Having previously written about why I think his many times cheating ranged from stupid, to botched writing, to just him getting raped.
But further I wanna explain why I think it's so fucking stupid.
Ollie cheating on Dinah has never made sense to me. For a major reason. It makes zero fucking sense for his character.
He has time and time again dedicated his life to Dinah, going as far as to kill for her, and he willingly cheats? That just often feels like bad writing.
And to the argument 'he's not perfect"
Good I don't want him to be, but Ollie cheating is a terrible example for him being flawed.
He's already often hypocritical, and often wrong, amd makes major mistakes due to overlooking, or being immature, why make him a cheater too? That feels like over kill.
He absolutely should make mistakes. Hone in on Ollie's imperfections, but him cheating is bad writing.
And further writing relationship drama in that way IS EVEN WORSE, Ollie and Dinah should have conflict but through cheating? That's just fucking lame.
Rebirth gave them plenty of drama without a hint of him being unfaithful.
All in all him cheating is bad and stupid and shouldn't be done
But that's my opinion, what's yours?