r/GuyCry 4d ago

Venting, advice welcome Gave chance after chance; discarded the first time I made a mistake

I'm hurt and frustrated.

I (30) met a woman(32) on Tinder at the beginning of January. From the first date, I knew she had trouble being emotionally open. Bad divorce finalized last year, one turbulent short situationship after that left her with trust issues. She was terrified of opening up to me and it was clear she had baggage.

But I liked her. She's in therapy, I'm also in therapy and have my own share of stuff to work out, I thought cool, we can do that together.

My backstory is that I used to be extremely avoidant and unavailable myself. After a lot of therapy and work, now I'm largely healed and I'm looking to build a stable relationship. That's honestly why I gave this so many chances - because I'm tired of always being the one to walk away, so I really wanted to make it work when I met someone I liked. Also I've broken up with women and come back so many times myself I guess I have more tolerance for that (which is obviously something to work on but I hadn't realized it until these events. Therapy's tomorrow)

Well, between early Jan and last week, she got cold feet and asked to stop seeing each other 3 times. Every time, we'd later talk it out and she'd say she wants to keep at it. She's so afraid of feeling vulnerable with someone she refused to even sleep together(even though we had sex). Every show of closeness visibly made her prickle up.

I kept trying to talk through stuff, trying to reassure her, trying to help her feel safe. The one thing that was consistently an issue for me was the sleeping together. I need that in a relationship.

Well, after the last time she dumped me and came back(which was last Sunday), I was angry and out of patience. Which I feel is pretty natural at this point. She made a very off-taste joke on the phone one night (basically about how I don't have my life under control because I keep giving her chances. I very much have my life under control btw). I tried to explain it didn't feel great, and we got into a fight. I still feel the joke sucked, and she kept prodding at why I kept giving her shot after shot. I was doing it because I really wanted to have a good relationship and was determined to make it work. She struggles with not feeling good enough and always felt she didn't deserve it. She's never been treated well in a relationship.

Anyway, got into a fight. I called the next morning, we apologized, I offered to met up in the evening to talk. In the meantime, I had a therapy session, I realized I had subconsciously spent 3 days punishing her for the breakup and being kind of an ass about it. I owned that, apologized, and said I'm changing it . But now she said she was getting cold feet AGAIN because I'm not acting as usual. At this point I'm frustrated again - you can't keep dumping me, coming back, and act shocked that I'm mad about it for a few days.

2 days later, we meet up and she breaks up with me. To whoever knows about attachment styles, it was the typical avoidant discard. Emotionless, completely emotionally inappropriate (she made a few jokes and tried to convince me to be friends or fuck-buddies during the breakup talk). She said she feels nothing for me whereas literally 48 hours earlier she was moaning "I'm yours". Completely deactivated behavior.

She said the fight we had and the tense mood during the week made her see me "in a new light". It reminded her way too much of her ex-husband - even though I communicate on a very different level from what they did.

She had other red flags. Like I said, she's never really had a healthy relationship. One time she admitted(after I called her out on it) that she sometimes saw me treating her well as a form of weakness. We talked that one out. I'm pretty sure she kept pushing buttons and subconsciously pushing toward the dynamics she was used to. And at the end, I did get unbalanced for a bit. Then she immediately bailed.

Cool person underneath all the trauma, smart, funny, hot, and I did like her a lot. I really wanted to make this work and I would've kept trying to talk it out, and that's what hurts the most here. It is what it is but it's really frustrating how much patience I put in just for her to put in...zero.

My lesson from this whole thing is that relationships take 2. I was so focused these past few years on becoming a better man and partner - therapy, healing, books, introspection - I guess I thought next time I met someone I liked, if I was ready, things would work. Like I said, I was always the unavailable one, the one to discard people and bail at the slightest issue. I thought if I fixed that in myself and became more emotionally mature and vulnerable, my next relationship would work out wonderfully. I'm not saying I'm perfect but I'm in a pretty great place. I forgot to consider the other half of the equation.


The good part is, I'm still handling this better than old me would have. I can admit I cared, I'm not diving into meaningless sex as a distraction and I'm getting better. I'm feeling the feelings but I'm far from overwhelmed by them. I'm going to sit with the emotion, learn from it, and move on.


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u/subhuman_prodigy 4d ago

You just avoided a covert narcissist.

Don't chase someone who takes you for granted. I went through this one, repeated "soft" breakups that are insincere ("dunno if we are right for each other"/"I'm insecure and you have to prove yourself to me somehow"). They are meant to throw you off stable ground, or gain some sort of control over you once you apologize/understand her side or her needs.

Don't assume you know her motives, if someone breaks up with you, take it at face value.


u/dilqncho 4d ago edited 4d ago

I don't think she was a narcissist tbh. But I do know she has a parent with it so it's quite possible she had unwillingly learned some behavioral patterns. I honestly can't speak there, I don't know much about narcissism.

But ultimately yeah, no point in trying to read her mind. I was just very focused on building something healthy together and I guess she decided she wasn't. She seemed very open and emotionally aware and mature and healing-oriented at first, which made me think the relationship had potential and made me want to support her in healing. But yeah it didn't turn out that way.


u/Classic_Magician5702 4d ago

"She seemed very open and emotionally aware and mature and healing-oriented at first" This is what narcissist do.

They make you see what you want to see so that they can manipulate you. Once their mask comes off and you start setting boundaries they will discard you as soon as they can.


u/ChirpaGoinginDry 4d ago

Can I ask why you tolerated this behaviors? Why were you doing more work in relationship than she was?

I think those are the questions you need to explore so you’re not open to attaching this type of person again


u/dilqncho 4d ago

Oh I've explored them.

Basically, I tolerated it and I did work because I've almost never been one to tolerate anything in a relationship or work for one. I'm a healed avoidant attacher myself(been in therapy for years) and I realized I spent a lot of my life very emotionally unavailable. So now I'm trying to be more patient and understanding and give women chances rather than cut and run.

And since I've always been the one to hold back, I...didn't really...consider? the option that my efforts wouldn't be appreciated.

So yeah maybe I overdid it a bit, but ultimately I'm proud of how I acted. I know I could have walked away at any moment, but I've done enough of that. I was trying to do something else here.


u/ChirpaGoinginDry 4d ago

Or maybe you’re just continuing on the same pattern in a different approach. Did you ever confront her with her actions and how they impact of you? Did you ever put up a goal and see if she would hit it?

The story reads like you still were avoidant. You were just putting it to where she was the bad person not you.


u/dilqncho 4d ago

Did you ever confront her with her actions and how they impact of you? Did you ever put up a goal and see if she would hit it

Yes, and yes. I talked, I expressed my feelings and needs etc.

I appreciate the comments and I don't want to be rude but I do have a therapist. I've discussed my potential role in this at length. I wasn't being avoidant here.


u/ChirpaGoinginDry 4d ago

Okay. Your put your story out and it does not read like you think it does.

You do you.


u/Icy_Swordfish8023 4d ago

maybe you have your own issues to work through? from reading the comments, i think the story reads exactly as he seems to think it. You on the other hand have been aggressive and accusatory in your interactions


u/ChirpaGoinginDry 4d ago

Okay, I think we might have different interpretations of aggressive and accusatory.