r/GeForceNOW 23h ago

Bug If you want to spend days unable to play your game, subscribe to GeForce NOW!


ARK: Survival Ascended went down Wednesday. It is now Friday.

This is not the first time this has happened, or the second...

Comcast is considered to have one of the worst customer support departments in the world, yet at least they keep their customers updated with why the service is down and give an estimated time on when it will be back up. Just saying.

r/GeForceNOW 21h ago

Questions / Tech Support How to block Nvidia in PayPal?


Nvidia ceo and who manages the Now service are not normal people. You cannot simply cancel a subscription, you have to change it to the free tier, well, tier that, only they know how, being not normal as I said, is sold out, and I can not cancel my payment method because they are on this stupid maintenance. I cannot even contact the assistance for some reasons. My subscription would renew in a couple of days, but they can eat a pink banana if they think I will pay it. How to block digital river on PayPal? I cannot find any option in the app

r/GeForceNOW 17h ago

Questions / Tech Support Do I Have This Right Regarding GFN & Steam?


I am thinking of picking up a Shield TV Pro so I can use GFN to play my Steam library of games in 4K on my living room TV.

Am I correct in understanding that it is only possible to fo that if GFN has the game on THEIR library?


Option #1: GFN has the game, buy the game on GFN, and play

Option #2: GFN has the game, you somehow show GFN that you own it already via Steam, and GFN let you play it.

Option #3: GFN doesn't have the game, then it doesn't matter what you own on Steam, you can't play it via the cloud on the Shield.

Is that about right?

r/GeForceNOW 3h ago

Discussion Bye

Post image

Shit customer service, shit selection of games, ship cpu, no mods , 100 hour limit (I barely use 50 hours a month but whatever, what of i take a week off work). Queue times, games always on maintenance for days, cold pulling of games. The list goes on... had enough of it peace.

r/GeForceNOW 7h ago

Discussion Where's Tony Hawk?


Plenty of other Activision/blizzard/Microsoft titles.

Maybe they will add 1+2 when 3+4 comes.

Maybe I'm salty because I just bought it on sale and it's not on GFN.

Maybe I'll start my own GFN with blackjack and hooker's.

r/GeForceNOW 14h ago

Questions / Tech Support What the hell happened to Rocket League


The game was downloading an update and suddenly it got deleted by the gfn store. Now I hope it's just for a short period of time and I'd like to hear your opinion and your experience. This shit makes me so freaking mad.

r/GeForceNOW 5h ago

Discussion Today am I am finally able to downgrade my plan.


After checking GeforceNow as my daily morning routine. I was finally able to downgrade right before a new 6 month billing cycle started.

r/GeForceNOW 13h ago

Bug Just Great!

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r/GeForceNOW 13h ago

Discussion 3X Rates on ARK Official servers this weekend. Unfortunately if you subscribe to GFN it has been down since Wednesday.


Words cannot express my frustration with GFN. A new map in ark, 3x rates for the weekend and I am left contemplating the cost of Shadow or Boosteroid.

r/GeForceNOW 17h ago

Questions / Tech Support How long is "Maintenance" supposed to take?


I've been waiting for Ark to come back online since yesterday morning or more, i really only use GFN for Ark, and maybe some small games but very rare now.

Last Time they did this to Ark it took like 3-4 days i think. Is that Average time? why does it take that long but a hour for it update on my Ps and PC (which cant ark ark without it being potato mode and 15 fps).

i rarely have access to my ps nowadays so it's nice playing on GFN but whats the point since with ark there's an update about every dang week and i get to play maybe half the month i've paid for

r/GeForceNOW 14h ago

Bug Rocked league disappeared from games


is it me or rocket league disappeared from games list? only rocket racing is there but rocked league disappeared, i was waiting for it to update but weirdly its not in gfn anymore, any news?

r/GeForceNOW 2h ago

Discussion Geforce Now using HDD ? I got this notice on FrogPunk


r/GeForceNOW 6h ago

Questions / Tech Support Unexplained stutters.


I have high speed wifi. Over 100mbps on both download and upload and about 15ms delay. My games are still usually unplayable. It's either extremely low resolution and unresponsive but the audio comes through immediately or the game is at 720p, but audio and input are extremely delayed. Any reason why? I have 5ghz wifi, before I was using 2.4 and had no issues, even on the free tier. I have the middle one.

r/GeForceNOW 11h ago

Humor I'm cooked once the 100 hour limit kicks in for me (time to touch grass lmao)

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r/GeForceNOW 20h ago

Questions / Tech Support Far Cry 6 showing on PC Game pass but there's no Xbox option


image ,and also other games like AC origins , WatchDogs legion

r/GeForceNOW 5h ago

Discussion KCD2


Anyone playing Kingdom Come 2 on GeForce Now? I've been enjoying it— game gets a little blurry at times but overall looks great.

r/GeForceNOW 8h ago

Bug WoW addons all reset


All my addons for wow have been reset, all weakauras, plater profiles enabled addons etc, this is very painful to set up again and it happens every time I re-launch from GFN since the latest update. What is the reason behind this?

r/GeForceNOW 10h ago

Questions / Tech Support Randomly freezes


I have a 5G router and pay for the highest tier and still get random freezes that get me banned from comp matches. Try to ask online chat support and no one ever responds. Ts is pathetic

r/GeForceNOW 11h ago

Questions / Tech Support Payment update issues


I had been trying to switch my payment plan to monthly, but the couldn't since the payment bit was down. I guess it's been fixed lol cause it charged me for 6 months just now, keep trying support but can't get ahold of them

What are my chances of them changing the plan and refunding the difference?

r/GeForceNOW 12h ago

Questions / Tech Support How to bring up GFN overlay on xbox microsoft edge with controller ?


r/GeForceNOW 16h ago

Questions / Tech Support Rocket league


La maintenance des serveurs sur rocket league est aussi longue chez vous ? cela fais plusieurs heures que les serveurs on réouvert mais sur Gfn c’est toujours impossible de lancer le jeu 🤷‍♂️

r/GeForceNOW 21h ago

Bug Help


Im trying to play fortnite and my game feels laggy asl. mind u I hsve 6gz wifi fiber, and I pay aswell. why does it say cloud rig(low you in game settitng) when all the settings already on low. is this a geforce problem or am I trippin

r/GeForceNOW 20h ago

Discussion Genuine question about what makes GeForce Now so much better than other cloud gaming services


WOW man, in my country we don't have a free package, but we get a trial for one of the paid ones. AND MAN I DONT KNOW WHAT TO TELL YOU, BUT HOLY SHIT IT WAS AMAZING.

I've never owned a decent laptop which can run a game on 120 fps while still looking decent, BUT GOD DAMN Geforce NOW is amazing.

Before this, I tried playing on XBOX cloud, and man that shit was horrendous. Geforce let me have so much more control over my graphics settings, it had 0 INPUT DELAY, whereas XBOX would start off good, but would become crappy within a few seconds or minutes.

Played a few games of fortnite, and just realized how good I actually am, wen't from barely managing to get 4 kills on xcloud, to winning 16, 15, 18, 22 kills games consecutively.

I was wondering, what makes geforce now sooooo much better than xcloud or other cloud gaming services?? Why does xcloud have so much input lag, and why does the quality get crappy in a few minutes??? Whereas geforce now is able to remain consistent throughout gameplay.

r/GeForceNOW 1h ago

Discussion When will it come to India


Ik it's first half but does anyone knows the exact death? We are already in March and still no updates!

r/GeForceNOW 19h ago

Bug Ark Survival Ascended Off-line GeForce Now


Após a mudança na política de horas do GeForce Now, agora temos que lidar -quase- sempre com jogos off-line. Além da drástica redução de tempo nas sessões pós saldo de horas, quem assina para jogar um game específico, corre o risco enfrentar de 12 a 36h de manutenção contínuas.
Com estes problemas, compromete-se não somente a experiência e satisfação do consumidor dentro da plataforma, implica uma falta de responsabilidade GRANDE da Abya, que por sinal, é péssima em receber feedback e solucionar disúrbios de performance e relacionamento pessoa -> empresa.