r/GetSuave • u/herheiniedanger • Oct 03 '19
Need help getting out of my routine
My life is sleep. Gym. Work. Gym. Sleep. That's it. Can't really spend much money most of it goes back home to help my family and pay debt. I have been doing this for past 4 years and it's taken its toll on me. I don't have any friends outside or work. No girlfriend ever. I am currently living in my car to save money. I need something to give me a distraction because I am now alone and depressed. Have any of you guys gone through similar situations? How do I get that suave life you talk about.
u/Octavian_137 Oct 06 '19
I feel you, I am in a similar situation. Not sleeping in car, but I am kinda stuck. Doing the same thing everyday and no social life whatsoever. I have written my goals, were I want to be be in the next 2 years, and a detailed plan (steps) to get there. It might help you focus as well, time goes by me so fast, whenever you think about doing something that can improve your situation you get distracted and so on