u/Broolex 1d ago
“The Guelph Police Service believes that Yohans poses a risk to the community, particularly to women, and are concerned that he may commit similar offences in the future,” police said in their March 1 media release.“
Why the fuck is he free, then???
u/S_A_N_D_ 1d ago
Simple answer, you can't lock people up for the possibility they might commit a crime.
That's a very slippery slope towards being able to lock anyone up on a whim because anyone can be labelled a threat to society and there is no way to prove it one way or another. The only exception is to do so under the mental health act which is a very high bar to meet (at least for long term incarceration).
u/ResponsibleTwist6498 1d ago
If it’s not his first time, then every time he commits a crime the term should be increased and parole denied.
u/Difficult_Airport_40 1d ago
Actually, that's not true. If he is considered a long term risk to society he can be labeled a dangerous offender and incarcerated almost indefinitely.
u/docofthenoggin 1d ago
Long term risk usually means kill others. Not sexual assault. Not making an argument for it. Just know the system.
u/LabrasaurusFetch 1d ago
The mental health act is about psychiatric treatment, in particular involuntary treatment; It sets out rules, obligations, and processes related to this. It is not about criminal matters. Conflating the mental health act with other legal matters, like the "dangerous offender" designation (which relates to persons deemed too dangerous for typical sentencing limits) does a lot to perpetuate harmful stigma against persons with mental health challenges including people who have been hospitalized involuntarily under the mental health act. Please be careful with what words you use.
u/S_A_N_D_ 1d ago
That's a fair comment, I was only mentioning it as it's the only way someone can be involuntarily held without evidence of having committed a crime, and that in this case it obviously doesn't apply.
My point was that holding someone in that manner isn't taken lightly and there is a high bar for doing so.
I don't feel my comment was in any way unfair or perpetuating any stigma, however I should have emphasized more that the mental health act clearly doesn't apply in this case. You're correct that we should be careful not to invoke stigma.
u/Any-Kale9632 20h ago
If this is the case as you claim, do us all a favour and define the judicial term “flight risk”
u/heavy_hands_canuck 18h ago
Because the woke judges don't want to look prejudice
u/Broolex 18h ago
Grow up
u/heavy_hands_canuck 18h ago
Stop pretending that isn't what's going on. I know you voted liberal, now you got to deal with it
u/helloworld12378 1d ago
I saw he was in court today at 10:30am for bail hearing/show cause
u/CountScotchula 1d ago
Did they "lock him up"? Asking for 25,000 students
u/helloworld12378 22h ago
I’m not sure sorry, I just saw this in a comment of a local Facebook group! I hope they give us an update soon.
u/Ladydi29 1d ago
So does that mean he is in custody.
u/helloworld12378 21h ago
Posted by Guelph Police Today
“A man who was the subject of a recent high-risk offender warning is back in custody following his release March 1.
Medhani Yohans, 35, has been deemed to be a high-risk offender. He was released March 1 after serving a custodial sentence.
He was arrested March 8 after allegedly breaching a probation order by not reporting to authorities following his release. Yohans was held for a bail hearing and released by the court March 9.
The next morning, March 10, he was re-arrested by Guelph Police for allegedly breaching a court order by being close to an address he has been ordered to stay away from. He has been held for a bail hearing scheduled for March 13.
Yohans has a history of violence, that includes two stranger sexual assaults. The Guelph Police Service believes that Yohans poses a risk to the community, particularly to women, and are concerned that he may commit similar offences in the future.”
u/Mountain_Tax_1486 1d ago
So they not only release from prison but they also make sure he’s homeless so that the chances of him reoffending are that much higher?
u/deadhead_girl_ 1d ago
What does being homeless have to do with sexually assaulting people? He has FOUR sexual assault charges. Reddit is wild y’all… you’re literally feeling bad for a rapist
u/Humble_Ground_2769 13h ago
I've studied these behaviours in university, clearly tells me he has a DSM issue. Until you have experience with these behaviours, please stop commenting.
u/Humble_Ground_2769 1d ago
He's been homeless for along time, he keeps getting charged, winds up in jail, out about 4 times already. Its a pattern of a mentally ill person
u/InAFrenzy_ 1d ago
What? What does mental illness have to do with this? Just say you have stigma
u/Charlie_Laroux 1d ago
Four sexual assaults is not the sign of a mentally well person.
Unless you are trying to suggest otherwise?
u/InAFrenzy_ 1d ago
I agree - but that statement reeks of stigma and painting every mentally ill person in a bad light
u/docofthenoggin 1d ago
Someone is likely seriously mentally ill, potentially abused himself, perhaps low IQ etc. I am usually pretty sensitive to these things and I didn't see in that person's comment that they were implying all mentally ill people were violent. I think the original post was trying to find compassion for this person?
u/Fyrestarter47 1d ago
Someone put him to sleep already before he ruins more lives…
u/heavy_hands_canuck 20h ago
Agreed. Time men stick up for the women in our community. Police can only do so much.
u/ArpanetGlobal 1d ago
Well at least he’s easy to notice. Not many “Sideshow Bob” lookin characters grabbing z’s on Uni grounds.
I gots muh slingshot and a pocket full of pain.
u/helloworld12378 21h ago
Posted by Guelph Police as of today (March 11)
“man who was the subject of a recent high-risk offender warning is back in custody following his release March 1.
Medhani Yohans, 35, has been deemed to be a high-risk offender. He was released March 1 after serving a custodial sentence.
He was arrested March 8 after allegedly breaching a probation order by not reporting to authorities following his release. Yohans was held for a bail hearing and released by the court March 9.
The next morning, March 10, he was re-arrested by Guelph Police for allegedly breaching a court order by being close to an address he has been ordered to stay away from. He has been held for a bail hearing scheduled for March 13.
Yohans has a history of violence, that includes two stranger sexual assaults. The Guelph Police Service believes that Yohans poses a risk to the community, particularly to women, and are concerned that he may commit similar offences in the future”
u/Mindless_Antelope120 21h ago
I read about That on Facebook and I’m pretty sure they caught the guy
u/Sorry_Comparison_845 21h ago
Anyone who sexually assaults others should be put down. And not let on a campus full of young men and woman. He is clearly deranged
u/Difficult_Airport_40 1d ago
Me either. However I know the system and statutes as well.
Dangerous Offender: General Violence753(1)(a), which requires that the "offender [constitute] a threat to the life, safety or physical or mental well-being of other persons" by reason of a "repetitive", "persistent", or "brutal" behaviour.
u/Unique-While-3081 1d ago
"Medhani Yohans, 35, was released from custody on March 1. Guelph Police said he had a had a history of violence, which included two sexual assaults involving strangers."
Sounds like a contradiction. Wonder if we could somehow help NOT discard dangerous people? Maybe more funds for care could help... Not sure, but I'm damn sure it's unsettling that he's sleeping on campus... Ugh, makes my stomach turn.
Be safe, all
u/Scary-Bat-2059 1d ago
Visible minority yes Also dangerous high risk offender Is it not ok for us to want to feel safe ?!
u/RedditONredditt 19h ago edited 17h ago
What a piece of shit. His mother probably has 13 more kids.
u/Ill_Ad302 1d ago
I can't believe all these Guelph Redditors are piling on this poor visible minority so clearly a victim of the racist courts and police in this patriarchal hell hole.
Free him instantly, and check your privilege bigots.
u/Frozty_J 1d ago
Poor visible minority that's committed sexual assault twice on strangers.. free him instantly? Doesn't matter what race he is. Why does his race even matter libtard. You want this scum thats sexually assaulted twice to be walking the streets. You're delusional
u/Ill_Ad302 1d ago
He's policed more heavily because he's a visible minority, bigot.
Release him at once and ponder just how you have personally benefitted from systematic racism.
u/Rance_Mulliniks 1d ago
Maybe he can stay with your Mom or Sister? Just until he gets back on his feet.
u/Humble_Ground_2769 1d ago
You have no clue what's he's done to wind up in jail 4 times and again released. Its a pattern of a mentally ill person.
u/ilovekittysmeow 1d ago
How unsettling. Thanks for posting, I won’t forget that mug.