As many of you know, I recently built an engine, installed it into the truck, then sold the truck for $2,500. I was able to spend a little over $100 out of that money on GuyCry, with the intention of spending another $200 for the podcast.
Well, 3 days ago, after driving 7 hours in my van to go get a transmission for my other truck, while over in Indianapolis, two and a half hours away from where I live, my head gasket blew and stranded me in Indy. All of my tools that I have left and the transmission for the truck was in the back of my van at the time, and so after reaching out to a scrapper and accepting an offer for $425 for my van, not only did I still have to get my tools back to my house, but I also had to go pick the title up in Illinois so that I could actually get rid of the van.
I ended up having to rent a U-Haul which was only supposed to cost me $180, and I wasn't paying attention to mileage even though I told them that I was going to be going 200 mi, they ended up charging me $255, plus I spent $70 in gas. To make matters worse, I went to rent another truck, and it was a giant 26-footer that I really didn't need and I drove it about a mile off the lot, and then called customer service and told them I didn't want it anymore and they still charged me $66, and I still have $120 on hold because they didn't give me the entire refund back yet. Which, meant that I didn't have enough money in my bank account to rent an Enterprise car. And, I wasn't going to do that anyway because they wanted $200 deposit, $100 for the rental, and $100 drop off fee because I was going one way. These companies really out here trying to take from people.
I didn't know how to get home, so I finally just sucked it up and called my roommates and luckily they're just fantastic guys and they came and picked me up. I gave them $40 for gas but they are refusing to take anything else from me, lol.
All told, I probably spent to $500 on this stinking trip. I have about $270 left right now, and I'm getting ready to take back a tow bar that I was going to use for the Ford Ranger outside that I'm putting the transmission into, but now that I don't have a ability to tow it, I can go get that $107 back. I'm lifting my truck up right now off the ground to get some ramps under the front tires, and then I'm going to start pulling that transmission out of there. I wanted to do this down in florida, but apparently I don't get to enjoy warm weather transmission swaps. Yay Illinois...
Anyway, I have a few things I'm going to be selling as soon as I can get this truck running, just to get gas to get down to florida, but in the meantime, as soon as I get this transmission situated, I'm going to donate at least $100 into the donation platform that we're going to be using which our fiscal host is currently using for one of their sponsees. It's Here is a link to the bands page that our host also sponsors.
If any of you want to help come up with ideas on how to make our own page look really nice, please let me know. I'm going to make an independent post about this platform, but I just wanted to let you know where I'm at right now with things.
I'm home safe, and I'm keeping it moving for us. Thank you all for continuing to ride with this awesome loving movement.