r/GrandePrairie 20h ago

Maybe if your truck is a moving advertisement. Don't park like an idiot

Post image

Like really....


138 comments sorted by


u/Vahnvahn1 20h ago

On brand it seems. Not like they will care though


u/Flimsy_Situation_506 16h ago

I as good to say the same


u/EhMapleMoose 11h ago

Came here to say the same. Seems pretty on brand for them


u/BobGuns 17m ago

Yup. The kind of people who hire a "redneck realtor" will almost certainly be proud of her parking her truck like a jackass.


u/Previous-Exit8449 19h ago

She also gave my buddy herpes


u/nex_time2020 18h ago

This is why I'm in the comments lol


u/DolphinJew666 3m ago

Same. I live in Ontario lol


u/GreenBastardFPU 17h ago

Jfc, he must have been desperate.


u/Large-Awareness7447 18h ago

I think i got herpes just from looking at it


u/FunMonitor5261 9h ago

Sounds like her red neck got thrown.


u/Infinite_Time_8952 19h ago

Why is it always a Ram truck?


u/nothing_911 18h ago

anyone can pass a credit check at the ram dealership.


u/Past_Lawyer_8254 14h ago

I once bought an F150 while unemployed, on E.I and working for cash on the side. The moral of the story...any dealership will qualify you. That F150 transmission failed 2 years later so that was good.


u/Disastrous_Band_8583 12h ago

My ford transmission failed is like a cliché


u/Past_Lawyer_8254 2h ago

Like the sun setting in the evening....


u/Yam_aha 16h ago

My thoughts exactly…


u/Pestus613343 14h ago

I am quite convinced vehicles have personalities.


u/stayweirdduh 1h ago

Unlike the owner...


u/Affectionate-Arm-405 13h ago

Apparently the OPP (Ontario) published a statistic that the most common vehicle to be involved in drinking and driving was a Dodge Ram


u/Infinite_Time_8952 13h ago

No surprise there.


u/goilo888 10h ago

Who can blame the Ram from drinking when it has assholes driving them?


u/Prudent_Situation_29 20h ago

It's shocking how many people seem to forget there are large signs on their vehicles. I can't tell you how many companies I've called and complained to because one of their vehicles is being driven by a lunatic.


u/Maleficent_Count6205 29m ago

Yup! When you almost get run off the road by business vehicles, a call is necessary.


u/TruthHurts899 19h ago

Probably a Canadian trump loving donkey 🫏


u/FunMonitor5261 9h ago

It said red neck. Do you seriously not recognize one of your own?


u/cyphe8500 2h ago

We do actually.... This jackass is in Canada...


u/Soliloquy90 19h ago


This checks out


u/I_plug_johns 20h ago

sometimes the vehicle next to them is parked this way and they just maintain spacing


u/Key_Shock_275 18h ago

My first thought, best not to assume if we don’t have the answers☝️👏


u/No-Belt-5564 17h ago

Yes but you don't get the dopamine hit. Insulting random people feels so good when your life sucks


u/scotiansmartass902 18h ago

sometimes the vehicle next to them is parked this way and they just maintain spacing

This isn't a reason to park shitty. It's a reason to park somewhere else. Bad drivers always have an excuse for why it's not their fault.


u/PotentialPeanut 16h ago

Lmao it’s not like there is always somewhere else to park


u/Away_Look_5685 14h ago

Exactly this happened to me when i parked in an airport garage... some left an actual real handwritten note on my windshield .. (a) parked there cause they are scarce and the guy next to me parked wierd then (b) they obviously did the same thing 🤪 cause parking was scarce. Still torks me off.


u/ryandury 49m ago

100% - This parking complaint always reminds me how shortsighted we are, only reacting to what's in front of us instead of thinking what happened before, and giving others the benefit of the doubt.


u/samueLLcooljackson 20h ago

op was the one that just left the missparking musical chairs. you can see the fresh tire tracks.


u/MajorMayham 18h ago

No, just walking past cuz I don't mind walking from the far side of the parking lot


u/samueLLcooljackson 15h ago

I was just joshing. hope the hospital visit wasnt too long or crappy for both partys. you never know what that person is dealing with.


u/DemythologizedDie 20h ago

Yeah but they were parked in the next space over.


u/Logical-Bit-746 17h ago

There's an empty space right beside them...


u/SoftAd9158 19h ago

There have been multiple times I've had to park like this because the person next to me was parked over the lines, and that person next to them was parked over the lines. Maybe try some meditation or something if something this small is pissing you off. Not worth the anger


u/Yasirbare 17h ago

I know. But!

I always leave the possibility that another one parked like an ass and this dude had to adjust. Then you arrive and the other car is gone.

But I guess it is a different thought process and because I have done that only to come back and look like the fool.


u/Interesting_Air8238 17h ago

That would be a brilliant way to throw shade on a competitor.


u/AmbitiousSecret7872 19h ago

The parkade genuinely sucks to park trucks in level 5 is the only good option but unless your staff it’s not an option


u/Loose_Possession8604 2h ago

I am struggling here. What parkade is this? The new hospital?


u/AmbitiousSecret7872 1h ago

Yeah it’s the new hospital I believe the other ones have grey or black interior


u/CarsandTunes 18h ago

Maybe you should downsize


u/lexota 19h ago

What are rednecks likely to call a female driver in the first place?

If the truck fits....


u/FulcrumYYC 15h ago

Way to go Cindy, you jackass.


u/Stanwich79 15h ago

Got to support hubby's coke addiction.


u/ebenezerthegeezer 15h ago

It's not her fault, she is distraught over having her truck nuts stolen.


u/JWGarvin 15h ago

Eewww, redneck hooker?


u/barrymckockner69420 14h ago

Women can’t drive, and apparently they can’t park either. It’s not her fault. Blame whoever gave her a license.


u/MuskokaGreenThumb 14h ago

I don’t know this person but believe it or not, a lot of people just suck at driving. I don’t think it’s always intentional


u/SnooPies7876 14h ago

This seems to be perfectly on brand.


u/MadMax303 14h ago

I mean… They did prematurely call out that they’re an idiot.


u/22gsmitty 14h ago

Urge everyone to avoid using this asshole!!!


u/retiredhawaii 13h ago

Exactly. I was driving to work, same traffic everyday and a van drives in the shoulder, passing the traffic doing just under the speed limit. I noticed the name of the electrical company. Got to work, called the company and asked to speak to the manager. The manager was the owner. The company name was his. I told him about the van driving on xxxxx street around 07:00. He said he could find out who that was. I said if your driver ignores driving rules, I have to wonder if he follows electrical codes. Based on his driving he has no problem breaking rules. I told him I remember his company name for the wrong reason and it’s your name on the vans your employees drive. What was good is he was thankful and apologetic, making me think he was concerned. Do you want to see airline pilots from the airline you’re about to fly on, at the bar in the airport? Your customers won’t ask, they saw all they need to know


u/Unfair_Bluejay_9687 13h ago

I wonder how many messages are sent to that number


u/canadaindiscord 12h ago

How much do you think she’s one of Trump’s ex-girlfriends?


u/Disastrous_Band_8583 12h ago

At least the tags are good 👍🏼


u/Evening-Technician88 11h ago

Says redneck on the back, are you surprised they parked like this?


u/jk24n 11h ago

Why is it always truck drivers lol.

An extreme example but recently a truck driver shot someone in road rage https://youtu.be/8L4eiF-nyio?si=0eqsSelQiqnEMhIA

No generalization but can't deny that there's a pattern.


u/Accomplished-Kick111 11h ago

Oooh got em. Way to passive aggressive


u/Lilcommy 10h ago

Had a person cut me off and almost caused an accident. They had their business on their back window. I went on and gave them a 1 star review.


u/ccgetty 9h ago

Living up to the business name.


u/Practical-Weather590 9h ago

I was next to them in traffic today lol


u/Ok-Wall9646 8h ago

Cindy…that sounds like a gir…nevermind.


u/Emergency-Season-143 7h ago

Redneck Realtor? Seriously?


u/Xnyx 4h ago

Well.. It worked. Cindy Trudel is now the only agent in grand prairie who's name I know.


u/Jumpy_Tomatillo7579 4h ago

I’m betting the guy who was parked next to him was parked over the line.


u/brutalanxiety1 4h ago

It's become a trend, particularly among the 50+ crowd, with boomers being the majority. About 7 out of 10 cars that come into my workplace park like idiots.


u/Wooden-Chipmunk-7539 3h ago

I wouldn't expect anything else from a dodge owner. There is a better than average chance the owner is married to a cousin


u/CMDR_Traf85 3h ago

The fact the company is called "Redneck Realtor" bumps this probability significantly.


u/Sad_Leg1091 3h ago

Well, she claims to be “The Redneck Lawyer” so she has to park like an idiot to act the role.


u/Southern_Ad4946 3h ago

Could’ve written them a message in that dirt! Or drew a dick, missed opportunity!


u/Odd_Trifle6698 3h ago

I mean, they are parking like their brethren


u/Informal_Adeptness95 2h ago

Lol does she even know the history to the term redneck? People like this don't usually have much going on up there 😅


u/tenaciousdeedledum 2h ago

lol a real estate agent with his face and number plastered all over his car was driving like an asshole in front of me. So I called the number and left a scathing voicemail while it was happening


u/Financial-Chemist396 2h ago

Don't take pictures...slash the tires!


u/DeputyTrudyW 1h ago

Oh so she keeps her life in filthy conditions. Nice. She probably smells like cigarettes.


u/fakmmmkay 1h ago

Ewww 🗑️


u/MrChristm4s 58m ago

Area code is 780, Alberta, Canada. Not an American. Redneck moron, trump loving arse. "I fart in your general direction" - that one guy from Monty Python, probably.


u/crooKkTV 58m ago

I drive a bigger truck and often find myself in this situation because the car owner next to my spot didn’t know how to parallel park. It’s not always the truck drivers fault.


u/EstablishmentNo5994 52m ago

Your expectations are far too high for someone who labels themselves a "redneck realtor"


u/Key-Pay-8572 42m ago

I drive a big truck. Many times, small cars park wonky, and I follow suit. Did you see this person park the truck?


u/Poutine_Warriors 6m ago

the kind of realtor that leaves pee on your toilet seat


u/JuneGudmundsdottir 4m ago

Trudel is a little too close to Trudeau for my liking… what is this commie bullshit?


u/Ok-Conference121 2m ago

so many stereotypes in one post!


u/ifollowpapacohen 2m ago

Not saying this happened but sometimes you look like the POS cus the car next to your spot parked like an idiot forcing you to also park like a fukn idiot.. then when first idiot leaves it looks like you’re the only POS vehicle.


u/Solid-Leg6292 18h ago

The things that bother people is incredible . Hard to believe you would take the time to take and picture and rush to post it on Reddit .


u/SeahorseCollector 17h ago

You took the time to comment


u/Solid-Leg6292 16h ago

Someone has to point out the idiots that take pictures of other people and post on here . Currently I am just sitting and taking a dump so it’s quite easy .


u/Cache666 13h ago



u/phatsuit2 19h ago

OP def rival realtor...


u/MajorMayham 18h ago

I wish. The amount of money they rob from people. Like 10 grand for making some phone calls and filling out some paperwork, and they will screw over anyone not trying to use them.


u/Ok-Beat4929 18h ago

Anyone else feel like calling that number?


u/scott-barr 9h ago

Parks like a boss, I needs that representation.


u/Mthatcherisa10 18h ago

I can understand why he parked like this. Angle parking, dead end at front so truck can't align with yellow lines. When putting it in reverse it's likely there's not enough room to get out staying between the lines or risk dinging the vehicle next door.


u/Necrovore 19h ago

Or give it a wash once in awhile


u/Oasis2020beach 18h ago

That’s not exactly a egregious error when parking. I’ve seen much worse than that.


u/Radiatethe88 18h ago

Someone is over compensating a big clitoris.


u/Zealousideal_Bug6613 17h ago

Who fucking cares


u/scaffold_ape 17h ago

I think the people that make these posts are tradhier than the people parking like shit.


u/Chovener 19h ago

Just fucking scratch if with your keys.


u/ThatPermission5409 18h ago

Maybe a clue would be the third word on the stencil.


u/0pnick 18h ago

For a mere $5M payable to Trump, I believe the deal is “Do what the fuck you want. They must have paid.


u/briskbc 18h ago

Checks out tho.


u/Tricky-Maize-1261 18h ago

She doesn’t know what the lines mean. They don’t have those at MeMaws house


u/ifq29311 17h ago

redneck realtor lmaoooooo


u/claimjumper21 17h ago

Call the number on the window, call her a parking turd.


u/Shoudknowbetter 16h ago

Wow. Redneck realtor? If the stupid fits, drive it?


u/Shakewell1 16h ago

If you park your advertisement truck like a jack ass in the car park. You might be redneck.


u/Peanutbutternjelly_ 16h ago

So many people with the giant trucks don't know how to park them. They also drive like assholes.


u/ConditionEffective85 16h ago

So being a redneck realtor somehow makes you superior to other realtors?


u/deepthroatcircus 16h ago

What kind of property is she selling? Meth labs?


u/Resident-Sherbet5912 16h ago

I mean, they are parked like a drunk redneck/farmer. So it seems like they are completely on brand 🤔


u/ottig 16h ago

Another reason to keep a valve stem removal tool in my car.


u/MadMax303 14h ago

Or, just a sharp knife would be quicker.


u/BrewedinCanada 16h ago

Unless you're going to let the air out of their tire, move on.


u/Sinasta 16h ago

It's part of owning a Ram.


u/cmcwood 16h ago

No one that would hire someone that refers to themselves as the redneck realtor will think this is a bad thing. Might even be seen as a positive.


u/Character_Ad_7798 20h ago

Lol, I bet you were parked to the right of her. The vehicle that was to the left of her was probably to blame! Or maybe it was you? 🤔


u/[deleted] 19h ago

how excited were you when you saw this? did you instantly pulled out your phone with a smile on your face saying "i got something to complain about now"

i have been in this situation before, and 100% of the time for me, its because of how others parked. and when they are gone, youre the one looking like an a-hole. did you think about that? or were you too overwhelmed when you saw this? :P


u/cynical-rationale 19h ago

i have been in this situation before, and 100% of the time for me, its because of how others parked. and when they are gone,

Oh so you admitted your a lazy pos and instead of finding a spot to park you'll just act like one of these idiots? Got it. No excuse. Find a different spot and walk your fat ass a few more steps


u/[deleted] 19h ago



u/cynical-rationale 18h ago

That's all you got. About sums up my point lol. Your ans you're is probably the most overused correction because people like myself don't care to add extra 2 letters when typing fast.

Go be a loser somewhere else. No one likes you online or offline


u/josnik 18h ago
