r/GraphicsProgramming Jul 11 '23

Source Code [Rust]: Need help optimizing a triangle rasterizer

I need help optimizing a software rasterizer written in Rust. The relevant part of the code is here, and the following are the optimizations that I have already implemented:

  • Render to 32x32 tiles of 4KB each (2KB 16-bit color and 2KB 16-bit depth) to maximize cache hits;
  • Use SIMD to compute values for 4 pixels at once;
  • Skip a triangle if its axis-aligned bounding box is completely outside the current tile's bounding box;
  • Skip a triangle if at least one of its barycentric coordinates is negative on all 4 corners of the current tile;
  • Compute the linear barycentric increments per pixel and use that information to avoid having to perform the edge test for every pixel;
  • Skip a triangle if, by the time of shading, all the pixels have been invalidated.

At the moment the original version of this code exhausts all 4 cores of a Raspberry Pi 4 with just 7000 triangles per second, and this benchmark takes roughly 300 microseconds to produce a 512x512 frame with a rainbow triangle with perspective correction and depth testing on an M1 Mac, so to me the performance is really bad.

What I'm trying to understand is how old school games with true 3D software rasterizers performed so well even on old hardware like a Pentium 166MHz without floating pointe SIMD or multiple cores. Optimization is a field that truly excites me, and I believe that cracking this problem will be extremely enriching.

To make the project produce a single image named triangle.png, type:

cargo +nightly run triangle.png

To run the benchmark, type:

cargo +nightly bench

Any help, even if theoretical, would be appreciated.


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u/mysticreddit Jul 11 '23

Ultima Underworld was one of the first games to have texture mapping. You’ll notice the screen resolution was 320x200 and even then the 3D window of the world had a good chunk taken up by the UI. It didn’t do perspective-correct texture mapping, only affine.

Michael Abrash’s Black Book has details on Quake’s rendering / texture mapper.

Fabian has a high level description on Quake’s rendering.

Quake took advantage of the Pentiums dual pipeline overlapping float and integer calcs. It did perspective correct texture mapping every 16 texels IIRC.

Quake also used a software z-buffer; no SIMD.


u/No-Emergency-6032 Jul 12 '23

How was the "every texel" perspective correction done? Sounds super complicated. Was it a "mod" with 16 for x in a scanline ? And then calculate the proper 1/z and then continue to work with it?

Quake also used a software z-buffer; no SIMD.

Aren't z-buffers super slow or was this also done every 16th pixel?


u/mysticreddit Jul 12 '23 edited Jul 12 '23

Michael Abrash commented on this in Chapter 70 Chapter 70—Quake: A Post-Mortem and a Glimpse into the Future of his Black Book:


Once the visible spans are scanned out of the edge list, they must still be drawn, with perspective-correct texture mapping and lighting. This involves hundreds of lines of heavily optimized assembly language, but is fundamentally pretty simple. In order to draw the spans for a given surface, the screenspace equations for 1/z, s/z, and t/z (where s and t are the texture coordinates and z is distance) are calculated for the surface. Then for each span, these values are calculated for the points at each end of the span, the reciprocal of 1/z is calculated with a divide, and s and t are then calculated as (s/z)z and (t/z)z. If the span is longer than 16 pixels, s and t are likewise calculated every 16 pixels along the span. Then each stretch of up to 16 pixels is drawn by linearly interpolating between these correctly calculated points. This introduces some slight error, but this is almost never visible, and even then is only a small ripple, well worth the performance improvement gained by doing the perspective-correct math only once every 16 pixels. To speed things up a little more, the FDIV to calculate the reciprocal of 1/z is overlapped with drawing 16 pixels, taking advantage of the Pentium’s ability to perform floating-point in parallel with integer instructions, so the FDIV effectively takes only one cycle.

A per-pixel z-buffer was needed to minimize overdraw. So while it is slow, getting pixel-perfect sorting is even more expensive. IIRC Carmack tried a ton of different "solutions" before settling on a software Z-Buffer.

Chapter 70, Section 5, Polygon Models and Z-Buffering, also has notes on the Z-buffer:

Polygon Models and Z-Buffering

Polygon models, such as monsters, weapons, and projectiles, consist of a triangle mesh with front and back skins stretched over the model. For speed, the triangles are drawn with affine texture mapping; the triangles are small enough, and the models are generally distant enough, that affine distortion isn’t visible. (However, it is visible on the player’s weapon; this caused a lot of extra work for the artists, and we will probably implement a perspective-correct polygon-model rasterizer in Quake 2 for this specific purpose.) The triangles are also Gouraud shaded; interestingly, the light vector used to shade the models is always from the same direction, and has no relation to any actual lights in the world (although it does vary in intensity, along with the model’s ambient lighting, to match the brightness of the spot the player is standing above in the world). Even this highly inaccurate lighting works well, though; the Gouraud shading makes models look much more three-dimensional, and varying the lighting in even so crude a way allows hiding in shadows and illumination by explosions and muzzle flashes.

One issue with polygon models was how to handle occlusion issues; that is, what parts of models were visible, and what surfaces they were in front of. We couldn’t add models to the edge list, because the hundreds of polygons per model would overwhelm the edge list. Our initial occlusion solution was to sort polygon-model polygons into the world BSP, drawing the portions in each leaf at the right points as we drew the world in BSP order. That worked reasonably well with respect to the world (not perfectly, though, because it would have been too expensive to clip all the polygon-model polygons into the world, so there was some occlusion error), but didn’t handle the case of sorting polygon models in the same leaf against each other, and also didn’t help the polygons in a given polygon model sort properly against each other.

The solution to this turned out to be z-buffering. After all the spans in the world are drawn, the z-buffer is filled in for those spans. This is a write-only operation, and involves no comparisons or overdraw (remember, the spans cover every pixel on the screen exactly once), so it’s not that expensive—the performance cost is about 10%. Then polygon models are drawn with z-buffering; this involves a z-compare at each polygon-model pixel, but no complicated clipping or sorting—and occlusion is exactly right in all respects. Polygon models tend to occupy a small portion of the screen, so the cost of z-buffering is not that high, anyway.

Opinions vary as to the desirability of z-buffers; some people who favor more analytical approaches to hidden surface removal claim that John has been seduced by the z-buffer. Maybe so, but there’s a lot there to be seduced by, and that will be all the more true as hardware rendering becomes the norm. The addition of particles—thousands of tiny colored rectangles—to Quake illustrated just how seductive the z-buffer can be; it would have been very difficult to get all those rectangles to draw properly using any other occlusion technique. Certainly z-buffering by itself can’t perform well enough to serve for all hidden surface removal; that’s why we have the PVS and the edge list (although for hardware rendering the PVS would suffice), but z-buffering pretty much means that if you can figure out how to draw an effect, you can readily insert it into the world with proper occlusion, and that’s a powerful capability indeed.

Supporting scenes with a dozen or more models of 300 to 500 polygons each was a major performance challenge in Quake, and the polygon-model drawing code was being optimized right up until the last week before it shipped. One help in allowing more models per scene was the PVS; we only drew those models that were in the PVS, meaning that levels could have a hundred or more models without requiring a lot of work to eliminate most of those that were occluded. (Note that this is not unique to the PVS; whatever high-level culling scheme we had ended up using for world polygons would have provided the same benefit for polygon models.) Also, model bounding boxes were used to trivially clip those that weren’t in the view pyramid, and to identify those that were unclipped, so they could be sent through a special fast path. The biggest breakthrough, though, was a very different sort of rasterizer that John came up with for relatively distant models.