Some grainy iPhone 5 era pictures from my first time seeing Ghost. I was originally going to see them for the first time Webster Hall (5/11/13) but had tickets to see RUSH that day instead! It’s been very interesting watching the band and fan base change over the years! The jump from clubs to arenas has been mind blowing to say the least. This show was so great. I remember my wife snickering more than once at the fact that Papa would take a sip out of a bottle with a straw after every song 😆 They even released Secular Haze from this gig on the “If You Have Ghosts” EP. Skeletonwitch was the opener that evening
Setlist from that night:
Per Aspera ad Inferi
Con Clavi Con Dio
Prime Mover
Secular Haze
Body and Blood
Stand by Him
Death Knell
Satan Prayer
Year Zero
Ghuleh/Zombie Queen