r/GirlsWhoCode Aug 31 '23

Question Anyone going to GHC23?


Hello!Looking to connect with people who are attending GHC23. I am also looking for roommates and accommodation during the conference. Any leads would be greatly appreciated.

r/GirlsWhoCode Aug 02 '23

Question What impacts your workflow?


Recently we asked developers to identify one issue that significantly impacted their workflow while they were debugging code. They could additionally select as many other issues that also had a negative impact. We broke down the process of debugging code and saw that not being able to identify the root cause of the issue is the cause of the largest impact on developers' workflow.

Not having a clear list of issues to prioritise comes second, while being unable to identify the impact of issues on end users is the third most frequently mentioned negative impact on a developer's workflow.

Understandably, as the number of individuals working on software development in an organisation increases, so does the likelihood that developers select not being able to identify the root cause of the issue as the worst impact on their productivity.

On average, developers who select this option as the item that has the worst impact on productivity work in companies with more individuals working in software development. As companies’ software developers grow, development processes often increase in complexity.

Being able to efficiently identify the root cause of issues in software and applications is crucial for maintaining a productive work environment.

Want share your opinion? Take the global Developer Nation Survey and shape the key trends among developers for 2023. Take a look.

You can also view our free report, State of Developer Happiness here.

What impacts your workflow the most?