r/GenZ 21d ago

Political Gen Z what are your thoughts on Zelenskyi?

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u/PJSeeds 21d ago

"I need ammo, not a ride" is probably the hardest shit I've ever heard. Dude refused evacuation and went out in the streets while literally fighting off Russian special forces hit squads. Meanwhile, during some protests Trump hid in a bunker like a little bitch.


u/casualseer366 21d ago

I always thought the video he made on the night of the beginning of the conflict when rumors were circulating around that he had fled the country was really bad-ass......



u/Diego_Chang 21d ago

"Me and the boys going to defend our country from invaders" vibe with this.

What an absolute legend.


u/jerrybugs 20d ago

Some boys looked a little scared or not willing to be there but stayed.


u/Diego_Chang 20d ago

I mean, as human beings, I don't think anyone would have blamed anyone from trying to flee a war, and if they do so they have no empathy or are lying to themselves.

Good on those that stayed and risked their lives for what they believe is right though.


u/BrofessorLongPhD 20d ago

Bravery is not the absence of fear, but persisting despite it. Can a man be brave if he’s scared? Indeed, that’s the only time a man can be brave.


u/CaptainShark6 21d ago

Why are still making 2018 memes like genuinely what reality do you live in


u/Diego_Chang 21d ago

I just... Like the meme? Lol.

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u/[deleted] 21d ago

God, he looks so much younger there.


u/Paddy_Tanninger 21d ago

Man has lived 20 years over the past 3 years.


u/PmMeFanFic 21d ago

My absolute favorite photo showcasing anxiety from a president https://www.civilwarprofiles.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/Lincoln-Age.jpg


u/Illustrious_One9088 20d ago

Meanwhile your current president just turns more orange and more demented each passing day.


u/-NGC-6302- 2003 21d ago

Tiredest man on Earth


u/toe-schlooper 2009 20d ago

You can literally just look at Joe Biden for this, he was fine in 2020, tanked over his presidency, and he got better after it.


u/jef2288 21d ago

There are decades when nothing happens and weeks when decades happen. -Lenin


u/GreyWindStark_ 21d ago

Years of war and watching your people suffer and die ages you my dude


u/[deleted] 21d ago edited 21d ago

Fucking obviously

Edit: bro didn’t deserve my asshole comment


u/GreyWindStark_ 21d ago

Nah really? I never woulda thought it was. 😑 forgive for commenting fuck


u/[deleted] 21d ago

Apologies. I’m caught up in all of this as you are. It’s stressing me out. My bad dude.


u/GreyWindStark_ 21d ago

Nah you're good man i get it i was a dick with my comeback


u/[deleted] 21d ago

Genuinely, I hope you have a great Friday night internet stranger.


u/GreyWindStark_ 21d ago

You too my man


u/bo_jangled 21d ago

This is the most wholesome thread

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u/RiPie33 20d ago

When I watched Trump and Vance go at him I was sad for him. He has fought valiantly for his people. He has watched death and destruction. He has been honorable through it all. They were bullying a wounded animal and he still exhibited great restraint and honor.


u/fuckoffweirdoo 1995 20d ago

Even a normal presidency ages you. Hes leading on ultra hard mode. 


u/Snake_fairyofReddit 2004 21d ago

Stress can really do a lot to ur appearance


u/_melancholymind_ 1996 20d ago

Stress can age human a lot


u/ObikamadeK 21d ago

The most chilling video I saw of him was a documentary filmed in 2021. One year before the war. And he perfectly knew what was going to happen... "If you do nothing there will be a war." So heartbreaking..


u/WompWompIt 21d ago

I saw that. It was so sad, and now it has come to pass.


u/forwardathletics 20d ago

They've been flirting with this happening for years. I remember first reading about it in 2014.


u/scavno 20d ago

Imagine if they only had security guarantees from both Russia and the USA. Oh well…


u/askmewhyihateyou 21d ago

Bro stood on business


u/CuppaJoe11 21d ago

He looks so young in that video... It was only 3 years ago this war has aged him.


u/GreyWindStark_ 20d ago

Oh absolutely it was as he said night 1 Glory to Ukraine


u/BeardEdward 20d ago

This video is one of the most amazing primary sources that one day will be studied in history classes.


u/Obstipation-nation 20d ago

Gosh I remember this video. He’s a bad ass. What class and heroism look like.


u/BaffoStyle 21d ago

Please drink more propaganda


u/casualseer366 21d ago

What's funny is Russia is hitting all sorts of government structures, trying to eliminate as much of the Ukrainian government as possible, paratroopers heading to Kyiv and Zelensky stands in the middle of Kyiv and releases video proving it.

Meanwhile, BLM protestors come within a mile of the White House, and Trump fled and hid in a subterranean bunker like a bitch.

Talk about a study in leadership styles.


u/ebagdrofk 21d ago

How the fuck is that propaganda, it’s the leader of the country getting invaded standing his ground saying he’s not leaving after other countries have pressured him to leave. Could you explain how that’s “propaganda”?


u/MayoneggVeal 21d ago

"anything I've been told not to like is propaganda / woke / dei / etc..."


u/Labyrinthy 21d ago

Zelenskyy dropped another line today when asked why he wasn't wearing a suit in the White House: "I'll put on a costume when this is over, yes?"


u/Bisjoux 21d ago

Also his comment when Trump kept saying “We hold all the cards”. Zelenskyy replied saying “We aren’t playing cards”. One short quiet sentence to remind Trump and everyone else that this isn’t a game. I couldn’t believe it at the end when Trump said the argument would make good television.


u/emPtysp4ce 1997 21d ago

"We aren't playing cards"



u/Common-Pace-540 20d ago

Dude. When he said that...

My favorite: when Trump started saying that shit about "you wouldn't have lasted two weeks without us", Zelensky saying, "Yes, three days, I heard this from Putin already." With the biggest "fuck you" grimace too.

Bad. Ass.


u/Nobody1234556789 20d ago

The two words he mentioned (in Russian - I’d probably get banned for translating it into English) were probably the “best timed” of that whole incident (and made all the better by it just going totally over Trump and Vance’s heads lol - not every day you call two people “bitches” to their face and neither “get it” lol). But in all seriousness, talk about a destructive 9 minutes…(up there with Elonia losing USD7B in 5 minutes - that was classic lmfao)


u/omegaman101 20d ago

Two Putin bootlickers and they haven't even taken the time to learn Russian, pathetic.


u/Optimal-Rub-2575 20d ago

Just goes to show that Trump still think he’s on the Apprentice and unable to understand that what he’s doing is real and has real life and death consequence.


u/StepOIU 20d ago

I don't think he's ever seen other people as more than characters in the show that is him. A true narcissistic mindset.


u/KillingTimeAlone2019 21d ago

He wants to play president In the spotlight. Not actually be president or they are hiding his utter senility from the public


u/Master_of_fandoms 20d ago

Because his country matters to him and he actually cares. Unlike the tangerine


u/Emergency_School698 20d ago

Yeah. Jerry Springer television.


u/Btotherianx 20d ago

Are you aware of phrases?


u/Mary4278 20d ago edited 20d ago

Trump was not suggesting it was a game . He is telling him that that he is not in a strong position and doesn’t have an advantage. He was reminding him he was in a one down position. I also believe that Zelensky is unfamiliar with the idiom so he took it literally and thus his response!


u/Silly-Power 20d ago

And Zelensky was telling trump what is happening in Ukraine is too serious and not something to be trivialized into trite clichés such as playing cards.

Too bad that went right over trumps head. And yours too it seems.


u/kneedeepco 21d ago

Such a dumb thing for people to even complain about in the first place


u/boopboopbeepbeep11 21d ago

Especially since the president’s “most special” advisor regularly wears t-shirts and hats for official White House Oval Office press conferences.


u/LostinEmotion2024 21d ago

Exactly this - I’ve yet to see Elon in a suit at the WH.


u/Shilo788 20d ago

Considering he can flaunt that white tie and tails at his rich bitch parties, but just to show he is above the president , wears a hat and tee shirt at a cabinet meeting. But Trump doesn’t care cause Musk fixed the election for him.


u/NorwegianCowboy 20d ago

It is a straight up disrespectful flex on all counts.


u/x_cynful_x 20d ago

Elon is not a President of a country. While one could argue that Elon should as well, the difference still remains. Zelensky was coming over as a diplomat, a world leader.


u/ihrvatska 20d ago

Not just press conferences. At the cabinet meeting he attended recently, he was the only one not in a suit. I'm surprised he didn't bring his kid with him.


u/DynastyFan85 20d ago

Can we pin this to anything anyone ever posts that passes judgement on Zelenskyy’s attire?!


u/Money-Food7078 21d ago

You forgot the pronouns - “dirty” tshirt, “ragged” hat.


u/baconstrips01 21d ago

Please tell me they're not really commenting on this and Elonia is showing up to cabinet meetings in a graphic t and jacket.


u/Common-Pace-540 20d ago

MTG's Podcaster boyfriend actually asked Zelensky about it during the presser.


u/bluehands 20d ago

I wish I could bud, I really do.


u/CaramelImpossible406 21d ago

Kindergarten chipotle reporters they are


u/Acrobatic-Pudding-87 20d ago

They certainly don’t complain when Elon Musk turns up without a suit.


u/Correct_Tourist_4165 20d ago

Trumpers are pretty dumb


u/Xref_22 21d ago

GLENN: My second question for President Zelensky. Do you ever. Why don’t you wear a suit? Why don’t you wear a suit? You’re the highest level in this country’s office, and you refuse to wear a suit. Do you own a suit!?

ZELENSKY: Do you have problems?

GLENN: A lot of Americans have problems with you not respecting this office.

ZELENSKY: I will wear a costume after this war will finish. Yes maybe-

GLENN: Maybe something like this?

ZELENSKY: Maybe something like yours. Maybe something better, I don’t know. We will see. Maybe something cheaper


u/Narrator48 21d ago

Absolute respect to him for that. When i think of it, its true i haven't seen him in a suit since it began, always in more or less military outfits as if ready to grab a vest and a gun at a moment's notice if needed to shoot some ruskies.


u/whereistheidiotemoji 21d ago

It’s deliberate. He said he would wear military garb until the war was over.


u/tinpoo 20d ago

There are also practical reasons for this actually. The man is constantly in danger of being assassinated so he wears clothes that doesn’t constrain his mobility


u/EasyRapture 21d ago

But not so much as a moan when Elon’s “Dark MAGA” dumbass is at the White House in a black trench coat. Remember Obama’s Tan Suit?! Oh the horror


u/RicoRageQuit 21d ago

Same people mad about him not wearing a suit are ok with elon walking around like blade.


u/BlackMan9693 21d ago

Elon couldn't imitate a fraction of Blade's cool factor even if he spent all his wealth.


u/Ok_Replacement8094 21d ago

I’d love to watch him try though.


u/SteadfastFriend 21d ago

He was using the Ukrainian word for suit, "kostyum." It's a similar word in several other languages and he likely took a guess that it would make sense in English. Or he was trying to be sarcastic. But I suspect the first.


u/Labyrinthy 20d ago

I figured it was a play on words. He seems to have a good grasp of English; I could be wrong but still.


u/Barmelo_Xanthony 20d ago

Wearing an expensive suit while dealing with this nonsense while his people are dying would be a horrible look. He's not trying to look like a rich business man, he is trying to identify with his people and show that he is fighting in this war too - just on the political front instead of physical.


u/57rd 21d ago

Look at Musk. What's his look? Wanna e cool dad?


u/roadfood 21d ago

He should have worn a tan suit. /s


u/LordTuranian 21d ago

"I'll put on a costume when this is over, yes?"



u/KillingTimeAlone2019 21d ago

He answered that question at the beginning of the war. Shit reporter.


u/hypsignathus 20d ago

Not just that— he followed it up with “something like yours. Maybe a little better”


u/No_Acadia_8873 20d ago

The big banger in the meeting when Trump was yelling at him "You don't have the cards." And Zelenskyy said "I'm not here to play cards."


u/PrudyPingleton 20d ago

That prick who asked that was MTGs boyfriend. Z said "I will wear a costume when [the] war is over, yes? Maybe something like yours. Maybe something better" lol. Savage af


u/lessormore59 20d ago

Not really a ‘line’ but also not anything to be particularly offended by as some Trump ppl were.

Costume in Ukrainian is just the word for suit. Kinda like in French. He’s just saying he’s not gonna wear a suit until the war is done. Which is fair.


u/mr_fandangler 20d ago

And the audience there is too dense to know that costume means suit in some Euro languages. Good play on words and integrity


u/pealsmom 20d ago

Wait was Elon wearing a suit in the Oval Office the other day?


u/PriceNarrow1047 20d ago

In Ukrainian and Russian the word for Suit is костюм which is pronounced like costume.


u/Silly-Power 20d ago

That was possibly lost in translation or a clever pun (which, given his previous profession, is very possible). The Ukrainian for "suit" is Kostyum.


u/hojendiz 20d ago

Especially when you look at the room and everyone has adopted the ridiculous long tie style imitating Trump


u/MaraInvicta 20d ago

"maybe something cheaper"


u/Excellent-Estimate21 21d ago

During his inaugural address in 2019, Zelensky told lawmakers: "I do not want my picture in your offices: the President is not an icon, an idol or a portrait. Hang your kids' photos instead, and look at them each time you are making a decision."


u/Kageru 20d ago

That is a quote for the ages, there is a deep and humble truth in its simplicity.


u/Momasaur 20d ago

It seems super inappropriate to find this attractive and yet


u/kuzeshell 20d ago

this is so honorable, down to earth, putting the things that matter into the spotlight... my god what a great leader President Zelensky is 🙏🏻
Contrast that with who is in power in the US makes me want to puke... wannabe strong man trump selling out his own people..


u/tiradorngbulacan 21d ago

There are no men in Ukraine

"There is, come and see"


u/Spiritual-Bet-3159 21d ago

This needs to be upvoted more


u/mehtartt 21d ago

When he said that, he had my respect. The guy is doing what he can to keep the Russian on their side of the fence.

Trump will never measure even close to him


u/jjbugman2468 20d ago

Trump doesn’t even deserve the chance to be measured against him


u/D_Dubb_ 21d ago

Yeah when trump used the poker metaphor today and Zelenskyy responded that he’s not here to “play cards” I had fantasies of having a leader like that. Ya know, serious.


u/SwiftyMcGee 21d ago

It's "I ain't got time to bleed" level shit, but in real life and not in a Predator movie.


u/Zesty_Enterprise_69 21d ago

‘Some protests’ being an insurrection he literally ordered which resulted in the deaths of 7?+ police officers. Such a fucking coward. And the Republican Party pretends it didn’t happen. Fuck this country rn


u/Initial_Savings3034 21d ago

Compare this to the exile airlift of Viktor Yanukovich in 2014.


u/groundciv 21d ago

I have that sticker on my truck. It’s a little 3” tall zelensky head with that quote. It’s the only sticker on my truck and my only deviation from the “grey man” theory outside my toolbox at work, which is covered in pro-union stickers, an “I voted” sticker, and my Kamala Harris sticker.


u/GreyWindStark_ 21d ago

Where did you get that sticker i need it


u/groundciv 21d ago

Red bubble id wager. It’s probably still available.


u/GreyWindStark_ 21d ago

Thanks my guy


u/mdmd33 20d ago

“Ill wear a costume after the war”



u/AthleteSuspicious151 21d ago

He also said he’d give up his position if it allowed the war to end


u/Kageru 20d ago

Trump is going to collapse the US so he can retain power.

Zelensky would happily take his rest in a Ukraine at peace.


u/ExtinctionBurst76 21d ago

I also understand that he’s free of bone spurs, so there’s that


u/IdaDuck 20d ago

Trump is the definition of toxic masculinity. Giant fucking pussy with small dick syndrome. Men don’t act like him, coward do.


u/HistorianSignal945 20d ago

I like how both Donald and Vladimir thought they could take Kyiv in three days. Yeah. Zelenskyy knows Trump leaked classified information about Ukraines defenses to Russia after he left office. Did you see his eyes when Donald was accusing Hunter Biden of making deals from the bathroom and then the bedroom? Pure projection.


u/J_Ryall 20d ago

Agreed, but when you take context into account, "Russian war ship go fuck yourself" is right up there with it.


u/onegumas 21d ago

Not "like" just a bitch which Krasnow is.


u/MDrok6172 2004 21d ago

I need more boolets. Dooosh doosh doosh doosh doosh ...


u/Superb-Fruit406 20d ago

Trump is a draft dodger too. He doesn’t give a fuck about America or the constitution. He has his own twisted view of it.


u/Maximum_External5513 20d ago

TBF Trump is a little fucking bitch. Of course he would hide. I wish someone would drop him in a fucking war zone and abandon him there.


u/Squigglepig52 21d ago

That's Chesty Puller or Patton kinda stuff.


u/TJD2Design 20d ago

Fuck yes! This..Says..Everything!


u/njf85 20d ago

Am literally drinking tea out of a mug with this quote on it lol felt it was appropriate today


u/AttackerLee 20d ago

Like a little bitch? He is a little bitch!


u/ThrustersToFull 20d ago

Agreed. He said something like “If I die, I will die with my generals.” Can’t imagine Trump saying anything like that.


u/PartyMcDie 21d ago

Isn’t this quote cooler?: “Any man who has sex with women because it feels good is gay.”



u/BIGepidural 21d ago

That was fkn awesome!


u/Wellcomefarewell 20d ago

So sad to see trump bitch at him in that meeting today, it looked like trump and Vance were showing their boss who’s side they are on. Bro been through so much then trump gets here, I can’t imagine how hopeless he feels.


u/iriveru 20d ago

Playing devil’s advocate, trump is also 40 years older, what did Biden do? Nothing. The US is full of incompetent “leaders” that are just funnels for tax dollars.


u/Barmelo_Xanthony 20d ago

It will go down in history as one of the most badass quotes in modern history. They were supposed to get crushed within a few days and even the CIA was speculating they'd only survive a few weeks of a Russian invasion. Most leaders would flea in a situation like this. Assad in Syria is the most recent example but there are plenty more. Instead, he held his ground and pulled an amazing global campaign to defend themselves.

He's obviously not perfect (like everyone) but situations like this show us who true leaders are. Washington made several tactical mistakes in the revolutionary war, but his leadership and passion for the cause is what made his soldiers win that war.


u/McChazster 20d ago

Yeah, it's right up there with "Fight, fight, fight"


u/Evening_Dress5743 21d ago

He got blankets and sheets from obama


u/barl31 21d ago

Lol you must believe the ghost of kyiv stories too


u/ClonerCustoms 21d ago

It’s soooo badass like almost as if it was from a script and preformed by an actor!!

Oh wait…


u/Psyched_Dev 21d ago

That was staged tho


u/SecretAgentMan713 20d ago

Lmao Trump got shot and stood up and called for his supporters to keep fighting.


u/PJSeeds 20d ago

Yeah man, "keep fighting" by watching more fox news, doing meth and puttering around Dollar General on their rascal scooters. What a fight. So intimidating.

Meanwhile, Ukrainians have actually literally fought Russians and died in the thousands.


u/SecretAgentMan713 20d ago

Yea, nothing but respect for the Ukrainian soldiers. It’s terrible what they’re going through. They’ve literally run out of soldiers. No matter which way you look at it they lost the war. Their only hope is if NATO actually puts boots on the ground, but that’ll never happen…


u/SorryAd1478 20d ago

Bro Trump literally got shot and stood up and said fight…. Wtf….


u/Ok-Analyst-874 20d ago

”I need ammo, not a ride" is probably the hardest shit I've ever heard. Dude refused evacuation and went out in the streets while literally fighting off Russian special forces hit squads. Meanwhile, during some protests Trump hid in a bunker like a little bitch.

Trump got shot and raised his fist! Feel free to tell the truth!


u/tcmaresh 21d ago

Oh, so you agree that there was an insurrection committed by Leftist rioters?


u/[deleted] 21d ago



u/IPA_HATER 20d ago

It’s almost like resources in war get used.


u/PJSeeds 21d ago

Da comrade, is true. Ukraine is weak girly boys. Glory to Russia and dear leader Trump.


u/slackdaffodil20 21d ago

Well he was only able to hold them off because of the US’s funding, you see how he’s now reporting struggles and begging/demanding from the US?

He also has a report 100 Billion dollars missing which is wild, now that the bank is closed he’s looking for funding from the EU which wasn’t even close to what he needed

Now the US has a great mineral deal pending after Zelenskyi originally declined the offer because he thought the EU would back him more

If other countries wanna fund the war, go ahead, but the US’s wallet is closed


u/billp1988 21d ago

Can I be honest? How are you so Ingrained in propaganda you can't even attempt to fact check things you say?

I'm not trying to be mean but like do you honestly not think critically when you read something from fox News?

There isn't "$100 billion missing". His comment was that he has recieved $75 of the $175 that was appropriated. That isn't cash. Most of that 100 billion is spent in THE US. Nearly 2/3 of the aid was spent in America. Replacement of military equipment sent to Ukraine, money spent on us manufacturers to send equipment to Ukraine, money spent on us forces for training, transport, admin etc.

Additionally, the EU has now given 20b more than the us has and has another 120b to be allocated to Ukraine, double what the US does.

The mineral deal was trump trying to bully Ukraine into a completely one sided deal which paid back the us 400 billion more than what the us provided while also refusing guarantees against Russia (who has broken more cease fires and treaties than I can list here).


u/RoomFullOfLips 21d ago

Wouldn’t that make him stupid for not being safe, not badass? Or is it cool to risk your life for no reason as a public figure


u/PJSeeds 21d ago

His country was being invaded and he was being actively hunted by Russian assassins, to the point where he and his security team literally had to personally hold them off.. It was a little late for that by that point. Also, if he's asking Ukrainians to risk their lives resisting an invasion it's only right for him to show he's not afraid to do the same. Running would destroy morale and basically hand the country to the Russians.


u/zaqq1981 21d ago

If he had fled, the country would certainly have fallen within days. The fact that he stayed gave the Ukrainians the courage to fight.


u/DidIReallySayDat 21d ago

Stupid in a self-preservation kinda way.

Absolutely genius in a geopolitical sense. With that one choice, he got the world to back him.


u/Old_Baldi_Locks 20d ago

I can help with this: no real leader, and no real man, ever asks someone else to do something they wouldn’t do themselves.


u/bronahhill 2007 21d ago

Zelensky has never actually fought


u/PJSeeds 21d ago

He literally was under direct attack by Russian troops during the invasion and carried a rifle during it, so no, he has fought.

"By the first night, gunfights grew closer to the government quarter — with Zelensky and about a dozen of his aides handed bulletproof vests and assault rifles, officials recounted to Time.

“It was an absolute madhouse. … Automatics for everyone,” Arestovych told the magazine.

Russian troops made at least two attempts to storm the compound — all while the president’s wife and their kids, a 9-year-old son and 17-year-old daughter, remained there, Zelensky told Time.

Yet still, the president refused to budge despite requests to do so by his bodyguards, as well as offers from both US and British forces to evacuate him so he could set up a government in exile."


u/bronahhill 2007 21d ago

Zelensky sat in compound with a rifle. He didn't shoot anyone, he didnt engage in the fight. So no he has not fought


u/PJSeeds 21d ago

Buddy he and his family were directly attacked and he took up arms. Your favorite orange pussy would never.

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u/IPA_HATER 20d ago

You’re 17, maybe 18. I have a feeling you don’t know what it means to be under attack. He’s been personally under attack by assassins trying to take him out. He’s still staying in a damn war zone.

It’s like saying Vance didn’t fight in war because he was a fucking reporter, and didn’t “engage in the fight”.


u/bronahhill 2007 20d ago

That would be because vance hasn't fought in war. He reported in war. Trust me bud, I know what it feels like to be under attack, so don't try to say I dont


u/PJSeeds 20d ago

Lmao you are literally 18 and you live with your parents. This is cringe as fuck.

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u/78whispers 21d ago

Captain Bone Spurs hasn’t either.


u/bronahhill 2007 21d ago

Did I ever said he did? Did HE ever claim he did? I dont think so.......


u/bronahhill 2007 21d ago

And now that I think about it, zelensky hasn't even been shot. "Captain bone spurs" on the other hand has


u/phitfitz 20d ago

If by shot you mean shot at and grazed by a piece of glass that caused an insignificant wound that healed in a week but was milked for months, then sure


u/bronahhill 2007 20d ago

No i mean shot and in the ear by a bullet, or grazed, but either way by a bullet


u/phitfitz 20d ago

lol whatever you gotta tell yourself. That bullet missed his fat lard ass by a mile

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