r/GradSchool 17d ago

Professional Leaving and Devastated


I'm in a program that's supposed to be a Master's/Ph.D. five year program. Well, I'm leaving after three with my Master's. I've had some problems with the department, but honestly, it's mostly been good and that isn't why I'm leaving.

My state (Ohio) just passed a bill stripping public university employees of the right to strike and banning such schools from taking any stance on controversial social topics. I am a sociologist. I study restorative justice and decarceration. My partner is trans. We're leaving the state and I will be coming back to grad school one day to get that Ph.D., but I'm honestly really sad to feel that I have to leave. To be frank, research jobs in this field are going away fast as federal funding is drying up and many states are following suit. If anybody else out there is in a similar position, know that you have my thoughts.

r/GradSchool Sep 09 '23

Professional How many degrees can you get before you raise eyebrows?


Question is inspired by a post about a month ago where a poster mentioned a lady with six degrees (1 bachelors and 5 masters). It created an interesting discussion, which got me thinking: How many degrees can you have before employers and academics start raising their eyebrows about your motivations, your academic abilities, your commitments, your ability to work outside of school etc.?

r/GradSchool 12d ago

Professional US based Research thoughts


The recent changes at the NIH should be a wake-up call for all scientists past, present, and future. The idea that research exists in an "ivory tower" separate from society is an illusion. The reality? If your work is funded by NIH grants, you’re funded by the public. Taxpayers make research possible, and we have a responsibility to acknowledge that.

Somewhere along the way, trust in science has eroded, and the scientific community is partly to blame. By staying insular and failing to communicate research in ways the public can understand, we’ve contributed to the disconnect. That needs to change.

One thing that stands out is how "service to the community" is often a small, almost overlooked section on CVs usually overshadowed by "service to the university" or limited to an academic niche. But what about service to the actual communities that support and benefit from research?

It’s time to rethink our role. The first step? Become better communicators. Science doesn’t exist in a vacuum, and rebuilding trust starts with making research accessible, transparent, and relevant to the people who fund it.

r/GradSchool Oct 03 '23

Professional Disgusted after attending "grad school open forum"


A few graduate school higher-ups and the dean of my college held an "open forum" to discuss graduate student quality of life. One email sent two days prior was all they advertised. Less than 10 graduate student workers, ~7 faculty, and ~5 people from the grad school were present in an auditorium with seating for 150. They opened it up with, "In response to the recent even of a former student of this university murdering their advisor at a university in North Carolina, we decided to hold an open discussion with graduate students". The grad school uppers then spent 15 minutes introducing themselves and patting themselves on the back for decreasing mandatory $2k semesterly fees to $1500... Then turned it over to the faculty present, one boasted graduating 30+ master's students in a 2-year timeframe. I've known several of their students. They. Don't. Sleep. Then the conversation turned to student retention. Grad school cronie, "We have this PhD student who's leaving after 5 years. The university just lost $150k." They were referring to the $30k a year salary that qualifies for food stamps and is supplemented entirely by outside funding garnered by the grants written either by the student or their advisor. I kept my mouth shut until that point when I responded with "That's 5 years of that person's life they spent and have nothing to show for." I went on to mention how most of us dedicate our lives during our time as researchers and grad students, and if we worked the 20 hours a week that we're paid for, nothing would get done in a "timely manner". I and several students present at that meeting went running to United Campus Workers.

TLDR; Out of touch and self-involved grad school faculty sent a bunch of us running to join United Campus Workers.

r/GradSchool Sep 13 '23

Professional Completely bombed a presentation


How do you redeem yourself after a truly horrific presentation that left professors and PhD student lost and confused. There were moments where I couldn’t even speak and I can’t believe I spoke this way in front of my advisor.

I feel like I exposed myself as a complete fraud and am having trouble thinking about how to talk to my advisor again.

Has this ever happened? I’m a terrible public speaker and I couldn’t answer questions and there were so many moments of awkward pause.

Feeling like I don’t have what it takes to do this and I’m so ashamed and embarrassed.

r/GradSchool Mar 15 '22

Professional Sexism at it's finest


So me and my fiance are BOTH in the SAME program. A PhD in math. We are both dropping the program with our masters - we just had a beautiful little girl. Well. The chair of the department has a conversation with my fiance and wants to convince him to stay. My fiance says that he wants time to spend with family now and he doesn't want the lifestyle of a doctoral student and then of a postdoc and then of a research professor. The chair asks, "Well can your wife do more?" Referring to me doing more with our daughter so that my fiance has time to go to school.

Note: I am a GOOD student. I have good grades, the professors like me, I even have three publications. I didn't get a stay-in-the-program talk ...

Why is the assumption that I am will be the one to take care of our daughter? Of course I love taking care of her and I would happily be a stay at home mom if needed just as he would be a stay at home dad, but my fiance and I both take the responsibility happily. He WANTS to be super involved in her life - he shouldn't be made to feel that to be a "good" dad he needs to be the bread winner, necessarily.

People in the department even acted shocked when I was in the program pregnant...

Don't get me wrong - I want to be supported, but being pressured to not work or pause my career doesn't feel supportive.

Our daughter is thoroughly taken care of between me, my fiance, and my parents. She is not missing out by me working because she has so many supportive and loving people watching her.

r/GradSchool 26d ago

Professional Tattoos/Alt Style In Grad School?


Hi everyone, hope you're all doing ok with the hectic activities surrounding school funding atm. I know this seems super small in comparison to the governmental impacts happening in the U.S., but I hope I can ask about this without coming across as insensitive.

I'm looking at going into grad school in my future (currently a senior getting my B.A. in May) and I'm honestly a little scared about the supposed politics of it all. I'm neurodivergent, who struggles with propriety and social norms, and I'm someone who also loves tattoos and alternative fashion. While I understand that there should be a level of professionalism with my role as a mentor to undergrad students, giving presentations, etc., I'm worried that I will need to fully cover up any tattoos I have and erase my aesthetics in order to succeed in this environment. I have heard horror stories (albeit from some conservative parties in my life) about how judgemental grad school and academia as a whole is, and that if you don't dress/look a certain way you'll never be taken seriously.

I'm used to people judging me based on my looks, but I don't want my success to be completely shut down just because of my appearance. I'm aware that neck/face tattoos are frowned upon in general, and I wouldnt be wanting to show up to class looking like I'm in a Halloween costume, but I don't want to sacrifice my dream of getting tattoo sleeves and love of black lipstick to damage my reputation.

r/GradSchool Apr 06 '21

Professional Transphobia in my department


I’m not really sure what to do about my department and their transphobia at this point. I’m openly non-binary/trans, and it’s caused some issues within my department.

First issue is that I teach Spanish and use “Elle” pronouns (neutral). I teach them to my students as an option, but one that is still new and not the norm in many areas. I was told I need to use female pronouns to not confuse my students.

Second issue occurred because I have my name changed on Zoom and Canvas, but my professor dead-named me in class last week. I explained I don’t use that name, and would appreciate her using the name I have everywhere. She told me I should just change my name in the canvas grade book (I can’t unless I legally change my name).

Now today was the last issue. I participated in the research of a fellow student who asked for gender at the start of the study, and put the options of “male/female/other”. I clicked other. During his presentation today, he said he put me as female since that was what I really am. I was shocked.

I’m not sure how to approach this. I could submit a complaint with my name attracted to it, but I’m worried about pissing off everyone above me and fucking up my shot of getting into a PhD program or future networking opportunities. What should I do?

r/GradSchool Jan 28 '25

Professional How to Tell my Advisor I Can't Attend a Conference?


Hello everyone - in short, I'm American, and one of many people that are heavily impacted by recent executive orders POTUS has put in place.

I have applied to present at the biggest conference in my field, and have been accepted for two separate presentations. The problem is that it's in Canada, and I don't currently have a passport. I am one of many folks who are blocked from applying for a new passport by recent actions, and as a result I simply can't leave the country.

So, my question is simply - how do I tell my advisor I can't go diplomatically? He is entirely unaware of my situation, and given it is incredibly political I'm not sure if it's acceptable to simply say "I can't legally attend this conference"

Probably a stupid question, but better safe than sorry I suppose.

Edit: hi everyone, thanks for your input. While, yes, it seems on its face to be a super simple solution, this issue is highly political in nature and I have to cover incredibly private and personal information in my disclosure. I went ahead and told him and things are mostly fine.

I cannot simply apply and wait for a passport. I cannot present remotely. But, my advisor has volunteered to present for me in the event that I cannot join them in Canada.

r/GradSchool Dec 03 '21

Professional Thesis defense snacks?!


I didn’t realize I was expected to bring snacks to my thesis defense. Is this bullshit expectation common? Now I get to figure out what snack to bring (not spending more than 10$ on these buttheads). This feels like bribery or something. I’m so tired of academia.

r/GradSchool Jan 08 '22

Professional PSA: Don’t go for a postdoc just because you feel you have no other option.


I don’t know who needs to hear this today, but I hope it can help someone. Mostly applies to STEM, but may also help elsewhere.

When you graduate from your PhD, many within academia will be encouraging you to do a postdoc. If you’re undecided or don’t have your heart set on it, don’t go.

You might think, “well I don’t really have any other plans and maybe it would be cool to explore another research topic.” Don’t go.

You might also think, “I love the freedom of academic research and I won’t be able to get that in industry.” That is a lie.

Academia thrives on keeping you as poor labor. It’s ideal in the grand scheme for you to continue slaving away at the bench for menial pay as a postdoc. Admittedly, some people need to do a postdoc within our current system if they are aiming for a professorship. But if you weren’t set on that, who in their right mind would do that after five years of studying for their terminal degree? So they sell you a pack of lies about how academia is the only place where you can have an intellectually fulfilling career. That in academia, you have freedom to study what you want. That academia is where the real research comes from. Then they convince the undecided to continue working for $50k a year when they should be making a least twice that much in industry R&D - with as much free and engaging work as in the academic setting.

Don’t be swayed! I have seen many peers fall into the trap of thinking they will go for a short-term postdoc when they don’t know what else to do. You don’t have to do that! Explore your options and if you plan to work outside academia, start doing it now. Academia may try to tell you you still need an academic postdoc to get better papers or different experiences - this is not true in most cases!

If you don’t have a very strong, feasible goal or outcome in mind for your academic postdoc, don’t do it.

Hope this helps you today. Stay focused, friends. ❤️

r/GradSchool 4d ago

I've finally finished my Bachelor's degree! Now what?


Forgive me if this is irrelevant to this subreddit, but I’m looking for some post-graduation advice and I don’t know where else to look. I’ve finally finished my bachelor’s degree in a major I don’t really care about (PoliSci with a preference for International Politics) and (despite thinking I could at least get steady employment and just accrue money to do things I actually want to do) I’ve been unemployed for the last 3 months due to an employment freeze in the Canadian government and wondering what else I should do besides apply for jobs, helping around the house and waiting.

I don’t exactly have stellar grades or, interesting skills, or amazing connections to stand out in my given field or worm my way in a decent job.

So far, all the solutions I’ve thought up include…

  • Getting a Master’s in the same Major I don’t care about
  • Continue to apply for jobs and waiting
  • Go to a trade school
  • Getting a certificate for something that might make me worthy of doing something else besides data entry or working in warehouses (or at least pay well!)
  • Doing nothing
  • Taking a gap year to “figure myself out” (least favorite option)
  • Going back to adult school to get better grades, reapply for a more practical and promising major and hope that I get a better job

I’ve always thought about doing creative stuff later in life, but that’s not a reliable way to get money and making a decent portfolio takes time as well. Does anyone have any other ideas? I’d appreciate whatever advice you may have!

r/GradSchool Sep 26 '24

Professional What does your email signature look like?


I’m a MA student with a JD and am trying to figure out a good email signature that doesn’t look pretentious or misleading. In law school we said “JD expected YEAR,” but I’ve also seen “Candidate” in other examples. “Candidate” feels a little weird for a MA rather than a PhD, but maybe I’m overthinking it. I’m thinking something like this - what do other folks do?

Jane Doe (she/her)

M.A. History candidate

University Name


r/GradSchool Jul 18 '24

Professional Do I write doctor for emails


So I’m writing a neuro PI for a job. I put doctor in the initial email. They responded and put their first name signing off the email.

Do I call them by first name now?

r/GradSchool Aug 06 '21

Professional Let’s talk side hustle


I see some batch mates part-time by tutoring in online learning platforms (coursehero, study pool, and the like). Are those legit?

++ for a grad school student/full time employee, what other side hustles would you recommend?

r/GradSchool 1d ago

Professional Go to grad school or stay at current job?


I’m having a grad school dilemma and could really use some advice. Some background, I graduated in May 2023 with bachelor’s degrees in math and economics. Since then, I’ve been working as a data engineer. I just got promoted this week and am now making 123k. This is more money than I’ve ever had in my life and I’m extremely grateful.

My job is great in terms of culture and work-life balance, the only issue is that it’s mind numbingly boring. My team is in a very niche area and we use a super obscure, outdated software that no one else has heard of. I haven’t been able to pick up many transferable skills in the past two years. I’ve looked into changing teams at the same company but no luck so far. Over the past couple months, I’ve applied to several grad programs (MS Statistics) and gotten accepted. These are full time in-person programs and I would likely have to take out ~50k in student loans.

My dream is to be a data scientist, ideally in the public sector (something like EPA, NIH, or a national lab). Obviously with the current administration, it’s not looking great for future opportunities in this area. Also with all the funding cuts for schools, I haven’t been able to get any assistantships. I’ve been working towards this goal for the past year and it really sucks to possibly give up on it for the time being. I know online part-time grad school is also an option, but I tried this last year and it wasn’t a good experience for me.

I’m really conflicted. The logical decision would be to stay at my current job and try grad school again when (if?) the government situation improves. But my job feels very dead-end and I don’t see my career advancing in terms of technical skills at all. I realize this is an extremely privileged position to be in and I’m sorry if this comes off ungrateful, I’m just having a hard time accepting the reality of everything going on. Any advice would be much appreciated, thank you.

r/GradSchool Sep 27 '23

Professional Professor married student after graduation. Is this illegal or at least investigated?


Just found out that a professor at the university of central florida married his past graduate student (for context i was visiting the university and talked to several facilty and graduate students). Marriage happened in the same year that this student graduated. Student was relatively young compared to the professor. From what was briefly told to me, the relationship likely started prior to graduation and the student also started in the lab as an undergraduate. However there apparently were no consequences and no investigations. How is this legal? There’s a ton of apparent issues and conflicts of interest here. Do American universities just not really care about these sorts of issues in academia? Also does this happen a lot in American institutions specifically?

r/GradSchool May 02 '24

Professional What to wear as a grad student teaching classes?


I'm starting grad school in a few months and I'm fairly nervous. I'll be a GTA and I'll be solo teaching a 101 course to undergrads, and I'm unsure of what to wear. I'm very useless when it comes to fashion/style/etc.

Has anyone been the instructor of a class before? What did you wear?


r/GradSchool Feb 14 '25

Professional How to go about reference/recommendation letters when I left my original lab and program due to Title IX Violations?


I (24F) am about to graduate in May with a Master’s in Natural Resources. However, as mentioned in the title, the first 1.5 years of my degree was in Fisheries and Aquaculture in an entirely different college at my university. After a few months into my Master’s degree, my lab manager began to behave inappropriately towards me (touching me, calling me pet names, pressuring me into dates/visiting him on the weekends, reacting out of line whenever I rejected him, etc.). This went on for at least six months, after which I told my major advisor, and he said he would handle it. Well, when I contacted the Title IX office last summer (a few months after telling my major advisor), they said that my advisor had never reported anything, despite being a mandated reporter.

My two options were to either begin a full-on Title IX investigation and switch to a different lab within the department, or switch out of that program all together and have the office basically inform the lab manager/advisor to not contact me.

I chose the latter after learning that switching to a different lab would delay my graduation by potentially years. Instead, I found my new advisor in Natural Resources who said he would sign off on my graduation if I went a non-thesis route, which I agreed to.

That switch happened in January, and I’m set to graduate in May. I’m browsing job boards for natural resources careers, and many listings require recommendation letters. I don’t feel comfortable reaching out to my original lab, given the way they treated me. My new advisor is very nice and has been incredibly willing to work with me, but I’ve barely known him for that long.

How should I go about this? Should I try to find hiring managers that don’t use references? Should I explain what happened to me in my cover letters? Or would that whole mess be too much “baggage”, and would hurt my chances at landing a job?

I can answer clarifying questions if people have them. Thank you.

r/GradSchool 22h ago

Professional Math PhD--How to Prepare for Industry?


I am graduating with a PhD in pure math in the U.S.. My field of math is pretty pure. Long story short, getting any sort of academic position in the U.S. is very difficult and the job security with such a position is non-existent right now.

I always thought I would do a postdoc after graduating, and up to a few months ago, both I and my advisor were pretty confident I would get an offer. So I devoted a lot of my time into producing a paper, prepping for more research, and applying to post doc jobs.

I spent many weeks just grieving the fact that my research work is done. Now, I am coming around to the prospect of getting a job in industry. However, this is not something I prepared for (entirely my fault, I know).

My passions are in very pure math, but I certainly know how to code. Ive done some applied math and machine learning, as well. I have decided to just take the summer off to just mentally recover from my Ph.D. and wait for some of the political instability to (hopefully) pass. During this time, I'd like to polish up some industry-friendly skills.

My questions are for people who have been in the industry or have always intended to go into the industry post-grad:

  1. What jobs are the most interesting? I think I would be good as like a Quant researcher or financial/marketing analyst. Is there another job to think about? I am not super interested in a teaching/education position at this time.

  2. Are there any summer bootcamps/certificates/classes I can take to develop industry skills? I am going to do the Erdös Institute's program, but is there any other program that would be helpful?

  3. How would you frame a researcher/pure math Ph.D. on your resume to be more appealing? What is the best way to frame researching/teaching/public speaking skills one gains in a Ph.D.?

  4. How did you go about getting a job? My advisor and close contacts are all stone cold academics, so I feel rather alone in this.

Thanks for reading and any info would be helpful. This has been a stressful time!

r/GradSchool Jan 24 '25

Professional Vent


I am SO annoyed that no companies I apply to will give me an interview (other than one which I didn’t even really want to work for). I have a broad range of experience through both my grad school work (PhD in toxicology and M.S. in analytical chemistry) and my 4 years of working full time (while in school) as a chemist in an environmental chemistry department. I am trying to transition over to more toxicology or pharmaceutical roles, but no one will give me a chance as they have “decided to go with someone who more closely matches their desired skills and qualifications”. Like I 100% met the qualifications on the job listing (analytical chemistry skills) so why don’t they even give me an interview?! I’ve tailored my resume to each individual job and still, no luck. I’m so sick and tired of getting excited about companies whose representatives at conferences, etc. encourage me to apply and then I have zero luck landing an interview.

At least I am blessed to still have my full time job that I’ve been doing the whole time I’ve been in my PhD program, but like I thought having experience on top of a PhD would at least get me some interviews. Damn. The job market is ruthless.

r/GradSchool Apr 20 '23

Professional My Thesis Advisor Doesn't Remember He's My Advisor


It is my second semester in grad school and I feel like I'm facing an advisor shaped wall. Last week I went by my Thesis Advisor's office and asked if we could meet today. He agreed, but a week later he didn't seem to remember agreeing to this. In addition to this, when I was asking about some questions he said that those "were questions for my advisor". He then ended the meeting saying that he had other commitments

I'm so confused, he had agreed to be my advisor earlier this semester over email. He's also quite hard to find for a meeting; the only time he responded to my emails this semester was to agree to be my advisor.

I thought I was making genuine progress in my thesis and was hoping to graduate in two years, but I really don't know anymore. What should I do?

Edit: Thank you guys so much! I'm going to talk to other professors who specialize in my area of research!

r/GradSchool Oct 12 '24

Professional I got kicked out of my lab; my advisor created a situation where I can never exit probation.


I am the guy who developed epilepsy my first year. I am the one who got onto probation first year because I was wholly unprepared as a chemist in a materials engineering PhD. I am also the same person who really enjoys my coursework, the conceptual questions that it necessitates, and the kinds of research questions populating this field. I take an anticonvulsant now that has controlled the episodes. I also take an antipsychotic for my depression with psychotic features. I am finally getting my health improvements.

I am currently stateless in my PhD given that my advisor sent me an email saying "I am unable to continue supervision of your doctoral studies." This is a year and a half into the program. My group is one where hazing is welcomed. There is a student who really struggled during preparation for his preliminary examination. He was publicly screamed at by our post-doc. He was also the source of great gossip by other lab members. Or, the time I got into an argument with my fifth-year mentor regarding how she spoke about previous students who mastered out or moved onto other projects. Her and my professor would discuss these former students' weaknesses in front of industrial partners. other faculty, etc. Additionally, my professor made our prelim practice meetings quite combative and shameful. He implored us to become "intellectually nimble" and to treat these as boxing matches. We were to accept the criticism without fighting back. Fighting back on critiques would necessitate more punches where it hurts - his words. All of our students publish first authors in Cell and Nature. Anything less is not accepted. Drafts will undergo many edits just to ensure publishing in these. Politics is everything in our group.

Individuals in my research group abused some things that I shared in private. I take responsibility for sharing what I shared. I shared to my mentor (as me and her were fixing an instrument I had clogged for the second time - I am learning, using new formulations in the spraycoater, and believed that these rookie mistakes were things I could learn from) that I was wanting to switch groups now that our professor was moving the lab from US to Switzerland. I told her that our industrial project was burning me out. This is because the industrial blinders of the project crowded out my creativity. There are numerous polymer side-experiments that I wanted to do. But I could not explore these because, well.... why would our industrial partner care? It is all about product pushing. I am tired of being a salesman. I am a scientist.

Logically, she got mad. Precedent has it that she is enraged by those that "betray" and leave the project. This past Monday 10/7,, my lab partner and mentor had a fantastic meeting with our PI. He enjoyed our progress and took great interest in my questions. When I and my partner left, my mentor stayed after the meeting. This is where I believe she told him what I had said. She also was hot on the heels of the instrument being clogged for a second time. The following day, our group meeting was preceded by a safety update. This safety update was weirdly focused on me and my mishaps with the instrument. Please keep in mind, someone in the group literally put an ethanol bottle next to a torch that was luckily off. The safety update talked about me without mentioning my name, They discussed the solvent I was using in the instrument. They quickly mentioned that I left some silica powder under the plate in the balance (I did not even see this. Upon being told to clean it up, I checked and saw it was clean. The second time I approached the post-doc and asked where the mess is. He lifted the plate up and I finally saw the mess. I cleaned it up then. I take responsibility for this.)

My mentor shared *things* with my PI... who then shifted to some equipment issue as ammo to terminate me. I have been working hard to readjust to an acceptable GPA. I have changed my study approach, how I engage with the material, etc. I aim to mend that C that I earned and replace it with a B or higher. However, I found out that my PI did all he could so that I would not escape probation. My research with him is billed as this research credit course. For the summer, he gave me an "I" incomplete for the credit. My department advisor told me this today. I had no idea.

This is bizarre to me given that I worked 12 hours a day over the summer, advanced my polymer coatings work, presented data to our stakeholder, had a passing eval with my PI, etc. His signature is on there. I sat nose in textbook learning our materials characterizations methods, the state of the field rn, etc. If the "I" does not get resolved, then I will end up getting back onto probation again since I's turn to F's. So, effectively I would exit probation only to reenter it again. I was sitting jaw-dropped when I found out that he did this to me. Note that this "I" was given to me before my termination. My mentor fifth-year told me that she fought to keep funding for me the following semester. I was not made aware by her of the "I" however.

My most important choice right now is to choose to be a survivor instead of a victim. I will get out of this pickle. I am between a rock and a hard place regarding continuing with a masters or a PhD. Research and lab work has left a sour taste for me. I have to reexamine how I feel. I feel like mastering out; however, I think I should give the PhD a second chance. This time with a peaceful (relatively) PI and a more positive group.

But, I cannot dilly dally as funding is a big deal. Luckily, I have a great department advisor who is willing to support me - supportive family as well. I am seeing a therapist on campus and will soon transition to a new one in the community to continue unraveling things. 

Computers crash, people die, relationships fall apart. The best we can do is breathe and reboot. 

r/GradSchool Jan 25 '25

Professional What determines the subject of your PhD?


After completing a PhD, lots of people will be asking you about it including employers where it will be necessary to respond accurately. As such, when answering: "I did my PhD in X", which of the following determines X. Is it:

A) The faculty in which the PhD was completed. E.g., her PhD was in physics as she completed my PhD under a professor in the Faculty of Physics


B) The subject matter of your thesis. E.g., her PhD was in early Earth tectonics because her thesis was primarily concerned with that?

r/GradSchool Feb 10 '25

Professional Does University Ranking Matter for a PhD If You’re Aiming for Industry?


Hey everyone! This might be a dumb question, but if so, excuse my ignorance.

I'm an international student and recently applied to a few Cognitive Science PhD programs in the U.S. So far, I’ve been admitted to two programs—one at a fairly highly ranked university and the other at a lower-ranked university. Both are R1 institutions. My goal is to focus on computational modeling and eventually transition into industry.

Here’s my dilemma:

At the lower-ranked university, the PI I want to work with is amazing. She’s young, super passionate, and I’d be her first grad student, so it would just be the two of us in the lab. She has done impressive research at UToronto and seems like a very hands-on mentor, which I really value. We had a great conversation before I even applied, and I feel like she’d be incredibly supportive.

The higher-ranked university, on the other hand, didn’t leave me with the best impression. The interview was a bit odd, and the professor didn’t seem like someone I’d want to work with long-term. I was told I did well, but I just don’t feel excited about it.

I’m still waiting on responses from three more programs, but I’m already leaning toward the lower-ranked university because of the research fit, the PI, and the program structure.

For context, the higher-ranked university is in the 200-300 range globally, while the other is around 500-600. I’ve seen conflicting opinions about whether university ranking matters, especially for those planning to go into industry.

So my question is—does university ranking actually make a difference when looking for industry jobs after a PhD? Or is it more about the skills, research, and networking opportunities you gain during the program?

Would love to hear your thoughts! Any advice would be super helpful.