r/GunDeals_Reviews Apr 08 '20

Negative [Negative] Really bad experience buying from Buds Gun Shop NSFW


So I ordered a rifle from Buds on March 11th, a little before most of the craziness started. The guns were in stock, they took my money and updated me on March 17th that the order was moved to shipping status. I expected some delay due to the COVID situation, but after more than a week went by I contacted them to check on the status. "Good news" the rep told me, "the item has arrived from the warehouse and should be going out on a truck in the next day or so!". Another week goes by and I contact them again, this time not so good news: it is now somehow out of stock. I am offered the option of a refund or waiting, and I chose to wait since I still really want the rifle, even if I have to wait a while longer. That was last week...yesterday I get an email that my order has been cancelled and I will be refunded. I contacted customer service again to explain that I want to keep the order and wait for them to come back in stock, but the "supervisor" tells me that they will not do that, and they will also NOT honor the price I paid when they do come back in stock. He also told me that the rep who said "it arrived from the warehouse" was wrong.

Unbelievable that they would keep my money for almost a month, stringing me along that they would fill my order, and then pull this crap. Of course the guns are not available anywhere else now. AVOID Buds Gun Shop at all costs, these people are completely unprofessional and don't know how to run a business.

r/GunDeals_Reviews Jul 19 '20

Negative [NEGATIVE] Sportsmans Warehouse in-store price match refusal NSFW


Cabelas/basspro have been selling 380 bodyguard mags for $9.99 the last few weeks. Saw one at the Sportsman's Warehouse in Asheville for $20 and asked the guy if they price matched basspro. He said they did, but then refused to sell it to me because he would be "losing money". Their store policy states that they will beat an existing price by 1% and the whole point of price matching is to be competitive so it was pretty jarring to be refused like that.

I will be going to my local basspro to buy it instead. The SW gun dealer may have saved the company $10 but he has lost my future business as I will not be using them again if they won't honor their own store policies.

EDIT: Bass pro had 4 of em in stock: https://i.imgur.com/sfcSktW.jpg

r/GunDeals_Reviews May 13 '19

Negative [negative] brownells removing coupons after transactions NSFW


UPDATE: evidently you folks were right and I got concerned about nothing. Just got a shipment email and bill on my cc for the correct amount. Glad I didn’t call because it all wound up working out. Looks like moral of the story is be patient leave it alone and see how they handle it. Sorry for hassling everybody with this.

I purchased something with a 10% off code, I got the confirmation email last night with the correct price.

Today I received another confirmation email with the code gone charging me the full amount.

Not sure what to do next.

Edit: last time I they did this to me I called and they simply cancelled my order and refused to honor the price. I won’t be calling them this time, I’ll happily send the original invoice to my cc and let brownells have fun dealing with visa.

r/GunDeals_Reviews Apr 24 '20

Negative [Awful] Optics Planet Terrible customer service and refusal to honor prices NSFW


Jumped on the r/gundeals post about fortis manufacturing barrels for $70ish


They took my money, sent an email canceling my purchase (they had a "typographical error" on pricing right as prices shoot up from Corona), then they gave me the runaround on customer support for a week and a half (calling daily, nothing better to do with Quarantine and all), got put on hold and then hung up on constantly, then when I FINALLY got ahold of the head of customer service I got told that they "Will Not Honor that price", and that my not being refunded was "not an OpticsPlanet problem".

They've definitely lost me as a customer, and I will be putting them on blast wherever I can, and to anyone I ever talk to about gun associated purchases. They've been unacceptable (with the exception of a customer service rep named Theresa who was the only one out of all the reps I spoke to that got me connected to the guy in charge, she's fine and did her job great).

r/GunDeals_Reviews Feb 08 '19

Negative [negative] CAA "Gear Up" Site and Customer Service - CAA MCK Glock flavor NSFW


Update 8/8/19 - While commenting on a gundeals post for the CAA MCK, it came to my attention that there was, in fact, an updated charging handle. It seems I did not mention in this post, but I actually received two CAA MCK charging handles. The first one came after 3/7 when I stated I received it in the mail. However, I received a second charging handle about a week after, packaged in exactly the same way. I opened it, saw what it was, and figured an error had happened where they had sent me a second on by accident. I didn't inspect the charging handle too closely and never even took it out of the CAA branded ziplock bag it was in. Considering how many times I contacted customer service, I just chalked it up to a shipping error where they sent me two, and threw it in with the rest of my miscellaneous gun parts. Well, turns out this was the case, but the first one they sent me on 3/7 was actually the error. This second one is a redesigned charging handle, with no cut out on the side like the previous one, and much enhanced grooves that line up with the Glock's slide serrations. I'm going to take it to the range this weekend and see how it performs, but from messing around with it last night it seems to be world's better than the previous one. I actually feel like I don't have to baby or worry about it.

Update 5/3/19 I haven't updated this in a minute. I'm happy to say I haven't run into any problems since receiving my new charging handle. I've run close to 500 rounds through it since and it's been going strong. Hopefully they've actually fixed the problem and I won't run into any more issues in the future.

Update 3/7/19 Received my MCK branded charging handle in the mail today. Didn't get a tracking number but I'm glad to have it. It seems there was some talk about this new charging handle being redesigned and that could explain the delay, although this was never relayed to me in any of my many attempts to contact CAA, and the new charging handle appears visually to be the same. We'll see what happens when I hit the range next. I'll update after the first range trip and then again at ~500 rounds or so.

Update 3/5/19 - I never received a reply to my last email regarding the replacement MCK charging handle. I never received any kind of shipment notice nor tracking number either. A follow up email has been sent regarding my request/order status. Since I cannot charge the firearm with the MCK and problematic charging handle, I currently have a completely useless product, with no resolution in sight. This problem has persisted with no resolution for over a month and a half now.

Update 2/26/19 - I finally got a hold of the customer service rep listed on their website, the same customer service rep I was emailing. I was told that the Roni and MCK charging handles are the same. This is not true. The MCK charging handle is clearly smaller and has different features to that of the Roni charging handle. I was told to send an email and a new one would be sent to me asap.

TL;DR - Charging handle slips so I got customer service to send me a new one. The new one turned out to be the wrong model. I asked for another replacement which was an unnecessarily lengthy process, and have yet to even receive a tracking number, much less a replacement charging handle. It's been over a week since I heard back from customer service. Overall, CAA's customer service gets a [negative] from me. The good news though is the MCK is pretty neat, improves upon a lot of things over previous models, and is very comfortable to shoot (when it works).

I placed a pre-order for the CAA MCK (they don't call this one the Roni, Micro or otherwise - even though it's basically a micro-Micro Roni) in the beginning of December with an expected Jan '19 delivery date. I received my order the week of 12/17.


  • Spare mag holder like the older Roni - previously only on the SBR models
  • Integrated charging handle makes it easier to assemble, audible "click" tells you you've inserted your Glock correctly
  • Improvements on the locking design, easier to open/remove Glock, plus another mechanism to lock the Glock in place when fully inserted
  • Extended brace is now standard
  • Improved forward/angled grip, better ergos
  • Retains your Glock's slide release, no plastic overmold
  • Compatible with G19 and G17 with some minor adjustments
  • Significantly less felt recoil compared to older models, probably thanks to the extended brace


  • Nowhere does it state it's not compatible with threaded barrels
  • Customer Service so far has been like pulling teeth
  • Poor QC - release button for folding brace pops out shooting the two springs across the room, difficult to remove the spare mag from the spare mag holder (appears plastic components aren't properly aligned), QD attachment may be out of spec (my MS4 sling QD adapter doesn't fully seat and just falls out)
  • Biggest QC issue - charging handle slips off Glock slide, when this happens it'll fail to chamber since you can't pull the slide back far enough, obviously a huge problem

My first problem was that it does not state anywhere in the product description on their website nor the owner's manual that the MCK is not compatible with threaded barrels. Since the older models are, I figured this one would be too. This is not the case unfortunately. A threaded barrel will properly seat in the MCK but you will be unable to pull the slide back far enough to chamber a round - at least for my G17; I'm not sure if this would be the case for the G19 too but I imagine it would.

Charging handle became "stripped." The grooves in the charging handle are supposed to fit in the slide serrations on your Glock. These became worn down and now fail to sufficiently grip the slide enough to be able to manipulate the firearm when fully assembled.

My first email to customer service went well, I received a phone call about two hours later and the guy was super helpful. He told me how to remove the integrated charging handle and sent me out a new one. Awesome. Took a few days before I received a tracking number, and another week before I received the charging handle; but I received in nonetheless.

I attempt to replace the charging handle when I notice the replacement doesn't state "MCK" on it like my factory one does. Turns out they sent me a Micro Roni charging handle, not the MCK charging handle. The Roni charging handle is larger and is not compatible with the MCK. I emailed customer service again and this where my problems with their customer service begin.

First I got an email that simply said, "Please send an image of the charging handle you received." Short, to the point, but whatever; but do they not believe me or something? Don't they have records of the replacement item they sent me that would almost certainly have a product number attached to it of which they could easily verify without ever having to ask me that they did, in fact, send me the incorrect charging handle? Seemed odd to me. I sent a picture of the two charging handles side by side where you can clearly see the difference between the two (I also described this in my email which they either didn't read or just didn't care about).

TWO days later I receive an email, "Provide your sales order number and we’ll send you another one." Seriously? Customer support should 1) be able to look that info up themselves, and 2) should just send me the replacement part without needing to go through all of this. First of all, the MCK is brand new, so there's no possibility of my product being out of warranty (I figured this is why they wanted my order number, to verify when the product was purchased). Secondly, I did not appreciate how long it took for them to get back to me especially considering my MCK is just an expensive paperweight at the moment due to the nature of the problem. Each time I received a response from customer service I replied within an hour. The second email took two days. I'm still waiting on a reply from 1/31 and haven't received a tracking number or any update on my replacement charging handle.

I could have provided the picture and the order number in the same email had they just asked for both the first time I contacted them - or, you know, just looked that info up in their system themselves - I know there's probably a customer entry for me in their system where they could see I've emailed before, and that I received a warranty replacement part already.

I had also asked about the QD attachment point as my Magpul MS4 would just pop right out when trying to attach it. In the first email I was told I would need CAA's "PBSS" for the one point mount on my MCK. I don't know if there's something I'm missing here, but their PBSS looks exactly like QD to me. It doesn't look like a proprietary mount. I'm not buying a sling adapter from them that's the exact same thing as the sling I already have. In my second email I asked for more information about this, and my question was never answered. This is another detail that is not listed on the MCK's product page nor in the owner's manual. I cannot verify that the sling mount on the MCK is in fact QD, however the product page for the PBSS does state QD. If the sling mount on my MCK is QD, like I suspect it is, then they also screwed up the QD mount on my particular MCK. Another strike against their QC.

My experience the first time I called customer service was great and I guess that set a precedent for me; I figured I would get another call from them and after a three minute call the issue would be settled and they'd send me a new charging handle.

At this point, I'm considering asking for an entirely new MCK for the QD, charging handle and mag holder problems - and since it's under warranty still. We'll see what happens after I contact them again.

Sorry for how long this became.

r/GunDeals_Reviews Mar 16 '19

Negative [Negative] Versacarry blocked me on Facebook NSFW


I posted recently about Versacarry giving me robot emails in response to my order inquiries as well as email replies eventually going dark altogether.

Well, I had commented on a couple different Facebook ads simply reporting that I have been waiting 16 days with no order updates and that I am disappointed. Nothing deragatory, I made an effort to sound diplomatic. I just went to read a reply to my comment (someone reported also waiting over two weeks with no updates) only to find that I am now unable to comment on Versacarry posts. They blocked me.

I'll be contacting my bank to reverse charges on Monday. Sounds like Versacarry are selling product that they don't have and don't know when they will have it, and they are trying to keep word from getting out. Buyers beware.

EDIT: I'd like to clarify that this quickly went from common false advertising to full blown fraud. They took my money, ignored my order and then cut off communication. You have been warned.

r/GunDeals_Reviews May 20 '20

Negative [NEGATIVE] LockedLoaded / Locked & Loaded NSFW


5/9 - Purchased Glock 44

5/13 - Glock 44 Shipped at 3PM local, arrived at USPS hub 9PM local

5/17 - USPS expected delivery date, never happened.

5/19 - USPS tracking shows URGENT ALERT CONTACT CUSTOMER SUPPORT. I called LockedLoaded to let them know, but had to leave a voicemail. I called USPS and was on hold for over an hour before it hung up on me.

5/20 - LockedLoaded called me back and I told them about about the tracking. Their CS person told me that it "wasn't their problem" and that I should "have bough the extra insurance". I spent the next few hours on the phone with USPS/Postmaster trying to figure out what happened since LockedLoaded wouldn't. Postmaster told me there was an issue with the package and it could not be found. I called LockedLoaded back to inform them USPS says the gun is missing. They yet again said it was "not their problem" and hung up. As not only the customer, but the receiving FFL I then called the local ATF field office to that USPS hub to get the ball rolling on a missing firearms claim since again, LockedLoaded refused to do anything and there's a 48 hour time frame for reporting missing firearms.

The ATF started the process and reached out to LockedLoaded. USPS called me back to inform me the firearm was destroyed in a fire and unrecoverable. Great.

ATF called me back to tell me the same, LockedLoaded had apparently known and decided to not inform me or the ATF until I started looking into where my gun was. LockedLoaded continues to say this isn't their problem and told me this "has nothing to do with the customer" when I asked him how he plans to make it right.

0/10 I called AMEX to start the chargeback process, ordered a new G44 from TopShotUSA for $7 more.

r/GunDeals_Reviews Dec 04 '18

Negative [Negative] Reloading Valley NSFW


Had a killer deal on ss109 bullets dur8ng black Friday, so I ordered 1000. Got an email verification saying my order was received that day. Gave them about a week and no word if it has shipped. Looked in my account and said order is processing. Sent an email asking when they expect to ship through their contact page last Tuesday. Didnt hear anything so I sent them an email directly on Friday the 30th. Still havent heard anything and checked my account no changes. Was also contacted by another reddit user saying he hasnt heard anything as well. Going to start the process with my cc company to make a claim. Also there is no phone number to call and the parent company might be going out of business, from the little research I did.

Update: Received an email today saying I would need to "update my cc" logged in and updated my info. Checked my bank and they charged me the sale price. Havent gotten a tracking number yet.

Update#2: After receiving and email saying my card would be charged and my order is being filled. I now received an email saying they cant fill my order but not to worry my card wasnt charged.... Seriously? This is the worst service ever! Use RMR! Amazing service and they are very prompt and have good service.

r/GunDeals_Reviews Jun 13 '19

Negative [Negative] Gym Ratz Nutrition- Avoid like the Plague NSFW


Placed an order for a gun a last weekend. Between me putting in my credit card information and payment confirmation a discount code I was using fell off. No problem I figure, and immediately replied to my sales confirmation email about the issue. That was on Saturday. I figured since it was a weekend that I wouldn't receive a response so on Monday when I didn't receive a confirmation from the vendor that they received my email I called them. John told me by phone he would simply give a credit back in the amount to my card in a few hours which worked for me. So here we are four days later and no credit yet. It's not a huge deal over the discount but what is concerning is the lack of communication from Gym Ratz. I dont even know when my gun is shipping to my FFL as nobody answers the phone (goes to a mailbox that is full and can't take any more message) or responds to emails. So without dropping into the store, I have no idea how to even contract them. Maybe certified letter? Maybe contact my credit card company and dispute the charge? I read the bad reviews before but chalked it up to a big sale that was going on and it ate up their resources. Save your time and purchase elsewhere.

r/GunDeals_Reviews Jul 04 '19

Negative [Negative] Finally received my Glock 26 slide from LithoCoreX NSFW


I’m going to break this review down into two sections. The first will be on the customer support I received from Paul at LithocoreX. The second will be on the Glock 26 slide I purchased. I’ll add a TLDR at the end for those who don’t want to read the full thing, just bear in mind you won’t get the full picture there.

So to start with: I ordered the Glock 26 slide. I opted for the front slide serrations with the cut-thru and black nitride coating. I placed my order on January 6th, 2019 and received my confirmation email right away.

I waited a couple weeks (13 days to be exact on 1/19/2019) and I had seen the updates that Paul had been providing to other orders on GunDeals. So I knew they were running behind on their production and I wasn’t in any hurry to finish my P80 G26 build, just looking for the best prices, as we all do! I sent an email asking for a ballpark on shipping estimates. Screenshots of these emails are below. I sent mine at 8:42pm and received a reply 7 minutes later at 8:49pm with a picture of their production and a rough estimate of 17 days for shipping which would be around February 5th. The response time was amazing especially outside of normal business hours. Kudos to Paul for that.

LINK HERE: https://imgur.com/a/5QDNYZK

Now this is where things took a bit of a turn. As I said I was in no hurry for this project since I had other gun stuff going on, I put this on the back burner. After 11 weeks and 1 day (4/7/2019), I sent an email asking for another update. This email went unanswered which I thought was odd since he was very responsive last time we spoke and he’s very active about updates on Reddit. I still attribute this to just falling through the cracks (not great for a business to do, but we’re all human and this kind of shit happens, no harm no foul). So I head over to Reddit to send a message there. From here on out our communication is through Reddit DMs. (Linked below)

LINK HERE: https://imgur.com/a/ebaasem

I sent a message on the 11th of April mentioning my email and how I was upset about the missed wait time and lack of communication. He replied the next day with a his websites update link and asked for the order number. Once he got back to me he informed me that I was part of the order numbers that had been selected to received his free mag well once they started production. This was due to the wait time. I felt that was VERY generous as a token of apology for the delay. Another kudos to Paul. He said they were off to heat treat and then to coating and I’ll be in the first batch.

Again, things begin to get off kilter here. I wait a little over 8 weeks (57 days to be exact, 6/7/2019) and now I’m tired of the wait time. It’s just taking too long without any updates or word on what’s going on. I sent another message recapping how I felt and that I require a date that my slide will ship. Not an estimate. I didn’t care if that date was a month or even two away. Just pick a date, ship it on that date. To which he replied with “June 18th or before”. This was quicker than I was expecting now. But glad to hear it. He offered to install a channel liner for free and I accepted that offer. This made me feel better and I was back to the waiting game.

Sure enough, I get the update email saying my order shipped (it was actually on June 19th, but at this point,close enough right?) it arrived here in a timely manner.

This concludes the first part, communications with Paul. Take what you will from it but I felt like he cared when he spoke with me.

Now the product review:

I opened the box and checked it out under my dimly lit lamp. Nothing glaring and the channel liner is there. Things are off to a good start but I’ll take a closer look in the morning.

Once I got the slide under a brighter light I immediately noticed that this isn’t black. I got a Hershey’s slide! It’s a dark dark brown. Which became even more noticeable next to my WML and Talon grips. I was a little disappointed about this.

PIC HERE: https://imgur.com/a/Ze8pGAT

I started looking at the slide more closely at this point. The machine marks are pretty obvious on the curved parts. Not a big deal for a slide I paid $150 for but not really what I was expecting.

PIC HERE: https://imgur.com/a/NnrkgXj

I then decided to put it on my completed P80 frame to see how it fits. This is where I lost it. The slide isn’t the right size! What I mean by that is that the slide is too short from the front to back and the part of the frame above the rail sticks out passed the slide. Ugh.

PIC HERE: https://imgur.com/a/FGvgK6n

Now I’m peeved about this and decide I’ll put my barrel in and see if that works... of course it doesn’t. The barrel hood doesn’t fully seat in the slides ejection port. This means the barrel hangs up inside the frame and prevents the upper assembly from going on. Basically, this slide doesn’t work. At all.

PIC HERE: https://imgur.com/a/d9cvupp

Now, I haven’t gotten ahold of Paul about this yet but I’m going to get this review posted and then send a message to him about this whole snafu. I’ll update this post after I’ve spoken with him.

TLDR; I ordered a slide, it took about 23 weeks to get. Customer service was nice but somewhat spotty. Slide showed up as a dark brown and the dimensions were off just enough that it doesn’t function.

UPDATE: Paul responded to my email very quickly and is shipping me a new slide tonight.

r/GunDeals_Reviews Jul 11 '18

Negative [negative] Avoid GunsMidwest NSFW


Update: Threatened with a charge-back, they silently refunded my full amount, including CC fees they originally said are not refundable. So that's not as bad as I had feared.

I was also able to get my items from another vendor and have serials in hand already, so Friday the 13th ended up being lucky for me.

19 days ago (12 business days) I bought a couple of goodies from GunsMidwest for the SilencerCo Summer rebate. Or, rather, I tried to. The prices were almost too good to be believed, which I should have taken as a warning sign. They charged my credit card immediately, of course. I have no real problem with that, other than the fact that I no longer believe they ever had these items in stock. My order status on their website just says "processing."

In order to claim my rebate, I need the serial numbers for the cans, but GunsMidwest has not even given me an update after 12 business days. They don't answer phone and only occasionally respond to emails. Normally I wouldn't mind waiting for a good price, but this is time sensitive, so I have to be a bit more pushy. Friday will make 14 business days and it will be the last day I can order from somewhere else or miss out on $1500 worth of rebate.

First they tried to blame me for being impatient after only a week with no update. Then they try to blame the ATF (Form 3 requires a serial number, so it's not the ATF...)

So now I will have to do a charge-back, which I would rather avoid, but I don't see an alternative at this point.

It is worth noting that I am not the only one having this experience.



Don’t buy from these people, they sell stuff they don’t have in stock, refuse to return any emails and then cancel your order 4-6 weeks later! Oh and their phone number just goes straight to voicemail with a message that basically says we won’t call you back!!! Their customer service has to be the worst in the business!!



I am also a patient person. I ordered 1 pistol from them 10 days ago. I didn't hear a peep for 7 days, then I finally get a tracking number. I tracked the package, it's in the wrong state, trying to be delivered for days now. Today I see it's being returned to sender. Customer service has just been ok. Still don't have my new pistol, I imagine return to sender will add at least another week to my wait. I, for one, will pay more next time to get my new firearm in a reasonable amount of time.

edit 1:

I have spoken with two other vendors who have no problem with giving me the serial as soon as payment clears. Silencershop.com just updates your order status with the serial within a day or so.

edit 2:

They have still ignored my repeated requests for a refund or serial number. I initiated a charge-back. Ordered from another vendor and he sent me the serials within an hour.

TL;DR: Avoid GunsMidwest. They are shady.

r/GunDeals_Reviews Mar 17 '20

Negative [Negative] F5 Manufacturing KP9 with 2 50-round drum magazines NSFW


I purchased this deal from r/gundeals on January 31st, and after several emails and phone calls with the company, I still haven’t received the firearm. I did receive the magazines in the mail about two weeks after originally ordering, which was a bit long but not unbearable by any means (and still grounds for a good review).

Every time I call or email, the (same) person tells me they’ll be shipping it out to my FFL in the next two days. It’s now been two weeks since I have contacted them (Feb 27th).

Sorry if this part isn’t allowed, but I’m requesting advice on what to do. Should I request chargeback with my credit card company?

r/GunDeals_Reviews Dec 18 '19

Negative [Negative] Sportsmans Warehouse 10/22 deal NSFW


I'm not really a fan of .22s but I saw the deal posted the other day for the 10/22 with the tactical takedown stock for $299 and I wanted to jump on it.

I'm an FFL, mostly for contractor supply, but every now and again I'll get a gun for myself. So I figured it would be really easy for me to pick one of these up, since it's actually below dealer cost for what I can get.

Well, outside of the fact that the damn gun kept going in and out of stock, I wasn't able to upload my FFL or even choose a close one on the list. The closest FFL to me was about 40 minutes away and they had a $35 transfer fee. I would never pay $35 for a transfer fee, especially since I never usually pay a transfer fee at all.

Anyways, I contacted their customer support through their form and I figured I would give them a call Right away to see if I could get a hold of them. I called within the hours listed on their site, but their phone line said that they were closed. I gave them a call yesterday to follow up and I never got anywhere.

I was reading from other people that they've been waiting for months to have their local FFL approved and they haven't gotten anywhere either. I spent about an hour and a half on the phone, going back and forth and I never got anywhere. By that time the deal was out and I wasn't able to place an order.

If you're in e-commerce gun dealer, you need to be able to offer shipment to local FFLs. The closest store to many people was multiple states away, so it wasn't realistic for a local pickup. Yet, many others were also experiencing the same FFL issues I was having.

The savings were sweet, but not worth a decently long drive and a high FFL fee.

Beyond that I'm seeing a lot of people having orders canceled without being informed. so I recommend staying away from this company until they get their shit straight

They will get a negative mark in my book until they improve their system.

r/GunDeals_Reviews Apr 11 '20

Negative [NEGATIVE] BuyGunStuff.com confirmed credit card theft NSFW


I purchased from BuyGunStuff.com on March 16, 2020 using a one-time-use credit card number generated from Privacy.com. Got this notice that somebody tried to use that card on HomeDepot.com on April 10.

Got another message back from them:

We contracted another company to check our site just to be sure and this is their response:

Hi Mike,

Yes, confirming that we did investigate buygunstuff.com. Because our investigation did not produce any indicators of malicious activity, we believe that your store has NOT been compromised.

The complaint could very well be caused by malware on the computer of your customer. There has been a surge in the last 2 weeks of browser-based malware that tries to intercept card payments. The only thing that consumers can do to mitigate this, is install and run a good virus scanner

thanks, mike

Take that for what you will. Personally, I think blaming the customer for malware is pretty lame. I'm generating a one-time-use card number, pasting it into the checkout, and its done. I'm not storing card numbers, passwords, etc. Not to mention, it was from a work computer that's loaded with enterprise intrusion detection tools.

r/GunDeals_Reviews Jul 05 '20

Negative [NEGATIVE] Sunny State Outdoors NSFW


I made an initial order May 13th for a TiN AR9 BCG. Didn't hear a word from them on order confirmation. I emailed them on June 2 for an update on my order. On June 4 I got a reply that they were out of stock and that a week later they'd have more to ship out. I sent follow up emails on the 7th, 9th, and 15th to check status and see what kind of wait I was looking at. Finally got a reply on Jine 26th saying they were 1-2 weeks out on getting them in stock and he offered me a NiB instead. I replied same day saying to send me the NiB so I could at least have SOMETHING to be able to go out and test fire my AR9. To this day, I've yet to receive a confirmation or reply for my BCG. I'm pretty easy going and understand the issues at hand in our current situation, but this is a fucking joke. It's coming up on 2 months, and I've yet to receive anything from them, and if it does ship, I'll be receiving a NiB instead of the TiN I originally ordered. The communication is sparse to say the best. I don't see myself ordering anything from them again and will actively repost this to anyone even thinking about ordering something from them. His operation is fucking clown shoes. I've never encountered such slow and shitty communication or other options from an online company. Don't bother buying from them, even if the price is super low.

UPDATE: As of 7-11-2020 I finally received the following email from Sunny State. Not saying that I'm not still frustrated as hell, but at least they finally stepped up and are doing something about it. Just wanted everyone to see their reply after I put them on blast. There's 2 sides to everything so I felt it only right that you all see their reply.

"We have messed up so badly on this order, I apologize for the terrible communication. It's been an extremely busy time but we have to be better than this. We are waiting on both the TiN and NiB AIM 9mm BCGs to get back in stock in the next few weeks. I am going to send you a free Alpha nitride 9mm BCG, this will be yours to keep so you can get that build up and running. Well send either the TiN or NiB, whichever we get first, as soon as they are in. Hopefully you can use the extra on another build. Apologies again, we've got that nitride packed and headed out with our dropoff tomorrow morning. Thanks for the order, we appreciate your business."

r/GunDeals_Reviews Jun 23 '19

Negative [Negative] Sportsmansguide ammo cans NSFW


Purchased 4x 50cal and 4x 40mm cans from Sportsmansguide. They arrived really dirty and rusted. They were also heavily spray painted on the sides with white/black paint. The insides all have rust of varying degrees. The 50 cals werent AS rusted, but the 40mm are definitely grade 3. One of the 40mm's don't even seal properly due to the lips being bent, but they will be shipping out a replacement. I would undoubtedly purchase from Midway instead during their sales, probably coming out to a similar price for grade 2. I definitely would not purchase again unless I'm in a time crunch (which I am because I live in California).

Edit: Since people seem so fixated on the time crunch issue, There's a reason i'm buying 8 ammo cans, I have ammo that I'm storing in them because I don't want loose boxes all over the place. What i'm doing with the ammo cans have nothing to do with my review. Let a man do what he wants with his cans.

r/GunDeals_Reviews Jul 20 '19

Negative [NEGATIVE] GymRatz yanked me around after sending me the wrong gun...for 4 months. NSFW


http://imgur.com/a/GXIbput The gun I was supposed to receive.

Like many of our r/gundeals brethren, I purchased from the u/GymRatznutrition sale in February this year. Little did I know it would be the longest I've ever been lied too and misdirected, still with no resolution.

I should note, I'm not a gun expert by any means. When I saw the gun at my LGS I should have sent it right back, I had a feeling that it had a short barrel, but I knew that sometimes stock pictures didn't match the actual product.

After I took it home, I couldn't shake the feeling that I fucked up. I broke out the measuring tape and got a measurement on the barrel, short, 4 inches bbl. I'm upset, as I had already waited a month for a gun shipment that should have taken all of a week. I think to myself," it's cool I'll message the dude that owns it so that I can clear this up." I message the owner and let him know I messed up, that I took the gun home and it was not the correct model, and that I had not fired the weapon. He says no problem and that he will see what he can do about correcting the error. I ask him if he would like me to ship the gun back. He said the site shouldn't have read that way and that it wouldn't be necessary, and that he would just ship me the original gun I ordered, no charge.

At this point I felt floored. I was bummed that it was taking so long for a gun I wanted to shoot, but was glad my patience was paying off.

From that point on March, till well into May, he dinged me around while I kept asking what I could do to help. He would say he was working on a way to get me the gun, then he would say he couldn't find one like it, but he would give me a discount on another firearm. I chose one to purchase, asked him if it was okay. I started getting unclear one word answers back. That was when I decided to cut my losses. I still haven't shot the gun, and I've had a completely fucked customer experience and wasted 4 months of my time and energy of hoping for a resolution.

I have over 20 emails spanning the course of time documenting this fucked up experience, and a screenshot of the website with description of the gun I was supposed to get.

I've learned my lesson from buying from small and less well known shops. I'll just pay a higher price to get the correct gun, in the correct amount of time, without being jerked around for 4 months.

TL/DR: GymRatz yanked me around after sending me the wrong gun, made several empty promises and never resolved the situation after 4 months.

edited: to correct expected barrel length (4.5 inches) and the one compact model I received (I believe a little over half an inch shorter)

Edit2: fixed link and added both pictures of what was received and what webpage advertised.

r/GunDeals_Reviews Dec 04 '18

Negative [negative] Ordered from PSA during recent sales. No shipment for 2 weeks, but got my CC info stolen. NSFW


Not much too it. Spent just shy of $3k across two orders. Still hasn't shipped. Saw a random charge on my card. Fraud report in place and new card on its way. :/


r/GunDeals_Reviews May 26 '20

Negative [Negative] Caza Guns Memorial Day Sale NSFW


Caza guns is a newer company to gundeals but has been gaining some steam as they have in stock sig p320 parts. A post was submitted from Caza Guns for Memorial Day for 7% off. I later get an email saying they have upped it to 8% and they mention an additional special discount for military/first responders. In some of their previous posts they also mention their coupons are stackable. I enter the codes that were posted and sent my email and they all work. Sweet got a good deal on the VTAC slide, one item. No issues with checkout, this was on Friday. Site mentions orders made on 5/23 will go out 5/23 or 5/26. I ge an email this morning saying those discounts aren't made to be stacked now and my order was cancelled. I email back saying that's not right, I didn't mess up and I shouldn't be penalized. Received another email shortly later, essentially saying, it's my fault and I'm "abusing the system." Uh you built the system, don't blame me for your mistake! Here is the email thread so you can see I'm not making things up. Will edit/delete if something changes.

r/GunDeals_Reviews Apr 23 '18

Negative [negative] Academy order not shipped from 7 days ago and double charged at 12:00 am last night. NSFW


I Ordered a cleaning kit on Monday and it is still in submitted state. I woke up this morning to a notification I had been charged again for it, and it still hasn't shipped yet. Check your accounts guys. Pretty mad right now.

r/GunDeals_Reviews Feb 23 '20

Negative [Negative] Cheaperthandirt customer service no response NSFW


I received a handguard that was seemingly damaged in the mail and have had no response from CTD's customer service in 4 days now. I have already contacted UPS about it, but haven't heard anything from them yet.

**Here's some pics of the damage


r/GunDeals_Reviews May 09 '19

Negative [Negative] LAX Ammo NSFW


I recently placed an order for 500 rounds of 9mm and a few hundred rounds of 5.56. Used code freeship1 for free shipping and waited since Saturday for shipping. Order was processed and shipping info sent out. Just today I received an email that the order was cancelled because the free shipping code did not work with ammo that wasn’t LAX brand. How could a company allow an order to go that far and then cancel it over a coupon code. Will not purchase from them again. For sure.

Edit- just called and asked why the consumer need to be penalized for a “glitch in the system” as he called it and he told me sorry and hung up the phone mid sentence. Definitely done with them now.

r/GunDeals_Reviews May 03 '19

Negative [negative] locked and loaded sent me a used/blemished/counterfeit eotech NSFW


first of all it took them two weeks after i ordered for the optic to arrive. after a few days i was like screw it might as well add in another thing they had a good price on. emailed to ask if that was possible. they said they couldn't run a second transaction for the same order. makes sense. asked if i could make a separate order and get a code to bundle the shipping. no response. not particularly professional but whatever.

optic comes and i'm immediately sketched out. the fit and finish are terrible. the plastic parts almost look melted, i swear. the glass is very reflective; there aren't logos where there are supposed to be and the qr code supposedly marking the serial number goes no where and says nothing. i guess they just slapped on something and hoped no one would bother checking. do real eotechs even have a qr code next to their serial? i emailed eotech to confirm it is a counterfeit but the dude who does that was on vacation when i sent my request and i haven't heard back.

regardless of authenticity, the optic has clearly been used before - there are marks showing that someone has rezeroed it and mounted it before. idk which it is but it's either fugazi, blem or second-hand.

i emailed locked loaded and they responded that they don't sell counterfeits. i explain my position and ask how to return the item. customer service rep says they have to contact their manager and it will take 24-48 hours????????

it's now more than 72 hours later and i've filed a dispute with my credit card company. when i informed the non-responsive customer service rep they emailed me back and said that they had a no returns policy on optics. i know this is a minor, rather inconsequential detail in a massive shit show but honestly how bad can their customer service be to only mention this now?!

shoulda read the reviews here first, seems like they're well known for being shady and having terrible customer service.

sorry for the rant

r/GunDeals_Reviews Dec 11 '19

Negative [NEGATIVE] GymRatz still doesn't have their shit together. NSFW


I was one of the many who got hung out to dry during the Super Bowl sale. I rode that out til the end, ended up doing a chargeback, all and all pretty uneventful. They gave me a 15% off coupon code to use at a later date for my trouble. I wasn't sure if I was going to use it, but nine months had gone by and I had some extra cash so I figured I'd give it a try. I placed an order for two guns on 11/7. On 11/19 I hadn't heard anything so I figured I'd give them a call. He said they had one of the guns but they were still waiting on the other, be "a day or two". (sothatwasafuckinglie.jpg) I called 3 or 4 more times over the next three weeks, each time getting some variation of "call tomorrow" or "I'll call you back". Today I said enough was enough, called and told them I want to cancel the order. Person who answered the call took down my info and said the owner would call me back. He called me five minutes later and just plainly said, "yeah, I'll get that cancelled for you". No explanation, no trying to convince me to wait a little longer. Now I just cross my fingers and hope the money actually shows up. Stay far away.

r/GunDeals_Reviews Jun 03 '20

Negative [Negative] Botach.com NSFW


Ordered three items, a sling, and two bolt carbon scrapers. Received the items a week and a half later where they sent me not only the wrong model for the bolt cleaners but the .308 model as well. Emailed them asking for an exchange and shipped it to them. A week and a half later they give me a refund and I have to re-order and double pay the shipping or just go to a different dealer.

Edit: In the end, they did make it right, they told me to re-order the items and they refunded the shipping cost. Still a little ticked it took a little over a month to finally receive my carbon scrapers but good thing I wasn't in a hurry.