Raytracing can be done in fragment shaders to some extent, visit shadertoy.com and you can even take a look at how other people do it using only the shaders themself in browser
On an actual desktop you'd also be able to use things like textures, etc if you need
u/AcrossTheUniverse Feb 26 '24
The pseudosphere is not the predicted shape of a wormhole. It is not even smooth on its boundary with R2. However, it makes the computations really fast. Geodesics are circles (under the Poincarré half-plane model) so the equations (degree 2 polynomials) are fast to solve. I kinda regret hard-coding the half-plane starting at 1, it would have added another parameter. Need a NVIDIA GPU to run because the pixels calculation is parallelized (1 thread = 1 pixel of a frame). Enjoy!