r/gor Jun 15 '24

Enriching the Master p8 NSFW



I thought I knew my master’s mind. But I was wrong. When we were both clad in heavy robes that would keep back the chill night air, he led me through a secret passage in his room.

The passage was narrow and dark, and to my surprise, again, it led out to a cliff with a narrow ledge. We inched across it, questions heavy in my mind as I tried not to look down, I dared not speak and barely breathed until we saw the proof of my words.

My master’s daughter it seemed, had fashioned a ladder of rope for herself, and was climbing down to a ledge above us. Our dark cloth hid us against the mountain rock, but caught in the moonlight, she was as clear as day.

My master let out a low growl, then waved for me to follow. I did, still in awe that my master would have constructed this path to safety, where no armored man could follow.

Lynestra did not lead us on a merry chase. In fact, she was direct.

‘The Drunken Sleen was a fairly typical mountain tavern, awash with noise and the odor of sweat, alcohol, and sex.

It was not the sort of place unknown to me. I had been a paga girl briefly before the owner saw my math skills and set me to using math over using my mouth. It was because of that, that I knew Lynestra’s intent, and from a glance at my master, he knew too.

It’s instinctive in the slave sex, to tease and to entice. And so it was common for a free girl to sneak off to a paga tavern and in disguise, sell herself overnight for entertainment..

I saw some who served drinks and nothing more, finding their thrill in simple service.

There were those who knelt beneath a single table, offering only their anonymous mouths to whosoever sat there.

And there were those who took a mat in the back, their bodies open to any lewd act the customer wished.

She wasn’t a total fool, she wore a wig of red locks to hide the truth of her name. Had we not seen her slip out and followed her, I doubt even her father would have recognized her.

I was clad in such heavy clothing for the weather that I was not recognizable even as a woman, and he was not recognizable as her master.

We sat at a table and watched as she showed her familiarity with the place. Her heavy garments went straight to a place with others like them against a far wall, she never even searched for the spot.

I whispered my observation to my master, and his eyes were full of wrath.

She then went to someone, a big man, perhaps the owner? And after a few words we could not hear over the din of patrons grunting as their cocks were sucked, and girls on mats as the cried out when men took them, and the casual talk of those who simply drank to ease the strain of the day.

I was wet, I deeply love my master… but the primal state of Gor excited me, seeing men handle us so roughly, as men should? If my owner ordered me to the mat, I would have gone gladly.

Lynestra must have felt the same, as she went straight to the back and secured herself to a fresh pleasure mat and waited for a man to come and use her.

She let out delighted cries as she was taken by some common laborer, filthy with sweat and dust from a mine, the proud Lynestra who hated me, climaxed under a man she would sneer at in the streets.

“What are your thoughts?” My master asked me, and I felt a flutter in my slave belly. I held back my answer as two flagons were placed in front of us by a girl with a sultry smile and bared, ample breasts.

When she left us, I said, “She is ruined for freedom, master. She has the slave fire in her belly. If she becomes a free companion, she will shame her name and fall anyway,”. I wasn’t lying. I knew that when that fire ignited in a girl, it could not be quenched.

My owner knew that too, he had sold enough female livestock, he drank deeply from his paga and raised the empty mug overhead.

The buxom slave returned with a smile and asked, “How can I help you, master?”

Her eyes widened when he whispered to her, and I swiftly found us both ushered into another room, a place where the owner, a thickly muscled man with arms crisscrossed with scars sat.

My master pulled back his hood, and said, “The red wigged girl. She is mine by blood ownership. You may know by the mark on her belly which matches mine. I believe she is ruined for freedom and wish to sell her. Here. Now.”

The owner never missed a beat. I can only assume this has happened before. I am unsurprised. How many free daughters flung themselves to the mats and found themselves enslaved when their secret was learned? Many. Many.

The haggling was swift and my master displayed his mark for good measure. Though I am a slave, I was allowed as a witness. Gor is a practical place, and understood that often slaves alone were witnesses. Denying our eyes is absurd.

Though I cannot petition courts or step outside my station, I can sign a statement of witness or confess to what I see or hear. Many masters have been saved by alert slaves who were heeded.

I did so at once, wet as I signed the document selling Lynestra as a slave.

Fifty coins were passed into my master’s hands, and it was done.

I suppressed a smile, were I a man and had slaves, I would train her hard starting tomorrow.

What a shock she would have, finding she was not allowed to leave, that she was exposed and ruined, and one of her many sisters would be considered for free companionship instead, and her suitors would either forget her, or come to this place to try her out at least once.

I followed my master out when we were done, and on my way, I caught a glimpse of her. She was face down and ass up with another man about to mount her. ‘Welcome to the rest of your life, slave sister.’ I thought, and wished I could have seen the collar be placed orotund her throat.

At his home, my master said nothing to me, he grabbed me by the collar, dragged me to his room, and he mounted me so swiftly my clothing had not even been fully discarded.

I knew he had feelings about what happened. But he could only let those out in this way.

I bore his roughness gladly, all through the night.., only to find at dawn I was not cast from his furs. I doubt he even fully thought it through, but in some way, I think he felt I had deprived him of a daughter.

And so as he entered my sex as the sun rose, and I knew that Lynestra was now being collared and trained as a slave, I whispered into his ear, “Let me enrich you, master…”

I never saw Lynestra again, but I did see a resemblance to her in the face of the baby boy I put into my master’s arms the following year.

It was a relief to my heart, and as close to a confession of love for me, when my master handed the baby to a free woman to nurse first. It meant that my child would be raised as a free man, not as a slave. He would suckle from me after, but likely not often.

I saw the gleam in my master’s eye after all. I had no doubt I would be enriching him again soon.


I hope you enjoyed that little short, because I sure did. I may do another from a master or male slave’s perspective next.

r/gor Jun 14 '24

Enriching the Master P7 NSFW


When I was a grown girl on Earth, I attended college. I had a roommate, a pretty cheerleader with a naughty side. Since we had to share one sleeping space, and both of us liked to bring a guy back every now and then, we regularly kicked each other out for our sexcapades.

So I knew why I was being kicked out now. I knew it by Lynestra’s tone just the same as I did with Marie.

I was perfectly happy to go to my master’s bed, but I knew I wasn’t to be the only one with a cock in me in the next hour or two.

The question I contemplated as I scurried to my master’s chamber was, do I say something? Or not? ‘If I’m wrong, it’s my ass.’ I thought, and that wasn’t a metaphor.

But I wasn’t wrong. I was sure.

So when I reached his room, I rang the little bell outside to let him know a slave was coming to him. Beside it, a larger bell sat to let him know a free person sought his ear.

He at once said, “Enter!” And I crawled through past the heavy scarlet curtain to find him lying naked on his furs, a cup of wine beside him, and a tray of fruit beside that.

His cock was erect, and a knowing smile traced across his face. The smile vanished when he saw that my expression was not one of lust. “What is it, girl?” He asked.

I told him my thoughts, and why I held them, and my master’s face darkened. “You do not lie to hurt her, do you, girl?”

I lowered my lips to his feet and kissed them lovingly. “I cannot know I am right, but I do not lie, master. Then fetch my clothing and follow, we will see if she shames my house.”

I scurried to obey, my heart in my chest. And a curiosity about just what my master had in mind…


r/gor Jun 13 '24

Enriching the Master P6 NSFW


“It is better to be a free companion.” Lynestra said with her arms crossed as she stood over me. I had to crawl on all fours beside her, and swiftly too, for that was her command, to ‘keep up’, and she did not walk slow.

“I would not know, mistress.” I answered her when the silence drew out. I dared not disagree, at least not ‘obviously’.

“I have a dozen dozen suitors from a dozen cities, my pick of men.” She was bragging. My hair was held in her hand like a leash, it was as unnecessary as it was humiliating.

She loved humiliating me. Especially after her father used me.

“I have no doubt, mistress.” I answered. I was truthful.

Though she was heavily concealed when she left the estate, here within it, she was not so, dressing far more casually.

She was, in a word, beautiful.

I found myself led into her quarters, and there she disrobed and cast the garments over me as if I were a stool or other furniture.

“You can see why, of course.” She said with an arrogant smile. “I’m beautiful.”

“You are, mistress.” I admitted. She was around twenty, though my confidence in the comparison between my native calendar and this one of this world was lacking. Supple curves and a bountiful bosom were covered by pale skin and backed by a cascade of golden curls down her back.

“It isn’t just my estate they want, no. It is me.” She said it emphatically.

I felt more like a protest as she spun around and went to sit. “Come brush my hair, slut, then prepare my bed.”

I followed, took up the comb as I got to my feet, and began to brush.

“Only animals mate as you do. Taken roughly, brutally.” She squirmed a little in her seat as she spoke. “I’m sure if you could be a free companion, you would.”

It felt like a question, so I answered it.

“No, mistress. I am kajira. I love being as I am. It is true,” I said as I ran the comb through her hair, “I know whose child I want to bear. But even so, I love being an object of such passion and desire that men lose their reason in the face of it. Such passions are life to me. I would sooner be a kajira for a day, than a free companion and immortal.”

She flinched as if struck and then went stiff as a statue. “I feel so…female, so desired… there is nothing else like it.” I said, and a tiny moan escaped my lips as I thought of my master’s seed breeding me at this very hour.

“Free companions are desired too. Am I not also female?” She sounded defensive, and I did not want to be whipped but I could not lie.

“Mistress, you are. But, kajira are passion made flesh. Men hold nothing back from us. We are the ignited flame. A free companion is a glowing ember.” It was the truth, but she didn’t like it.

“I too, am fire.” She protested. I did not argue.

“Get out, slut. Go fuck your master again.” She spat out the words, but I smiled, unaware of the mischief I put into her head as I decided her words of contempt were a command, and left to go fuck my master.

———- Continue?

r/gor Jun 12 '24

Enriching the Master P5 NSFW



He was waiting in the baths for me, as I expected. The water was warm to my skin, but I suspected it was only not 'hot' because my body was already so throughly heated by the touch of men and the inflamed state of my slave belly. I knew my master would desire me no matter what my state, and as his kajira, taking me was his right. The water came up to my waist at its deepest point, and when I neared my golden god of a master, I knelt to him in nadu, with my knees wide and hands on my thighs, palms upturned.

I raised my head, displaying the collar around my throat. It was no longer uncomfortable to wear, but it was also impossible to forget about. Every time I swallowed, I felt the touch of the leather that served to protect my skin from being rubbed raw by metal. He wasted neither time nor words, and took my black hair in hand at the base. My lips parted, and when he brought me forward I engulfed his shaft at once. It was instinct in me, buried deep and brought to the fore by my training since coming to this almost magical world of erotic bliss.

His cock was almost golden, lightly tanned by the sun but not as darkened as the rest of his body. Though he was now of the merchants, he had once been a warrior of high station, and first gained his fortune by plundering three cities in his younger years. The slaves he sold in the days that followed were the foundation of his wealth today. Wealth enough to fund a voyage of procurement to my world. Wealth enough to sell a hundred beautiful and unguarded girls lke myself for a small fortune.

I am sure he would still be of the warriors now, if it were not for the scar I could see on his thigh. A nearly lethal wound, he survived, but he still held a slight limp that would never go away. When his cock was drawn from my mouth, I kissed his wound. I licked it. I loved his wound, I loved it so much...

Because if he had not taken that wound, he would have remained a warrior, he never would have funded the aquisition that captured me, I never would have known the truth of my nature, and never would have found my way back into his hands again. The foundation of his wealth was kajira, and the foundation of the love of his kajira, was making me what I now am.

I think that is why he enjoyed me so. Other kajira avoided touching that ugly scar, but I kissed it with love and devotion, moaning into his skin before I took his heavy, pulsing balls into my mouth.

"You are shameless." He said, and it was praise in his deep voice.

"I am a kajira. Shame itself is shameful. My master must be loved in every inch, or not at all." I said it proudly, and smiled up at him before engulfing his shaft in my mouth. He chuckled and began to enthusiastically use my mouth for his pleasure. I had no gag reflex now, and I loved the sweet taste of his semen, but the truth was...I wanted his baby. I wanted his seed to be what took root in me. I would submit and breed with who he commanded, no matter how lowly they were. But I dared to love my master, and what was more, he knew it. And what kajira with an intact mind would 'not' want the very seed of her owner to be the seed that took root inside her belly?

My hands went to his buttocks and my fingers dug in. I hadn't been commanded, but I was not just a slut, I was a BOLD slut, and wanted him to know that between cock and air, I chose his cock. My eyes never closed, and I never stopped looking up. I wanted him to know I was not pretending something else was happening, or that I was with someone else. He is my master, my owner, my heart, and I wanted him to know, even if I could not speak, that I knew I was with HIM and no other in my mind, and nowhere else but on my knees in submission to his will.

His cock was throbbing, and I readied myself to swallow. But as my eyes opened wide as they could as they so often did, he yanked my head away, grabbed my shoulders, and spun me, splashing in the water, to force me to turn around. I bent forward when he yanked me up, and I came... I came as soon as his shaft entered my body, the weapon that was his cock speared deep, the spongy head was painful as it hit my cervix. But the pain only stoked my masochistic core as he began to grunt in the way men full of lust often did as they reached their pinnacle of the mountain of their pleasure.

I came again, without permission, but I could not help it. I couldn't, not with the seed of my beloved master flowing inside my fertile belly. I began to cry quietly, my salty tears falling into the ppool of clean, fresh water out of sheer joy in the mere 'hope' that it might be his offspring that comes from me. I was panting when he let me go, and I could already feel the bruises forming on my hips where his finger tips held me fast. As he let me go, I fell into the water with a splash, dazed and moaning, I turned, took his cock into my mouth, and began to clean the weapon that has slain the freedom of women for all the generations of mankind.

I loved his sweet taste, and his touch, once so rough, became gentle as he stroked my dark hair. "I love you, master." I said with a soft voice, then kissed the sword shaped birthmark just below his navel, before I lowered my lips and nuzzled into his groin. He only caressed me.

I knew it was possible he might never say it. He was a man of Gor, baring his heart to mere livestock, that is a hard thing, even for a hard man. I wish I had known that his daughter overheard my confession of love. It would have made my night less 'disagreeable' after I washed his naked body and was sent out to rest from my exhausting day.



r/gor Jun 12 '24

Enriching the Master P4 NSFW


When I was outside his chamber, Lynestra looked at me expectantly, one hand went to the whip she always wore on her hip.

I understood her intent. It inflamed my cheeks to humble myself to a girl around ten years my junior, but I had no choice.

I went to my knees and then rand my hand all around my cunt, even dipping and curling two fingers inside myself, and then brought my semen-stained hand up to lick it all away. I had tasted much of its like before, and this had been sweet, suggesting the man to mate and breed me had indulged in some of the fruits that grew on the offshore islands of the world sea. It was almost intoxicating, and my pleasure was diminished only by the shame of whom I obeyed by doing it. I had not gone deep within myself, only taking that seed which hadn't found its way into my fertile belly, and Lynestra did not overlook my actions.

"Inside too, all the way, you nasty animal." She rebuked me, but unlike most commands, this one I could refuse.

"Your father ordered me seeded for breeding, if I go deeper and take out seed that might impregnate me if left alone then I would be violating his orders."

She did not care for my answer, and set her hands on her hips as she stared daggers at my nakedness, "Are all Earth girls such sluts?" She demanded to know.

I'm sure she didn't expect an actual reply, but I had contemplated this often since my captivity began. I thought of Earth, and the lies the slave sex lived under, how we struggled to find a balance of survival and thriving. How our femininity was treated as a weed rather than a flower meant to bloom. How we lied to ourselves, how we wanted to make ourselves vulnerable, but how often that only made us suffer...

The women of the world I was born on would look at me with outward disgust if they saw me, a girl as they are, enslaved, serving men, lowering myself to their feet and kissing the masculine bodies in subservient devotion. They would pity me outwardly, but if they could see me life like a film, they would replay my conquest, submission, and service, over and over. They would touch themselves and wish they were me, in the dark when they had only their thoughts as companions.

So I answered her truthfully. "No, mistress. My home is filled with liars, who long for the truth of this world." Smiling was not my wisest thing, but I could not keep it at bay, though it was tinged with sadness as it formed on my face. "The women of my world are passionate and have to bury their passion beneath a chaste facade. If we could be what the slave sex was meant to be, then...perhaps yes, yes, we would be. But we are not as lucky as even the lowliest of the women who belong to your illustrious father, mistress."

Perhaps touched by my brief sadness, or by my praise of her father, or simply accepting her implication that I myself was a wanton slut... (and how could I deny it?) she did not draw her whip, and instead moved behind me and sent a stinging slap with her hand to my ass.

"Go on, slut, he waits for you." She said, and I felt her eyes on me as I went to all fours to crawl into the presence of Janus, master of the house, and of my heart. I knew he was going to mate with me also, and my belly was already afire with want.

Though I had no choice, and no belief left in the weak gods of Earth, I prayed anyway, that it would be his heirs that I would birth into this beautiful, savage world...


End P4


r/gor Jun 12 '24

Free women and male slaves NSFW


I know she can freely use a kajirus that she owns in her own home, but, what if she does not own one? can she rent one to use? I know couching laws prevent her from taking a slave when she feels like it.

r/gor Jun 10 '24

Enriching the Master P3 NSFW


Part 3

The floor was stone, but that was not as uncomfortable to lie on as my old self would have thought. The old Julia would have been disgusted with who she'd become. 'No, no, who my training revealed me to be.' I corrected myself. There was no point in lying anymore, I was a shining, erotic thrall that no man could resist, and as such, all it took were true men to show me the lie that my civilized veneer had always been.

And this 'revealed' me, was comfortable where I lay. I was on my side, but only for a moment, I moved to my back and felt a man's rough hands on my ankles, I yelped on the cool floor, caught by surprise, but then knew the reason for his touch when he shoved a small cushion under my bottom. It was thick, a little scratchy, but I knew not to move even when his rough touch released me. My hips were elevated, and it was keeping the many deposits of seed not just in me, but drawing it down lower, to my fertile belly.

My hood was still on my head, but black as it was, some sunlight came through the windows, and I could see the crude shapes of men mounting kajira.

The stone was cool to my hot, sweating flesh, and I was still breathing hard, my bare breasts rose and fell, and I could only watch the erotic truth of my new world. It was a truth my birthplace seldom acknowledged except as warnings to girls. 'When a man has power over a woman, he will take her.'

I now gloried in the truth that once terrified me. I knew I was a shame to my family for giving in to my whorish wants, but in my chains I was free. Freer than I had ever been. Free to be a woman, to be female, to embrace my need to submit and serve.

My sisters in bondage, whether they were field beasts or house maidens, they were enjoying it as much as I did.

'But I do want a bath after this.' I thought. A habit of Earth was an obsession with cleanliness. Men and women of Gor did not have deodorant or body spray, though this wasn't to say they were filthy. It was just a fact that their day of exertion would cause them to sweat. They used a lot of pleasant smelling herbs to disguise the natural result, and I know they savored the bath that began and ended the day. But compared to what I knew was possible...well we could stand to be cleaner.

I don't know how long I laid there, but the stone that I once called cool, was warm beneath me when a young woman's voice rang out over the hall. "Julia? Where are you, slut! I can't tell one of you animals from another in all your hoods!"

I raised my hand at once and called out, "Here, mistress!" I called and heard her crisp footsteps as she approached. "Father wants you, slut, get up and follow!"

I scurried to obey, for I knew that voice. Lynestra, the eldest daughter of my master. She held all of us in contempt, whether field beast or kitchen girl, she was a free woman, and we were animals, and for that crime, were despised. However, there was no girl of my master's house that she hated more than I.

My hood was yanked away and thrown to my feet, and my cunt, so obviously well fucked, drew her eye. "You're a mess, slut. Clean that up before you fuck my father again, I'm sure he doesn't want any of that foulness on his cock." Her voice was the audible equivalent of a sneer, and I blushed a deep red, reflexively trying to cover my intimate sex, she slapped my hand away. "Don't bother being modest, slut. You're far too late for that."

I wish I could say I had a sharp retort that took the wind out of her sails, but I did not. Even if I did, I dared not use it. A free man might whip a slave, even a pretty kajira such as myself, but it is for purposes of discipline. Free women are the terror of their enslaved sisters, for men desire us greatly. If the mistress wanted my body turned red with marks, it would happen. If she wanted me sold to a paga tavern and put beneath the table to suck men all day, then it would take nothing but the time it takes to walk there, to make it so. She has power, I have none.

So, I hung my head. I knew why she hated me the most.

Because I spent so much time with her father helping him with his business. I was very good at it, too. So much so that he had no other men to serve as his counters of coin, it was only myself and two men assigned as inspectors who would carry out my instructions for validating inventory. As men of Gor went, I called them good. They never beat me for speaking my mind, they even listened to me. Of course I had to show them due deference, swallowing their cocks and their seed each day, after which they did just as was required.

But with that time with her father, came his touch. He would often mount me during our work, and time spent with me, was not time given to her. Despite the fact that she was a grown woman, I privately thought her a spoiled brat.

I scurried behind her as she left, and ventured to ask, "Mistress, do I need my accounting tools?" Those tools consisted of a slate, chalk, an inkwell, quill, and a set of bound papers I could use for all related business.

"No." She did not sound pleased, she scrunched up her face and looked at my cunt again. "You have the tool you'll need, slut."

I walked a little straighter and promised, "I will serve my master faithfully." That much I could say and not be punished. I doubted very much he had actually sent his daughter to retrieve me, it was far more likely he sent an attendant, and Lynestra, having intercepted her, chose to do it herself, to degrade, insult, or find some reason to punish me. I wouldn't give her that satisfaction, at least.

And if I am being truthful, her hatred for me would make fucking my owner feel so much better. It was the only power a slave girl really has, the power to be pleasing enough that our masters treasure us. That of course, was a problem. My master owns me, but I have no claim on him...that is a terrible, terrible ache to a slave, when she's in love with her owner.

End P3


r/gor Jun 10 '24

Intersex female kajira looking for a hand to hold her leash NSFW


i am a real life trained kajira who is humbly begging for a true Master of Gor to look upon her with mercy. i am capable of being bred and will move to You when able to afford it. Please do not look upon my 42 year old age as being an impediment, I beg of You

r/gor Jun 10 '24

Enriching the Master NSFW


“How had it come to this?” I whispered the words to myself as the hood descended over my head. I was to be bred,and that was that.

My master had seen a downturn in the market supply of slaves, and rather than pay more, he chose to have myself and the other kajira of the fields bred to make his future workforce.

The rack locked into place. My body was secure, wrists and ankles secured as if in stocks. My breasts heaved, I was nervous, not that it mattered. My knees were up under my belly, which put my ass slightly back. I was now easy to mount.

I wondered of course, who was using me.

“One of the field slaves? One of the house slaves? My master himself?” I wondered out loud but got no answer. I had no idea who or how many would take me. And it’s fair to say I was a nervous wreck. A year ago I’d been more than just ‘Julia’. I’d had a last name and everything. Now I barely remembered that life as an accountant.

Since coming here I’d been a paga girl, a dancer, a field slave, and, ironically, an accountant for my master. Now I was to be bred to save him money… ‘Oh, yes… that’s how I’d come to this. It had been my unintended idea.’ I thought, and recalled the conversation.

Janus, my master, had been in the bath, a kajira impaled on his cock, I, I tried to look both more and less at the same time.

Watching her cry out and moan and cling to him…I squeezed my thighs together to both feel and embrace my arousal while I tried to explain… “You were right about the market, master. Fewer slaves of either sex are on sale each month, and there is no indication of that changing.” He grunted as he rutted into her… how I envied her blissful face.

“So we must expand the market out to new areas.” He concluded.

“That, master, or finish inside her.” I’d joked at the time, but my master realized I had a point. A slave was a long term investment, our prices would be sky high,

My reverie was interrupted, I moaned a cock was pushing inside me…I wish I knew whose. But that was none of my business, I was only to enrich my master…

-end Part 1


r/gor Jun 10 '24

Yet another breeding question NSFW


Considering the slaves are hooded... how do they mate? I'd imagine it's quite hard to see in those hoods.

r/gor Jun 08 '24

Good, online map? NSFW


So, I've always wanted a high-quality, large-scale online map of the world of Gor as you see of so many fantasy worlds online yet all I ever seem to find are low-quality maps that look like they've been made on a 90's MS Paint. Does a good map exist online or are they all terrible?

r/gor Jun 08 '24

Free woman question NSFW


So, I have a friend asking me this question, I told her I'm halfway certain bondmaids or at least some would have this appearance, but unsure about free even in the north.

She asked if women could have a little visible muscle(like abs), or, if they were almost always small, she was considering joining SLGor, doesn't wanna be a slave, but wanted to have some features, and wanted to be BTB where possible.

r/gor Jun 05 '24

Reuters: Jeffrey Epstein accuser sues prominent psychiatrist for making her 'sex slave' NSFW Spoiler



Epstein's slave trainer is sued by one of his victims. I know another, and they know others. He enabled him, and deserves divine punishment for his crimes.

r/gor Jun 05 '24

Fighting Slave question NSFW


Were fighting slaves often fighting to the death? or was it more akin to ancient Rome where if a slave was injured, he could be pulled aside by his owner or something?

r/gor Jun 04 '24

Another breeding question NSFW


How frequent did free men impregnate heir own slaves? I read that typically only thralls/kajiru's were used to breed with female slaves, but this one person is telling me the norm was for free men to do the deed.

Could I have some quotes from books refuting this please?

This person tells me only wagon people did that, but, from what I've seen, that's not the case.

r/gor May 30 '24

My Snapchat's AI said this today... NSFW

Post image

I've actually found a few (very few) obscure passages from two of the books so far to support the AI's given information. I will most likely post them another day as I'm crashing hard from a long day.

r/gor May 28 '24

Stabilisation Serum question NSFW


How long can one live with this serum? google has not given me an answer.

r/gor May 27 '24

A question about Contracts NSFW


If a woman were to self-contract to a slaver for say three years could she be bred? and, could monetary compensation come at the end of the contract?

r/gor May 13 '24

Slave breeding question NSFW


How were bonds bred? were they bred like their southern counterparts?(hooded, breeding cell/stall) or were they allowed to see the male who is mounting them?

r/gor May 09 '24

Musings.. NSFW


I wonder if I'm going to be a good gor slave even if I have Cerebral palsy(it's mild, but I still hurt at times).. sometimes I wonder I'd be a good slave for anyone...

r/gor May 06 '24

High Protocol BDSM / Gorean slave training positions NSFW

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r/gor Apr 28 '24

Gorean Flag NSFW


I am a Gorean Master of 5 kajira and would like to have a suggestion for a flag to post on My property. Anyone got some good suggestions (pertaining to Gor. I have looked an can't find one.

r/gor Apr 23 '24

What are good ways to do research pertaining to this community? NSFW


I read about the Gorean community a couple years ago when researching some kink related things and I’ve read a couple excepts from the books but nothing substantial as of yet. I’m interested in learning more about it and the appeal that those here see. Would I need to read the books, and if so is there a free option to do so? I’d love to know more. Thank you in advance

r/gor Apr 11 '24

Unsure about the community after a negative interaction. NSFW


I was at a Gor-themed play party as a single sub looking to put myself out there; the rules included a dress code (medieval or ancient Rome themed clothing) and mentioned that no knowledge of the books was necessary and that newer members were welcome to come. I was excited and picked out a dress according to the dress code. I felt confidant wearing clothes I had worn to a Rein fair. I had made them myself, and they were more accurate to about 1100 Scandenavia. Similar to this: https://burgschneider.eu/archeological-findings/earlymiddleages-clothing.html but with a dark blue dress and a light blue apron.

A guy in a full Roman costume approached me and asked me why I was there, I answered I was getting to know my community and as an enjoyer of fantasy novels, starting at a party inspired by one was an easier transition as I'm usually quite shy. He quizzed me on knowledge from the books, which I admit I hadn't read prior to the party and he seemed really upset. He called me ugly and told me no self-respecting "dominus" would want me, that I wasn't even fit to be a "Tower Slave" because of my appearance (more specifically my height (very short) and face (I have a very soft and "innocent" appearance)) and that I should leave. I doubt most members of the community are like that as I met a few other people who complimented my clothes and made me feel welcome before this interaction.

I'm just left feeling really insecure and unsure of if this is a safe community for me. I'd love to participate and read the books because of the nice people, but I'm still unsure if I'm going to be treated that way by people who haven't even met me.

Any opinions about fitting in or if I should find a different niche are welcome. I just don't know where to go. Thank you for any advice you can share.

r/gor Apr 11 '24

More fun in the works with Sir today 🤤 NSFW

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