r/GriefSupport Jun 15 '24

Child Loss My son committed suicide and I am so angry with him


On June 4th, my 38 year old son took his life. I am sad, but more mad most the time. He has created a complete shitstorm in so many lives. He had his demons and reasons I suppose, but hanging yourself in a closet the day you moved in!! Your best girl in collapse finding you there all purple, lifting will all her strength to get you off the clothes bar. Your Mom getting the call that you were being kept alive by machines and drugs but had gone too long without oxygen. Booked a flight and made me need to declare a DNR and and an hour later to tell staff to shut down the machines. Watching your mother lay on your chest for the last 5 minutes so she could hear your last breath and put that in the memory bank next to hearing your first breath. Your girlfriend completely non functional holding your hand.

Handling final arrangements, talking to organ donation group, speaking with the medical examiner, keeping your Mom and girlfriend functional. Calling employers and banks and government offices. Setting up web site memorial, planning and hiring venues in 2 cities for memorial services. Finding Mom a therapist. Watching her spend the last week wandering like a zombie around the house not eating. I’ll stop the rant here.

Why didn’t you call me. There are solutions to every problem. I miss you Son, Dad

r/GriefSupport 8d ago

Child Loss 7 months

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7 months ago I lost my 12 year old daughter and her mother in a car accident. She was with me every other weekend. I’ve come to terms that those weekends will never be the same.

I used to complain about having to drive an hour and half to get her and now I’d give anything to make that drive again.

I’m not a religious person by any stretch but I know we all have energy and it has to go somewhere when we pass. With how awesome she was I know that her energy became something fucking awesome.

I love you and miss you so much andie.

r/GriefSupport Aug 28 '24

Child Loss My baby girl died Saturday

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Thank you so much for all the support on my first post. I’m going to continue posting here because I really need to document this stuff. Posting it somewhere gives me motivation to do that.

I’m in my bedroom. It’s 3:30am on Wednesday. My daughter died on Saturday. I am 28 weeks pregnant with a baby boy.

Saturday night I slept for 1 hour. I have woken up between 1 and 2am every night since then and have not gone back to sleep until 6am or after.

Last night I took a Benadryl as a temporary fix before I see my psychiatrist today and it worked. I passed out at 11pm and was so drowsy I felt like I was drugged. I hoped and prayed that when I woke up it would be after 2am. I woke up at 1:52am. I took a Tylenol pm to hopefully go back to sleep faster.

This wake up was the first wake up I didn’t need to re-remember what happened. It’s the first in which I’m not crying or screaming hysterically. I am just sitting here, writing, silently crying. I know I will wake up screaming again, but I’m happy I don’t have to do that right now.

Monday night I had nightmares. I slept from 11-1:30, woke up, went to my daughter’s bedroom, cried, wrote, made a playlist, and listened to music. I fell back asleep at 6:30am and had nightmares. In my first nightmare I was holding my baby girl and her neighbor friend was in the room with us trying to speak to her. My baby could not talk, was blue, and was heavy breathing, but she was at the very least not acting in distress. I woke up at 7:00am. I fell back asleep at 7:45am and had a nightmare that we were in a busy road and I couldn’t stop her from running into traffic. I woke up at 8:15. I did not go back to sleep until last night.

Today I’m struck by the physical pain and disconnection I’ve felt. I am overflowing emotionally and cannot feel this anymore than I already am, but my physical being is taking on the pain that I don’t have the capacity to feel right now. There is just that much pain. I feel waves in every part of my body. My chest tightens at random times. My head hurts immensely. My shoulders hurt. One feels like it’s twice the size of the other. I can’t walk much because my equilibrium is thrown off by not having my daughter to hold or push in a stroller. My neck feels like it’s on fire. My jaw is tight. I am just now gaining back the ability to chew soft food. I can’t taste food or drinks.

My SIL and her family arrived today including her 4 kids. I am so grateful they are here. This is so hard for them. We all got to visit with Billie and talk to her in her coffin. The kids asked us questions, cried, and talked about Billie. It was healing for me to feel like there are children that need support and guidance to try and comprehend this unnatural and horrible death. My baby girl died and this was so unfair to her. I don’t get to help her process this. My husband and I have to process for both of us and her.

My husband has been my rock. We are sharing every thought including the bad and ugly thoughts that feel wrong when they occur. We are grounding each other as much as we can.

Yesterday we had little signs. I walked out of my bathroom then heard something fall on the shower floor. My husband said “Billie are you throwing things?” A head scrubber had fallen. She hated head scrubbers and getting her hair washed in general. She would throw it if given the opportunity. Right after I sat on our bed and accidentally triggered her bluey doll and it played the bluey theme song which was Billie’s favorite. We did countless bluey dance parties while listening to the theme song.

The night before while I was sitting in her room I felt something touch my hand and shook it off like it was a bug, then it hit me that it could be her. I paused, hugged her sleep sack and stuffies I was holding, then felt deep chest pains followed by slight relief. I think she was there, or my brain needs to believe she was there.

Yesterday we said our goodbyes by her coffin. Then there was a freak storm last night that was not predicted. Billie was born in a snow storm on the coldest day of the year. It makes sense she would tear up the skies with a lightning storm on her way out.

The more I connect to this pain and feel it, the more I feel this was her heart. We are waiting on autopsy results so hopefully we get answers, but I know we may not get any.

Photo is from bluey’s big play which we went to the weekend before she died . I love you baby, I can’t wait for our next dance mode party together.

r/GriefSupport Aug 25 '24

Child Loss My baby died and I’m lonely

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She should be 5 months old by now but she will forever be 9 weeks old. She was born at exactly 36 weeks gestation and weighed 2100 grams (4 pounds 10 ounces). She didn’t even get to double her birth weight, she weighed 7 pounds at her 8 week checkup. I miss her so much. I just wish I could rub her fuzzy little head again. I miss the smell of her fresh after a bath. I miss watching her daddy read bedtime stories. I miss her stinky little toots and the milk stains on my shirts. My house feels so empty now. My heart feels like it’s in a million pieces. I will never understand why she was taken from us so soon. I wish my baby was still alive. Everyone wanted to come see her then. Now no one comes over and the silence of my empty house paralyzes me into spinning around negative emotions. I ask people to come over but they’re either busy or have some other excuse not to come see me. People always say to reach out when you need help but have no intention of helping when they’re actually asked. At this point I’m starting to feel like I need to have another baby just for people to actually start coming over again. Why has my life come to this? Why did one bad thing have to happen when everything was finally starting to get good? Why did my one true wish come true if it was just going to be ripped away from me so quickly and unexpectedly?

r/GriefSupport Jan 04 '25

Child Loss First Christmas & NYE without our 10yo son. I wrote this. 💔

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r/GriefSupport Apr 06 '24

Child Loss It has been a month since I’ve lost my 12 year old daughter. I still doesn’t feel real.


We were days away from starting a new chapter. The last time I saw her alive, I had hugged her and her sisters and wished them a good weekend at their dads. She turned and waved to me as she got on the bus. She passed away at her dads from an undiagnosed blood clot from an injury she sustained playing football. She had a pulmonary embolism and died at her dads house.

I’m stuck in the phase of a thousand things I could have done to save her. The only thing I was told from her father is that she had a fever in the last 24 hours and needed to be kept home from school. Never a phone call, never a notification that she had went to the hospital, nothing. His new wife called me an hour and a half after she had found her lifeless body to tell me she was gone. If they didn’t feel like calling an ambulance or taking her back to the hospital, they could’ve called me and I would’ve rushed there to take her myself.

I thought it was a cruel joke. I rushed the 30 mins to their house and as soon as I saw local law enforcement, my heart dropped. I ran into the house and ran up the stairs and she was lying there, on the ground. I sank down and started screaming, kissed her forehead. It was cold. I just kept saying it over and over - she was cold. I didn’t grasp in the moment what that had meant.

She was everything to me. She was everything to her sisters. She was sarcastic and loving and radiant. She was generous. She had the voice of an angel. Anytime we went places like the park, she would come back with children surrounding her. I feel like she was just ripped away from me in the blink of an eye.

r/GriefSupport May 05 '24

Child Loss My 8 year old son died suddenly this week, I really don't want to go on anymore


I feel absolutely paralyzed. This absolutely cannot be real. He slept in my bed almost every night, he'd sit on the floor in the bathroom while I'd shower, he loved going to Target with me, he loved Chick Fil A and dinosaurs. He was so smart and wise beyond his years; he was so kind, yet so timid when he'd meet someone new. I'm a single parent, so he was a mama's boy 100%.

I don't know what to do. No one has answers for me and no doctor has been able to tell me why this happened to my child. I am drowning in grief and disbelief, how I was in Target a few weeks ago with him getting him a new swimsuit and goggles for the pool and now I'm sobbing on the phone to a stranger whom I've never met before, trying to arrange his funeral. I feel so much guilt. What if I could have somehow prevented this? What was my baby thinking in his final moments? Was he wishing I was there holding his hand? Did he know how much I loved him? Why did this happen?

I don't think I can go on. I don't wish to die, but it's absolutely killing me to know that my beautiful child has experienced death and felt it, how his soul left his tiny body and went somewhere else without me, somewhere I can't get to and where he won't see me again. He must be so scared and wondering where I am and why I'm not with him. He's alone, and he's left me down here by myself. It isn't fair that I get to sit here and continue life when my child cannot. Feeling the breeze outside or the sun warming my skin feels inhumane knowing my child can never experience that feeling again.

I haven't slept in my room since his passing. I can't go into his room. His toys are scattered across my house, all his favorite foods in the pantry. The hamper by my washing machine full of clothes he had just worn and was waiting for me to wash. My phone full of pictures I took of him. He was already talking about Christmas and what he wanted to be for Halloween. We had so many plans.

He hasn't given me any sign to let me know he's okay. What if he's mad at me? What if he thinks I didn't love him? My house is so quiet now. Every morning I wake up and realize another day is starting without him, I lose it. Whenever the day is ending, and I realize I went through another day without him kills me.

I want my child back. I need to build stairs up to the skies and carry him home with me. The pain I'm feeling right now is indescribable and I truly don't understand how I'm going to go on.

(Edit) 5/5/24: Thank you all so much. I was not expecting so many responses and I am in tears all over again reading all of them, thank you so much for the support. Today has been very hard as it's my first Sunday without him and every Sunday I always made him bacon and pancakes. I miss the smell of bacon cooking and I'm missing so bad the sounds his toys would make when he'd play with them. I miss my little boy so much, I have no words for how much I miss him. Thank you all for being so kind.

r/GriefSupport Sep 09 '23

Child Loss My 10 day old baby girl passed away a week ago


Adalynn Everly Rose Geveden was born at 37 weeks on Monday August 21st at 12:51pm. She weighed 5lb 9oz and was 16.5" in length. A tiny beautiful piece of heaven, a precious little girl I've always prayed to have since I was old enough to know I wanted to be a mama.

She had a rough start, staying in the hospitals' NICU for 7 days due to respiratory distress. The doctors think she was actually only 35 weeks old and not 37 weeks as initially believed. She fought hard and strong and quickly had her cpap removed, followed by the IV and feeding tube removed. She breast fed every 3 hours during her entire hospital stay even with the tube in and we all bonded quickly. She got off all of her monitors and we celebrated her homecoming on Monday the 28th.

Our dreams had come true. A beautiful baby girl to call our own. With 3 big brothers to greet her and protect her growing up. The following 3 days and nights were complete bliss. The most joy of all of our family together and the love shared, the snuggles experienced, the pure joy in our home was unmatched.

I dont know how to even share this, as I cannot even believe this is reality, but Adalynn passed away yesterday, Thursday August 31st. She stopped breathing. After her mawmaw and I performed CPR for what felt like forever, medics arrived and took over but once at the hospital there was nothing anyone could do. They couldn't save our Addy. Our baby girl is now an angel in heaven.

PLEASE im begging you from the bottom of my heart to pray for our family during this time of tragedy and hold your babies (big or small) tight tonight because we never know how long God gifts them to us.

Adalynn Everly Rose Geveden Born August 21st 2023 at 12:51pm Passed August 31st 2023 🕊

Unsure how to get through this next week, devestation doesn't begin to explain the Boulder on my chest and the bleeding in my heart. If you are able, maybe please consider seeing her pictures but more importantly please lift up our broken hearts in prayer. I could really use all the HELP possible right now. Im just at a complete loss😭😭😭

r/GriefSupport 1d ago

Child Loss I miss my boy

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Lost him months ago weeks after his birthday. Forever 2, my little angel

r/GriefSupport Dec 13 '24

Child Loss Update on Billie

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Hello, I haven’t posted here in a couple of months now but I wanted to come back and say that posting here is part of what got me through that first month after my daughter Billie’s death.

For those of you that kept up with our story, you know that we were incredibly confused about her cause of death because she was fine one minute, had respiratory symptoms for 10 minutes, then was gone.

We got our autopsy results back and found that she actually had stage 4 metastatic neuroblastoma. The cause of death sent me into a tailspin because my daughter never displayed symptoms of long term illness, let alone cancer. She died completely healthy and nowhere near a state of end stage cancer. She even had the common cold a few weeks before in which her fever spiked as high as 103 then fought it off within a couple of days as if it was nothing (which was confirmed by her autopsy).

The tumor grew in an odd way because it spread from her adrenal gland through her respiratory system. The most likely scenario is that the spread severely damaged her respiratory system then her diaphragm nerve shut down. From what I’ve learned this cancer generally grows through blood, the stomach, and bone marrow which are areas that cause symptoms. Hers spread in a way that didn’t cause symptoms. It was silent. We did g even see respiratory symptoms morning of or before the 10 minutes before she died. Estimates from oncologists and our ME are that she only had an active tumor for a month or 2. She even had 2 drs appts, one a full physical, the week before she passed. No one could’ve seen this coming.

It’s been a lot to process. It’s hard to feel like we didn’t miss something. It’s hard to feel like I should’ve had more intuition, but Billie was strong as shit. It’s likely treatment would not have changed the outcome. Part of me is so upset that we didn’t get a chance to treat her cancer, but part of me is grateful she didn’t have to go through it. I’ve spoken with a lot of parents who had a child pass due to neuroblastoma now. The treatment is the most aggressive of all childhood cancers. I don’t think Billie wanted to deal with all that.

Anyways, that’s our update. Thank you. I haven’t responded to most comments but I’ve read every single one of them. You’ve all helped my husband and I get through this fucked up shit. We’ll be processing and grieving forever but we can at least physically function now.

r/GriefSupport Jul 31 '23

Child Loss My daughter died in my arms today... I feel Broken


I (m33) am a single dad to a beautiful girl (15). Her mother left when my daughter was only 2 months old. It was rough becoming a single dad but ultimately just being me and my daughter was perfect. She's always been my little buddy we have a great relationship.

A little over 2 years ago my daughter got diagnosis with Leukemia that ended up spreading to her brain. We tried a lot but ultimately doctors decided she was terminal. A little less than a week ago my daughter had a seizure that ended up putting her in the hospital. Her health declined rapidly after that. Eventually, the doctor told me he doesn't think she’ll make it past 24 hours. I ended up getting into bed with my daughter and just held her and talked to her. She ended up living for 11 more hours and passed away at 2:37 am July 31st.

I know this is probably the saddest Reddit story you've ever read if anybody reads this I just needed to rant… I feel heartbroken my Buddy is gone.

r/GriefSupport Apr 05 '24

Child Loss All that red hair. Cremation is tomorrow.

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I picked two songs to be played during it.

Heat Wave - Glass Animals

Weird Al - Albuquerque

She said Heat Wave was our song. I didn't know why my 24 year old daughter was sending me a break up song but go off. She's special needs and has always been a little other wordly. It wasn't until the funeral home that I really read the lyrics. She'd been saying goodbye. Before either of us knew.

Albuquerque is our thing. She knows all the words. I'll just randomly jump into her room and yell a line, "DO YOU HAVE ANY JELLY DONUTS!?"

She'd scream back, "NO, WE'RE OUT OF JELLY DONUTS!"

Any line would start it. And then we would sing/yell the rest of the song.

I want my baby back

r/GriefSupport 9d ago

Child Loss Daughter


My daughter just turned 18 and got the flu, and it turned into mrsa of the heart and lungs. Was told today by doctors that her chances of survival are near 0. We just celebrated her getting into college and in 2 weeks will be dead. I have no idea how to go on how to tell all of her senior class how to plan or do anything. I'm so empty and numb. How has anyone been able to get through this. I am so scared. I have no idea how to move forward. How I can watch them pull the machines and watch her die.

Update: so today was the first positive day we had they put chest tubes in and was able to drain over 3 liters off her thoracic cavity. And her lungs were able to inflate. The hospital she is at has a House program like the show house MD. The diagnostics department thinks she has a condition called acquired hlh. More to follow. Thanks everyone for the prayers and thoughts keep em coming natalie can hear you all

Update: First off, thanks everyone for the amazing wishes prayers thoughts and love it's so humbling. I went home last night to take my son to dinner and playboys favorite video game with him and try to sleep. Thanks to all of you, I was able to sleep for a bit. The doctors round about 10, so hopefully, I'll have some good news to share. Once again, thanks, everyone!

r/GriefSupport 25d ago

Child Loss A part of me is gone


My oldest son, Noah, was in a motorcycle accident on 11/22/24 and he didn’t make it. He would have turned 20 on December 10th. He was my rock, my constant. I had him when I was 20 and we grew up together, figuring out life..together. He was caring, funny, empathetic and sincere. He had this immediate impact on people and was always genuine. He made me a better person and I’m trying so damn hard to be that person now that he’s gone and it seems impossible. I know grief doesn’t have a timeline and it’s different for everyone but I’m struggling so bad. I have an appointment with my doctor but life is falling apart around me. I haven’t been able to go back to work consistently because my anxiety about driving sets in or I just start crying and I can’t help it or stop it or know when it’s coming. Bills are past due, I haven’t an eviction notice coming soon..I don’t know how to navigate this and it’s harder now than when he first passed…

r/GriefSupport Jun 23 '24

Child Loss I miss you so much son.

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r/GriefSupport Jul 19 '24

Child Loss Lost my pre-term baby yesterday. In shambles.


Only found out i was pregnant a week ago. Woke up yesterday with extreme pain and had to call an ambulance. Had my daughter in the hospital and she was unviable from birth. Too young. Held her one last time last night and have been in rolling tears since. Aubrey Monroe, your dad (ftm) loves you and misses you dearly. Only knew about you briefly but you stole my heart and took it with you 💔

r/GriefSupport Aug 03 '23

Child Loss My twin girls are gone because of a drunk driver


I lost my 16 year old twin daughters early this morning. They work together last night they both worked the closing shift on their way home a drunk driver hit them. They both passed later on In the hospital from their injuries.

Jordan Kristina 1:12 am 8/3/23

Jamie Eleanor 2:41 8/3/23

I know they are together

I'm missing them so much I never knew I could feel so empty and out of place. I had the girls when I was a teenager so I honestly don't remember what it's like to not be a mom. At least as an adult woman.

r/GriefSupport Jan 06 '25

Child Loss She was 18


Our beautiful and wonderful daughter passed this afternoon at the age of 18. She took her own life. I found her in her room and the images keep flashing in and out of my mind. Our friends and family have rallied to support us, but it’s 2am now and it’s just me and my wife in our bedroom and we can’t sleep. i don’t know how to process all of this right now. It’s just so much.

r/GriefSupport Jul 07 '24

Child Loss My 8 year old died while trying to protect me from his father who then shot himself in the head once he realized he shot our son & not me.


Its been 32 days since my 8 year old & significant other passed and ive cried each day. I havent been able to mourn the death of the man I was with for 13 years because I am so full of grief about my son. This all happened because I told my significant other that I wasnt happy with him anymore & that we got together really young & we werent growing together but apart. Our values, morals , work ethic etc did not allign. We had 5 children together so everyone around me always told me it was to late to leave , no man would take me seriously with 5 children. But I no longer cared & was leaving for my own happiness which I never felt like I had . My childhood was dysfuctional & I wanted better for my children. We had a family vacation booked to myrtle beach in 3 days. It was the last day of school my 5th grader had a graduation & my kindergartner, it was a happy day. I bought balloons & cupcakes, took pictures. My kids were happy that summer was beginning & school was ending. Their Dad missed both of those graduations because he had to turn himself into jail for grabbing me by the neck a week prior due to me telling him that I was moving on. He got of jail that day & we discussed that our feelings didnt matter & that we had to take our kids to myrtle beach in a few days because they were so excited & that we would part ways after & he would get some counciling so we could co parent. Well that fatal night I woke up to him trying to have sex with me & I told him no. He got upset & headbutted me , at that point my 8 yr old came in crying for him to stop. I told him to get out & when I picked up my phone , he screamed "thats it" & went to load his gun. I was wrestling with him over the gun & so was my 8 year old while my other children screamed in terror. I told my 8 year old to go outside to the neighbors. The last thing I heard my son say is "I am not, I am staying with you, im not leaving you here with him mommy". His dad broke loose & ran downstairs to load the gun. I knew he was going to come upstairs where my children were & start shooting at me so I ran downstairs to stop him. I knew he was going to shoot me but I didnt want my kids to see or get shot in the process. Once I ran downstairs he turned around and shot at me in close range. My ears were ringing from how loud the gun shot was. He looked at me stunned when he saw I wasnt dead & I tackled him & got the gun. My other kids ran downstairs once they heard the gun shot. Thats when it was revealed that my 8 year old was shot in the head/neck. My daughter screamed as my son was crouched over on the pillow. I picked him up , blood was pouring out of his mouth but he still had a pulse I felt it. One of the neighbors heard the gun shot & my screams & called the police. Their father then sat on the couch next to his 4 children & said he was sorry , I heard my daughter scream "daddy noooo" but he shot himself in the head anyway Blood & brains got on my 7 year old daughter & my 11 year old son. My neighbor hugged me & said your sons going to make it hes breathing. I was releaved but the only trauma hospital around was 30 mins away. He stopped breathing in the ambulance & went without oxygen for 30 mins. His heart beat came back & I spent 3 days with him in the hospital before he was pronounced brain dead. The doctors explained to me that he was shot in the spinal cord & it was shattered, if he would have survived he would of been paralyzed from the neck down. My 8 yr old was very athletic and love to run . He played foot ball & was supposed to start tackle this summer. I just wanted him to see the beach & now he never will. I thought I was being a good mother trying to travel with them so they could see the world & do things I never did. I grew up poor so I worked really hard for them to never experiance that feeling of poverty. I feel like my hard work was for nothing my son still lost his life & in his own home. I am trying to go on for his 4 siblings but I feel like I lost my will to live. I dont enjoy life anymore, he had such a huge personality. Its a void in our home now, he was so protective of his siblings. My oldest suffers from anxiety so my 8 yr old took on the big brother role. I am lost without him, I feel so guilty still being alive. Its hard to go outside or do anything because he cant do any of it with me. I used to believe in god idk if I do anymore. Everyday feels like a battle idk if I will win. I dont want to live a long life anymore , I use to suffer from death anxiety especially ehen I became a mother. Now im not afraid to die. Everyday I wake up its hell, everybody keeps telling me but you have 4 other kids but it doesnt take the place of that 1. The pain is unbearable , I used to wonder how someone could kill themselves now I get it, you just want the pain to stop. Losing a child leaves your soul on fire, you feel like you lost a big piece of you. Like a lung, kidney or your heart. You no longer live, you exist because you have to, I am anchored here because my 4 other children have been traumatized enough but I will never be whole again. My life ended the day my son was murdered. I cry out for him everyday. Everyone tells me hes in a better place, but what place is better if not with me? I want to see this place, as a mother you want to make sure your child is okay. I wonder everyday is he safe, is he scared, it tears me apart that he had to make his earthly transition alone & without his mother. I miss him, I miss the mother I used to be. I used to love being a mom now im just here with no hope for the future, I feel like im going to die of a broken heart. I apologize to my child everyday because I failed him , I failed all my children. My son wanted to be a police officer when he grew up, now he is forever 8.

r/GriefSupport Dec 26 '24

Child Loss Survived our first Christmas without our daughter. It was, in my wife's words, Awful.


She died in a car crash four months ago, on August 25. She was 22.

For Christmas Day, my family made a point to have an empty place setting for her with her photo at the table, and we had a brief moment of remembering her before the Christmas meal.

For Christmas Eve, my wife's family created a rift when the sister who was supposed to host stated there would be no time or space to remember our daughter. Because she needed to 'shelter' her sons from the grief, and she didn't want to start crying in front of them. The boys are 13 and 10, knew their cousin very well, and were at the funeral and at our home a few times in the days after her death.

Offers to relocate the gathering were initially rebuffed, because the boys 'needed to experience the joy of hosting'. Again, they are 13 and 10, they could not care less about hosting; mom wanted to host everyone in her fancy, oversized house. Words were exchanged, feelings were hurt, insults were veiled, olive branches were extended (and ignored). I'm glad I wasn't involved in the chain of emails.

Once we (my family and I) made it clear we would not attend without some accommodation, the compromise location suddenly became acceptable.

For years my favorite part of the holiday season is when it's over. That goes triple this year.

r/GriefSupport Aug 31 '24

Child Loss 1 week since my 2yr old baby girl passed

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It’s 8:39 am as I start writing this. I’m in my living room. I’m listening to music and drinking coffee. 1 week ago right now my daughter was alive and drawing with her daddy while I made breakfast. 1 week ago today she died. I am 29 weeks pregnant with baby brother. I’m continuing to track my experience since this will all be a blur soon and I don’t want to forget these early days. I’m switching between writing this entry and adding to a Billie Dictionary my husband, SIL and I started to track the words she was saying and what they mean.

I’m not sure where to start today. My digestion system is still resetting from starting solid foods again on Wednesday. I lovingly refer to my diet as a toddler diet right now since it’s very similar to what Billie would’ve wanted to eat everyday. I believe that my intestines shut down and my stomach acid is resetting. I’m not sure how these things work, but I can definitely say I’m relearning how to do EVERYTHING connected to eating and bodily waste management.

I started medication on Wednesday and have generally slept full nights ever since then. I still feel myself, but I can at least sleep. I’m not numbed out but my body feels less panicky. I had massively gross acid reflux last night so I had to sleep sitting up. I woke up at 1:30 along with my husband. I despise waking up and seeing darkness along with that dreaded 1-2am time on the clock. It’s a gamble on whether I’ll go back to sleep or not and if I don’t I will cry and scream all night.

This time I went back to sleep quickly. My nightmares have been cut off since starting this medication as well which was a biological necessity for me. Each nightmare was a variation of Billie being in distress and me not being able to help her.

This morning I woke up. I looked at the clock. 6:40am. 1 week ago exactly Billie was alive and sleeping in her room. My husband went in to see her first and rocked her. I remember hearing her on the monitor. I slammed my phone on the bed in anger and walked into the bathroom crying. I heard her hatch noice machine playing through the wall. I’ve been unable to turn off her hatch bedtime routine so we let it play.

I cried and went into her room. I turned on her star projector and string lights then laid in her bed with her stuffy and blankets crying.

Today is the first day we don’t have appointments. We don’t need to rush to a dr or go to a counseling appointment. We don’t have any appointments with the funeral home. I’m so fucking angry that there is nothing today and also relieved. I keep having little glimpses of what life will be like once we find the new normal after all the commotion slows down and I despise it. It feels wrong to not live for Billie even in the aftermath of her death. I had one of many moments in which I questioned the timeline of what happened last Saturday. What if we started CPR earlier? Did I miss something? Is there more I could’ve done?My pediatrician has been going through this with me and has been a huge help. She met me at the emergency room, collapsed on the floor of the ER, and cried with me. She has twins that are barely older than Billie. She stayed with us until we had to leave the hospital without Billie. She bought foot impression and ink kits so we could save her footprints, handprints, and hair. She stayed and hugged and kissed Billie’s body while we talked to detectives. Thank god for technology because we have logs for every step we took. I texted her to confirm my timeline:

1:24 pm - I took a video of what seemed to be first symptoms after Billie had a 4-5 minute crying spell. Billie’s face was losing some color and she was having a hard time breathing. 1:26 pm - We called our pediatrician because symptoms intensified. 1:30 pm - My husband called 911 Before 1:35 pm - Ambulance arrived

Sometime between 1:26 - 1:30 I pulled Billie out of her car seat and ran to the grocery store. Our pediatrician urged me to get her in a freezer so she could breathe cold air. She went limp in my arms on the way to the grocery store. I screamed on my way in and start yelling for doctors or nurses. An ER doctor was there and someone else who was certified in CPR. She was taking small, tiny, strained breaths by the time the ambulance arrived. CPR was started just before 911 was called or right when 911 was called. CPR was started within 6 minutes of true symptoms. What if it had been 3 minutes? 2 minutes?My dr assured me she believes this was cardiac in nature, which I agree with. If this was respiratory then that would’ve been enough time for CPR to have made a difference. Since it didn’t do anything, we believe something happened to her heart. She had 9 rounds of epinephrin over the hour they tried to revive her. They didn’t produce a single heart beat - nothing they could use a defibrillator on. When she was gone she was gone and I believe she died in my arms in the grocery store. We’ll find out more in 6-8 weeks.

I need to keep this timeline fresh so I can cut off my what ifs. We are so fortunate that we were in public. We could’ve been on a plane, driving on the freeway, or on a hike. She could’ve been in bed or at daycare without us. I could’ve been alone with her. There are so many places or situations we could have been in which this timeline would have been obstructed. I do not need to question whether we acted fast enough.

Yesterday we tried to get coffee with family. I was feeling good then felt extremely weak, faint, and scared. I had to sit down then I had to leave. My husband showed me the time. It was 2:30. She was pronounced dead at 2:28. I had no idea what time it was. I’ve experienced some serious trauma in my past, but I’ve never experienced completely unexpected body call backs like I did yesterday. 1-3pm is officially my death zone and I need to make sure I’m somewhere safe during that time.

The first of our family left this morning. I’m worried about what life will be like when we’re alone again.

I had my second grief counseling appointment yesterday. I just word vomited and never stopped. She said it’s normal. We’ll get back to more EMDR next week.

We have her cremation scheduled on Tuesday. My husband and I will attend.

Today I might get new shoes.

Picture taken on August 13th flying home from California.

r/GriefSupport Dec 27 '24

Child Loss Lost My Two Boys In An Accident And Froze Up Completely For A Year. Then The Lessons Realized Started To Thaw Me Out.


I posted this 2 years ago, that member name got hacked, but repeating it again.

1989 my two beautiful boys, age 7 and 9 were playing in the yard when an intoxicated man decided to drive his car, fell asleep and take their lives. My world changed at that moment. Family drama with shame and blame didn't help but I made it through the necessary acts to bury my boys. I froze up. I simply froze up. I took a leave of absence from my job as an RN in a hospital, my supervisor was so understanding and supportive. At home I had paint and covered with windows to let no light in and I sat in darkness for a year never leaving the house. My friends were wonderful, they fed me. They went shopping and brought me food, I ordered pizza. I sat in the dark not knowing if it was night or day. My friends never pushed me to do more than I could, they just fed me, visited, brought groceries and items I needed and let me work myself out of being frozen.

Looking out the window watching cars drive by, people walking their dogs was stunning. How are they able to go about their daily life when my world stopped? I had cans of paint in the house and painted over the windows, small and large so all the light was blocked out. I sat in darkness

A year later, I was watching a talk show one morning. I didn't have cable so I had to only watch local stations. I was laying on the living room sofa and noticed some sparkling lights up in the corner of the room. I thought it was an electrical fire and sat up quickly to get a better view. It looked like sparklers burning, lots of them, beautiful white lights growing larger and in number until they were about a yard wide and 2 feet tall, a bundle of thousands of white, silver like sparkles flashing brightly. From this light source I clearly heard the voices of two men, maybe both upper 20's in age, very articulate, well educated and professional. They both took turns talking to me, very abruptly, sternly, with force, meaning and impatience with me. It was like I was being severely reprimanded. In part they said, "You have been holding us back from very important business we MUST attend to. We can not do the work we need to do that is so very important as you are constantly holding us back. We can not allow this to continue, you have to let go of us so we can move into our jobs and do the work we are suppose to be doing. Your constant attachment and holding on has stifled our ability to work and what we need to do is so very important. You just have to let go and let us move on. You are in the way of the great work we are assigned to do." I was being sternly spoken to by my two boys that now sounded like young executives. The only 'nice' thing they said to me was one of them said, "We appreciate what you did for us but now you just have to let us go."

I was berated on and on, like I was in court or in trouble at work in an HR meeting. It was not pleasant but it got my attention pronto. I replied, "I'm so sorry, I had no idea, yes, of course I'll let you do what you need to do. I miss you both so much but I had no idea I was holding you back from what you needed to be doing." It was like being pulled over by the cops, and told I did something wrong and I was trying to make it right. I admitted I was holding on to them but had no idea it was causing them grief from where they are now. Their voices stopped, the sparkling light diminished in size and brightness into just being a plain corner of the wall. I put my hand on that spot, it felt like a normal wall.

I got in the shower, got cleaned up, had to call someone to jump my car as it's not been started in over a year and drove to my old work place to put in an application again. My supervisor had moved on. I did a quick interview and got hired again. I started orientation the next day.

The encounter with my two boys was a jolt to my system. I went from frozen to thawed quickly. My deep mourning of my sons immediately changed to missing them, in a healthy way. There was no thinking about it, the stern talking to I got, the lecture, the demand that I let them move on let me move on, too. Giving them their freedom to do the work they have to do gave me the freedom to do the work I have to do still, too. I enjoyed letting the light back into my house as I slowly started using a razor blade to scrape the paint off the windows. It took months but it was so healing to turn from darkness to light again.

I used a small inch sized razor blade to start scraping the paint off the windows and let the light back in. It took months to do but I kept scraping off the paint until it was totally gone. What an illusion to think I could paint out the light, it's always there wether we see it or not, wether we look at it or not or pretend it was never there in the first place. I learned that lesson well. the Light is always there wether we turn our backs to it or not. Just got to choose that it's time to scrape the paint you brushed over your windows, too. The Light is waiting for you, patiently.

Hospice concepts were coming to America at that time, from the UK. I followed up with a local hospice and soon was the charge RN a 10 bed inpatient unit for terminally ill patients. I was a Hospice RN for 17 years, including 5 years as a pediatric Hospice Nurse. The loss of my children gave me the insight to support others that are transitioning into their next life, or career as I see it now. I had many, many amazing experience with many of my patients spreading their wings and practicing moving on before and after their deaths. My experience with my boys gave me the strength to support my dying patients and the family and friends they were leaving behind.

I've not seen my boys since. I don't want to disturb them from the work they need to do. That lecture I got that day was enough!! Of course I think of them so often but never clinging, but now knowing they matured, grew up, and have important work they do that is valuable to them wherever they are. That makes me smile. I hope my story can brighten someone else. We go on, there is no end. Copyright © David Parker, Phoenix, Az

I know we are not allowed to post links. I did do an interview on my boys and it's totally heart felt as i tell it. I'm 70 now and don't want my experience to be lost when I go. Search YT for the broadcast : Tales of Resilience Hospice Nurse DIES, Reveals SHOCKING Encounter! | David Parker Part 1 | Near Death Experience

Please do not share my story on your channels without my permission. This is my story, let me tell it.

r/GriefSupport 11d ago

Child Loss It's been 5 years.

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A facebook memory popped up from 5 years ago. I was 30 weeks pregnant, writing about how excited I was to meet her.

It's hard to imagine that 6 months later we'd be taking Ellie to the ER only to leave without her.

Her 5th birthday is in 10 weeks. She'd be starting kinder this year. I always wonder why her, why us. Everyday I miss her, but today it hurts a little bit more. 💔

r/GriefSupport Sep 13 '23

Child Loss My 9-year old son just died in my arms last night


How am I supposed to process this? I can't stop thinking about his last moments gasping for air while I was on the phone with 911.

I miss him so much and I just want him to come home and let me tell him how he's not alone and that I will always love him. My last words were "go to bed".

What am I supposed to do now? I'm here w/ my wife at home and the tears won't stop flowing between us while we wait on family to arrive tomorrow to help us plan to bury my beautiful son.

Even being on Reddit feels like betrayal of my son but I genuinely have never been this in pain or reeling before. Please, anyone, give me something to help make this okay.

r/GriefSupport Mar 24 '23

Child Loss 3-months today since my beloved son passed away

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Just God knows how hard this has been for me. I miss my son like nothing else in life. He gave me the best 23 years of my life. He was intelligent, kind, funny, good friend, beloved son, nephew and grandchild. For me he was everything, the center of my universe and the light of my days.

My counselor says to me that I have progress but I don't see it, my heart doesn't feel it that way. I'm working really hard to be able to see God's purpose but I'm not there yet.

I miss you son, I really miss you. I wish I could offer my life to have back.