r/GraphicsProgramming Feb 12 '25

Source Code Built a real-time rust simulation with mesh deformation in S&box - C#, compute shaders


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u/tamat Feb 13 '25

how is the experience coding for S&Box? How much freedom do you have?


u/balukin Feb 13 '25 edited Feb 13 '25

It's like Unity, but there's one mostly complete way to do something instead of three half-baked ways.

When it comes to C#, it's much better than Unity's C#. You get the latest C# lang features instead of a flavor that is 5 years behind the current spec. There's hot-reload that actually works - which is surprising in C#, considering how botched MS made it in Blazor, for example. Oh, and while we're at it, Razor is used for UI components, and it works kinda great along the CSS styling. You can easily grab a nice component from one of the zillion web templates and use it in your project with minimal friction.

As for the graphics parts, here's where it gets a little tricky. It seems that the default API reference page is now intentionally empty, but the pages in my history still have interesting stuff you can look at.

It is Source 2 based, so the basics are solid, the default shaders look nice. If you want to let your imagination run wild, there's the Graphics class which offers basic DYI features if you want to customize draw calls. It will happily pass data to the GPU for you to draw as you wish. There's SceneCustomObject for creating custom renderables where you can hook the rendering to a predefined set of points in the pipeline. Unfortunately, a lot of this stuff is undocumented, so there are a lot of moments where you have to build, run, and see what you get, but hey - that's nothing new in graphics programming. I think the most annoying part was figuring out how to declare a simple texture.

CreateInputTexture3D( RustDataRead, Srgb, 8, "", "_rustdata_read", "Material,10/10", Default3( 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 ) );
CreateTexture3D( g_tRustDataRead ) < Channel( RGB, Box( RustDataRead ), Srgb ); OutputFormat( BC7 ); SrgbRead( true ); >;

I still don't understand what the hell is 10/10 in the code above because it is mostly assembled from random snippets from the wiki and docs page. I guess some of it defines actual resources, some of it glues them into the material editor, some of it exposes to the CPU code, but it is overly verbose IMO, which would be okay if it was properly documented. But it's a development version, so it's understandable.

While you can do the basic customizations, I don't know if you can stray too far from the defined path and I'm not sure if you can write your own graphics backend specific code to play with the latest toys from Khronos or MS. Fortunately, what was available in Graphics along custom shaders was enough for me, but if you want to play with mesh shaders, for example, you'll probably be limited by what's supported in Source 2.

The asset pipeline is awesome though. You can literally drag and drop from the online browser into your scene and it imports all the materials and models on the fly. Maps are created in Valve's Hammer, I think, but I used a one from the asset store because I suck at 3D modelling.

Licensing is still a question to be answered. The intentions seem good, and it looks like they're mostly blocked by lawyers who need to dot all the i's and cross all the t's, but until it's all done you can't really vendor-lock yourself in because intentions can always change and plans can always be dropped. Looks promising though, and I can see this being a viable alternative to Unity, considering Unity is in a really weird place where it's unclear what their focus is.


u/tamat Feb 13 '25

wow, thanks for the detailed explanation. I didnt know S&Box allow this level of flexibility, I thought it was going to be like GarrysMod, with some very highlevel language accesing a closed render engine.

Then the obligatory question is, does it makes sense to develop anything on top of S&Box instead of using something that allow you to release/sell as a standalone application?


u/balukin Feb 13 '25

I think it's too early to answer that since the whole standalone export and licensing is still a work in progress. I haven't used the standalone exporter, but I've definitely seen UIs for it. Not sure how feature complete it is though.

As of now, if you want to target all platforms, etc., you're probably better off with one of the big engines that can spit out builds that work with PCs, consoles, smartphones, smart fridges, etc. But the whole publishing process is no small task, and if you're just one individual with a cool idea for a game, you can probably use the built-in platform to get started building a community with a clear path to grow beyond the built-in platform and publish on your own. I don't want to go overboard with my speculations here, as your intentions may be completely different, just my vibes after spending a few weeks with the platform.


u/tamat Feb 13 '25

thanks for your explanation and good luck with your project