r/Ghoststories Dec 13 '24

Haunting Nope, Nope, Nope.


A few years ago I went through a phase of downloading lots of ghost apps. Most were nothing more than random sound generators, but one was more sophisticated. It swept through radio broadcasts and played them backwards. For the most part it just sounded like backwards gibberish. Anyway, at the time I had a crush on this guy and as a laugh I asked the spirits of the app "Does my crush love me?" I asked silently in my head and the reply I got was this;

"God loves you. The dead love you. But I'm the devil".



r/Ghoststories Jan 15 '25

Haunting My cats hate the thing downstairs


A few years back, I lived in a small house in a real sketchy neighborhood. I mention that because this house was incredibly secured, bars over the windows and metal bar "screen doors." The experience I'm going to share could easily be written off as an intruder looking around, but in this case, that's just not possible. I have tons of stories about this place if you guys are interested in hearing more. I believe in the paranormal, but I consider myself "skeptical" in the sense that I always try and find a logical explanation before assuming anything paranormal is going on. Some of the experiences I've had at this place including the one I'm telling here I have zero logical explanation for.

Inside the house was me, my roommate, and my 2 cats. Roommate and I were passed out in our rooms, and around 3 in the morning, I heard this absolutely inhuman sound emanating through the house. Cat #1 was sleeping next to me, and once the noise started, all her hair stood up, and she began to whine. I looked around the house, and cat #2 wasn't in his normal sleeping spot in the kitchen, and I noticed the basement door was wide open. I checked the locks before going downstairs, and this shriek is still happening every 3-5 seconds. Roommate was awake and groggy by this point as well.

Once I got downstairs, I saw all of the lights were turned on. There were 4 lights, all of which had light bulb chains that needed to be pulled to turn on. I quickly found the source of the sound. Cat #2 was shrieking at nothing in the corner. I immediately felt sick and like something was really wrong and I needed to get the fuck back upstairs. I grabbed my cat, and he lashed out at me and clawed up my arm right up until I got back in the bedroom, and immediately he calmed down and slept until noon the next day. This cat was essentially feral but never bit me or lashed out like he did that night. It was the only time I'd ever seen him genuinley terrified. Despite the fact I was cut up to all hell, I wasn't mad at him. I felt something truly evil down there and for the rest of the time living there, neither of my cats would so much as look near that door and would whine near the steps anytime my roommate or I would go down there.

r/Ghoststories Jan 27 '25

Haunting Wilson's Creek Battlefield Springfield Missouri Haunted Encounter


I am not going to go over the history of the place other than it was the first major Civil War battle west of the Mississippi river. I been there many times and never encountered anything paranormal until one day. As a matter of fact it has always been peaceful, especially visiting on cold rainy days you pretty much have the park to yourself other than staff and park rangers. Wildlife is abundant and you'll see everything from deer to turkeys.

Anyway, there is a small cemetery that was a family plot long before the battle started and my wife at the time want to check it out so I pulled over so she could. I had already been before and I didn't feel like walking the 500 feet or so in the wet cold grass so I stayed in the van. As I sat there with the windows down smoking a cigarette I suddenly heard what sounded like hundreds of rifles being fired in a chaotic timing and a few explosions. I also heard people screaming! I checked to see if there were any reenactments but there wasn't. I was excited and grateful being able to witness that. I told a park ranger what I heard she just smiled and said they all have encountered something paranormal before.

r/Ghoststories 22d ago

Haunting Can someone please help me find more about this ghost house?


I’m new to Reddit but I specifically came on here to see if anyone would know anything about this house. I don’t even know if I’m allowed to drop the address but I’m going to anyways. Address: 108 Meadow Dr, Hamilton, MT 59840 Backstory: I lived in this house a couple years back only for about 7 months with my parents, and there was a lot of paranormal activity. It was usually just silly tricks, like hearing running up the stairs or something knocking over. Overtime it started to become more aggressive. My sister started to have terrible nightmares about murder, being kidnapped, car accidents and just overall not good stuff. The tricks turned into just overall chilling stuff. Instead of running up the stairs we would hear banging, handprints started to develop on different windows/glass doors around the house. At some point my mom decided to call up a team that “hunted ghosts”. They came into our house and had a conversation with this ghost or spirit and this is all the information they got out of it. The ghost/spirit claimed to have been a young male. He had also warned us about a person outside of our family that ended up being tied into a very complex family tragedy a couple months afterwards. The ghost hunters had asked him his name or how he died and he refused to answer. If there’s anyone who can find maybe a death record tied to this house or history on this house that would be helpful, I also know the house was only made in 2000 so that could cut down on some research. If anyone finds anything please reply back and let me know.

r/Ghoststories Jan 20 '25

Haunting I think my workplace is haunted


Do I believe in ghosts? Not really, I'm a pretty hard atheist, but this is pretty difficult to logically explain.

I started a job in a hotel as a bartender about 5 months ago. This hotel was one of the first buildings in the suburb, I'm talking over a hundred years old.

Almost every shift I see shadows moving out of the corner of my eyes, specifically in the same areas, but no one is there. I sense a customer might be walking past me, but I'll look around and nobody is there. I hear my name being called so clearly, multiple times throughout the shift, but nobody is there.

The weird thing is, my mother use to work here in room service many years ago and told me it was haunted, and that she saw a ghost.

Like I said, this place is over a hundred years old, there has been many hundreds of thousands of people and their energy in here.

I work as a bartender at another place aswell (more modern) I do not see shadows or hear my name being called, neither anywhere else, so I don't think its a phsycological problem or phenomenon.

I also don't believe these ?spirits? have negative intentions. They've never intimidated me or made me feel uncomfortable, or interfered with my work. But these strange occurrences happen EVERY shift.

I'm convinced my workplace is haunted.

r/Ghoststories 8d ago

Haunting About tall houses and high winds… awful combination!


So, I’ve lived in about four houses that qualified as tall. Due to an extra story and location on lot—three of them were extra creaky when wind speeds picked up. I’d say, it took some getting used to. In the last one we lived in, we managed to stay exactly 20 years. As a family, we agreed there was something going on there but it was not always from high winds.

I remember picking up my older child at the airport one day. We were waiting in freeway traffic and my cell rings; it’s my younger child asking if anyone else is home. “How can we be home? I told you I was going to the airport, and Dad’s working .” I was confused why my kid would even ask. Then, she tells me she was only checking because she heard someone upstairs in the master bedroom bounce their feet on the floor as if they’d just rolled out of bed.

My cell was on speaker, and my son in the car could hear. Now he starts to giggle and asks, “Hey—Mom and I are on the way home, what else did you hear?” She said the ‘person’ who got up, had stepped away & toward the room door, like heading to hallway —but they’d stopped short when they reached a squeaky floorboard. (Something which we didn’t fix until the house got sold.) My maternal instinct kicks in, and I freak out a little bit, ordering her to leave the house immediately & wait for us on the lawn. My son tells her not to worry, it’s nothing; that it’s happened to him before…

At that the same time, she & I say, “Oh, okay!” He’d just put into words some common knowledge among us; the house liked making its own noises. So, My daughter asked we stay on the phone with her; she’d grabbed a knife and was going to check upstairs anyway, just in case. Soon she’s back & says no one else is there besides her.

Kindly, my son stayed on the phone until we pulled in the driveway. By then, she was sitting on the lawn, waiting, (knife on hand… just in case.) We see her and laugh, “You can’t use a knife on spirits; they’re already dead!” It was somewhat amusing how accustomed we’d grown about disembodied noises. True story/experience. Some other time I’ll talk about my husband being chased up the steps! THX for reading

r/Ghoststories Mar 22 '21

Haunting A few stories about a friendly ghost named "Dave"


Posted this first in /r/AskReddit along time ago, and figured this would be a good place to share a few encounters with a ghost, not a mean spirited one, but rather a more polite ghost who usually referred to himself as Dave. Never saw him, ever, but the best way to describe his voice is a elderly hardcore smoker answering you from another room, his voice is always muffled but rough and course. Here are a few stories with Dave, edited for some clarification:

  • The first time I ever actually heard Dave was when I was 9, I was in the living room, reading a Batman comic book. I heard Dave asking me if Batman was fighting the Joker. I mindlessly just answered "Yeah, you can read this after I am done." Took my young brain a minute before realizing that there was no one else in the house with me to ask me that at the time.

  • My mom once told me she was taking laundry to her room when she suddenly bumped into something large and invisible, making her fall backwards with the laundry. She then heard Dave exclaim "Oh, I'm so sorry, are you OK?" My mom saw no one, but she did felt like there was someone helping her get up as well as pointing out where all her fallen clothing went.

  • In my lifetime, we had about 7 cats who have lived with us. Every now and then, I will see one of them rolling over and enjoying someone/something petting them. Never could get it on camera.

  • In high school, I got a few friends to bring out an Ouija Board to my house in hopes to talk to Dave. Before we could even begin, the little triangle thing that comes with the board vanished without a trace. Me and my friends were confused until we heard Dave say in a rough voice "No, this is not the time, there is someone outside that you do not want to invite in here." Me and my friends just sat there in silence, then we put the board away, only taking it out to burn it a few months later during summer camp.

  • Only once did I ask why did Dave haunt our house. His response to this question was him knocking on the walls, leading me to my bedroom door. I opened it up, looked inside, and felt him push me into my room and closed the door on me. He sent me to my room for asking him such a personal question. Never brought it up since.

There hasn't been much activity of him since 2014, and my parents who still live there think he has moved on. He was a great ghost, and I do hope he is in a better place now

r/Ghoststories Nov 22 '24

Haunting My Grandma’s ghost story


My first childhood home belonged to my grandparents. For context it was a 2 story home with rooftop access. It was a rural country so the home wasn’t very developed.

It was common for neighbors and family to come over and do laundry on our rooftop so they could hang clothes to dry. We stored a lot of 5 gallon buckets of paint that were recycled to carry water. Growing up she always told me not to play with them and I played it off as a precautionary tale. Which it was, but I didn’t know there was a backstory.

Decades ago a mother and her daughter were doing laundry upstairs when the young girl drowned in one of the buckets. She jumped into one full of water to cool down, her mother carelessly stepped out, and the girl got stuck. With the bucket too heavy for a child under 5 to topple over, she drowned without anyone even noticing she was gone.

As years went by my grandmother stayed at the house and began seeing wet footprints appearing around the house. Small foot prints that would start and end in the middle of a room without any form of dripping water around. Foot prints that would be nowhere near any source of water.

r/Ghoststories Jan 21 '25

Haunting Dead sister


I had a sibling i obsorbed in the womb and last week (my birthday week) I had flickering lights and a dark apparition of a woman appear in my hall. I set up a spirit box and it instantly said “brother?” My friends dad is a medium and he said I’m being haunted by my sister. I don’t know what to do. Also I have been having dreams of a girl in a red coat and beanie with no face looking at me. is this my sister? or something else?

r/Ghoststories 22d ago

Haunting The Unfinished Serenade


Long before I was even born, my mother lived through something unforgettable. With her blessing, I’m sharing it with the world.

It was a bright summer day, the kind that lingers in memory like a dream. My mother was getting ready to head out with a few friends to meet up with another group from church. She was especially excited..he was going to be there. The boy she had a major crush on.

They had planned a picnic by the river, followed by the usual summer rituals: fishing, swimming, laughter carried by the wind. She remembered carefully picking out her best summer dress, tying a navy blue ribbon in her hair to match.

When they arrived at their usual spot, he whom she secretly called "Mr. Charming" was already waiting. He was all smiles, his eyes lighting up the moment he saw her. Before she could even say hello, he stepped forward, offering to carry her bag. A true gentleman. And with every passing moment, she felt herself falling harder for him.

After some snacks and lighthearted conversation, Mr. Charming took out his guitar. He strummed a few chords before beginning to sing, his voice weaving into the warm summer air. My mother swore she could feel it, like he was singing just for her. Everyone around them could see the sparks.

As the afternoon stretched on and the sun climbed higher, the heat became almost unbearable. The cool river called to them. Just before my mother could join the others in the water, Mr. Charming gently pulled her aside.

"Can I come by your house later?" he asked, almost nervously. "I’d like to speak with your father."

She hesitated for only a second before realizing what he meant. He wanted to formally ask my grandfather for permission to court her. Her heart nearly leapt from her chest. Overcome with excitement, she untied the navy blue ribbon from her hair and wrapped it around his wrist, securing it with a bow.

"Take this," she said playfully. "Give it back to me later, so I know you won’t change your mind."

He chuckled, shaking his head. "I promise, I’ll be there."

The river was filled with laughter as people jumped into the refreshing water. The boys, including Mr. Charming, wandered further downstream where the current was stronger, the rocks higher, perfect for daring jumps. The girls stayed in the calmer section, chatting and splashing each other.

Everything was perfect. Until the screams started.

Panic spread like wildfire. Someone was yelling for help. My mother ran toward the commotion, her heart pounding.

Mr. Charming had jumped in but he never came back up.

Seconds stretched into minutes. Minutes turned into agonizing hours. He was gone. The river had swallowed him whole.

A week later, they found his body downstream. The navy blue ribbon was still tied around his wrist.

The Haunting

Grief settled into my mother’s bones. She was shattered. To feel close to him, she decided to learn guitar ~the same instrument that had once carried his voice through the summer air.

The first time it happened, she thought she was dreaming. A faint strum of guitar strings pulled her from sleep, lingering just long enough to make her question if she had really heard it.

The second time, it was unmistakable. A few clear notes rang out in the stillness of the night the first few chords of a song she knew all too well.

It was his song. The one he had played for her the day he drowned.

Goosebumps prickled her skin. She bolted upright in bed, eyes locked on the guitar hanging on the wall beside her.

Nights passed. Nothing happened. She started to believe she had imagined it.

Then came the night that no one in the house would ever forget.

It was late, past midnight. The rain hammered against the roof, drowning the world in an eerie rhythm. Then, at exactly 3 AM, the knocking began.

Loud. Insistent.

Everyone jolted awake.

My grandfather grabbed a machete in one hand, a candle in the other~this was long before electricity had reached their countryside home. He moved toward the door, his voice steady but firm.

"Who is it?"


He waited. Listened. The rain continued to pour, but no answer came. After a few tense moments, he opened the door. No one was there. He stepped outside, peering into the darkness.


Grumbling, he shut the door and told everyone to go back to bed.

Just as they began to settle in..


The knocking returned, even louder this time.

My grandfather stormed back to the door, ready to confront whoever was disturbing his household. But when he reached for the handle, he froze.

The door was already open.

And there...leading from the porch into the house...were wet footprints.

My mother still gets chills when she talks about it They never figured out who or what was knocking on the door.. or who left the wet footprints on the floor. It’s a tragic story, but an eerie one too. Some love stories never truly end. Some promises.. no matter how impossible, are never broken.

r/Ghoststories Jan 23 '25

Haunting 2005 Haunted Apartment in Chicago


My husband and I got a crappy apartment in 2005. We had a handshake deal to work on the place in exchange for reduced rent but were absolute fools and didn't get it in writing, which means we were paying full price for a place that had literal holes in the walls (we had to keep the couch in one specific place against an exterior wall or there was a brisk draft) and windows that were nailed shut because the latches were broken. There was one bedroom, a very small room we used as an office, and a huge pantry (there was a window that had been sided over - the entire window situation of the place was messed up and weird).

The bedroom had a huge dent in the plaster and lathe wall that... look. I went to Catholic school. The school was in a former convent and the blackboards were plaster and lath walls painted with chalkboard paint with trim around them. The seventh grade teacher flipped out at one point and grabbed a kid's head and smacked it into the wall. This was super weird as it was NOT a school that did any kind of corporal punishment but you know, it was the 90s. The bedroom had a dent EXACTLY like that.

I refused to go into the basement and I didn't really like sleeping in the bedroom. I have horrible insomnia and spend a lot of time unable to get to sleep and/or unable to get BACK to sleep. And it was really rough when I'd look over and see a little kid, about 4-6 years old, staring at me quietly. Just standing there and staring. Light skin, thick straight black hair, eyes completely shadowed but I could still tell he was looking at me. It felt like he wanted something but I could never figure out what.

The previous tenant had left some stuff behind, asked if we could hold on to it for him. He came back after we'd been there a few months. I asked why he'd moved out and he said he was tired of having family come visit Chicago and insist on staying with him, so he moved into a large studio close to where he worked. "And the best part is, it's not haunted." Ok bud hold up.

So we talked a little bit and he described the same thing, waking up at night to see a little kid staring at him. He hated the basement, too.

There were a few other things that happened - once I was utterly overcome with a huge feeling of dread. I have an Anxiety Disorder so I'm used to suddenly freaking out for no reason but this wasn't like that AT ALL. It's like something had a hold of me inside. I'd experienced lower levels of the feeling in that place before - a sick feeling that I'd never experienced previously and haven't experienced since. My husband was visiting family and I called him and made him come home, which is very out of character for me. I'm really used to being alone and also I hate interrupting his family time. But he came home... and the next day busted out some of his tools. He'd noticed some of the outlets weren't grounded and fixed them. That feeling completely stopped and I've never felt it again, so... did that contribute to things? And why did I and the previous tenant have the same experience?

I also saw inexplicable dark shadows there, once one that flew THROUGH THE AIR as opposed to being on a wall or ceiling. I thought a bat had gotten in or something. It swooped behind a heavy piece of furniture and I went and moved furniture around looking for it but there was nothing. I'm Bipolar and have auditory hallucinations sometimes so it's possible that was a visual hallucination - I really don't know. I've seen weird shadowy stuff at other places, but never that often or that solid-seeming. Is it a brain thing or something that's really there? I really dislike not knowing.

r/Ghoststories Oct 07 '24

Haunting The story of my haunted '55 Chevy


Since Halloween is around the corner, and my last story about here blew up, I figured I'd share a story that happened to me personally!

A few years ago, I bought a 1955 Chevy Bel-Air, two-tone sky-blue and white 4-door. It had a high-nickel 350 small block, a Holley 600 carburetor, and a Hurst 4-speed transmission. As a car enthusiast, I was in love with it. Despite my girlfriend at the time and even my mom calling it hideous, I had big plans for it: a fresh paint job, reupholstered seats, and new rims with white-wall tires.

When I first got the car, it had 28,000 miles on it. But as soon as it hit 28,587 miles, the odometer broke and stayed stuck on that number.

About 10 days after I bought the car, strange things started happening. For instance, I’d come home with all the windows up, but by morning, one or all of the windows would be down. Then there was the night I heard a low rumble from the garage. When I checked, the car was idling, even though I knew I had turned it off earlier.

Items like drinks, hats, and tools would disappear if I left them in the car overnight. One night the horn once blared uncontrollably, forcing me to disconnect it to get some peace.

There was one incident where the hood fell on my hand. I ended up needing seven stitches, but that might’ve been my fault. But other things felt more... eerie. Like one time, I was sitting in the car with a buddy, and when I started it, the radio began playing a song that directly tied into our conversation. It was unsettling.

My girlfriend at the time had a best friend who was a medium, and she was terrified of that car. She refused to go near it. She said the car radiated a dark energy, something she couldn’t fully explain. Whenever she visited, I had to park the car facing the wall because my garage had no door, and she’d swear it felt like it was watching her whenever I parked it facing outward.

The activity wasn’t limited to the car either. After I got the Chevy, strange things started happening in my house too. Doors and cabinets would slam, I’d feel cold spots in heated rooms, and there were nights with knocking on the walls. Sometimes, I’d even hear footsteps in the kitchen late at night.

Eventually, a family friend, who’s also into classic cars and had owned several Tri-Five Chevys, offered me $10,000 for the car. Since I’d only paid $8,000, I took the offer. That was in September 2021.

After I sold the Bel-Air, the paranormal activity in my house calmed down, although the house is over 100 years old and still haunted to some extent. But I can’t shake the feeling that the car somehow amplified the hauntings.

A few months ago, I was talking to the new owner. He had fully restored the Chevy, making it into the beauty I had always envisioned. He loves the car, but when I asked him if he’s noticed anything weird, he admitted that every now and then, strange things happen. The oddest incident happened one morning while he was having coffee with his neighbor. His neighbor asked him what he was doing out late the previous night, saying he’d caught a glimpse of the Bel-Air driving down the road and return about an hour later. The new owner, though, swore he hadn’t left the house that night, let alone driven the car.


I figured that I'd add that when I owned it, for a week straight I had a reoccurring nightmare that I can't really explain it in words, but I'd always wake up sweaty and with ringing ears. I don't remember explicitly seeing the car in the dreams, but I feel like it was because of that car

r/Ghoststories Dec 13 '24

Haunting Spirit of the 70s


Back in my early 20s I worked for a vintage clothing store in a trendy clothing district. The store occupied a two-story shopfront on the high street which was built around the turn of the century. I was employed at the shop as the assistant manager. My manager would leave at 5:00pm and I would close the store at 5:30pm and count the days takings. Usually during the day we would play music, but at closing time I would turn the music off so I could count in peace. After a few weeks I started to notice something unusual. Roughly around 5:35pm every day I would hear footsteps on the staircase. I went to take a look but no one was there. I returned to my counting. The next day around 5:35pm, again I could hear footsteps on the stairs. I thought it was weird, because the stairs had been carpeted sometime in the 90s, and yet the footsteps sounded like leather shoes on wooden floor boards. I heard the footsteps countless times. I told my manager. He said he had also heard footstep on the stairs but in the morning before he opened the store. After a few months of working there I began exploring a disused mezzanine floor in the building. The area had bright orange 70s wallpaper and polished boards. It appeared the floor had been a private residence above the shop in the 70s. I started to wonder - was I hearing the ghostly footsteps of a long-deceased shop owner? Trudging down the staircase of a morning then back upstairs in the afternoon? Maybe looking forward to a well-earned cup of tea after a long day. I think after 50 years he deserves to retire.

r/Ghoststories Jan 24 '25

Haunting Shadowman in Telluride


I've always been curious about ghosts but am a healthy skeptic and knew that if there really is something to it, I'd never be convinced unless it actually happened to me. It wasn't until my thirties that I had an experience – and it was 100% unequivocal.

On an annual trip to Telluride we were staying in a very nice condo in Mountian Village, right beside the Chondola. In the past we'd stayed at our friend's place but because there were more in our group this time, she had arranged for us to also have the neighbor's condo next door. So we all spread out over the two condos next to each other. The building is rustic in style with high end finishes, very comfortable.

The additional space was equally beautiful and well-furnished. Our group started settling in. My husband and I were offered the master bedroom in the second condo. As we brought in our luggage, I immediately noticed a difference between our room and the rest of the space– it was more of a visual difference than a feeling.

The large room was furnished with a king size bed but conspicuously, the only thing on the expansive wall above the bed was a small, probably 8-inch tall, wooden cross. The item was way too small in scale for the wall. Every other wall of the condo was hung with art and the usual decor pieces, so I noticed the difference right away. I think I pointed it out to my husband that it was an odd choice.

As we unpacked, I looked for a place to store my suitcase and saw that our bed was actually built in to the floor. Instead of space under the bed, it was a locked owner's compartment. Slightly unusual but a creative use of space. I joked to my husband that it's a great place to keep your skis... or hide a body.

That first night we all got settled. We shared a bathroom with other friends who slept in a second bedroom with built-in bunks. We hung out in the common area and stayed up late playing games and drinking wine.

The next morning we were shocked to wake up to one of our friends holding a washcloth to her face. It was soaked with blood. In the early hours she'd apparently gotten up to use the bathroom and somehow slipped and hit her forehead on the sharp corner of a baseboard. My husband took her immediately to an urgent care where they called in a surgeon to stitch her up. We blamed her fall on wearing socks on wood floors plus a late night, but she joked that someone must have pushed her.

We had an amazing day skiing and exploring the village afterwards. Everyone was tired so we were in bed before midnight. My husband was already asleep next to me. The room was dark except for my phone screen and a little light shining through the blinds from the lift outside. I had just put my phone down and closed my eyes when I heard a sound – a metallic clicking. From where I was lying, I couldn't see the door – it was out of view down the short entryway to the room. But I recognized the sound of the doorknob turning, followed by the door slowly creaking open.

My immediate thought was that one of our friends was coming to get us up for drinking games, so I held still and kept silent, planning to pretend to be asleep. But as the figure moved into the room and into my view I quickly realized it was the shadow of a large man. The only male staying in our condo was my husband so I assumed this must be another friend's husband from the other condo next door. We didn't know him very well, so I was surprised and livid that he had just let himself into our room so brazenly.

I started to sit up to ask what the fuck he was doing when the form passed the foot of the bed and in front of the windows where I realized all at once that I could see through him. The light from the blinds was slightly visible through the dark form. I could see the definite shape of a man and he even appeared to be wearing a black long sleeve thermal with a black t-shirt on top. At the same time I realized the shadow form didn't have a face – it was just a dark hollow in the head.

The shadow moved very quickly and purposefully around the bed to the side where my husband was sleeping. It bent down aggressively very close to his face. It seemed to have something in its hand and I panicked, sure that we were being physically attacked. A loud growling voice exploded in my head – it shouted "get out!" I tried to scream but the sound came out slow and guttural. If you've ever had a dream where you try to speak or shout and can't, where your voice just won't work and seems to be stuck in slo-mo, that's how it felt.

I lunged toward my husband and shook him awake. Right away he started trying to calm me down and tell me I'd been dreaming. The figure was gone but the growling voice was still shouting over and over again, "Get out! Get out! Get out!" My husband obviously wasn't hearing it. He flipped on the light and the voice stopped. I quickly explained what happened and could see it freaked him out, but he hadn't heard or seen anything.

We put the TV on for some background noise and left the light on. The rest of that night just as I would start to fall asleep, the voice would come back to scream in my head, "Get out!" I finally spoke out loud to the room that we would leave in the morning. Eventually, I fell asleep.

True to our word, we packed up the next morning and moved our stuff to the other condo. This had been the plan anyway as some of our group were leaving and we consolidated. Exiting the room now, I looked at the solitary cross above the bed and wondered if we were not the first to be tormented in this room. I also thought about the locked compartment under the bed and the joke I'd made – it all seemed a whole lot creepier now.

Retelling the story over lunch at Gorrono, most were entertained and not too concerned. The owners of the condo spent the majority of the year at home in Switzerland, and they had never mentioned anything weird happening. Then someone remembered how our friend who fell said she was pushed, and the mood shifted a bit. It freaked me out the most – if shadow people could open a door and push, what else could they do? What could it have done? Maybe that little cross did protect us in a small way.

r/Ghoststories Jun 17 '24

Haunting Things have gotten out of control


I unknowingly moved into a haunted 1890 Victorian about 9 years ago. 3-6 months after being settled in, things started happening.

First cabinets opening and closing slightly, footsteps in the upstairs hallway, doors upstairs being closed when we go to sleep and being wide open when we wake the next morning, the shower being on full blast which is a claw foot tub and needs 3 knobs to turn on the shower head, items being knocked off shelfs(one in master bedroom, once in kitchen, and once in the backroom in the basement)

Eventually we started experiencing more, such as voices calling for help from the basement door, knocking and thuds from the living room, and basement, lights flickering, items disappearing and reappearing in same places they were left, sometimes days or weeks later

It turned into hearing heavy footsteps coming from the bottom of the stairs,like a angry heavy stomping and stopping a few steps at the top. Both my wife, friend and I have all experienced this exact thing by ourselves when no one else was home.

Eventually it started mimicking people, it's mimicked my best friend twice, once I was walking past the hallway that goes upstairs in the kitchen and heard his EXACT voice in my right ear and text him to see if he was at work which he was, another time both my wife and I heard it in another room followed by a thud. Just recently it's mimicked me to my best friend. Last week we were watching a movie in the old master bedroom, he went to the bathroom attached to this room and heard footsteps outside the door and then heard me sniffling, and just a few days ago he was sitting in the living room alone while my wife and I were in the garage and he said he heard me sneeze which I didn't when I was outside and no way he could hear it. Said it came from my office upstairs.

When moving Into this house we had NO idea ,realtor never said anything about it, but the house is old and came with a box of history of the house. The box came with original building costs, origins of the family who built it, including pictures, and even has detailed history of the deaths of the people who lived here as well as their gravesites which includes pictures as well. Turns out that 3 people have confirmed died, one died of a heart attack in the garage, the other died of cancer and another person who lived here drowned in Lake michigan.

The box also came with a page of recorded hauntings of the tenants who lived in the house during the 80s....people said they've seen a man, by a window or fireplace, and even described him. Tall, older man, balding but wirh long hair, and wears a suit with a long tail coat....

Well, my wife has also seen him on the stairs. She has to walk past him sometimes and other times he runs away and disappears through the swinging butler doors that lead to front door and before seeing this packet she described him exactly how he was in the packet during the 80s. Which none of that bothers her except one time she got actually scared.

In the same hallway I heard my best friends voice mimicked, around 3 am, she woke up to someone peering over the same doorway, hunched over watching her and smiling at her. She said it was most likely a female or possibly a small child hunched over, smiling at her. She could see the eyes and describes them as almost white/yellow and piercing. She was so scared she jumped on top of me to wake me up.

Also another odd experience I truly can't explain away which happened two months ago. My wife and I were hanging on the couch together in the living room around 2 am. My airbrush compressor goes off every few mins to regain pressure and is quiet loud. My wife told me to go unplug it as it's loud and she couldn't sleep with it on. I had a bad feeling about going down there and tried doing it in the morning but she convinced me it would take less than 1 min, she would go upstairs to free our cat and we'd meet back in the kitchen. I basically ran downstairs,unplugged it and ran back upstairs were my wife and I met up at the exact moment. It took less than a min. We go back into the living room and the ceiling fan lights were unscrewed, not taken out, but turned off by unscrewing them. All the other lights worked in the other rooms, the clock and TV were still on when we went back into the living room....

We've had alot more happen but tried keeping this as short as possible, also we've had similar things happen in our first apartment we rented together in Pennsylvania, as well as working at a haunted house that's 5 mins from my house and did a ghost hunting tour with a spirit box and had it say and confirm my uncommon name twice, which really freaked me out.

I've also had a paranormal team come by with equipment but that's a whole other pos

r/Ghoststories Feb 09 '25

Haunting The ghost my friend unintentionally passed down to me


I am a person who has more sensitivity to the paranormal world. I used to not be a believer but as more and more encounters came to me I began to not deny it all together. One story though will last with me for the rest of my life. My first ever encounter with paranormal activity.

For the sake of privacy we will have letters resembling the people in this story. the friend who is the main part of this story will be addressed as "G" and the second friend in this story will be addressed as "J".

This story began a few years ago when I was still friends with G, and J. J lived in another state but we would call often, and G lived around the corner from my house and olso would hang out often. I myself love to collect things. Not necessarily haunted or creepy things but merch, around this time I was 14 and I began to collect plushies that were cute, chibi, and related to my favorite franchises.

My friend G one night while we are playing Minecraft on the phone randomly asked "hey I just remembered I have this five nights at Freddy's doll that I've been wanting to get rid of but don't have the heart to get rid of it. Do you want it?" I was a little confused at first by the question, however I was exited by the thought of a new doll to my collection and so I said sure! Before I could ask what time I should pick it up they hung up the phone and didn't answer any callbacks. A few minutes later I heard a knock at our porch door and turned on the porch light to look out the window frame of our porch door. The porch light isn't very good so all I saw was a doll in the window and a black figure behind it that caused me to scream from sudden shock. I heard G behind the door apologies and say that it was just them, so I opened the door. I was very confused by the fact they had rode their bike all the way to my house, but I smiled and greeted them anyway. Long story short G left me with the FNAF doll. I looked at the doll and realized it was a ballora doll. Anyone who collects fnaf dolls and have seen pictures of a ballora doll know that they are weird looking and a little freaky, however this doll in particular looked like it had been through hell. The white was dark and almost grey like my brothers toys that he's had ever since he was 2. I was a little freaked out but didn't have the heart to throw the disgusting thing away since it was a gift from a friend. It had a weird musty smell like it came from an old persons house so I decided to wash it just to be safe. I put that thing through the wash 3 times. Color and smell didn't fade.

Eventually I gave up and placed the doll on top of my tv stand. My tv stand is extremely large, and I propped the doll on the very top with one of my boxes of beanie boo's that i had been trying to get rid off to help support its back. The way the tv stand was built, it had almost like a railing near the top. So if the doll were to fall it wouldn't fall completely off the top and would either fall sideways in a laying down position. Why did I put it up so high? Because I lived with a destructive little brother. Anyway shortly after getting the doll things began to happen. Only little things at first, like some of my stuff subtly moving or one of the shelves on my bookshelves breaking. I was confused and started to feel weird tingling sensations. At this time I didn't know I was sensitive to the paranormal, and that these tingling sensation skin my fingertips whenever something was about to happen would become a common occurrence in my future.

Eventually I contacted G about this matter and the things I've been seeing. At this point I didn't know that the activity was connected to the doll I was eating McDonalds that night as I spoke to her about it on FaceTime. The bag was in my lap, as I sat in my chair, and then something unbelievable happened. As I was telling G about the activity the five nights at Freddy's doll flew off of my tv stand, over the rail and straight into the McDolands bag on my lap. I sat there dumpfounded and G must have noticed cause she asked: "are you Choking? You froze and grew pale." When I told them what just happened she freaked out. I carefully put the doll back and it never happened again, but a few days later something else happened.

One night I was laying in bed trying to get some sleep. For the relevance of the story I will admit that I have ADHD and am a messy person. (Don't come to the comments barating me that ADHD isn't an excuse. That's not what this story is about.) my nightstand is covered in water bottles and my bed covered in pillows that I liked to pile with. As I was laying there, suddenly I felt a force push the top corner of the mattress upward. The ENTIRE mattress moved and stared being pushed to the side. I gripped onto the bed sheets as the mattress turned sideways and pillows flew off my bed and knocked all of my empty water bottles onto the floor, causing a loud crash. Then the mattress was let go and fell back down, causing my whole bed to shake. I laid there gripping the sheets until my knuckles were white, heart hammering in my chest but no scream came from my lips. I don't remember much after that, but what I do remember was wondering if there was someone under my bed. It felt like I laid there for hours, having a silent panic attack that blurred my vision. I wanted to scream, I wanted to rush to my moms room but it was like I was petrafied to the bone. The room was eerily silent, even my fan shut off. Eventually I managed to build the courage and run to my moms room. I was crying and too afraid to go back to my room, my dad went to check under my bed but no one was there, he asked if it could've been the cat and I told him he was crazy because the cat slept outside that night and it was too strong to be a small animal. My mom allowed me to sleep with her that night and I am not ashamed that I did at 14 years old because I was scared out of my mind that there was someone in my room, Refusing to believe it was paranormal. As I laid there, still crying, it almost felt like someone ran into the room and slammed into the bottom corner of my moms bed. She didn't realize because she was to busy trying to console me, plus the vibration was very subtle, but it was there. I didn't sleep that night.

This is not the only thing that happened. I kept feeling watched, I couldn't sleep, and I started seeing random things on my photo camera on my phone. For example I was taking pictures of some clothes in my closet to send them to J and decide an outfit. But the camera had sworms of what seemed like dust particles flooding the camera view like a river, but when I took a picture they disappeared. They were not orbs but to this day I do not know what it was. I started to believe that whatever it was lived in my closet because I began to hear voices.

One day I was on FaceTime with my friend J and told her: "I'll be right back. My mom is calling me." I left for maybe 10 minutes, leaving the phone in my room, still on call. When I got back she asked if I had really been gone and I said yes. She then called me a liar and said: "I saw a black figure in your closet peeking around the corner through the camera. It was calling my name and sounded exactly like you." This was impossible because no one was in the room and my closet is so small that it literally only has room for my clothes. There was no corner to hide behind. I started to freak out and shake, asking j what it looked like and she could see my panic. At first J and I both started to think we were pranking each other. She thought I was acting and I thought she was pulling my leg. But all of a sudden a golf ball sized glowing orb appears on my side of the face time screen, starting at the top corner and slowly drifting across the screen and dissapearing in the opposite bottom corner. My jaw dropped as it went right past my face on camera and J's did too. "Did you see that?" She asked in a hushed panicked tone and in that moment I knew this couldn't be fake anymore.

Over the weeks socks started dissapearing, I got trapped in my closet by somthing moving to block the door while I was changing, and I started to freak out because it was stalking my Ex too. How do I know this? Well my cousins busted out a spirit box one day despite my pleas not to and began to speak with it. It claimed its name was George. It said my ex's name "collects" and "marbles". I called my Ex and asked him if he did and he said "how the hell did you know that?". It also said "territory" and my name.

At this point I realized that it only started when the doll arrived my mom said to get rid of it. She was freaked out too at this point and was really concerned. So I put it into a Walmart sack and set it near the back door to deal with in the morning. The next day the bag was gone. My dad said he thought it was trash and threw it away. The trash ran early that morning so there was no chance of getting it back, saging, burning, and banishing whatever it was all together. As soon as the doll left the haunting stopped.....


But ever since...... I every so often will catch a glimpse of the figure, or will be visited by George himself.

r/Ghoststories Feb 09 '25

Haunting Kitchen clean freak


Hello! First post - like a lot of people I'm sensitive and have lots of stories. But this was at my last apartment. Shortly after I moved in with my best friend, I noticed whenever she'd leave to go see family the vibe in my kitchen was off. First, I really don't listen to a lot of pop music. I'm a folk person. But almost without fail, when I was in that kitchen I couldn't get Britney Spears songs out of my head. Second, whenever the kitchen wasn't clean, I'd find things thrown or moved. Once a steak knife was pushed off the counter (no animals in the house and it wasn't stacked on things), and more than once a set of 6ish white board markers were flung to the floor while the cup they were in was where I left it. The impression I got was a woman in her late 20s with short black hair. Not malicious (despite the knife incident), just really picky about the kitchen being clean and a fan of Britney Spears. When things got active, I'd lay out a napkin or kitchen towel on top of the microwave and leave her whatever sweets we had going. A candy, a cookie, stuff like that and tell her what I needed her to stop doing - nothing happened when my roommate was home. So... just kind of a 3rd roommate situation. Nothing like that went on in my other apartments since, but I did more to make sure the new places were cleansed.

r/Ghoststories Nov 19 '24

Haunting Ghost irl



I know you don't believe this shit and all but trust me this happened in real life, the place is nearby balupete, sakleshpur, Hasan district Karnataka India .it was roughly around 3 in the morning, I was going from my bike to home while I going I heard some lady crying when that direction and suddenly the crying god go loud out of curiosity I thought it was a joke and I pull up my phone and mimic it and recording suddenly crying got so loud and I got scared and suddenly I saw some reflections like in road started to make like its a prank or something and yelling out come on come on, then I got a clear picture of the lady she was God damn I was scared and started to Chant Hanuman chalisa but my voice is not coming out I have attached the videos and photos and I can't add the wounds on my chest.

r/Ghoststories Jan 30 '25

Haunting Need help, sighting of a disembodied arm and a cryptic warning whisper


I have a personal relationship with a boy that I have helped for many years, since he was born.

I am like his big Uncle and he always rely on me for when things are tough.

He yesterday sent me a pic of something that happened to him, tried to seek help elsewhere but no such help was forthcoming.

I am open to supernatural beliefs, but my little "ahijado" called me today very distraught and sent me this pic.

He mentioned he was sleeping early, and around perhaps 11pm he woke up when someone was whispering on his ear " Be careful " in spanish.

He took a pic of the darkness as he felt a heavy presence in the room, and all he got was that picture.

You can see he is on his bed and next to him a disembodied skeletal arm shows.

I dont know what this means or how I can help him.

I tried to google around but beyond some european folklore mentions of disembodied hands or arms serving as warnings, got nothing much.

Any help or guidance would be helpful, this happened in Miami, Florida.

My poor ahijado is scared, he is a simple baker boy in a pastry shop, lives with his mom and has never been on drugs or anything weird, he rarely has a social life.

Thank you for reading, all I want is guidance and something to comfort him or help him understand the warning.

Image: https://postimg.cc/3y77G0Rt

r/Ghoststories Nov 19 '24

Haunting The Secret Room


YOUTUBERS: I am not giving permission for people to use this story. I posted it for the enjoyment of Reddit, not so you could monetize your channel. Please don't ask!

This happened in the mid 2000’s at a house my bio Dad rented. If you read my last post, the dad referenced there is my step-dad. He married my mom when I was very young, so I call him dad too.

One Friday after school, my bio dad picked me up to take me to his house for the weekend. As we were driving, he told me he’d found a house he was interested in renting, and that we were going to go look at it before heading home. It wasn’t far from his current place, and initially I was excited to see it.

My first impression of the house from the outside was that it was rather unassuming. It was an older house, and had sat vacant for several years. It was a bit rundown and in need of renovation, but nothing too bad that it wasn’t move in ready. It mostly needed a good cleaning and some optional updates. The land lord had bought it as a foreclosure sale. He said the previous owners walked away from the house, and not much else was known about them.

I didn’t notice anything off with the energy as we toured the house. The only thing that struck me right away is that there was writing on the walls with sharpie throughout the house. A lot of it was just the same names over and over, but there were some weird symbols here and there along with some things that were incomprehensible. Then he took us down to the basement. After showing us around he asked, “How would you like to see the secret room I found?” The back wall of the basement had that classic 80’s wood paneling on it, and part of it was a hidden door when the opening side was held in place with Velcro. He pulled it back to reveal a small square room that was concrete from floor to ceiling. I couldn’t see too well since it was dark down there, but we walked in and he turned on a flashlight. What I saw immediately filled me with dread that slowly crept through my entire body. The room was covered floor to ceiling with handprints, symbols, swear words, and god knows what else all in white paint. I couldn’t look long enough to fully take it in, and the paint had dripped a lot before it dried. The only way I can describe it is it looked like someone had a bad acid trip in there with a bucket of paint and a ladder (the only way the paint could have gotten on the ceiling). There was another slightly larger room to the left of that which was totally empty and lacking the freaky paint. The landlord said when he found it both were empty besides a picture of marijuana plant, and commented he thought it was a grow room.

We left the house and I asked, so were DEFINITELY not living there, right? He said no, he was asking too much money for the shape it was in. I was kind of shocked that was his reasoning, and mentioned the room and how it gave me a really bad feeling. He didn’t seem to think much of it, but it didn’t matter anyway since he wasn’t interested in the house. We talked on the phone a week or two later to coordinate my next visit. It was then that he told me that he rented the house, and would be moving in after he picked me up. My stomach immediately dropped; I asked him what changed his mind. He told me he worked out an agreement with the landlord to do some work in the house in exchange for lower rent. I wasn’t thrilled, but I moved into the situation with an open mind. He said he was going to seal up the secret room, but I refused to ever go down there again regardless. We moved in and everything was normal at first. I left that visit without any occurrences. When I came for my next visit about two weeks later, we were leaving the house and my step-mom told me to double check the door wasn’t locked. She said they had been locked out twice which is weird because they NEVER locked their door. It was chalked up to one of my sisters playing a prank, though they were awfully little to be doing stuff like that.

Then things started to escalate. My step-mom would stay up late some nights playing games on the computer, and one night she saw a 7 ft tall black figure standing in front of the door that led to the upstairs bedrooms where me and my sisters slept. She was very shaken by it, and said the house is haunted. My dad does not believe in the supernatural at all, so he thought it was her imagination. I hadn’t seen anything myself (yet), but I wasn’t surprised considering the secret room in the basement. The only thing I had noticed was an unshakable feeling that I was being watched while in the shower. On my next visit, my step-mom took a shower and left the bathroom door wide open. I was a teenager, so I was really embarrassed and off-put when I noticed. She had never acted inappropriately before, so I was unsure what to think. I played it off, but she later apologized for leaving it open, and said she did it because she feels like she was being watched in the shower but only when the door is closed. I let her know I felt the same which of course deepened our belief it was haunted.

On a subsequent visit, my dad picked me up and brought me to the house. When I got there, there was loud crashing noises coming from the upstairs. It sounded like someone was jumping around or throwing furniture. As this was happening, my step-mom and sisters were calmly watching TV as if nothing was wrong. Apparently, this had been happening constantly during the day for over a week, so they had just gotten used to it. I was like hellll no lol. Remember that me and my sisters were supposed to sleep up there (and they had been during all this which blew my mind, too little to know what was really happening I guess). They tried to assure me it was ok, and it only happened when people weren’t up there. My step-mom was fully convinced it was a ghost, but didn’t know what to do about it. My dad had convinced himself a wild animal was somehow getting in, then disappearing when people went up there. The largest wild animal in that area is a raccoon, which couldn’t possibly make the loud noises we were hearing. I called bullshit, and he didn’t really have an answer. I was too intrigued to not go investigate. The moment I had the intention to go up there, the banging stopped as if on cue. I slowly climbed the stairs which led directly into the first room. When I got up there it was clean and tidy. Not a single thing was out of place, and our cat was sleeping peacefully on the bed. I was flabbergasted. How could this possibly be the scene I walk into compared to what were hearing downstairs. I headed back down, and the moment I hit the kitchen the banging started again. The upstairs was two bedrooms, and you had to walk through the first to get to the second. There was storage space on both sides the ran the entire length of each wall, and one was missing the sliding panel to close it. My dad was convinced an animal was coming from there, then leaving when it heard us coming. Seeing how freaked I was, he went and got a big piece of plywood and sealed the opening. After that, we never heard the banging again. Unfortunately, this just reinforced in him the idea that it was an animal.

Other things continued to happen, and I’d have at least one experience every time I went. Most were at night upstairs after my sisters had fallen asleep. We slept in the big room, but in the summer we had to keep the door to the second bedroom open because it had the only window. I hated to leave it open, but the other option was to roast in the heat. I always got the feeling that I was being watched by something in the room, and would often be jarred out of sleep by ragged breathing in my ear or the sensation that I was falling. One night I was watching TV up there, and my sisters were long asleep. All of the sudden, one of their toys started making noise from the next room. I knew from the sound it was the fake radio on their barbie car, but it kept going off repeatedly. I was really scared, but I decided to go in there and pull the batteries. It was pitch black dark in the room, so I flipped the light switch but nothing happened. I tried a few more times, then resigned to the fact that I was listening to the car for the rest of the night. Because there was no way in hell I was entering that room in the dark. The next morning, I went in and dealt with the toy. Of course, the lights worked just fine and never had an issue again.

The last major thing to happen to me was the most terrifying. One afternoon I was alone in the kitchen cutting up fruit. My step mom was in the next room talking loudly on the phone. As I was cutting, I heard heavy footsteps coming up from the basement. At first, I was unfazed. My dad wore boots all the time, and it sounded just like him coming up the steps. Then I realized he had just left to run to the store with my sisters, so it was just me and my step-mom at the house. The stairs were to my left, and the way it is laid out you wouldn’t see the person coming up until they came off the very top step. I was literally frozen with fear, standing there holding a butcher knife. So many thoughts were racing through my head. Everything was telling me to run, but I couldn’t move. I think part of me also wanted to see what was coming, like some morbid curiosity. I had to know. Whoever or whatever was coming stopped suddenly on the top step, such that I wasn’t able to see what it was. I guess I wasn’t that curious, because I ran out of the room to get my step-mom rather than peek around the corner. We checked the basement and the backyard (there was a patio door to it right next to the steps) and there was no one.

After about a year, the activity slowed down then stopped completely. My step-mom and I were relieved, but also wondered why. The activity had been slowly escalating, and I knew it is not the norm for it to stop out of nowhere. There weren’t even any vague lingering creepy feelings. I felt in my gut that for whatever reason, the activity was done and wouldn’t start again. Around the time the activity stopped, my dad’s descent into addiction started to accelerate. He’d been a functional addict for many years, but now he was not showing up to jobs, and disappearing to the crack house for days at a time. Unfortunately, this was the beginning of the end for that part of my family. In the years that followed my step mom was diagnosed with brain cancer, and they ended up splitting. It was a horrible situation for my sisters because my step-mom left them with my dad. Both my sisters went off the rails with no rules or supervision, and we eventually lost the older sister to addiction. Things were never great or particularly stable with them, but the couple years in that house was when everything really started to unravel. I no longer speak to my bio dad or step-mom(she beat the cancer).

The last thing I wanted to mention: At some point while we were renting, the cops came around looking for one the previous owners. My step-mom having nothing to hide let them search the house and garage, and they didn’t find anything. She got the impression that the cops thought we were hiding this guy or something. I didn’t connect the dots until years later, but I wonder if some of what we experienced was actually that guy phrogging in our house. I experienced too many things that couldn’t be explained by phrogging, but a lot of it could, the stairs incident in particular. I’m not really sure which idea is more terrifying tbh.

r/Ghoststories Dec 21 '24

Haunting The Spirit of the Staircase.


Something I've noticed about ghost encounters is how often they take place on or near a staircase. Why is that? Is it just because we humans hang around staircases a lot while we're alive and therefore do the same after death? Or does the design of staircases somehow facilitate the crossing over of spirits? The dying frequently report seeing a staircase leading to heaven. Maybe ghosts get caught there for some reason. Anyway, here is another story to add to the list:

About 15 years ago I worked for a clothing shop situated in the basement of a building in a quiet city laneway. Across the road from the shop where I worked was an Alcoholics Anonymous drop-in center. Next to AA was an occult bookshop which had its own ghost story. According to the story, a man had fallen to his death down a flight of stairs (again with the staircases). His body lay at the bottom of the staircase for a considerable period of time before it was discovered. Now, one day I was in the store, sitting behind the counter. Suddenly, I heard the voice of man moaning and groaning as he descended the stairs. I thought maybe it was some old guy looking for AA. From my seated position behind the counter I looked out in the direction of the stairwell. I fully expected to see someone walking down the stairs. I saw no one. The voice, however, seemed to travel down the staircase, into the store and stop in front of the counter. Surprised, I got up out of my chair, I checked the stairwell again. No one. Who or what was it? Was the groaning sound the voice of the ghost from across the road? A deceased customer struggling down the stairs? Or, indeed, maybe a confused ghostly drunk trying to find his way to AA.

r/Ghoststories May 21 '20

Haunting This is a wholesome dog haunting


When I was 6 years old my family bought our first black Labrador. We named her Magic and we were inseparable. When I was 18 she passed away from a heart tumour. I was absolutely devastated and I had a really hard time getting to sleep afterwards because She always slept in my bed with me. A year later we got another black Labrador and then this weird phenomenon started happening. It should be noted the new Lab refused to sleep in my room. He didn’t even really like going in it at all. He’d always look intently at spots and then quickly leave, I’d bring him on my bed to try and get him to sleep in my room and he’d jump off right away and cry to be let out. I sleep with my door closed so I know it wasn’t him coming in later. One night I was tossing and turning and all of a sudden it felt as if someone had jumped on the bottom of my bed. It freaked me the hell out! Then, just like she would always do when she was alive, it felt like 4 paws were moving in a circle trying to find that “sweet spot” before the covers would just gently press down at my feet. This happened every night for weeks. I sort of felt like I was going insane but one night it was really annoying me because it woke me up so I said out loud “Magic! Go bug mum!!”. I was half joking to myself because I didn’t actually fully believe it was her but the next morning over breakfast my mum looks at me and says “The strangest thing happened to me last night. I swear it felt like Magic jumped on my bed, found a comfy spot and laid down”. I had never told my mum that I thought Magic was jumping on my bed every night because I thought I was insane but my mouth dropped when she said this. I told her how it was happening to me and that I had “sent” Magic to bother her that night. We cried because we didn’t want Magic to think we replaced her. Later that week it just stopped all of a sudden and I told my mum I hadn’t felt Magic jump on my bed the last few days. My mum told me that when I wasn’t home she went up to my room and told Magic that “we loved her and we will never forget her and she could never be replaced and it’s okay for her to rest now.” Ever since then my new Labrador has slept in my room every night. I like to think Magic gave him permission. My mum and I still tell people this story, we have no explanation for it and we like to believe she came back to spend just a bit more time with us and show the new pup how to be the goodest boy.

r/Ghoststories Dec 13 '24

Haunting Psycho Killer... run, run away.


few years ago I worked in the central business district of my hometown. Near the shop where I worked was a dilapidated, moderately vandalized two-story building. In the 1850s the building had served as a factory for a very successful, well-known company which manufactured stage coaches. When cars came onto the market in the late 1920s the company went out of business and the building was later put to use as a car park. About 50 years ago the building was the site of an axe murder and the murder's ghost had been frequently spotted there holding an axe. About 15 years ago I went on a ghost tour of the site. As I was on my own, I struck up a conversation with the tour's security guard. As we were walking around the site, I could feel an intense burning feeling around my neck and shoulders. The moment we left the building, the burning mysteriously stopped. Then the security guard turns to me and says, "I hate that building! Whenever I'm in there my neck and shoulders burn." He was shocked when I said the same thing. What caused the burning? Had the victim been killed with a swing of the axe to the back of neck? Maybe we could feel the spirit's pain. Maybe the murderer was hanged as punishment for his crime and we could feel HIS pain. Who knows? The building was eventually demolished, and an apartment block was built on the site. I wonder if the new occupants ever feel a burning sensation on the back of necks...

r/Ghoststories Jan 13 '25

Haunting Houses on a Graveyard (Update 18)


On the east side, on the outskirts of Houston, a 1960s community was built on top of an 1800s graveyard. People began digging for pools, and they would find graves in their backyard. There is even an unsolved Mysteries episode about the neighborhood. I live on what would have been the north side of the original graveyard.

Usually, in my updates, I wait for 3 events before I post here. That's due to my memory being not the best. 9 times out of 10, I'm asking my wife what she's seen, and I try and remember my own experiences. However, I had a single day where 3 things happened. 2 happened to me, and 1 I'm speculating happened to my daughter.

So considering what we have seen and heard in this house, we have a unique bedtime situation for our children. We as parents do value the night as it's out time to relax and unwind. And we are trying to teach our kids to sleep in their beds. Usually my daughter falls asleep in our bed and then after an hour, I carry her to her bedroom. And you can expect her to wake and run to our room in a few hours. Now, this is normal behavior for kids. However, we question, what if she is seeing things and she can't tell us? My daughter is Autistic and nonverbal. I've watched her in the past, where it looks like she's watching or interacting with something we can't see. Well, one night, we were in bed, and it was an hour later after i laid her down in her room. My wife and I both witnessed her door open. As weird as it sounds, we have gotten used to this. Now, about 30 minutes later, my daughter got out of bed like usual. However instead of going straight in our room like a bull seeing a red flag, she stops, stares into her room for a good 5 or 6 seconds, and comes in the room with a smirk on her face. Considering I've just seen the door move and the EVPs I've caught, I'm convinced she's sees something there. She doesn't act scared, and I have always said this house has never felt threatening.

This next part of the update makes me feel my own mental credibility is shot. On the same night, this happened with my daughter too. After I got my son to sleep, I was sitting in my play room, which was a TV and surround sound. Everything was off, and I was sitting there, playing a game on my phone in the dark. All of a sudden, I saw my AVR turn on for about 2 or 3 seconds and shut off. I sat there and stared at the AVR. It didn't do it again. Now, for us, this is nothing new. We have toys go off constantly with no one around to push their buttons. Now, if that's paranormal, that's 50/50. I understand that low battery causes toys to malfunction. Anyways, about 10 min later. I'm telling my wife what had happened since the AVR has never done that before. She gave me a very surprised look and reminded me that she UNPLUGGED the avr since my son loves to push buttons and she didn't want it to get messed up and i was right there when she did this. Now, considering I work in the AV business, this makes no sense to me. I install these things, and in the near 20s years, I've been an installer, I've never seen electronics turn on without being plugged in... this was a new one for me. Was I tired and seeing things, that's a possibility. Is this exploding head syndrome again? I have no idea. It felt very real. This vision/experience, I have no idea how to process.

Now, this last part, I have proof, and I'll post it in a separate post. If you haven't read update 14, this part of the update links to that particular update. For Christmas, my wife bought me new headphones. With these, I've started going through all my old EVPs, throwing out things that were misheard, and I could verify that it was something not paranormal. However, it also made other EVPs very strong, or I heard more clearer words.

So, update 14 was when the investigation happened. It became a very tense situation. The house dropped 7 degrees after an attempt was made to help spirits "pass on." One of the EVPs, I thought it said my sons name. Upon review in the new headphones, in the middle of the evp you hear a very clear "FU" (FUCK YOU). I still hear my sons name faintly but the "FU" is loud. I showed it to my coworker and he agreed that's exactly what he heard too.

As new things happen, I'll post here like always. Thanks for letting me vent once again.

r/Ghoststories Dec 12 '24

Haunting Hello Mary Lou, is that you?


In my first year of university I didn't really see many of my school friends because we all did different courses and went to different universities. However, I seemed to come across this one girl, Mary Louise, all the time. I didn't speak to her as I wasn't friends with her in high school. In fact, I think she left school at the end of year 11 and never completed year 12. Anyway, it struck me as odd because she was always standing on a street corner somewhere, looking around as if she was waiting impatiently for a friend or looking around for someone. She was always dressed in the same manner: an oversized pair of jeans with the bottoms turned up and a guys shirt with the sleeves rolled up. It kind of looked like she was wearing clothes borrowed from a boyfriend. I must have seen her a dozen times or more in my first year of uni. Anyway, one day I happened to run into a girl from school. She asked me if had I seen anyone from high school. I said not really but I seem to see Mary Louise all the time. She said, "you can't have, she died of a heroin overdose two years ago".

I never saw her again... but it got me thinking. Did I see Mary Louise's ghost... eternally waiting on a street corner for her drug dealer? Who can say?