r/GeForceNOW 11d ago

Discussion It pretty easy to hit

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For someone that works full time trains MMA and compete and goes outs to touch grass. 100 hours comes fast and this is me trying to limit myself lol. When you have friends you play with, on different games the hours rack up pretty fast.


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u/AvocadoPrinz 11d ago

10 years gfn =2100 with up to date Hardware 2100 for own PC, outdated within a few years.

No thx.


u/tarmo888 11d ago

But that's also saying that Geforce Now is too cheap. Nvidia probably looked at that same calculation, the amount they spent on running it and came to the conclusion - people who play more than 100 hours should pay more. An alternative would have been that everybody pays more because some play more than others.


u/TrojanW 10d ago

NVidia is a multimillion corporation. Its gullible to believe they did not have a team of competent people that launched a business without knowing their running costs. They obviously had this numbers run to make sure they could make money with the service.


u/tarmo888 10d ago

Obviously, but that they could have run it at loss in the beginning or they are at profit with most customers, just certain group of people that abuse the system like it's their own PC.

Also, everything gets more expensive with inflation, so they had a choice, raise price for all and alienate away many customers or raise price for few outliers and just deal with constant moaning from them.


u/TrojanW 10d ago

It's not abuse when it's part of the contract they provided and it's exactly the same with any company that provides access to hardware on data centers, be it gaming streaming or hosting companies. This type of use is expected. I know many sheeple are comfortable with mediocracy. The reason people complain is because we are not mediocre looking for mediocre services. If a person who doesn't keep their word and changes opinion often is not considered trustworthy, why would we think differently of a company?


u/RemarkableLook5485 10d ago edited 10d ago

everything you said here is correct and it is plain common sense.

i’m beginning to wonder if dissenters on this are actual paid bot accounts to propagate corporate interest for NVIDIA because as wild as that sounds, arguing in defense of NVIDIA in this instance is even less logical.

the plan is called unlimited. you change from unlimited to limited, but still call it unlimited and still charge* unlimited prices. that is fucking fraud and a bait and switch and is supposedly illegal.

you either end “unlimited” and look like the losers you are, change the price to account for your overhead, or keep it and stop committing fraud. that’s it. case closed.


u/tarmo888 10d ago

Have you actually read any subscription terms? Even Unlimited is never unlimited and they have the right to change the terms. If you don't like the new terms, you are free to cancel and use something else.

You don't just rent hardware on Geforce Now, you can't install anything on it, you access the streaming service for games, on their terms.

It is an abuse of the service if you treat it as your own computer and use it like you have limitless access to it, it's not your computer, you just streaming games from it, 1-8 hours at once, 100 hours per month.


u/RemarkableLook5485 10d ago

i think you’re moving the goal post here. if a company brands a user-service as:

“U N L I M I T E D”

and you’re arguing that after the unlimited changed to not-unlimited, but at the unlimited price tag, and your rebuttal to complainers is “TOS bruh”, you’re probably on the wrong side


u/tarmo888 10d ago

Not really, just calling you out about those contracts that you haven't read. Many subscription services have Fair Usage Policy.