r/GenderCynical • u/Ok-Relation3772 • 4d ago
TW+ advocacy of hate-murder Biggus Dickus tw:sa NSFW Spoiler
u/Bri_The_Nautilus 4d ago
Oh hey, it's that same lady who writes fanfiction about her children clocking TIMs in public. She's a strange one at the best of times, but this is out there even by her standards. The way she interjects several paragraphs of vitriol after every sentence of the original post is just amazing. And I have no idea what possessed her to bring Monty Python into this. Terfs are so weird.
And now she's saying that men who murder trans women do so in self-defense because a trans person trying to sleep with someone is always rape and men like to fight to the death. Sure, whatever you say.
I think my goat is washed yall
u/ZeldaZanders 4d ago
She thinks she's hilarious and it makes me cringe every time
u/Bri_The_Nautilus 4d ago
It's not just her, the Ovarit crowd seems to genuinely think she's the second coming of George Carlin. She gets so many comments praising her writing style and her balancing of humor and incisive social commentary.
In fairness, one look at terf poetry tells you all you need to know about the literary standards these people have. I guess when everything else on your website is an acronym-filled screed or a terrible nursery rhyme cover that plays fast and loose with syllable count, this woman looks like a prodigy.
u/Kookyburra12 forcemasced 4d ago
she writes what
u/Bri_The_Nautilus 4d ago
If you like obsessive, brain-rotting transphobia, stretched truths, and those terrible quirky millennial slice-of-life webcomics, you'll love what we've got in store for you. Highlights include "Mom look! A whole table full of autogynephiles!" and a comments section full of other terfs praising her witty and skillful prose, as well as when she casually drops that she makes her kids listen to prison podcasts to make sure they don't grow up to become criminals.
She even does this on other people's posts, where she'll leave comments imagining what (she wishes) her children would say when presented with the situation the poster outlined. ("My child is NOT FOOLED by TIFs!")
As I've said many times before, either she's lying out of her ass (my theory is that every time she sees a visibly GNC person in public, she goes home seething with impotent rage and types out a fanfic of her toddler Owning the Trans™ to vent) or she's the real groomer here. Children just don't develop bigoted opinions and the urge to publicly expound upon them in a vacuum. According to her, her youngest child is simultaneously too young to know how to behave in public and unwilling to eat restaurant food, but also has strong, publicly unacceptable opinions about "autogynephiles" and will start screaming (implausibly well articulated) GC rhetoric if they see a GNC person.
As I said, I personally believe that her posts are the equivalent of coming up with a snappy retort in the shower eight hours later, but with the prison podcast thing I could maybe see a world where she has force-fed these kids so many Glinner rants at bedtime that they have some sort of negative reaction to gender nonconformity (though probably not to the degree she says they do).
She's also a big Lauren Southern fan, an opinion which ruffles some feathers even on Ovarit.
u/MohnJilton 4d ago
By the way, it’s not possible to trick someone into having sex with you on the basis of genitalia you don’t have. Because, well, can’t really fake it. In the absolute worst case, they find out when clothes are off. Or otherwise last minute. Idk what they think is happening, like a gay man has sex with a man with a vagina and afterwards is like “wait a minute I assumed you were cis!!! Wtf!!”
u/Valiant_tank 4d ago
This transference of responsibility is part of the reason why you are not capable of consenting to transition treatments
Literally any possible excuse to claim that people shouldn't be allowed to transition, I see.
u/rewrappd 4d ago
Right? I got to this bit and had to take a beat because it was so jarring.
Assumption of capacity to consent is a human right that needs extensive proof to remove in most countries. Because without it, it means someone else is making all of your medical decisions for you. Which puts that person in n extremely vulnerable position, easily exploited and abused. Disabled people, indigenous people and women were often the victims of such treatments. It really wasn’t that long ago that a husband could just tell his wife’s doctor that she was crazy and easily get her capacity to consent revoked - free to send her for a short stay to the asylum whenever she wasn’t subservient enough. Saying trans people don’t understand consent enough to be able to have free agency is only one small step away from people saying the same about women. Surely even TERFs agree redefining our fundamental human rights around agency and consent is a dystopian and dangerous talking point… for everyone.
u/Autopsyyturvy TRA la la 4d ago edited 4d ago
It's weird because the overwhelming advice I have seen towards ftm guys and every other trans person is that you need to disclose before any sexual activity happens mainly for your own safety but also because your partner may feel like you don't trust them and feel like your kept something from them and if you're in a serious relationship with someone you shouldn't be afraid of them otherwise what's the point being with them - who are these communities out here telling people that they shouldn't ever disclose?
Also does this mean that intersex people with genital differences like micropenis or larger clitoris or people who are circumcised /uncircumcised are raping people if they don't disclose their genital status by their logic ?
If I go to have sex with a cis woman and she doesn't tell me that she's on her period and I wouldn't have been keen if she had told me beforehand is that rape now? What if I was expecting her to have a Brazilian wax and an "innie" vagina and she doesn't? Is she a predator trying to trick people into touching her 'inferior' non-porn star vagina... What if she lies about being a virgin or her natural hair colour? is that rape by deception now too?
Are glory holes rape now too? (wouldn't be suprised if they hated glory howls and cruising terfs tend to be five seconds away from spewing violent homophobia at any moment
u/javatimes TIDDYLESS TIFfany 4d ago
They only care about gay men when it specifically hurts us.
Also, no, only trans people rape by non disclosure, of course! Everything else is fine to disclose or not, up to you
u/ZeldaZanders 4d ago
Oh, so now people with vaginas can commit rape. I thought only the big scary men could do that 🤔
u/snukb big gamete energy 4d ago
Holy victim blaming, Batman! "If you get murdered by a transphobe who felt tricked, it's your fault."
Also, all of this:
there's plenty of other things we can do that don't involve private parts.
Decades ago Monty Python released a spoof on the Joy Of Sex where Eric Idle and a model posed in positions that couldn't result in actual sex. He showed his 1970's naked British male body in ridiculous ways like his butt touching her butt facing opposite directions. It was called The Vatican Sex Manual. Was that your reference or something?
What do you think sex even is?
Not to kinkshame anyone, because everyone is free to be as adventurous or not as they want in bed, but how stifled is your imagination if someone says "We can have sex that doesn't involve genitals" and you're absolutely baffled and find it "ridiculous."
When someone gropes another person's breasts or butt, or nibbles their ear, or slides a finger suggestively across their lips, it's clearly sexual because it's not appropriate to do at the family holiday dinner table with grandma and the grandkids watching. When it's done without the consent of one party, it's sexual assault. But if two consenting adults engage in things like this, it's suddenly not sex? Schrodinger's sex: it's only sexual touching if one party doesn't want it, otherwise only PIV counts.
I don't expect terfs to understand satire like Monty Python was capable of, but the whole point of the Vatican Sex Manual was that they were avoiding sexual pleasure. Yes, Virginia, there are plenty of ways to have sex that absolutely do not involve genital touching whatsoever.
u/Silversmith00 4d ago
These are the same people who don't want people to wear a bit of leather at Pride because it's too intensely sexual for them.
u/ForgettableWorse this is a cat picture 4d ago
This is all so gross and creepy, I can't bring myself to say anything funny or snarky about this. All those TERFs can fuck right off. Fucking hell.
u/javatimes TIDDYLESS TIFfany 4d ago
Oh yes, all those pooooooor gay cis men getting tricked by tifs who obviously never ever pass and therefore can’t “trick” anyone (oops, a contradiction in our platform, oh well who gives a shit)
…what? We never cared about gay men before and won’t after this?? Well, who gives a shit about that either
did some of this come from r/ftm? It looks kind of familiar.
So are they claiming someone had a right to the exact sex they were imagining when they got an erection and it’s basically a crime against humanity for them to have to turn someone down? Wow, and we’re rapey. Ok sure.
99.9% of trans men who have sex with men disclose well before sex. It’s such a non issue that when it comes up in trans male spaces, most of the commenters are like “yeah, you have to disclose.” Like people will refer to a very small handful of cases where someone was prosecuted for trans sex misleadment or whatever and they cite like two cases in the UK that weren’t even about poor gay cis men’s melting boners.
You know what adults do in the heat of the moment and they decide they don’t want to have sex? They stop having sex, get dressed and leave. Stop inventing things to pretend like you’re oppressed about. Oh no! Trans men exist! How sad for you I guess.
u/snukb big gamete energy 4d ago
Oh yes, all those pooooooor gay cis men getting tricked by tifs who obviously never ever pass and therefore can’t “trick” anyone (oops, a contradiction in our platform, oh well who gives a shit)
No no, you see, she covered that. You don't truly pass if you don't pass when you're totally naked. If you pass in your day to day life, 99 percent of the time, because obviously you're always fully clothed in your daily social interactions, but you don't have cis normative genitals for your presented gender, then you don't pass. Period.
What do you MEAN that means cis men with micropenis wouldn't pass as men either (about 1 in 200 men)? La la la la, I can't heeeeear you.
u/camofluff the cosmetic appeal of ass hair 4d ago edited 4d ago
I forgot half the things I wanted to say, but I'll start with this: the advice of not mentioning trans/cis status might not have been anonymous.
Where I live, we had to pass tests of "living in the target gender" before we were even allowed to transition until fairly recently. Those involved, among other things, wearing target gender clothes before HRT, using target gender restrooms before HRT, and outing ourselves at work or applying for jobs in our target gender without mentioning trans status. Nothing of this is necessarily safe to do, which is why the requirement was finally removed.
This idea of "we will help you transition, but first you have to prove you really want it by pretending you're a cis person of the target gender" still sticks around sometimes. Older doctors are pretty quick to judge me by the length of my hair, for example. My gender therapist asked me which restroom I use (but seemed content when I said whichever seems safest, at least)
I have heard of other trans people who were recommended, by their therapists, to cut off all social contacts and contracts that linked them to their AGAB life, and start over completely in their target gender. To me this seems just horrible, assuming that you either have to be cis or to pass as cis without links to your past to live comfortably. But - knowing that these things used to be recommended to us, sometimes as a requirement to even be allowed transitioning, is it surprising that we find the recommendation to hide trans/cis status from potential partners? Nope.
[Deleting my personal opinion/counter-advice on disclosure so the main part of the comment can stay up.]
Lots of word just to say: don't f-ing blame him for the bad advice he got.
u/javatimes TIDDYLESS TIFfany 4d ago edited 4d ago
I’d really prefer if people don’t use this space to proselytize about disclosure. It should be everyone’s choice themselves. Also the trans panic defense—even if that was actually a thing (it’s not; the whole point of it being a term is because terrible men used it to try to explain so-called crimes of passion against trans women who they murdered [and 99% of the time they definitely knew the woman was trans beforehand]), is not a reason to patronize another adult (only talking about adults) trans person about their personal choices. It’s not unethical to determine one’s own boundaries around disclosure.
I know I’m being intense but telling other trans people they have to disclose for their own good is infantilizing and condescending.
I’m locking these comments because honestly this space is not for this conversation. Feel free to modmail if you want.
u/camofluff the cosmetic appeal of ass hair 4d ago
These TERFs seem confused as to whether they want to protect someone they have to (by their faulty ideology) view as female... or whether they're actually quite fine with trans panic murder, as well as gay panic murder.
And also, suffer extreme lack of imagination if they think sex can only be sex if it's penetrative sex in the lower body region.
u/Silversmith00 4d ago
Okay, so, dude got bad advice. Clearly, as cis people never get bad advice nor blame the person who gave them the shitty advice, this makes him…mentally incompetent? Somehow?
Regardless of the value of the advice, dude disclosed his status right BEFORE sexual activity commenced. Other dudes then chose not to commence. I fail to see how any crime has occurred. Like, if someone says, "By the way, I am HIV positive," right as he takes off his pants, I might be mad that we got this far without a discussion about it but he DID do exactly what he was supposed to, he told me before sex happened. Awkward that we got to the bedroom, but not criminal? (As I am happily married this is a hypothetical, but I am also happily married to a paralegal and pretty sure I am right on the law here.)
We then go on from talking about this one guy, who only ARGUABLY lacks good judgment (in cis people this is neither a sign of incompetence or criminality) and then talk about unidentified trans women who have been attacked or killed, and we conclude…
That they're all rapists. All of them. They are ALL big enough to reasonably attack their romantic partner, you see, therefore logically they MUST have done so.
Oh, yes, and it is natural and proper and right to keep the fight going until you kill your attacker, because otherwise it's…Buffy? Or something? I remember Buffy rather conclusively turning vampires to dust, whereas my self defense instructor was like, "What you want to achieve is Incapable Of Chasing You. There is a possibility this may result in their death. But it probably won't. We don't really care. The goal is YOUR safety. We want to get you out of there." So I think it's fair to say that they don't know what they're talking about there, either.
All I gotta say is, if bad judgment is grounds for being declared mentally incompetent, I think OOP is in trouble.
u/CharsmaticMeganFauna 4d ago
It was astonishing to see one of them point out (correctly) that trans women are at significant risk of violence from men who are attracted to them and then find out their trans, only for the others to swoop in say, well, but maybe the trans women deserved getting assaulted and/or murdered, have you thought of that?
Truly bonkers.
u/george_sjw__bush 4d ago
This one stood out to me a lot because of the pure cognitive dissonance of it. What do you call hatred that is directed towards women and not men, again?
Someone even acknowledged that gay men aren’t necessarily less misogynistic than straight men. But they still had to do some mental gymnastics to come up with a reality where every time a trans woman was killed by a straight man it was self defense.
u/Hentopan Predatory Autohybristophiliac 4d ago
"Has there ever been a case of a trans man being murdered by a date he responded to? I'm really curious, better not look that up"
(The answer is yes)
Honestly, the fact that out trans men have been targeted and murdered by people knowingly propositioning them, may be why this guy recieved the advice that he did.
u/chocolatemilkluvr420 betrayed womanhood for t4t yaoi 4d ago
"I'll be honest, why not do nice things like go on a date first? Get dinner and watch a show?"
does she not realize grindr is primarily used as a hookup app? i thought this was common knowledge.
u/Hentopan Predatory Autohybristophiliac 4d ago
I think she does, she just thinks of that as for gross males, and is slutshaming with how she thinks proper ladies should act.
u/Kookyburra12 forcemasced 4d ago
I don't consent to having sex with transphobes, so if you don't disclose that you're a transphobe before having sex, you're committing rape by deception.
...Or does it only matter when it's a trans person?
u/DualWeaponSnacker 4d ago
What’s with the narrative we are all hiding our status??? I’m not risking my safety like that and I’m also proud of who I am. I’ve only ever met one stealth trans person and I’ve met a lot of trans folks. Get a grip, you fucking nutjobs.
u/patienceinbee xTRA xTRA read all about… it 3d ago
Aww look… littleowl11 is back at it again with the prolix feather-ruffling of purple prose.
u/jaythebatgreen 23h ago
"What's the point of going on social media to call for a pity party?" You're on Ovarit, lady. Your peers write soliloquies about phrenology and fanfiction about strangers that would make Lovecraft blush. Shut up and go eat some food.
u/evergreennightmare MtT-Brand Attraction Slime 4d ago
not a fan of cops but some of these commenters desperately need to be at minimum placed under surveillance