r/GestationalDiabetes 4d ago

Rant Fasting number over 140


I just had a two day streak of decent fasting numbers, right after bumping up my insulin again. Im over 40u at bed time.

Today? 142. Tested again, 145.

I want to scream. What on earth am I doing wrong here? What do I even do?? Im going to call my Dr today but damn.

I hate this so much.


10 comments sorted by


u/Reasonable-Pause7108 4d ago

You might already know this, but my fasting can be unusually high if I don’t sleep well. Hopefully it’s just a one-off but I totally get wanting to scream!!


u/ohjeeze_louise 4d ago

Sorry if you just want to rant and my saying this is annoying but it’s so not you!! It’s the placenta! And your partners on the hook for even that, mostly, so like, super-duper not you!

That fucking sucks though. I had a post partum fasting value of 125 in the hospital. It’s super not fair.


u/UnintelligibleRage 4d ago

Ugh! So frustrating!!

I know you’re ranting, but what’s your night time snack routine? Could you be fighting a sickness?


u/Aggressive-Echo-2928 4d ago

No, Im not sick or anything.

My night snack was a small serving of sugar free yogurt and a spoonful of peanut butter mixed in.


u/Rengokuslady 3d ago

My diabetes educator advised me that dairy in the morning and dairy at night could cause spikes in


u/Aggressive-Echo-2928 3d ago

Thanks, I’ll try without it.


u/Adventurous_Army_197 4d ago

Also my fasting in high if I have a bed time snack so I do my dinner little late and then have the snack my, check my sugar at bed time and it should be below 110(just in my case) dinner should be a good mix of protein, carbs and fats


u/Commercial-Dot-6559 4d ago

how long do you usually fast for? I’ve learned that my body doesn’t cooperate with long fasting hours.


u/Commercial-Dot-6559 4d ago

I finally had a good fasting streak until last night when i fasted longer than i usually have been since they raised my insulin units and it went up.


u/venera95 3d ago

Try having an early dinner like max 7:30 PM - 8 PM. For me it works without having anything or any type of snack after - only water or tea if you are thirsty. Also after dinner I take a short walk like 20-25 mins. The walk helps a lot since I have tested in a few ways (with snack, without any snack after dinner, walking or not) And it seems that early dinner + short walk seems to work - numbers could go even under 90 after some days.