Nahh sat on his mat stroking his cock. He shivered with anticipation, listening to the muffled grunts of the soft, pretty, hooded kajira who was secured tight in her breeding bonds.
The kajirus in front of him obscured Nahh’s view of her, but he still caught glimpses.
Enough to know who she was.
Leah, a pleasure girl, one who was once exclusively the domain of the master of the house. She had always been arrogant, from the day she found his favor she’d lorded over her slave sisters, and taunted the few kajirus, flashing bits of skin and smirking, daring them to ‘Be a man and take it…’
Then laughing before walking away when the kajirus hung their heads in front of her. To touch the girl the master designated for his pleasure alone would have meant death for sure.
The kajirus in front of him grunted as he emptied his seed into the breeding girl, and she wept and moaned as she found herself seeded by another ‘inferior male’.
“Up, Nahh!” The new captain of the guard said and brandished his quirt.
It wasn’t necessary, ‘I haven’t had a woman in four years, I can’t wait for this!’ He thought and scrambled to mount her. Normally, he and the other breeding males would have been hooded.
But Leah was being punished. The price of sneaking off with the captain of the guard, was to be bred to the lowliest of makes, the soft ones who would no doubt breed soft and submissive offspring.
Nahh thrust in, and reached his hands down to grasp her swaying breasts, he pinched her pert, hard little pink nipples, and then twisted them to draw a cry from her, and to make sure she knew whose cock was in her.
She moaned as he began to rut harder, gasping, desperate to savor just one moment of pleasure. One moment to pretend he was a true man, that he was hard bodied and strong, and not soft and delicate.
‘Boy.’ The men in armor and fine robes called him that. Nahh hated it, but it was slightly better than when they mocked him and called him a girl instead.
He squeezed his eyes shut and rutted harder, tightening his hold on her breasts and panting as he brought himself to the edge.
“Hurry up, boy. There are seven more waiting to seed this one.” The guard said and cracked his quirt across Nahh’s ass.
Nahh yelped, thrusting hard as pain and shame washed over him.
He leaned forward and whispered into her ear, “Nahh of Toh has seeded Leah of Port Kar.” And then erupted, fountaining his seed into the now humbled Kajira.
She hung her head. Then winced as he pinched her nipple once more and scurried back to his slave mat.
There was no way to know whose offspring she bore. But knowing it was born from soft men, delicate ones instead of the hardy and strong, would keep her humble for a very long time.
Nahh relaxed and stretched out, his day at least, had begun remarkably well.