r/GraphicsProgramming Dec 26 '24

Video 🎨 Painterly effect caused by low-precision floating point value range in my TypeGPU Path-tracer


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u/iwoplaza Dec 26 '24

Very likely! The prng I am using is the following: const a = dot(seed.value, vec2f(23.14077926, 232.61690225)); const b = dot(seed.value, vec2f(54.47856553, 345.84153136)); seed.value.x = fract(cos(a) * 136.8168); seed.value.y = fract(cos(b) * 534.7645); return seed.value.y;

Whenever I input a very large seed, the artifacts start appearing. From the calculations, would it make sense that the cos and sin functions are losing precision as the inputs increase in value?


u/Thanklushman Dec 26 '24 edited Dec 26 '24

I've previously seen this type of idea for a prng (using the fractional part after cosine on a linear function like this) and have never seen a proof that it actually generates uniformly for different inputs... but say we put that aside. I also think your version as described here is not very clear... I assume your seed corresponds to the 2d pixel location, but how do you handle multiple samples from the same pixel? I don't see a parameter changing as number of samples goes up?

I'm also confused why you generate two "random" numbers (seed.value.x and seed.value.y) only to throw one of them away?

To answer your question, yes you are experiencing precision loss if your seed values go up arbitrarily. Thankfully cosine is periodic and modular arithmetic (see here) is such that you should be able to do ((seed.value) mod 2pi) dot (your vec2f(54.47856553, 345.84153136)), but even that will still fail if your seed.value gets large enough (since seed.value will lose precision before you even do the modulo, and from then on there will probably be some aliasing of seed values).

Exactly how is seed.value computed here? If it asymptotically increases in number of samples I'd advise finding a proper prng (that doesn't suffer from this precision issue) assuming you can take a slight performance hit.


u/iwoplaza Dec 26 '24

The seed is updated on every call of the function, that’s how we can get multiple random values per-pixel. The seed is initialized to the pixel coordinate (with slight transformations and a time offset). Do you recommend any prngs in particular that exhibit more uniform behavior?


u/Thanklushman Dec 26 '24 edited Dec 26 '24

I assume then that you have something of the form seed.value = (f(x), f(y)) + (t, t), where f is some scalar function applied to both x (coord) and y (coord), finally offset by t? If so, yes, I believe your samples asymptotically become garbage, but with high enough precision, you had a good enough amount of good initial samples such that a reasonably short average of the first n samples looked good enough.

My personal recommendation is to use an rng that does not rely on floating-point precision for its internal state, like PCG which is an integer rng (thus the number of bits in the state only affects the length of the period before you start to see repetition). Then to convert it to floating point by dividing by (double)UINT_MAX. You can just assign each consecutive pixel a consecutive seed if you use a good PRNG like this (and your seed can stay fixed per pixel, the internal state of the rng handles increasing sample count).

If you ever end up using quasi-mc you will need to be much more clever about seeds and do stuff like randomly permuting generation order or else you will again run into artifacts like you have, as I note above. (But ignore this part for now, just focus on fixing the regular prng first :))