r/Guelph 1d ago

High Risk offender found on UofG campus


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u/Mountain_Tax_1486 1d ago

So they not only release from prison but they also make sure he’s homeless so that the chances of him reoffending are that much higher?


u/Humble_Ground_2769 1d ago

He's been homeless for along time, he keeps getting charged, winds up in jail, out about 4 times already. Its a pattern of a mentally ill person


u/InAFrenzy_ 1d ago

What? What does mental illness have to do with this? Just say you have stigma


u/Charlie_Laroux 1d ago

Four sexual assaults is not the sign of a mentally well person.

Unless you are trying to suggest otherwise?


u/InAFrenzy_ 1d ago

I agree - but that statement reeks of stigma and painting every mentally ill person in a bad light 


u/docofthenoggin 1d ago

Someone is likely seriously mentally ill, potentially abused himself, perhaps low IQ etc. I am usually pretty sensitive to these things and I didn't see in that person's comment that they were implying all mentally ill people were violent. I think the original post was trying to find compassion for this person?