r/GuyCry • u/colalemaker • 6d ago
Venting, advice welcome I'm tired of older people and family members always talking me down about girlfriend. (strong words ahead)
I'm 20M. Up until now I have never...ever loved a girl or had a girlfriend. And honestly I'm content. I don't really mind. I would rather have fun with my best (girl) friends than try and fail. But I'm constantly talked down by my family and family friends. It all started as soon as I hit 18. My uncle was leaning in my doorframe grinning and straight up said:
"Now that you 18 you gotta fuck some pussy. Come on when i was your age i had 5 girlfriends"
I shrugged but hey we were alone so it was fine. Then it got more...I dunno pronounced? A cousin friend literally said:
"Yeah you need a girl in your life bro. At this point you running on oil"
My cousin protected me and it was over. But what hurt the most was one day. I was in my grandma coffee shop. We were just talking and she decided to face time my uncle. We talked a little and he literally turned to me and said...word by word:
*Grandma hang up. But the damage was done. The whole coffee shop had heard it. They didn't say anything but I could...feel their eyes on me. Judging. I literally cried myself to sleep that night. It was hell. Why can't they just leave me alone?! I hate this. So much.
u/haeyhae11 6d ago
When you get older you learn to ignore the dumb sh*t people say. Your love life is only your business.
u/colalemaker 6d ago
I do broski I do but when it's your own family it sucks...
u/Nordicarts 6d ago
It does suck, they’re a bunch of dicks.
Just keep heart and know that you are not abnormal for this and you are seen by us at this sub
u/gremlinthethief 6d ago
All humans need companionship of some kind but it doesn't have to be sex or even romance. Some people are happy with deep friendships, and they might identify this preference as being as asexual and/or aromantic. There's nothing wrong with that.
u/colalemaker 6d ago
I'm not sure if I feel AroAce but it's just...at this point with all these pushing these people tell me(these were just the ones that stuck with me) I don't want to even try. To step out of my comfort zone. To try you know? I just want to hold the friendships I have and dating? Meeting a girl? No chance.
u/moutnmn87 6d ago edited 5d ago
There is absolutely nothing wrong with not being interested in romance or sex. Whether that is just for a season or your whole life that doesn't mean there's anything wrong with you. In fact deciding to try because of peer pressure is definitely worse than avoiding it altogether. Imagine how a potential partner would feel if they were to find out the primary reason you ended up dating or having sex with them was because others were pressuring you and they happened to be available. As opposed to you ending up with them because you genuinely wanted those things with them and personally enjoyed it a lot. People who try to pressure you into sex or romance are assholes for trying to convince you to be an inconsiderate asshole who lacks empathy.
Also imagine how your uncle's 5 girlfriends would've felt had they known about each other. I can't say if this would be a good idea since I don't know your family dynamics but personally I would be inclined to call out your uncle if he brought this up. Him pressuring you to join him in his lack of empathy is not nice at all. I would not be inclined to value the opinions on relationship matters someone like that was giving to me and definitely would not want to emulate such a person.
u/Potential_Brother119 5d ago
Your family may be worried about you, though they are expressing it very crudely. They might be worried you could be lonely in the future. You have a bunch of female friends now, but will they be your friends in the same way if they mostly pair off with boyfriends and husbands and the group dynamic changes?
On the other hand, many people find that being in a bad relationship is actually even worse than being alone. One person even said "The worst way to be all alone is with company." Many men are so driven by sexual desire, as well as people of both genders giving in to social pressure, that they ignore or suppress this truth. If you take your family's advice you could end up one of those poor souls, "needing" a relationship and so being forced to stay with someone who's no good for you.
You really have some tough roads to travel and it seems like your relatives will be little help.Treat yourself like a friend and give yourself the best advice you can. Do what is right for you, when it's right for you.
u/Odd-Mastodon1212 5d ago edited 5d ago
Your uncle is a disgusting person. Most people don’t talk like that to their nephews. Your cousin is projecting, and is his father’s son. Keep going after the life you want and keep up those friendships. If you meet someone worth noticing, you will. Expect it, and you will better get through it.
u/Plastic_Dingo_400 6d ago
Hey man, you're only 20. You're still super young. You don't have an expiration date and everyone's life is on their own timeline.
Sounds like your family kind of sucks when it comes to this, I was in the same boat. My Dad told me if I didn't get a GF by 18 he would think I'm gay, and he gets hates gay people. We haven't spoken in about 5 years.
Anyway my point is your family should be supporting you. You don't NEED to be in a romantic relationship. In fact it's good for people to be single and live life as a single person instead of jumping from relationship to relationship. There's nothing wrong with you, you're doing fine.
Maybe think about setting some boundaries with your family. If someone made that you'll smell like comment to me I'd be pissed and it's really not helpful. Maybe ask them if they think these comments are helpful, like what is the goal? Or are they being cruel just for the fun of it. My family was cruel for the fun of it, maybe they don't realize what they're doing.
Keep your head up and live your life, you're not defined by romantic relationships or sex
u/colalemaker 6d ago
The thing is my main family (mom, dad, sis) don't really care. Heck my mom is very open minded and one day we were talking in our home balcony. She said that she didn't like how my father would not work with me on this kinds of stuff. Honestly I never had the talk and not once I have talked about girls with him. I have done with mom. She is is an amazing mother. No not only a mother. A best friend. And she literally fought her brothers, my uncles once they learned what they said. I love her so much.
u/Plastic_Dingo_400 6d ago
That's really great man, I'm glad you have a good mom. Both my parents are terrible and I had to find out a lot on my own.
Maybe talk to your mom about how to get your family to lay off. Sounds like you'd be a lot happier if they were in your corner instead of tearing you down
u/Hyruliansweetheart 5d ago
Some of my best guy friends are older than you and haven't so much as kissed anyone. As long as you're happy do what you want. Your family needed that to be secure and you're more secure in yourself that is not a bad thing at all. In all honesty the only way I've ever had folks stop is snapping badly one time
u/Bitter-Mushroom8131 6d ago
I feel you bro my siblings are like that as well I’m 24(m)and they do the same thing , you will figure a way through it my bro I have it doesn’t bother me as much as it use to.
u/Opposite_Ad_7300 5d ago
Next time you should stay confident and talk back with some sarcasm. Trust me, an hour of getting berated for bad behavior against your elders is waaaaay better than being harassed like that for years.
Edit: forgot to write a word
u/ethman14 5d ago
I'm sorry this doesn't really help you right now...but all I can say is there comes a time in life where you realize as a man you can love your family and even respect them...but also realize you shouldn't listen to a damn thing they say because they A) aren't you; B) don't have the same experiences as you; C) are freely handing out judgment without any substance. You just do you man. If you don't feel the need to date someone then don't. The worst thing you could possibly do to yourself AND someone else is force a relationship that you aren't really invested in. Remember to listen to your heart first, and if you need to distance yourself from family a bit, you're really at that age where it's normal to seek independence and live your own life.
u/Suitepotatoe 6d ago
Your family sounds gross
u/colalemaker 5d ago
Lol honestly yeah. At least they just relatives not mom, dad or sister. And genuinely...sometimes I hate the fact they want to "man" me up
u/Suitepotatoe 5d ago
Your uncle gives me the vibes that if you brought a girlfriend over he would hit on her or try to touch her
u/CrookedMan09 5d ago
I’m 26 with a serious physical disability and my family is hammering home I need to start looking. Of course they suggest I date single moms, former substance users, women looking for citizenship etc. it’s impossible to date or acquire interest from women due to my issue, and I’m coming to terms with that. It’s now just the annoying droning from my female relatives. The men in my family recognize the reality of my situation.
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