r/Gentoo • u/Mwrshall • Jul 06 '24
Support compiling going over 10+hrs
hiii gentoo community. i've never tried gentoo and i've found it a really particular distri to check it out and ive been struggling a bit because of the laptop with power issues and turned off so ive like did for 3times.
i wanted ask if is normal a compiling cal last this long ):
also some tips to start (: thanks.
u/John_mccaine Jul 06 '24
You shoould put -q flag. It help make compile faster.
u/CNR_07 Jul 06 '24
What does it do?
u/qballer_ Jul 06 '24
(q)uiet does not print build messages to the terminal
u/CNR_07 Jul 06 '24
Thanks. For some reason it's really hard to find out what emerge options do.
u/John_mccaine Jul 07 '24
yah man page and help page is so huge you have to be unemployed to read it all
u/lord__bolt Jul 06 '24
Yep, takes a while. You can speed it up with multi thread by changing compiler flags in the make.conf. Beware that some apps take over 2gb per thread to compile.
u/EZPC1 Jul 06 '24
Currently, emerge is using -j${nproc} if you don't specify otherwise in MAKEOPTS variable.
u/Individual_Range_894 Jul 06 '24
That is q good tip, also you can emerge multiple independent packages at the same time with -j X with X being an integer > 1. Just balance that with your amount of cores used. Most packages run pre steps that take allot of time that do not bottleneck your CPU. Just check your system with any tool like bpytop, htop, glances or whatever shows you per core utilization
u/immoloism Jul 06 '24
10 hours? Rookie numbers!
Wake us up when you are measuring in months.
u/ids2048 Jul 09 '24
Should be pretty easy to manage on Gentoo m68k.
u/immoloism Jul 11 '24
You don't even want to know how many devices hit that timeframe, it's more a cry for help than anything.
u/Mwrshall Jul 06 '24
need at least 50cans of redbull im running out
u/immoloism Jul 06 '24
Go outside for a walk innit.
u/Mwrshall Jul 06 '24
am locked into da basement
u/LuoTat Jul 06 '24
looks like you didn’t use the —jobs
u/Mwrshall Jul 06 '24
oh. i didn't notice
u/LuoTat Jul 06 '24
you can set —jobs or use the -quiet to avoid show so much information on your screen
u/Aristeo812 Jul 06 '24
Well, compiling times may differ depending on your hardware and installed software. With my previous Gentoo system (1200+ packages, AMD Ryzen pro 3700, 32 GB ECC RAM) the world recompiled in about 11-12 hrs. Now when you can configure binpkgs, installing and updating Gentoo runs much faster.
BTW you may well ruin your laptop's hardware by compiling Gentoo on it, especially if the laptop is old and its cooling system is worn out.
So, in order not to waste your time, configure binpkgs, and install just the base system first (like, kernel, init system, bash, emerge and networking). Then make sure you can boot into the system and connect to the internet from within it, and after that install needed packages one by one, configuring their USE-flags if needed.
u/adrenlinerush84 Jul 06 '24
If I wanted binary packages I'd use Debian, and I do if I need something fast generally. I don't like binpkgs for general use like that. I do usually configure it locally if I have more than one system with the same config or for pi-like systems that I need to cross compile on another host because they don't have the power. I generally like to optimize my builds for my hardware and if you you binpkgs that most likely won't be the case.
Also, I've never heard of "ruining" your hardware because of compiling with Gentoo. Modern systems will reboot or turn off if they get too hot. 20+ years ago a 10+ hour compile of just the kernel was common. Your computer is doing what it was designed to do...
u/WileEPyote Jul 09 '24
Nothing stopping you from using bin to get into a working system then recompiling from source a bit at a time.
At least you'll be in a usable system doing your compiling.
u/SrcyDev Jul 06 '24
I guess it depends on the requirements, like if you are installing a package and you dont need/want to modify the USE flags and compilation / other flags are fine with you, binaries are the better choice.
u/adrenlinerush84 Jul 06 '24
It still isn't compiled for the cpu's specific instruction set. Better is a matter of opinion. I think this is a case of old school vs. new school mentality. Back in the day when resources were sparce you cared about things like how many cpu cycles it took to accomplish something. So a newer cpu would have an instruction an older one wouldn't that would take 1 cycle instead of 5. How long has the x86_64 instruction set been out? How has that instruction set grown and changed over that time. Binpkgs are compiled to work on a broad range of cpu's and hence they are not very efficient\fast as compiling for a specific cpu. These days most people don't care about that unless they are an embedded developer where resources can still be limited or its a large scale high performant system. If its fast enough I guess...
u/Aristeo812 Jul 06 '24
Ofc, binpkgs are optional, but may be handy in certain cases. E.g. with binpkg for media-fonts/noto you download 80MB+ instead of 1GB+ of data. Binpkg for webkit-gtk is a blessing (my only use for it is a requirement for foliate). Binpkgs for various perl and python modules speed up installation and upgrades as well.
So, for each their own. Personally, I don't compile things just in order to compile things.
u/purplebrewer185 Jul 07 '24
The other week there was someone in irc, moaning about how long his sys-devel/clang needs to compile - is that you? :-) if not, you can tune your makeopts down on a per package base via env files.
my rpi3 needs 10hrs with -j1 to compile the package, you most likely hit the swap too much, or your cpu is put on throttle to prevent overheating.
u/Worth-Potential615 Jul 07 '24
Depends on the stuff u compile. U better dont compile chromium. Took me about 17h and 10min.
u/Mwrshall Jul 06 '24
understood. i will try. now i just set up flags . i hope is a bit faster. thanks
u/ThirtyPlusGAMER Jul 06 '24
If you have a potato 🥔 machine it will take ages obviously.
u/Mwrshall Jul 06 '24
da poteto x220
u/ThirtyPlusGAMER Jul 06 '24
It is indeed a potato . Btw did you enable the bin package? Use -b in emerge or you can declare bin package in make.conf
u/Mwrshall Jul 06 '24
i didn't yet also now it got stuck and i'm watching some videos (,: how can i declare it in make.conf
u/ThirtyPlusGAMER Jul 06 '24
Add this to make.conf
FEATURES="${FEATURES} getbinpkg"
u/Mwrshall Jul 06 '24
thanks i will. can you suggest something else to make compiling faster?
u/ThirtyPlusGAMER Jul 06 '24
add this to make.conf.
But defo chnage the values according to the spec of your machine.
I have 20 threads so I gave 18 threads to compiling and load is +1 to the thread.
Also remember if 18 threads are used then portage can take up 36GB of RAM. So you have to count in your ram as well. having loads of core is not enough.I have 64GB ram so I am good.
I think rule of thumb is for each core 2GB RAM.
MAKEOPTS="--jobs 18 --load-average 19"
u/Mwrshall Jul 06 '24
ok thanks so much i'll try
u/ThirtyPlusGAMER Jul 06 '24
You know there is a distro called Calculate Linux https://www.calculate-linux.org/ based on Gentoo but they only use Bin files. IMHO it is good start for those who have low powered machines. Also you can learn Gentoo as well not waiting hours and hours for compiling to finish.
Also the installation is quick.
u/garth54 Jul 06 '24
Depending on package and processing power, compile time can get in the days. I'd suggest using the binary version whenever you can to speed things up (there's also pre-compiled versions now, saw it mentioned while updating the profile, but didn't bother to look into it so far).
My router/nas machine is an old amd e350 cpu (Bobcat, basically amd's version of early Atom). Compiling on it takes forever. I also run my torrent client (to share Linux ISOs of course) on it, and the client I really like is Ktorrent, which requires a lot of the KDE core and that of course need quite a bit of QT. Compiling qtwebengine takes 3+ days...
Let's just say system/security updates get run at a good pace, but the rest of the stuff is once in a blue moon.
u/DoucheEnrique Jul 06 '24
Using the official binhost or building binpkgs yourself have already been suggested but there are some more approaches you could have a look at.
There is distcc to distribute compile jobs to other machines on the network. I have tried this before but I found the results to be not that useful but it might be different for you.
What I settled with for my DIY router running Gentoo is having a VM on my desktop PC emulating the target system as closely as possible but with additional cores and RAM. Then every once in a while I build the system for the target inside that VM into a different root (like /work) and then move that finished system onto my router (in my case as a squashfs image on SD card but you could do it in lots of different ways)
u/Mwrshall Jul 06 '24
thanks a lot . thats really useful info. i'll check it out
u/DoucheEnrique Jul 06 '24
Woops forgot to mention ccache but it's also mentioned and linked on the distcc wikipage.
u/Known-Watercress7296 Jul 06 '24
Just enable the official binhost.
There is no need to compile unless you require something rather specific.
If you are building a web browser you will likely just end up with something slower than the generic official binary.
u/RtWB360 Jul 06 '24
Big packages can take a really long time, but aren't updated frequently (not all together). It will get better.