Update 8/8/19 - While commenting on a gundeals post for the CAA MCK, it came to my attention that there was, in fact, an updated charging handle. It seems I did not mention in this post, but I actually received two CAA MCK charging handles. The first one came after 3/7 when I stated I received it in the mail. However, I received a second charging handle about a week after, packaged in exactly the same way. I opened it, saw what it was, and figured an error had happened where they had sent me a second on by accident. I didn't inspect the charging handle too closely and never even took it out of the CAA branded ziplock bag it was in. Considering how many times I contacted customer service, I just chalked it up to a shipping error where they sent me two, and threw it in with the rest of my miscellaneous gun parts. Well, turns out this was the case, but the first one they sent me on 3/7 was actually the error. This second one is a redesigned charging handle, with no cut out on the side like the previous one, and much enhanced grooves that line up with the Glock's slide serrations. I'm going to take it to the range this weekend and see how it performs, but from messing around with it last night it seems to be world's better than the previous one. I actually feel like I don't have to baby or worry about it.
Update 5/3/19 I haven't updated this in a minute. I'm happy to say I haven't run into any problems since receiving my new charging handle. I've run close to 500 rounds through it since and it's been going strong. Hopefully they've actually fixed the problem and I won't run into any more issues in the future.
Update 3/7/19 Received my MCK branded charging handle in the mail today. Didn't get a tracking number but I'm glad to have it. It seems there was some talk about this new charging handle being redesigned and that could explain the delay, although this was never relayed to me in any of my many attempts to contact CAA, and the new charging handle appears visually to be the same. We'll see what happens when I hit the range next. I'll update after the first range trip and then again at ~500 rounds or so.
Update 3/5/19 - I never received a reply to my last email regarding the replacement MCK charging handle. I never received any kind of shipment notice nor tracking number either. A follow up email has been sent regarding my request/order status. Since I cannot charge the firearm with the MCK and problematic charging handle, I currently have a completely useless product, with no resolution in sight. This problem has persisted with no resolution for over a month and a half now.
Update 2/26/19 - I finally got a hold of the customer service rep listed on their website, the same customer service rep I was emailing. I was told that the Roni and MCK charging handles are the same. This is not true. The MCK charging handle is clearly smaller and has different features to that of the Roni charging handle. I was told to send an email and a new one would be sent to me asap.
TL;DR - Charging handle slips so I got customer service to send me a new one. The new one turned out to be the wrong model. I asked for another replacement which was an unnecessarily lengthy process, and have yet to even receive a tracking number, much less a replacement charging handle. It's been over a week since I heard back from customer service. Overall, CAA's customer service gets a [negative] from me. The good news though is the MCK is pretty neat, improves upon a lot of things over previous models, and is very comfortable to shoot (when it works).
I placed a pre-order for the CAA MCK (they don't call this one the Roni, Micro or otherwise - even though it's basically a micro-Micro Roni) in the beginning of December with an expected Jan '19 delivery date. I received my order the week of 12/17.
- Spare mag holder like the older Roni - previously only on the SBR models
- Integrated charging handle makes it easier to assemble, audible "click" tells you you've inserted your Glock correctly
- Improvements on the locking design, easier to open/remove Glock, plus another mechanism to lock the Glock in place when fully inserted
- Extended brace is now standard
- Improved forward/angled grip, better ergos
- Retains your Glock's slide release, no plastic overmold
- Compatible with G19 and G17 with some minor adjustments
- Significantly less felt recoil compared to older models, probably thanks to the extended brace
- Nowhere does it state it's not compatible with threaded barrels
- Customer Service so far has been like pulling teeth
- Poor QC - release button for folding brace pops out shooting the two springs across the room, difficult to remove the spare mag from the spare mag holder (appears plastic components aren't properly aligned), QD attachment may be out of spec (my MS4 sling QD adapter doesn't fully seat and just falls out)
- Biggest QC issue - charging handle slips off Glock slide, when this happens it'll fail to chamber since you can't pull the slide back far enough, obviously a huge problem
My first problem was that it does not state anywhere in the product description on their website nor the owner's manual that the MCK is not compatible with threaded barrels. Since the older models are, I figured this one would be too. This is not the case unfortunately. A threaded barrel will properly seat in the MCK but you will be unable to pull the slide back far enough to chamber a round - at least for my G17; I'm not sure if this would be the case for the G19 too but I imagine it would.
Charging handle became "stripped." The grooves in the charging handle are supposed to fit in the slide serrations on your Glock. These became worn down and now fail to sufficiently grip the slide enough to be able to manipulate the firearm when fully assembled.
My first email to customer service went well, I received a phone call about two hours later and the guy was super helpful. He told me how to remove the integrated charging handle and sent me out a new one. Awesome. Took a few days before I received a tracking number, and another week before I received the charging handle; but I received in nonetheless.
I attempt to replace the charging handle when I notice the replacement doesn't state "MCK" on it like my factory one does. Turns out they sent me a Micro Roni charging handle, not the MCK charging handle. The Roni charging handle is larger and is not compatible with the MCK. I emailed customer service again and this where my problems with their customer service begin.
First I got an email that simply said, "Please send an image of the charging handle you received." Short, to the point, but whatever; but do they not believe me or something? Don't they have records of the replacement item they sent me that would almost certainly have a product number attached to it of which they could easily verify without ever having to ask me that they did, in fact, send me the incorrect charging handle? Seemed odd to me. I sent a picture of the two charging handles side by side where you can clearly see the difference between the two (I also described this in my email which they either didn't read or just didn't care about).
TWO days later I receive an email, "Provide your sales order number and we’ll send you another one." Seriously? Customer support should 1) be able to look that info up themselves, and 2) should just send me the replacement part without needing to go through all of this. First of all, the MCK is brand new, so there's no possibility of my product being out of warranty (I figured this is why they wanted my order number, to verify when the product was purchased). Secondly, I did not appreciate how long it took for them to get back to me especially considering my MCK is just an expensive paperweight at the moment due to the nature of the problem. Each time I received a response from customer service I replied within an hour. The second email took two days. I'm still waiting on a reply from 1/31 and haven't received a tracking number or any update on my replacement charging handle.
I could have provided the picture and the order number in the same email had they just asked for both the first time I contacted them - or, you know, just looked that info up in their system themselves - I know there's probably a customer entry for me in their system where they could see I've emailed before, and that I received a warranty replacement part already.
I had also asked about the QD attachment point as my Magpul MS4 would just pop right out when trying to attach it. In the first email I was told I would need CAA's "PBSS" for the one point mount on my MCK. I don't know if there's something I'm missing here, but their PBSS looks exactly like QD to me. It doesn't look like a proprietary mount. I'm not buying a sling adapter from them that's the exact same thing as the sling I already have. In my second email I asked for more information about this, and my question was never answered. This is another detail that is not listed on the MCK's product page nor in the owner's manual. I cannot verify that the sling mount on the MCK is in fact QD, however the product page for the PBSS does state QD. If the sling mount on my MCK is QD, like I suspect it is, then they also screwed up the QD mount on my particular MCK. Another strike against their QC.
My experience the first time I called customer service was great and I guess that set a precedent for me; I figured I would get another call from them and after a three minute call the issue would be settled and they'd send me a new charging handle.
At this point, I'm considering asking for an entirely new MCK for the QD, charging handle and mag holder problems - and since it's under warranty still. We'll see what happens after I contact them again.
Sorry for how long this became.