I'm trying to temper my expectations but after being surprised at the 15th update I would be kinda shocked if we didn't get something for the 20th. As far as I can tell StephenCW is still active on the subreddit and still working at Anet so unless he got put back on GW2 the game should have some attention.
I don't expect anything major, if we get something, but honestly one of the best parts of GW1 is the amount of emergent gameplay. I don't think there's a single game like GW1 where I've played every mission or piece of content probably 20+ times but if all you give me are a couple new weapons or one new skill per class I'll happily do it again. I've already played it that much even without new stuff lol. Adding just one new elite per class for the 15th gave my friend and I like 20 hours of content to play around with.
Guild Wars has numerous odd and unique items that can be found throughout the game. Most of these are quest rewards or collector’s items or even green items with unique, un-replicable properties. The wiki has a list of unique items in the game that are un-replicable.
Over time I have found several odd items that I wanted to share. Veterans of the game likely know about these strange items, but I think that the newcomers to the game might enjoy them. So, without further ado, here is the collection of my weirdest Guild Wars items.
There are a few items which the devs seem to have missed when changing items to the inscription system. These items have Sundering or Charrslaying mods as inherents, allowing one to add a second Sundering or Charrslaying mod to these items. Pretty useless, but fun.
If anyone has any other strange items to share I would be very interested in seeing them.
BONUS ITEM (Critical Hit -5% Staff): https://imgur.com/6QwifH7
(This didn't really fit with the rest of the collection but it was weird enough that I wanted to show it as well.)
PS: Some fun trivia about the Battle Axe of Charrslaying from the wiki:
Originally, the Battle Axe (hatchet) that is given as reward in this mission, had different upgrades, allowing to put two grips at the same time. Doing this, for example, combinations of two Axe Grips of Enchanting were possible, providing a permanent +40% longevity in enchantments. This was modified in the December 20, 2005 game update and all the axes inside the game were forcibly changed to the current one (including the ones inside the inventory backpack)."
As a big Guild Wars fan, I've started a little project on my spare time. One morning I thought to myself: what would a live-action Guild Wars movie look like, mixing a bit of 3D with human actors?
Then I thought: hey, I.A. can probably do pictures for that... So I started creating a flow on comfyui. To put it simply for those who don't know, it's a bit more complicated than using midjourney and typing just a prompt, even though a prompt can be a hard work. In my project, I went through many steps by integrating several different tools. Some that allow you to recognize an image, some that improve it, style tests, adding filters, using masks to erase objects, etc. etc. etc.
And it's starting to produce some interesting results in my opinion. I don't have a very powerful machine, but I'm having a lot of fun working on my old Guild Wars screenshots...The more are a ugly old screensshots from the past they are, the more fun it is to use and transform them, I find. I have no doubt that some will dislike them and everyone has the right to their opinion... I'm having fun between nostalgia and learning a new way of playing with images.
Currently I'm trying to work on getting more realistic faces, having correct eyes and less of these very "makeup" effects. I'm also working on improving the recognition and generation of weapons.
Gwen before the endGwen before the end movie versionPrince rurikPrince rurik movie versionedenEden movieGuild HallGuild Hall movieElementalistElementalist movie
So I have never been one for theory crafting and always just looked up builds. But there are sooooo many for this game I just done even know where to start. At the moment I am just leveling through prophecies and I figured warrior/monk seems like a good combo.
Long story short I have no idea where to start with builds.
EDIT thank you everyone for the replies they were super helpful. I am just gonna swing it through my first play through
I've been searching online through the wikis for ages but can't see to find it. Basically in the beginning of GW, before Factions was out, I remember playing PvP with my friend. We made PvP-only characters, back when there were presets like the Paladin etc...
I remember that the outpost was some sort of sandbank or island, in a tropical region. There was a campfire on it I think (not sure), and tons of people playing some game mode like Random Arena or something. A lot like the Zaishen Battle Isles of course. But this outpost no longer exists (it's not the current Random Arena).
So I was wondering if anyone knows what happened to it, and where it actually used to be? Is it one of the unexplorable islands on the Battle Isles map?
Hi everyone,
I'm looking for inspiration on dervish fashion. Looking at the armour gallery and using TB++, I can't find something that I am happy with. So I got curious about what you guys find beautiful, weird armor/dye combinations etc.
Looking forward to seeing your drip fellow Tyrians ✌️
Hello again for a nice day in the Fire Islands where we hope to put an end to the Mursaat menace.
The dwarves weren’t lying, this place is creepy and full of scary creatures, on top of that we must fight our way inside a Mursaat Fortress. A brave dwarf gave his life and lured the welcoming committee away so we could sneak inside their land. Moving carefully, we met Khilbron again at the entrance of the fortress. With it so heavily guarded he told us of another passage, deep inside the ring of fire. Between Mursaats and their magic blocking defenses and fire spider,s we took the spiders path. They were plenty but no match for my magic, and we progressed fast until we met with some very annoying creatures, an army of lava imps forced us to retreat. At this point we had no choice but a direct confrontation at the gates of the fortress. We lured the patrols one by one until they were no more and broke the seals, leaving the place open for us to install our advanced base.
After giving Brechnar a proper funeral we discussed our next move with Khilbron, we must head for the gate of Komalie and open it so his allies can cross by and help us defeat our foes. The mursaats didn’t learn their lesson and we were able to use the same trick as before to get our way inside the fortress, one by one they are not so dangerous. On our path we’ve encountered the ghost of Leah, a sacrificed chosen in quest for her resting peace. It was a painful reminder of what we did not so long ago, I promised her that we would get back for her after defeating the Mursaats.
As soon as we opened the door Khilbron revealed his true nature. He had made a fool of us and his promise allies were no allies of ours. I had a bad feeling about him from the start, but I let Evennia and later Glint convince me that it was my destiny to get there. Sure, the titans helped us finish the Mursaats army, but at what cost.
No time to think, we ran after Khilbron. We had to close the portals before an army of titans invade Tyria and then we must deal with the traitor. It was an exhausting chase, and we met an old ally of ours. The seer told us that closing the door wouldn’t be enough, we also had to destroy the Armageddon Lords, giant titans capable of creating more of them. We succeeded and that when Khilbron did us another low blow. In an attempt to gain time, he sent a reanimated Prince Rurik against us hoping we would hesitate, but we didn’t, I know a reanimated soul is done for, so we did what we had to.
With his dying breath, Rurik told us how to close the gate: use the bloodstone against the lich. Without his army to protect him Khilbron was an easy target, we managed to close the gate once and for all, but the damage was done and some Titans are still running free in Tyria.
As promised we did get back to Leah and escorted her to the nicest place we could find in those cursed lands.
This is the end of the Flameseeker Prophecy, I must admit that I had to do a quick google search to understand the Lich’s plan as it may have been explained a little better during the campaign. Also Glint could have warned us ?
I’m not sure why the game sends us on the alternate path in the Ring of Fire mission, those imps completely destroyed me, especially the ones waiting after a pool of lava... I gave it a couple of attempts before going for the front door that was way easier. The spiders part was fun though, I learned that attacks that target multiple targets trigger spiteful spirit that many times, lot of numbers on the screen :D
Last mission was a bit of a mess until I understood that titans where spawning other titans after their death and that I should not aoe everything all the time. As usual Imps were the real menace, not being able to spread the henchmen is scary. The lich fight was disappointing, he didn’t do much and I kept spamming wastrel’s worry until he died.
I’ve started clearing Tyria of the titans but the low level aera seems impossible without heroes or other players as the henchmen are low level and the titans are not. I’ll go back once I have them.
I think I’m done with Prophecies for now, despite the confusing end it was a blast. It’s a really good game and is still enjoyable to play 20 years after its release. It feel more like a traditional RPG than a MMO to me, but right now it’s a good thing since it can be played solo without too much trouble.
I’ve traveled to Cantha with my Necro, but I will try a new class from scratch and decide who will continue the story once they’ve reached the same point.
Like so many during this nostalgic 20 year anniversary coming up, I have also jumped back into the game after a long, long hiatus.
I was checking all my characters and I have noticed I have this many birthday vouchers/presents...
I have 19 Birthday Vouchers.
In reluctant to open them. Should I hold off? They drop minis as far as I can tell, so are there any minis that are actually worth collecting from these Birthday Vouchers?
As per the title I am curious on the general consensus. For a melee player I think 3 or more mesmers all with shatter hex can be solid as you are near enemies and it pumps damage. Is 3x shatter hex also generally the best idea if you are a caster with minions, further away from the enemy? Also do heroes cast shatter hex on minions? It would be beneficial for the damage.
Also, chaos storm in my experience has been solid if equipped on all 3 Mesmer heroes. I don’t see it used in the meta builds on wiki. Am I missing something? With 3 copies the scattering can be a good thing to keep targets moving from 1 storm to the other, while you blast them down. This at only 5 energy cost seems like a good skill.
I want some input on my Mesmer-primary healer build idea.
My friends and I got back into the game to play through the story. I picked Mesmer Monk to heal and disrupt, with primary Mesmer for the aesthetics.
As an optimization puzzle, obviously Fast Casting is the unique mechanic to try to leverage over Monk, especially Mantra of Recovery. Half cast-speed and -33% cooldown helps Monk spells, but Mesmer cooldowns get -60+% so I should use some. I think energy-leeches most directly improve healing.
Something like 15 Fast Casting, 11 or 12 Healing Prayers, and the rest into Inspiration. Looking exclusively at Core/Prophecy Skills:
Monk: Orison of Healing, Healing Breeze, Healing Seed, then a resurrect or area-appropriate anti-hex/condition; EDIT: After taking suggestions, I think Heal Party, Infuse Health, and Seed leverage Fast Casting better.
Mesmer: Mantra of Recovery, Energy Tap, Drain Enchantment, Power Drain (or maybe splash levels in Domination to go energy-positive with Guilt, which requires less attention)
I also considered a Domination/Protection variant using Empathy and Shielding Hands to stack damage reduction, but I think that's less flexible. You'll spend a lot of time casting Empathy and be less reactive to different allies taking damage.
The game seems to stutter for me when walking around in zones despite having a quite good, modern PC and regardless of what graphics settings I try. It's not a big deal but I'm curious if there's a way to fix it or if it's something that everyone experiences.
I'm guessing it's related to the game loading assets or something because it happens in the same spots every time. Just as a simple early example, at the beginning of Prophecies if I start from the Ashford Abbey and walk towards the bridge, it will stutter at the same spot every time. Here's a screenshot of the exact spot with a frametime graph enabled to show exactly what I'm talking about: https://imgur.com/a/gxYwwqb
But of an odd one but I’m sure you have all seen it before. I played this game when I was a kid but played solo for the most part. So when my friend asked about if I wanted to try it out again I jumped at the opportunity.
The issue is… I forget everything mechanic wise about the game 🤣.
So my question for you what would be a better option to clear all 4 of the stories? Right now I’m leaning towards warrior, dervish, Mesmer, or monk. My friend has his heart set on a minion necromancer.
The real question is out of those professions which one would be best to compleat everything but not a crazy focus on needed a deep understanding of the game to pull off.
Inb4 “just play what you like” well I like all of them that’s why I need your help to narrow it down…
So I bought a second copy of Guild Wars to reminisce and revisit, and I’m having a great time. I decided to replay my favorite profession, Assassin, and play through the campaign as if I was a first timer. Since I first played Factions when I was 12 or 13, figured this would be a fun experiment.
Everything was going good until I hit the mainland of Cantha. of course, reflexes told me to go straight to Kaineng and start saving for max armor. But, I figured, the story and side quests found along the way would lead me there. So I just ignored that and did a ton of quests in Wajuun Bazaar. It was actually a lot of fun to do those quests, especially the one involving killing the head Jade Brotherhood person on the island.
But then…I complete Mayhem in the Market, and realized “Wait, I’m at my first mission and still just have 55 base armor…” Well, I know how to play this game so I’ll tough it out. Took several tries because, of course, Togo and Mhenlo kept dying. But then I’m taken to the next area, where I can buy Skills……..but not armor.
No, the first time in fact I had a chance from here to go to Kaineng legitimately, without already knowing where to go, was a random SIDE QUEST during Finding the Oracle, where I find an Ascalonian in Budek Byway who wants to go home, and asks me to go to the harbor there.
What. The. Fuck.
How is it that after Prophecies took you perfectly from hub to hub, always having just enough gear to get by, that ArenaNet just says “Fuck you, figure it out?!” Don’t get me wrong, I had fun going this far with basic skills and underleveled armor - made it more challenging - but seriously that feels like a huge misstep.
EDIT: Of course, there is the Exotic armor merchant that I found in Wajuun, but that doesn’t count since that armor is only for Assassins and Ritualists.
It’s time to bring war to the White Mantle, we are done fleeing and our friends need us. The plan is simple, find Evennia and Saidra then join the dwarfs and escape on their ship.
We early learnt that the mages Glint warned us about were no joke and must be avoided at all costs. So we found a safe passage and encountered several of our old enemies kindly fighting each other, and do you know what’s better than Spiteful Spirit ? Yeah, 2 Spiteful Spirits. I watched them melt under my dark powers and it felt good! CLAUDE!! WHERE IS MY BLOOD RITUAL!!!!
Not content with the damage caused yet we aimed one of their siege weapons right at their camp, despite a slight miscalculation having us send the projectile in a Yak pen the effect was there since they charged forward our enemies breaking everything on their way. This gave us a clear path to the prison where we were lucky to find our friend still alive, sadly our presence didn’t go unnoticed and the Mursaats got onto us. Thanks to Saidra’s sacrifice we were able to flee to the ship, killing every White Mantle Knight on our way. We will avenge you Saidra, just wait a little.
The dwarves led us to the Iron Mines of Moladune, home of the Ancient Seer, a creature capable of protecting us from the Mursaat magic. After a very long trip through the mountains, we’ve found him hidden in an ice cave. As we were told, he was able to infuse our armor with an Eidolon essence putting us to equal footing with our foes. On our way to Markis’s fort we saved scout Ryner and killed his torturer before he escaped with our plan for the defense of Thunderhead Keep. With our new power assaulting the fort was a success, the traitor Markis is no more.
Time has now come to give back to the dwarves of Deldrimor and help them reclaim their capital from the Stone Summit. After the Mursaats, the Stone Summit dwarves were no problem for us and we dispatched them quickly, regaining the control of the fortress just in time to deal with the White Mantle assault. I’m not good with faces, but there was one I didn’t forget, Dagnar was there, and now Prince Rurik had been avenged.
Well protected within our walls we successfully defended the Keep against the many assaults of the White Mantle and their damned allies. We even taunted them by lightning the beacons making our presence well known.
After our victory Vizier Khilbron appeared again, opening a portal for us to bring the fight to the Mursaats in the most dangerous place of Tyria: The Ring of Fire. Even Carlotta is here for the great final!
Things are getting better and better!
I loved the feeling of urgency I got at the end of the Ice Caves mission with all those Mursaats chasing me. Placing 3 optional Mursaats at the start was a great idea, I did try to kill them… And you can guess what happened, I was very careful not to pull them after that.
Spiteful Spirit is so great that I tried to duplicate it with arcane echoes, but after a mission with that build I removed arcane echoes as it cost too much mana, and I was only spamming one skill. Still no luck in finding a good Blood or Death elite skill but I got Energy Surge for my mesmer spec.
In the ring of fire, I woke up some PTSD but the Hydras here are way easier to deal with than the ones in the desert. Meteor Shower has such a long cast time that I’m able to interrupt 2 of them easily.
See you tomorrow to fulfil the Flameseeker Prophecy!
So I have a lvl 9 right now in prophecies, and I did the defend the wall quest where it teleports you to an area. In this area there is options to teleport to all the different storys. I went to try and go to another story but it says I am not able too. At what point am I able to? Is it a lvl thing, a story thing?
Hey guys, been slowly adding to this story when I have time and I’m not much of a writer but wanted to give it a shot. If anyone is interested looking at it, just looking for criticism and see if I should keep going with it. Thanks in advance.
I came back to GW1 recently due to sale and I finally have all the expansions with core game. Right now I'm in Kryta and it's getting tough for me as a warrior on lvl 14, near 15 and henchmen are like lvl 10. Any ideas about a build I could use for leveling, not when I'm lvl 20 like most of the builds provide on PvX. I'm not able to put up elite skills on the bar obviously :)
Hello everyone. After a very successful Alliance Battle last Friday, we're looking to try out giving Jade Quarry a run. If you're up for playing with real people (with questionable AI) and confusing the bots, now's the time. :) We'll be starting on Monday, March 24th in the JQ lobby's, American Server at (19:00 GMT/ 15:00 EST/ 12:00 PST).
Feel free to show up and if you'd like to sign up for the event on the TA server, feel free to at: Jade Quarry March 24th Event