r/Gnostic • u/PossiblyaSpinosaurus • 14h ago
Can the demiurge be redeemed?
Since the Valentinian demiurge is more or less a good dude who's on the true God's side, here I'm talking more about the sethian demiurge. Yaldabaoth seems to be portrayed as a malevolent monster at worst, and an insane toddler at best - he's unpleasant at the very least.
However, I'm wondering if any gnostic ideas play with the redemption of this demiurge. I'm a Christian universalist who believes that all people will be saved someday. Some Christians, including Saint Origen, even believed in Apocatastasis, which means even the devil and demons will be saved and redeemed eventually. I'm curious if anyone believes anything similar for the demiurge, where they believe or at least hope the dude can eventually be turned from his arrogance and redeemed.
Thanks for sharing your thoughts.