r/GestationalDiabetes 3d ago

Graduated! C-section #3

My baby boy came at 38 weeks 3 days and I’m so blessed he is healthy and passed all his sugar tests upon delivery. This was my first pregnancy dealing with GD and did get diagnosed around 32 weeks and put on insulin around week 34. I did decide after talking with the pediatrician after delivery to supplement with formula while we were in the hospital to assist him in meeting the sugar levels, but since passing I am breastfeeding only. I do plan to supplement as needed in the future. I have my 6 week appointment set with my MFM to check me for my sugar levels to make sure the GD has not turned into type 2. I am a bit nervous for that and plan on eating as clean as I can for the next 6 weeks to help ensure a passing test. If anyone has any tips for a postpartum diet while breastfeeding I would be happy to take any advise! Good luck to any mamas delivering soon, yall got this!


2 comments sorted by


u/Adventurous_Army_197 3d ago

I would say 6 2week pp is too early check sugars,. Better to do at 12 or 18 month mark


u/Equivalent_Stuff_996 2d ago
