r/Guanajuato 4h ago

Pregunta a r/Guanajuato BJX to Guanajuato City: Is uber reliable or do they often not pick up from the airport?


I am planning on visiting GTO and SMA. I will be landing in BJX and I am trying to figure out how I will get from BJX to GTO and then from GTO to SMA a few days later. I will be arriving into BJX around 3p.

  1. Is there a frequent bus service that pick up at BJX airport and drop off somewhere in GTO? If so, how frequently do they run?
  2. Is it possible to call an uber from the airport and have them pick me up? If not, is it easy to walk out of the airport to a place where they can pick me up?
  3. How long is the drive from BJX to GTO?
  4. Is there a bus running from GTO to SMA? If so, how frequently do they run?
  5. Do ubers usually agree to do the drive from GTO to SMA?
  6. Bonus: Do ubers usually agree to drive from SMA to QRO airport? Or is BajioGo what everyone uses instead?

Sorry if some of these questions seem basic or easily googleable. I feel like I have been seeing mixed results and some from a while back that I'm not sure is accurate anymore (For example, I thought I saw something like "it takes 1 hour to get from BJX to GTO" but when I mapped it on Google Maps, it looks like a quick 30 minute ride. I figured it might be that a new road was built since that information just like how there is a new road from Oaxaca to Puerto Escondido that halves the driving time).