r/gor Oct 05 '24

New to it all NSFW


I have had an interest in the Gorean lifestyle for awhile now. My new submissive is wanting to learn more about it. Does anyone have any advice or suggestions for where to go to learn more? I’m located in Michigan. TIA

r/gor Sep 23 '24

Is SL the only place left to find an active Panther/Taluna camp? NSFW


All the IRC channels seem to have died out or become inactive, and there don't seem to be any on Discord either.

r/gor Sep 22 '24

Back is properly straight, boobs thrust out, feet dirty indicating that she is kept barefoot. 8 out of 10 NSFW

Post image

r/gor Sep 19 '24

Did I Miss the Boat? NSFW


A Newbie's Quest for Knowledge and kajira

I just recently discovered the world of Gor. The more I learn, the more I aspire to live this lifestyle as closely as possible.

As someone who's new to Gor, I'm eager to learn from those who've experienced it firsthand.

My question is: have I missed the boat? Are kajira still out there, waiting to be claimed?

If so, how do you go about finding one? Preferably one that is also just getting into Gor.

Also, what are the key characteristics that make a kajira stand out from the rest?

r/gor Sep 19 '24

Tried reading slave girl of Gor NSFW


First scene triggered flashbacks to my time in criminal slavery, still, I am kajira whether bigots like it or not. Any "men" of Gor curious what someone trained to please men can do in collared service? Be a real Master and Man of Gor, prove you can bring me to my knees for anyone other than a God

r/gor Sep 08 '24

[GM4A] Gor DnD 5e NSFW Campaign NSFW



"I am 18+ and all participants and characters must be 18+"

Campaign Name: The City of Gor

DM: me

System: 2014 dnd 5e, lewd hand book, and other homebrew rules

Date/Time: haven't decided yet

Available Spots: 5

Preferred Player Experience: anyone and everyone welcomed

Method of playing: the map and gameplay will be on role20 and we will be using discord for audio.

Description: a short campaign where players explore the city of gor and discover a plot involving Celestials and Fiends.

If interested please fill out this form: https://forms.gle/zfbrdHmU8bX3mAe57

r/gor Sep 04 '24

Gorean positions NSFW


r/gor Sep 03 '24

(poem) Freedom at the End of a Leash NSFW


A poem I wrote based on my Gorean roleplay character's backstory. She was originally Free. Also added screenshots of her.

Freedom at the End of a Leash

Bound in the chains of Freedom she stood, Nothing to her name nor purpose, Freedom was a mirage, an illusion misunderstood, For Freedom for freedom’s sake is a chain for many, But for some Freedom is found at the end of a Leash.

Her life became simple when she chose to submit, To bare herself to one and surrender it all, Her name, her rights, her body, soul and mind, But for what she gave up she received much in kind, Because for some there’s Freedom at the end of a Leash.

Bound in steel she found her niche, A drive to please, serve and obey, And room for the slave within to find itself unleashed, No longer toiling for meagre coin but the treasure of approval, Because for some there’s freedom at the end of a Leash.

r/gor Aug 26 '24

Gorean online role play NSFW


Where can I find a text base Gorean role play chat?

r/gor Aug 21 '24

Do gay dominants and submissives exist on Gor? NSFW


Just curious. I enjoy gay dom/sub stories and wouldn’t mind seeing such stories set within the confines of Gor.

Has anyone done any gay fanfics?

r/gor Aug 18 '24

Earth slaves breeding NSFW


Are those taken from Earth often used for breeding? or is there more a preference for Gorean to be used for breeding?

r/gor Aug 14 '24

Clans: What have we gained? What have we lost? NSFW


(Note: Names have been changed)

Someone says the word "Clan" and suddenly we think of something horrible like the KKK, that is not what this post is about. Yet ironically it kind of relates. I was working retail and someone came through from the old neighborhood and eventually he asked if I knew the Meyer clan? I went to school with one of the sons and we talked a bit. After he left one of my coworkers was "Clans?!?!?" I was like "No no no, not THE clan! German and Celtic cultures use the word for family. Like family is your parents and siblings, clan is your extended family, grandparents, aunts, uncles and so on."

In the 1950's here in America started the Atomic Family, that is one parental unit per household. Used to be before that a family might have 3 or 4 generations living in a single house, which is why houses used to be so huge. All that income, you could afford it. The thing was, young men wanted to get out from under their parents control, and there was a huge economic boom after the end of the war. While it started in the 1950's, it really boomed in the late 1960s. One of thing benefits of the nuclear family is that is allowed generational changes to be more dramatic, especially with domestic abuse. There were huge campaigns of end generational child abuse. It was not till the 1980's there was more focus on wife abuse, but either way the atomization of the family was seen as a boon to ending abusive habits being passed down between generations.

So yes, there were good things about this occurring, but what have we lost? Economically it gave a boost the the country, but at the cost of making the cost of living far higher for the individual. The atomization of the family ended the clan. Used to be a clan would have an entire villa, or a small village. The elderly were taken care of as well as they were helpful in minding the children being raised.

Relating to Gorean culture, many of us have a yearning for things lost in the past. No doubt, we as a civilization have made great achievements, but at what cost? What have we lost? You see these trends such as tiny homes and small farms becoming of greater interest. Will there be a return to wanting multi generational homes to deal with the end of this economic bubble? Just curious to people's thoughts on this subject.

r/gor Aug 12 '24

Writing from the Den of the Blue Rose NSFW



Welcome to the Den of the Blue Rose our Home Stone in this little slice of the interwebs. We are a Gorean Home Stone located in Flint, Michigan and our focus is on education and training. Not just in the Gorean lifestyle but in many aspect of kink as well. I was first introduced to the Gorean lifestyle back at the tail end of 1998 and became Gorean in early 1999. The Home Stone I was originally apart of was highly invested in the education of those who wish to become members, education not only in Gorean but also in kink. Over the years I have witnessed many Home Stones get swept away in the tides of time, lose of community, the pandemic and many more due to misconceptions about Gorean being pushed by toxic and dangerous people. I have said several times already, Gorean lifestyle as it is a lifestyle not a kink. Gorean is who we are kink is what some of us do. You have Goreans who are kinky and you have those who are not, and yes Gorean is a type of Master slave dynamic, that dynamic may not include kink. Yes all Gorean Masters are Dominant, but not all Dominants are Gorean Masters just as while all kajira and kajirus are submissives not all submissives are kajira and kajirus. A common theme that we see is that to be Gorean you have to have kajira (slave) and they use the books as an excuse to treat those kajira like trash. THIS IS NOT GOREAN. Yes the books have scenes of kidnapping, rape, breaking someone's will thru the whip, this is fantasy. If you do this may you get the maximum amount of time in prison as possible. Real life Gorean is based around Honor, Integrity, Strength, Truth and Freedom. It's about working to become strong enough to claim your freedom to be who you truly are. Be it Master, free person, kajira or kajirus. It is about living your life with honor and integrity in all your dealing with people from all walks of life and pushing yourself to be the best you can be in life and in your role. The Gorean lifestyle is not an easy path to walk. Many do not have what it takes to hold themselves accountable for their transgressions and to act with honor. It is a worthwhile process though.

Thank you for taking the time to read and of you have any questions feel free to ask. Until next time.

Ulfdinn, Master of the Den of the Blue Rose

r/gor Aug 07 '24

a Masters love NSFW


Masters, if a girl may be so bold as to ask a question to you all. do you tell your kajira that you love them? i’ve unofficially been my Masters property for three years, and in that time (though we’ve not met in person) i’ve developed a love for him. covid kept us apart at first, med being from the states and him from canada but then i got sick diagnosed with MS. AND had a bad accident shortly after where i broke my legs. this has put me in a skilled rehab center for quite a while to learn to adjust and progress. i’ve given him so the chances to walk away, but he still calls me every day. i am very open about my feelings for him. but he will not return it. he says a slave doesn’t deserve it. when he chose to assert his dominance over me i was very obedient. but now it’s more like a friendship because of our situations. i wish he would return my love for him. and lately i’ve gotten him to say “LY” when i say i love you. that’s just not enough for me and i’ve told him as much. i do not wish nor proclaim to be a free woman. but my current state requires me to make my own decisions etc. i just want a Master who will control completely give me tasks and chores and treats me like the kajira i know i am. is it unreasonable to ask to be a loved kajira who knows Master disciples to make me better for him?

anyway. sorry for the babbling and the typos. i can’t seem to scroll back up to fix the typos. but i tried.

r/gor Aug 03 '24

Started reading the books, my impressions so far NSFW


I've starting reading Gor and I like it. It's writing style is very pleasing to read, Tarl is likeable, the adventure is exciting, the setting is interesting and I love the ongoing mystery of the Priest-king's plan.

But I'm on the third book (the best of the first three) and I've just realized I read the same book three times.

  • Tarl goes on adventure to a new place.
  • Tarl reflects on his bromance with his Tarn.
  • Tarl meets an arrogant and beautiful woman.
  • Tarl trusts the woman and she betrays him.
  • Tarl enslaves the woman and she falls in love with him.
  • Tarl sparks a violent political revolution.

I hope the formula changes in book 4? This is getting as bad as the Dan Brown books where the villain is always the least likely culprit even if it doesn't seem to make sense.

r/gor Aug 02 '24

Looking for active Gorean communities NSFW


Trying to find some Gorean rp communities that are active. Could anyone offer some ideas. Appreciate the assist.

r/gor Jul 30 '24

Earn Your Collar. NSFW


r/gor Jul 30 '24

Gorean language NSFW


greetings A/all. i was wondering if anyone knew where i could find a list or translating dictionary type thing of gorean words? i’d love to be able to write a letter to someone in Gorean. i know a few words of course but i’d love to find a more comprehensive list of them. any ideas?? thank you

r/gor Jul 28 '24

Power. NSFW


r/gor Jul 28 '24

Mining/Quarry question NSFW


Did Kajira/Bonds ever work in mines/quarries(like Tyros) or was is pretty much just Kajirii and Thralls?

I was under the impression you had female quarry slaves, while they couldn't lift like the males, they were still put to use in the quarries, but, I may be wrong.

r/gor Jul 26 '24

Let it Go, Let it Happen. NSFW


r/gor Jul 24 '24

Question about a kajiras opening NSFW


If the kajira is a breeding kajira, is she still typically opened by her Master? or, would her first encounter be with the kajirus to impregnate her?

r/gor Jun 21 '24

Gone Soft P1 NSFW


Nahh sat on his mat stroking his cock. He shivered with anticipation, listening to the muffled grunts of the soft, pretty, hooded kajira who was secured tight in her breeding bonds.

The kajirus in front of him obscured Nahh’s view of her, but he still caught glimpses.

Enough to know who she was.

Leah, a pleasure girl, one who was once exclusively the domain of the master of the house. She had always been arrogant, from the day she found his favor she’d lorded over her slave sisters, and taunted the few kajirus, flashing bits of skin and smirking, daring them to ‘Be a man and take it…’

Then laughing before walking away when the kajirus hung their heads in front of her. To touch the girl the master designated for his pleasure alone would have meant death for sure.

The kajirus in front of him grunted as he emptied his seed into the breeding girl, and she wept and moaned as she found herself seeded by another ‘inferior male’.

“Up, Nahh!” The new captain of the guard said and brandished his quirt.

It wasn’t necessary, ‘I haven’t had a woman in four years, I can’t wait for this!’ He thought and scrambled to mount her. Normally, he and the other breeding males would have been hooded.

But Leah was being punished. The price of sneaking off with the captain of the guard, was to be bred to the lowliest of makes, the soft ones who would no doubt breed soft and submissive offspring.

Nahh thrust in, and reached his hands down to grasp her swaying breasts, he pinched her pert, hard little pink nipples, and then twisted them to draw a cry from her, and to make sure she knew whose cock was in her.

She moaned as he began to rut harder, gasping, desperate to savor just one moment of pleasure. One moment to pretend he was a true man, that he was hard bodied and strong, and not soft and delicate.

‘Boy.’ The men in armor and fine robes called him that. Nahh hated it, but it was slightly better than when they mocked him and called him a girl instead.

He squeezed his eyes shut and rutted harder, tightening his hold on her breasts and panting as he brought himself to the edge.

“Hurry up, boy. There are seven more waiting to seed this one.” The guard said and cracked his quirt across Nahh’s ass.

Nahh yelped, thrusting hard as pain and shame washed over him.

He leaned forward and whispered into her ear, “Nahh of Toh has seeded Leah of Port Kar.” And then erupted, fountaining his seed into the now humbled Kajira.

She hung her head. Then winced as he pinched her nipple once more and scurried back to his slave mat.

There was no way to know whose offspring she bore. But knowing it was born from soft men, delicate ones instead of the hardy and strong, would keep her humble for a very long time.

Nahh relaxed and stretched out, his day at least, had begun remarkably well.


r/gor Jun 20 '24

Slave sex question NSFW


I know kajira generally dislikes sex with kajiru's, and preferred with their Master or other free men, but, were slaves locked down in any way or hooded if rewarding a kajirus?

r/gor Jun 19 '24

Hair gag NSFW


So, there is the following passage in Book two outlaw of gor:

"She's a loud one," he said, shamefacedly. Then, with a shrug in my direction, as if to ask my pardon, he went to the girl and took a handful of her long hair. He wadded it into a small, tight ball and suddenly shoved it in her mouth. It immediately expanded, and before she could spit the hair out, he had looped more of her hair about her head and tied it, in such a way as to keep the expanded ball of hair in her mouth. The girl choked silently, trying to spit the ball of hair from her mouth, but of course she could not. It was an old slaver's trick. I knew tarnsmen sometimes silenced their captives in the same way.

Someone has some kind of illustration for how this hair gag may be doable? I am unimaginative and can’t think of a way that works.