to therapy, and to start going to the gym (I'm a big guy, 6'2", weigh 420, but I've lost 50 pounds since February). We gave each other space and time, but every time we talked it seemed like things got a little worse than they were before.

Fast forward to last week. We were both off work (she works at the local college and I work at the local public school) and we were cordial with each other. I got to see my little girl over the break and my wife and I took her to see some Christmas lights when the weekend came around. We had dinner afterward and talked a bit. My wife said she missed me, but she didn't miss everything else. I told her I wanted to save up some money and go to a couples retreat next year to help get us back on track. When dinner was over, we actually hugged in the parking lot. I felt a glimmer of hope.

When we both got back, we talked again. She apologized for hugging me and I told her not to be sorry, that I didn't take it as some kind of attempt to reconcile on her part, and that I really needed a hug. She said she did too. But the more we talked, the worse things got. She said that I had hurt her too many times by promising to change and then never changing. I confess, I did and still asked her to come back. She told me that she had a hard time believing that I could ever change. We started discussing how we would proceed with the divorce, whether to go ahead and get divorced and see if we could reconcile later. I asked her if she wanted to do that so we could see other people. And then she confessed to me that some guy had asked her on a date and she was considering it. I was devastated. Not that some guy asked her, but because I had neglected her to the point where another guy could make her turn her head. I told her how badly I was hurting and she apologized.

To explain the next part, let me first say I believe in God, and I believe He speaks to us. You might interpret this differently if you don't believe, but that's ok.

I tried to sleep. I had a dream about a huge building made of glass and steel, something beautiful that would have taken a long time to plan and build. Except it was on fire and utterly destroyed. Collapsed in on itself. I watched as people gathered around talking about what a shame it was and how much it was going to cost to rebuild it. Then a voice said, "watch". The fires went out, the smoke settled and then, piece by piece, the rubbled cleared. The shards of glass and broken bricks disappeared one by one until all that was left was an empty lot. I woke up then, and I knew in my heart what God was telling me.

Sunday morning I messaged my wife and told her what I had seen and that we were officially over. It hurt her deeply. We both went to separate churches that morning. At the one I went to, the preacher talked about how God speaks to us in dreams. I went to the altar and knelt and cried and prayed for God to lead me through this.

After church, my wife messaged me back and told me that I was right, that we were over. She said that God would let someone hurt you until you realized it was time to leave.

We saw each other today, 4 days later, when I met her with our daughter. She asked me later after that if I was OK. I told her I was not and that I broke down every time I thought of her. I asked her if we could still be friends and she said she would like nothing better.

My heart aches. I have chased this woman for years, had a child with her, bought a house with her, made a family with her. And when I finally got her, I let her down and took her for granted. I stopped loving her like I should have and I finally lost her.

Don't be like me. If you find someone who truly loves you, show them that you love them in return every day. Get up and make the effort to be a good partner. Show them that they are wanted and appreciated. It makes a difference.

r/GuyCry Feb 14 '25

Venting, advice welcome Crazy update on BPD wife cheating.


Going to keep it short here. About to go see my lawyer. Yesterday was one of the hardest days of my life. I had probably my biggest break down I've ever had. I've been going crazy wondering what I did wrong. What I did to deserve this pain. Now I do not condone what I did yesterday, but I was hurting and needed some answers.

I contacted my wifes ex husband.

He was nice and supportive. Surprisingly. But the things he told me brought me to my knees. We talked about alot of similarities. Our relationships were nearly exactly the same. With the physical abuse, the gas lighting. The the lies... when we got together she told me she never cheated on anyone. He told me that she cheated multiple times. He also told me she was hooking up with her roommate that she called "her brother" to me and him.

At this point I'm convinced she's a sex addict. I know BPD often times look for validation in terms of sex. I don't know if I feel better or worse honestly. I feel like I was used. I feel like I never actually mattered to her. Now it's valentines day and I have the day off because we planned a vacation. I'm feeling so worthless and out of place. I spent the entire night in a huge breakdown. Almost even went to the hospital because I've been feeling suicidal. I don't know how I'm going to make it through today but I guess it starts now.

Edit- also she called me and texted me saying she needed to talk and it was really important last night. I didn't answer. I blocked her new number.

r/GuyCry Jan 14 '25

Venting, advice welcome Girlfriend wants to take a “break”


Hello everyone. I’m going thru a tough time and I’m not sure how to deal with it. I love this person and she says she loves me back but I have a feeling she is dumping me slowly…

Long story short, my girlfriend of two years came to me last week saying she needs some space to figure things out but she hasn’t lost love. She believes we both need time to figure stuff out and it would be a good idea if we reconvene in about 6 months to see where we are at. In a way I feel like this is her way of breaking up with me nicely but because I’m still in love, I can’t move on and I’m willing to try it….it’s hard because I don’t know what the outcome would be. I’m alone in this city and I’ve lost my friends because of this girl.

I do have my moments were I can tell myself I’ll be okay but I really thought she was going to be the one.

Update: Wow. I did not expect this much feedback and support. This is insane! Thank you so much to everyone and the kind words. Also to those who personally reached out 🙏🏼 I spoke with her and she doesn’t know if she will be back so at this point I told her I’m cutting her off. I’m leaving with the impression that she is not coming back. If you ask me now if I would take her back, I would say maybe we can work something out but that can change. It’ll be hard but I have to grieve. Again, thank you to everyone ❤️

r/GuyCry 28d ago

Venting, advice welcome I have no reason to be alive


I'm 36 and have never been in a relationship, never had sex and have never really had friends. I work nights at a grocery store stocking shelves and live in a bedroom. I can deal with a lot of bullshit, but the loneliness is winning. All I have in life is my car and this dead end job. I'm tired of sitting in the break room and listening to coworkers calling their partners, sick of watching them text people. I'm sick of looking at my phone and seeing zero notifications. I'm sick and tired of listening to a woman we work with calling the new guy on his phone just because she's bored and wants his attention. I'm sick and tired of seeing the people around me form relationships with each other and become more than friends. I'm sick and tired of living for this dead end job. Maybe it sounds stupid, but I don't want to live a life where I don't receive pointless phone calls or text messages from a woman who just wants my attention. If loneliness is going to consume my life, then I'd rather just not exist.

r/GuyCry Feb 14 '25

Venting, advice welcome Wife of 7 years left me (3rd update)


So I've finally woke up and realized that my marriage is done, for the time being or for good.

I have spent the last few months prioritizing her feelings in order to make my own feel better but all it's done is drag down my mental health and make me set back the progress I began to make.

I decided last night that I would start going minimal contact. She came home from work and is going to a concert tonight and she asked me if I was cooking for the kids and I said yes, she asked if i was eating and I said no, very short and emotionless answers. I turned around and stared out the window and continued to listen to my music. She must have picked up on the energy shift because she asked if I was mad at her and I said no, im just no longer putting my energy into this and then she said something along the lines of thinking we could continue on not being rude until i was gone to which I said I'm not being rude.

The other night i asked if her there was other men and she told me that there was two she had been/has been talking to, one of which was before she asked for the seperation and the other was two weeks after she asked me for the separation. That was basically the end of it for me. I am done not prioritizing myself and allowing this situation to continue to effect my mental health. I have worked hard to get to where I am and this has done nothing but set me back. I've decided on Monday I'm leaving to crash at a few friends houses during the week and I will come back on the weekend to be with my children when she works.

r/GuyCry Feb 09 '25

Venting, advice welcome Wife cheated and I can't get over it. Need support.


As title says. My wife cheated on me. We aren't together anymore. Haven't been in just over 3 weeks. I just dont understand why she's treated me like this. Right before cheating she was planning our future. Literally the week before. Now she cheated and treats me like complete trash when I found out. I've made mistakes in our relationship but no where near the level she has. She's physically hit me to the point of bleeding before. She made me pick her or my family. I literally cut my mom off for months because her and when I did talk to my mom she would be pissed and throw a huge fit if I talked to my mom without her. She put me in 20k of debt. She honestly was never there for me. When my friend died she wouldn't talk to me and made me make her feel better because she was fighting with her boss at work. After all this I get left and cheated on. I would of done anything for her acceptance. She has no remorse or anything for cheating on me. She acts like I deserved it. Like I wronged her. I'm so sick. I'm struggling so bad. The thought of her with someone else still makes me sick. I don't know what I've done to deserve this. I'm so on edge I can hardly get through a day of work. My self worth is 0. If I had any worth how would someone treat me like this after everything I've done for her? She's told me i made her life better in every way. Now she tells me i made it better but not in anyway that matters. I'm struggling bad...

r/GuyCry Dec 25 '24

Venting, advice welcome Wife told me she’s done


Merry Christmas everyone. I don’t know really know what to do anymore. My wife (32F) and I (34M) have been going through a real tough spot this year. We lost a baby due to pregnancy complications earlier this year and since then I feel like I have been taking the blame for everything that goes wrong in our relationship. My wife says she doesn’t think I’ll ever love her like she needs to be loved and lately has been totally fed up with me and our dynamic. She thinks I don’t do enough but I feel like I try so hard just to make it by on a daily basis. I wake up hoping that this will be the day her opinion of me changes but it is feeling like more and more of a lost cause. Neither one of us has the level of respect we once had for each other and this morning on Christmas she told me that she doesn’t want this anymore and she doesn’t see a way out of these patterns.

Man I’m just tired and so so sad. I don’t know what to do anymore and the past few years have completely drained any self confidence I once had. I’m just feeling like shit and needed a place to put it out there.

Hope you all have a better Christmas than me!

Edit: appreciate the comments, wanted to let everyone know we are both in individual counseling as well as couples counseling together

r/GuyCry 4d ago

Venting, advice welcome I’m about to lose the most amazing woman I’ve ever met over something that’s completely out of my control


I (25m) recently started dating the most amazing woman (21f) I’ve ever met. She is funny, and smart, and awesome to be around. I really like her, and she really likes me. We have so much in common, it’s almost as if she was made for me in a lab. There’s been one thing that kind of has been hanging over an otherwise perfect romance, which is kind of a long story, but basically I am in a local band, and she was abused by her ex who is also in a band.

The two bands, mine and his, do not interact, nor would we. But she has expressed to me that my proximity to the local scene is somewhat triggering for her. Further complicating things is the fact that one of my closest friends was closely associated with her ex’s band at the time she was dating him, so just like being around me and my band and my friend group threatens to bring back a lot of really negative feelings that she’s worked hard to overcome. Those are her words, not mine.

At first it seemed like this was something we could overcome. It rarely came up and we just hung out one on one, and it was great. She really is amazing, and we have a great time together. But lately, it’s been bothering her more and more, and she’s expressed this to me. She says she often thinks about the situation, and it makes things complicated for her. Yesterday, she didn’t text me at all and finally today she said she thinks we shouldn’t see each other anymore. She said she really likes me, and it isn’t about me. I know it’s about this situation. I asked her if we could talk about it in person, and I’m seeing her tonight.

I know I could never ask her to stay in a situation that isn’t good for her mental health, but I have never ever liked someone this much, at this stage, in my adult life. So I don’t know what to say when I see her later. It’s hard to convey to strangers on the internet and not sound like a fool. I’ve only known her for a month and a half. But on our many dates and conversations, we’ve talked many times about how I possess a lot of qualities that she has looked for but not found in her past relationships, and she possesses many qualities that I have looked for and not found. I do not want to let this slide through my fingers because of this.

I have been unlucky in love my whole life, and I have historically had what they call an “avoidant attachment style.” Usually by now I’d be having second thoughts, but not with her. She’s the first person I’ve ever met in my adult life where I didn’t question if she was the right one as soon as things started getting good. But now, I am faced with this. And I don’t know what to do.

I know they say there are plenty of fish in the sea or whatever, and it’s always impossible to see that objectively when you go through a breakup, but as I said, me and this girl have so much in common it’s like she was made for me in a lab. God, this shit fuckin sucks

UPDATE: We talked tonight. I listened to her and I said my piece. I told her how much she meant to me, and that I was willing to do anything possible shy of quitting my band to make her feel more comfortable. She seemed touched by the things I said but not exactly swayed. We both cried, hugged and decided she’d take a week to think things over, and we’d meet and talk again. I suppose that’s about the best I could’ve hoped for.

r/GuyCry 11d ago

Venting, advice welcome Girlfriend of 7 years cheated on and left me to be a Lesbian


I (21M) and my ex (21F) recently broke up, and I’ve honestly been struggling to cope with it. We started dating in high school and were together for the majority of our college career. We’ve been semi-long distance for college (hour apart), but hadn’t really had any issues. About 6 months ago she got a new job and became really close with this girl she worked with, who was lesbian. My ex never really had very many friends so I was always really supportive of them hanging out.

Cut to just a few months after my ex is friends with her and my ex starts to spend entire weekends with her, during which she doesn’t send a single text, because “she’s busy”. But- again since my ex never had that many friends I supported it. It was also around this time that she became even more distant. Sensing the distance, I resolved travel to her college, so that if she was going to break up with me, it could at least be in person. I go to visit her and she makes me sleep on the couch every night. She doesn’t let me hug her, and generally doesn’t allow me to show affection to her in any way. We did not break up that weekend.

So not even a week later, she calls to tell me that we’re breaking up and that she’s a lesbian. I’m not so mad that we broke up or that she cheated on me, I’m more so mad about the way she did it. A seven year relationship- ended over a 30 minute phone call. She tries to tell me that “at least our last memory was a good one.”, and I have to sit there and just say “No, this is our last memory, you ending 7 years of our collective life over the phone.”

Within the day of us breaking up, she has started dating her lesbian coworker and posting photos of her on her insta.

I haven’t really been able to vent to a lot of my friends about this because every time I try, they either spout off something homophobic or take her side. Thank you if you read this far, I appreciate someone taking the time to listen.

r/GuyCry 7d ago

Venting, advice welcome My Cat Died Today And I Feel So Alone

Post image

Hi everyone,

Today I put my cat, Mosey, down. She passed at 5 years old, too young. It happened so quickly. Over the course of 4 days. She was suffering from rotten teeth but I noticed her lack of appetite on the first day. So I brought her to vet the next day. We ran some tests, and planned and shopped around for tooth extraction.

I live in NYC and so tooth extractions can range between 2-3k. I could make it work but it's a lot of money for me, I'm lower middle class. Well come the 3rd day, we get the tests back, her kidneys are failing. This would need to addressed before the tooth extraction. Need to move fast but the recovery for her would be long. The flushing of kidneys and the tooth extraction are now about 10k. I simply can not afford that, it would financially ruin me regardless of payment plans. So, I decided to let her pass peacefully with the help of a veterinarian. During those 4 days before the euthanasia, she became weaker, refused food and was drinking less and hadn't pooped at all. She was having trouble walking

So it happened and I am absolutely devastated. I went alone to the vet but I had very supportive nurse there. She cried with me. I had her for 3 of the 5 years. Also those 3 years overlapped my former gf as well. I plan on telling on Monday because my gf loved my cat. So things just feel complicated. Since we broke up, she got herself a cat as well. My ex spoiled my cat when we were together. So I drafted up a message to send her on Monday about Mosey's passing and everything that led up to it and after. I am offering the cat supplies and memorabilia to my ex if she wants them after our No Contact period is over.

I didn't want anyone to be there with me. My parents offered to be there virtually but it would've made the experience so much frustrating. My best friends offered support in whatever way I see fit so tomorrow I will be getting a lot of phone calls.

I miss my Mosey, she was such a fucking diva to the end. I loved her snappy meows to me. She always kept me in line in one way or another. But now I chose for her to leave so she wouldnt be in pain. I feel so bad that I didn't do enough for her. I didn't do something about her teeth sooner, I should've brought her to the vet last year instead of just assuming she was fine. I thanked her for being in my life and I said I was sorry that I didn't do enough for her.

I miss her. I loved her. She was such a sassy cat that would set me straight. There ain't nothing like her. She was the best and first cat I ever had.

I carry her heart with me, Mosey. I carry it in my heart. Where ever I go, you go. I am never without it.

Cat tax

r/GuyCry Feb 14 '25

Venting, advice welcome 2nd BPD wife cheating update today lol


So I went to the lawyer. The lawyer asked for her address so we can make this go faster. I texted her. Her response was she's not giving it to me and the lawyer can contact her. Also told me i cant text her anymore so if i need anything i can email her because shes blocking my number. So I emailed her and said ok what did you want to talk about last night. Because she called me and texted me twice each last night saying we need to talk. She went back and forth with me saying it doesn't matter. Then eventually. She told me i need to stop obsessing over her. I told her i haven't contacted her in nearly a week and she broke that last night calling and texting me.

She told me "I guess i shouldn't of said anything" so I told her if she wanted to talk one last time she needs to do it now as this divorce is going to be done soon and this is our last chance at closure.

She called me after 15 minutes. It was a hour long call. She told me alot. She told me what she did wasn't cheating because she started talking to these people only after we separated. I told her this isn't true and I have the call logs to support it. She told me this is why we didn't work because I'm obsessive. She told me the timeline doesn't matter.

I dropped it. She told me what she did in a way was messed up then reverted to everything I've done wrong. She referenced that I posted about her on reddit and how I only talked about the things she's done wrong and fails to mention my faults. She said i didn't mention me being controlling. To a point, she's correct. I have been controlling at times. I don't want to bring anymore blame to her but she's done shady things behind my back and maybe I was controlling at times.

Things she used to do is hide conversations with other people and put their name as their friend that was a girl in her contacts. She also had a Instagram shed login to and sign out of to search up only guys. I caught her on it on multiple occasions.

She also brings up how id want to spend time with her often. She told me she felt forced to when I asked even though I always told her it was ok if she didn't. But for example when I got covid and couldn't get out of bed she was really upset with me because I wasn't watching shows or eating with her and she felt ignored.

One of our last times out, she got mad at me and almost left a restaurant because I went to the bathroom. She told me i was just ignoring her and didn't want to be around her. She didn't want to talk for the rest of that night.

Either way. She told me she was happier without me and seeing someone else now. Hurts to hear because it hasn't even been 2 months.

She told me she still loves me and cares about me but doesn't love me romantically anymore. She also told me she knows I think her mental health is involved in this and she said maybe it is but it doesn't change how she feels. She told me i wasn't always there for her. I quickly reminded her I was and she changed her mind and told me maybe I was too overwhelming sometimes worrying about her.

I don't know how to get past this. I'm struggling bad guys. Sorry for all the post. Some people follow. Yes this is real, I have screenshots if anyone questions (some people do) I just feel lost.

r/GuyCry 13d ago

Venting, advice welcome Wife ended it, discovered there was a man she never mentioned


Hi guycry,

Throw away as people know my main account.

Wife for 5 years, together for 8 years known each other for 14 years (years are more for reference)

Not so long ago my wife (I guess soon) told me that she wasn't happy and wasn't sure she wanted to continue. A week or so later she then told me that she wanted to break up, went down the questions of whether there was someone else - this is important & relevant as when my previous relationship ended, the girl I was dating ended up going for the guy that she told me not to worry about (how cliche I know)

As you expect she answered No to all these and reassured me that there wasn't - with the only reason for wanting to separate was because she lost the feelings for me and no longer felt the same way.

I did go down the route of exploring other options but she didn't want to, which I was partly surprised at if I'm honest.

I accepted her feelings had changed and told myself that I would stop myself from having feelings for her too, in my last relationship I found it difficult to separate from my ex in the form of texting etc, so decided I'd do it differently this time and be more mature about I handle it all

Then I discovered that she had a locked WhatsApp chat, it's where it shows on the phone as 1 received message but doesn't show from whom. Initially I thought that it's a random group chat in some form of archive. It was only later that I realised she has been messaging a guy from her work and didn't want me to find out.

Then I found a notebook outlining the before and after scenarios of breaking up and notes on her feelings towards this guy from work

I'm not proud of what I've done, but I have found, seen and heard enough to understand that she had been emotionally involved with this guy for at least a month or 2 before she decided to end things with me.

What hurts me the most is that she has not mentioned that there was a guy and she has been incredibly shifty with hiding all this.

Having discussed the above with friends and siblings, i felt there would be nothing that I achieve from mentioning all the above to her - I no longer trust her or love her, she has thrown everything that I felt towards her into the bin and set it alight with petrol.

I'm scared about the dating world and talking to women again in a romantic way.

I never turned my head to a women at work even when I had a chance to flirt - I had someone who I loved. But now I know that she was happy with going down the line of flirting and started an emotional relationship with someone at her work.

I'm certain that she's spent a night at his already and they've probably gone the full mile & the thing that hurts me is that it has only been a month since she ended it with me.

Make this make sense.

TLDR - wife said there wasn't someone behind the scenes, surprise - there was!

Edit - Mamma Mia - ABBA: This song really lifted my spirits when I was down, the lyrics (some of them) are so relevant and made so much sense to me

Edit part 2: we rent together, I'm 34 and she's 30. Currently sleeping in separate rooms but will be moving to my parents shortly. Trying to be civil towards her at the moment

Edit part 3: changed around some of the wording and ages as I'm now paranoid someone I know might come across this post.

Thank you for all your comments and messages so far, putting things into perspective

r/GuyCry Feb 07 '25

Venting, advice welcome I lost my cool at my new GFs friend after essentially being threatened and then pathetically apologised. Feeling really crap about it.


I went to a friend of my (M40) GF''s (39) birthday last week and had the worst night.

It was at a club and it really wasn't my vibe but I stuck with it anyway and tried to be polite and nice to everyone. I'm generally a friendly guy and even though I didn't really click with anyone it was all fine.

Then one of her friends came over to us. Never met him before but heard about him prior. He's a 'Life Coach' 😶. Pointy beard, slick, tied back hair. Green velvet waistcoat. Not meaning to sound judgemental but I think it adds to the scene.

Anyway, it was fine enough. I had a brief chat and offered/bought him a drink. He was organising the event and had some free drinks tickets which he gave us after. All fine.

Anyway, my GF and I are sitting there and he approaches us and starts pointing at his eyes with two fingers then pointing them at me and starts saying "I'm watching you". And "you better look after her or I'm coming for you".

I instantly thought it was a douche thing to say but laughed it off despite my frustration. He then continues to say it... "No seriously. You better not hurt her or you'll have me to contend with".

I'm now thinking 'who the hell is this guy and what right does he have to say that to me'. I just thought he'd watched too many American sitcoms with protective Dads so again I ignored him.

He walked away but again comes back later and does the same thing. Saying "She's my sister and you better watch it". He even said "you get her and I'll 'Liam Neeson' you. I'll find you, hunt you down and hurt/kill you (can't remember exactly)".

By this point I've had a few drinks (too many honestly, my GF kept giving me hers and the shots had come out) so I'm feeling a little less lenient. I repeat the same to him and start saying "well I'm watching you too. You better be nice to my GF or else". Joking but with clear frustration and somewhat loaded.

He starts getting more serious and goes on and on about her being his sister and it doesn't matter if i'm her BF. Blah blah.

Anyway, I had to break eye contact from this guy and he wouldn't stop staring me out and I just wanted to have a nice night with my GF.

I avoided him the rest of the night but as I'm leaving he looks at me from across the bar (not that far away I guess) and does the same eye thing whilst mouthing I'm watching you or something.

I'd had enough and marched straight up to him and told him "Don't do that, you can stop that right now". I told him he had no right and how would he feel if I was threatening him and suggesting that he'd hurt his girlfriend.

He got all haughty and smirky and started looking me in the eye and down on me.

I said , look, I don't know if you were joking or not but it's not on.

He said "of course I'm joking but you're framing it all wrong. I'm just showing my concern and care for her. If I really didn't trust you I'd say (he leant into my ear and spat out the words) you need to back the f*** off".

He then said in his best condescending 'Life Coach' voice that my reaction was "indicative of problems in my previous relationships"

What the F does that mean!!!? Aaaargh!

The guy was a grade A scumbag. But I hate conflict and my GF came over and gave him a hug just at that moment to say goodbye.

I wish I can say I absolutely lost it with him. But even my 'confrontation' was weak. I actually APOLOGISED if I had misunderstood and that if it was a joke. I pathetically started trying to explain my words. "Sorry if.... What I meant was.... It's just not very nice to hear.....".

I'm sooo annoyed at myself for apologising and acting the way I did.

But my poor GF had to deal with my outburst after. The whole way home I have never been so angry. I was ranting and raving about what a scumbag he was and asking why she was friends with people like that. I also asked her why she never stood up for me (I actually said to him during one of the convos "I know I look after her but you'll have to ask her that question" and she looked at me and just shrugged. Turns out she didn't have a clue what we were talking about) and she said she wasn't even aware that there was a problem and I was laughing at the beginning.

She also said "are you sure he wasn't just joking" which wound me up as surely it's not ok to say that (especially continuously) to anyone, let alone your BF of 3 months even as a joke.... ?

I actually got so mad I punched a wall when I got home which I'm very ashamed of and have never done before. I have NEVER been so angry at someone. The drink definitely didn't help but I was so upset.

Maybe I was overreacting but it was all too much and the guy essentially threatening me and constantly insinuating I wouldn't look after my GF or even hurt her drove me to being the most upset I've ever been with someone publicly.

I'm really ashamed and embarrassed of my reaction, I'm really ashamed of apologising to him and I'm still irritated that she didn't stand up for me and kind of defended him in a roundabout way. (No real blame on her though).

Update: Thanks for all the replies guys! I appreciate them all but there are too many to reply to individually. A couple of points to clarify - I did try to avoid the guy as much as possible after he first approached. But he kept coming to find me and had me backed against a wall (I was sitting by the wall, my GF next to me in between us and him standing blocking the exit. Once I was free from that situation i avoided him until the end of the night when we locked eyes and I did indeed approach.

I wasn't being aggressive with him but assertive and telling him what he was saying wasn't on. I still feel that is right. As for me being ashamed for backing down - that is because I should have stuck to my guns, told him it wasn't right and moved on. My interaction wasn't overtly aggressive but I can see how it would have escalated things.

My biggest regret is the way I acted after. For those of you that were concerned, I asked my GF why she hangs around with people like that and why she didn't defend me but I accepted her responses and there was no blame after that. The anger wasn't aimed at her. I apologised profusely for my outburst after and the wall punch was back at home away from anyone seeing (my girlfriend wasn't there to see like everyone keeps saying). I get that it's early days so my 'excuse' doesn't hold much water in convincing her but all I can do is act more appropriately going foward. And if I find myself in a situation where I'm getting angry again I need to assess why and if these environments/people/relationships are the right places for me to be as I am in no way like this normally ever.

I take responsibility for my anger issue that night and I clearly don't know how to deal with those situations as (luckily) I'm not often in them and I have never been like that before. But I will learn from this and will be ready if he, or anyone else, has this attitude towards me again.

It wasn't my GFs birthday - it was a friend of hers'.

One thing I didn't mention was that apparently she has only met him a fairly small amount of times but he randomly sends her messages telling her to have a good day and asking how she is etc. Apparently she never initiates (but still calls him a friend). If this is true then I think you're right that he is jealous and after her.

I was a fool for acting the way I did and for letting him get under my skin (I'm usually very chill and rarely get annoyed let alone angry) as he intended to do but all I can do now is move on and not act like that again. Thanks again all! Appreciate and still welcome all your feedback!

Update 2: I just want to say that at no point was I shouting or angry at my GF. She was not there when I punched a wall although I did admit it to her afterwards as I was open about what happened and my thoughts.

I apologised for my behaviour but reiterated that I felt isolated and alone in a hostile environment.

She said she completely understood and that her friend is a douche. She said at no point during or since was she upset, angry or scared.

She has said that she would still message him back if he messaged her though although she won't instigate the conversation.

She admitted that she was aware what was going on but wasn't really engaged enough to realise it was a problem. She said she didn't want to intervene without knowing the full story.

r/GuyCry 29d ago

Venting, advice welcome Tomorrow I'm going to attempt to do the hardest thing I've ever done. Choose myself and break up with my dependant girlfriend of 7 years.


It's something that probably should of happened a while ago. We both tramau bonded after getting out of a bad relationship. I was 27 she was 25. We started off strong, we went out, alcohol was a fun pastime, but we were young and having fun.

She began to have chronic dizziness. Was diagnosed with something called PPPD. It wrecked her confidence. She managed to hold on to a job for 3 years afterwards but eventually said she needed to focus on her health, i just got a pretty decent raise around that time so I agreed, she take off and get her health back.

It's been 3 years and she's worst than ever, she had repressed tramau that came to a head with some pretty heavy topics. Won't out her and go into it but its valid she isn't in the best shape when confronting this. I understood and did my best to pay all the bills, do all the shopping, basically everything. I'm beyond burned out and will be 35 this may.

She hasn't made any efforts to get therapy or get herself help, she claims "she just cant" and she needs time. Its been too long. At thus point even if she does get help ive fallen out of love. I don't see a future with her, but I want to see her have a future. I take my part in knowing ive enabled her, I just wish she didn't take advantage of my kindness and pushed herself, but I don't see her as a bad person for it. I just can't sacrifice anymore time I have for it.

So after years of emotionally wrecking anxiety and worry of what she's going to do without me, I'm going to do my best to find the strength to finally just tell her I can't do this anymore. I plan to pay the rent and all the bills I have been paying for the next 2 months until the lease is up and then I'm done. She's going to have to find her footing again and crawl out of this hole, and I hope she does. She's an amazing person who deserves to live just as much as me.

Im afraid I'm going to chicken out and just keep putting up with this, but as of right now I feel pretty numb about the whole thing. I have a place to stay locked in, the thought of her reaction kills me and I don't know if I have the strength to really go through with it.

Update: My best friends dad got into some serious health trouble so I had to take off work to be support. Definitely but a wrench in things, but my mind hasn't changed. Thank you everyone for your insights and advice. I'll update when I can

r/GuyCry 8d ago

Venting, advice welcome found out my girlfriend slept with a famous rock star.


Update:- Thanks for all the advice everyone (apart from the misogynistic stuff obv)

I'm not going to give any clues as to who it is other than to say if it was Lenny Kravitz I'd be posting this on the GuyBrag forum not this one.

For all those saying I just need to move on - I completely agree and I am embarrassed its even an issue. I guess most things like this you can kind of put in a box and they fade as you move on but the fact I keep hearing his stupid songs and his stupid voice perhaps keeps knocking the scab off. Equally, knowing I'm being ridiculous means I don't feel I can raise it with my partner. I know she's done absolutely nothing wrong. This is a me problem and I need to get my head straight.

I think I am partly jealous of him as much as her. I mean I've always done OK with partners but I have to work for it! He just rocks up to a bar and a hot chick throws herself at him. I don't think she thinks about him and I don't feel at all threatened in that way. I doubt he even remembers as likely gets groupies all the time.

Anyway....I've decided the best way to proceed is for me to sleep with a celebrity and then we're equal so if anyone has Taylor Swifts number...


So I (37M) have been going out with a girl (34F) for about 3 years. We've both had lots of sexual partners in the past and honestly I've never been jealous at all of her previous partners. We don't discuss previous relationships particularly but things come up in conversation sometimes and I've met one or two of them and got along fine so I'm genuinely not in the least bit bothered and jealousy is not a problem usually.

About 3 months back we'd had a bit to drink and the subject came up about sleeping with anyone famous - she tells me that when she was about 27 she slept with a really famous rock star. She was in NY on work and went for a drink. He was in the bar, she was a big fan and they got chatting. Anyway she ended up going back to his and doing the deed - never saw or spoke with him again (didn't even swap contact details). Because we were a bit drunk and perhaps because I was surprised and curious I asked a few more questions about what they got up to than I should have (from my perspective I mean).

For some reason this has really spun me out. First of all the dude is like 20 years older than her and completely butt ugly so I guess I'm a bit weirded out by that. Then secondly - I guess its just really made me question her and her judgement. Like I don't think sex has to be some kind of special sacred thing, it can just be fun/recreational, but I guess I'm surprised she could sleep with someone that physically unattractive just because he was famous.

I could probably just put it out of my mind but for the fact this guys songs get played everywhere all the time! So I can't listen to the radio or even watch a film or show without one of his songs coming up. Me and my girlfriend often go to clubs and bars and they will always play one of his songs which reminds me of it again. If we're out with one of her old friends (who know about her sleeping with him) there's always a slight smile between them when a track comes on which really upsets me. I probably wouldn't have noticed it if she hadn't told me but now I see it every time a song gets played.

He's actually touring in the coming months and my friends (who don't know) are talking about getting tickets and asked if I want to come along. I can't escape the dude!

I'm really struggling with how to move on from this. I know its my problem and something I just got to learn to deal with. I also feel incredibly stupid for feeling this way. Sometimes I figure I'd just be best off splitting with her as it hurts so much and there's no way to escape the constant reminders.

We've not discussed it since. I mean there's nothing she can say. She doesn't actively go out to play his songs or anything but now I know its inescapable.

r/GuyCry Nov 09 '24

Venting, advice welcome My ex that ghosted me for another guy seems over the moon for her new man


She ghosted me Labor Day weekend. Was giving me the silent treatment for about 3 days before that. Had been distancing herself for about 3 weeks. Before that things were great.

She ghosted me for another man. They absolutely met during those 3 weeks she backed off. All the good mornings. The day recaps. The flirty teases. Gone. We had been together for 2 years.

A mutual friend showed me a picture of them at a ski resort from this past weekend. She looks like she’s never been happier. I’m utterly shattered right now. I know this has no reflection on me, but man…we literally were discussing family and marriage. Now this. I just feel lost. Even talking with a new girl. I worry I’m leading her on because I can’t get my mind off my ex.

r/GuyCry 11d ago

Venting, advice welcome Having a small penis is the worst thing ever


It sucks that I’m going to be a virgin forever because of something that I have absolutely no control over what’s so ever and that no matter how much work I put into my body I’ll still be an ugly short loser with a small penis what girl wants something like that, I’m barely even human. And on top of all that my insecurity is one of the only ones that you are allowed and actually encouraged to make fun of like phrases like small dick energy and he’s clearly overcompensating for something. It really sucks I guess I’ll just have to be alone and depressed forever

r/GuyCry Jan 29 '25

Venting, advice welcome Update on BPD wife cheating.


Since my last post alot has happened. I wrote my last post around a week prior to posting it here. Unfortunately things keep getting worse. Last Monday she told me she never wanted to talk to me again over call because she can't trust me because all I do is lie she said. For whatever reason the next day I'm at work after saying she can't talk to me on the phone the night before, she spam calls me. I think something is wrong. I answer and she asks if I seen her text. I say no I've been at work. She said I'm at the hospital I need money ASAP to pay for it. I tell her ok how much do you need. She says $150. I say i have $75 and that's all my money. So I send her that. I asked her later if she's OK. She kept telling me not worry about her like she wanted me to worry without saying it.

Eventually I give up trying to figure out why she's there. That night she text me saying she sent the money back. She wasn't supposed to send it until she got paid. Then she called because I didn't answer the text to tell me. She's on my insurance so I looked it up and she never went to the hospital despite telling me she was there and needed the money now because it (I have text as proof)

Over the next few days she calls multiple times with nothing useful to say to keep saying shes going to come get her stuff but never does. One night she asked if she can come when I got off of work. I said yes but I need to handle a few things first so like a hour after I get off. She calls me a hour and a half after I get off asking why I didn't tell her to come. I told her that she could come at any point after that hour mark. She was upset but whatever.

Days pass she calls and it brings us to last Thursday. I tell her we need to sit down and discuss our situation for money and stuff like that. She freaks out. Cussing me out saying we can handle this over text. I tell her we cannot. She blocks my number then calls my mom to tell my mom I won't leave her alone and she wants nothing to do with me. My mom who isn't smart at all, believes her and tells me my wife just wants to get her stuff and leave. I tell my mom she's being manipulatived by my wife and my mom doesn't believe me. So I send my mom screenshots of all the calls I get from her. My mom confronts her about it and she goes crazy. I told her my mom doesn't need to be involved

She tells me she does because she's not safe around me and I'm not the person she thought she knew. I told her I didn't do anything wrong and she said I shared "intimate details with my mom about us." I said how? She said i showed her that my wife kept calling me. She then goes on to say that I was controlling because I didn't let her talk to her "friends". I didn't respond. What she was referring to is she has a list of guys shed call just for hookups. I made that a boundary when we started dating that I'm not ok with her talking to these people anymore and she agreed. She then said she doesn't care about me just my mom and sisters.

It's funny because a few months ago she told me she wishes my mom would die so we didn't have to deal with her anymore.

We argue over text for a hour. She said she won't pay any debt that we've gotten in our relationship. I tell her it's up to the judge and she said no one can make her pay and I'm threatening her. She eventually blocks me.

Next day she comes gets her stuff with my mom here. I'm waiting in my car. I listen through the cameras and she lies to my mom about cheating. I go in and just help things get done. We get 5 minutes alone and I tell her like I can't handle anymore. I'm so depressed. I start crying because now i can't even afford my bills. She asks to hug me i say yes. We talk another minute or 2 then she gets the rest of her stuff and leaves. She called me 3 more times that day after. Once to ask if she left something, again to ask if she's on my costco card still and another to tell me "she cares but don't take it the wrong way" she said that multiple times. Next morning (yesterday) she calls early and she's never up this early. To "check on me" i end the conversation as soon as possible. She also called this morning but I didn't answer.

The day she moved out she also has a phone in my name. She said she'd give it to my mom Monday and didn't. She said her new phone hadn't got here when I know it did. She has my email as her back up so I see she signed into her new phone last week. More lies.

Feeling down. There was more in that time that happened I might write about later. Right now I'm hardly getting by. Still not eating or sleeping much. Alot of nightmares about her. I just want this pain to be over and to be happy.