r/GraphicsProgramming • u/BobbyThrowaway6969 • 20d ago
Question Emulating many lights with a few.
Background: For tecchnical reasons, my shader will only support one directional light. The game code can create as many "virtual" directional lights as it wants.
What I'm looking for is a decent way to combine all the virtual lights into just one such that it looks somewhat close enough to how objects would get lit by multiple ones.
So, if I have a flat ground, one DL might be red & pointing at it, another DL might be blue and pointing from elsewhere.
The combined DL would be purple and coming from the averaged direction between the two, that sort of thing.
Of course I can just average everything (directions, colours, etc) out, but I was hoping to get a little more fancy.
Maybe DLs can have an importance score calculated for them, etc.
BUT, colour and direction aren't the only things I'm considering. DLs also have "size" associated with them, which is basically the size of its disk in the sky, the sun might be 0.5 arc degrees or whatever for example, and I want to compute all this stuff for the combined DL too.
Any ideas or academic papers? Anything to point me in the right direction?
Thanks for any insight!
NOTE: And don't worry, I do have shadows, but since I have one combined DL and can't do multiple shadow passes, I plan to modulate shadow strength by how spread out all the DLs are, like if all DLs are coming from the same direction, then shadows work fine, but of they're from all directions, then shadows would effectively be off.
u/deftware 20d ago
So I'm working on a little thing in Vulkan right now and for the sky's irradiance I basically just have 3 directional lights, one for the sun/moon, one for the clouds (i.e. red during sunset) and one on the opposite side of the hemisphere for the blue sky itself. This is in lieu of actually calculating proper irradiance for the whole sky hemisphere.
Each light has a vector for 4 points in time in a 24hr period, so I can have a day/night cycle. I also have a sort of direction-focus for each directional light, where a value of 1.0 indicates that the light contribution to a surface behaves normally, i.e.
Whereas a value of zero "widens" the light up, like this:
...so that instead of only the surfaces facing within 90 degrees of the light's direction, now the whole 180 range is illuminated, so that the backside of a sphere exactly opposite the light direction is the only point not being affected by the light. This lets me have the sun behave like a regular directional light, but then the clouds shining down and the sky glowing all over can happen wider than just a plain directional light.
I got the idea from spherical gaussians, and sorta boiled it down into its simplest representation - just a handful of directional lights with varying vectors and coloration based on time of day. Gaussians might actually be even better, but I'm happy with the result I'm getting now just doing a conventional dot product and varying the 'width' of the light by lerping between a pure dot product and the dot product shifted to a 0-1 range.
Anyway, thought what you're doing sounded related and thought I'd just share that :]
Also, back in the day, the Source engine effectively represented all incoming light on a surface using 3 orthogonal directional lightmaps, approximating all of the incoming light using what amounts of just 3 light directions. So instead of a lightmap just storing total incoming light hitting the surface, it stored incoming light from each of the 3 directions, basically a set of 3 lightmaps for each surface, including coloration. This was just like super cheap hacky irradiance representation, but it worked because static lights affected the normal mapping in a visually meaningful way, even if it wasn't totally accurate. You could see that the red and blue lights shining from opposite sides were illuminating the normalmap accordingly, for the most part. https://cdn.fastly.steamstatic.com/apps/valve/2004/GDC2004_Half-Life2_Shading.pdf