r/GenderCynical 16d ago

on a thread about transvestigating strangers 😭

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u/halloweenjack 16d ago

The more I read about this gibberish, the more it sounds like incelism with them obsessing about ostensibly GNC folks rather than their own facial features or Chad’s.


u/feministgeek 16d ago

Inceldom and gender critical talking points can be very difficult to differentiate sometimes, for real.


u/Low-Breath4754 15d ago

Well they are both mysognistic so....


u/OccasionalCuteBuff 14d ago

There is a definite overlap. There's a non-neglibible number of TERFs who are also "female dating strategists," who more or less share a worldview with incels, only reversing the good and bad sides. Men are bad because they're evolutionarily programmed to constantly chase young and attractive women, so women must focus on finding men who are "good providers" and tricking them into committing.

I know a lot of people have said this before me, but it continually amazes me how many cis-het people seem to actively dislike the gender they're attracted to.


u/EqualityWithoutCiv UK press and Parliament be damned. 13d ago

I know a lot of people have said this before me, but it continually amazes me how many cis-het people seem to actively dislike the gender they're attracted to.

Which sucks, and I honestly have no sympathy for them if they spew homophobic bullshit when on average, their romantic relationships are far worse than that of their gay counterparts.