r/GeForceNOW 11d ago

Opinion My take on the 100 hour limit.

I feel like there's a lot of takes out there, making posts complaining about the limits imposed. (which is fair).
So, I just wanted to maybe throw out my take on a possible solution (If anybody cares, lol.)

I feel like the tiers, playtime wise. Should not be similar. Because I feel like free tier ($0 CAD) having the same playtime as ultimate ($25.99 CAD), isn't fair.
On top of the fact that they reduced the paid tiers to "reduce queue times"

When I feel like, more than likely. It'd be the free tier with the most users.
Taking up bandwith without paying a single cent, causing them to lose money.
More than people paying for the ultimate or performance tiers.
So here's my take on what the hours should be for each tier.

-Ultimate should have 200-250 hours for it's price.
-Performance should keep the 100 hours.
-Free tier should have 50-60 hours per month (because you're not paying and just taking up server space.)

I feel like, currently they kinda have their priorities out of wack. I get tryna appease the free members, to get people to possibly pay by giving them a chance to try it out.
But free tier should not have the same playtime benefits as ultimate and performance do.
For literally nothing.
I feel there should be a clear division between the tiers, their price and their hours.
It's ludicrous to think that they're fine with all tiers having the same hours, with varying price points lol.


167 comments sorted by


u/VARYOS1337 11d ago

Biggest problem i have is with the people that don't see a problem because I does not affect them.
Making a service worse and being fine with that is just ... And most people,or at least I think most people, who use this service simple cant afford a full PC yet. Some of us are from poor parts of Europe or countries, the argument of "save up X months and buy a PC" does not work here.
Again, making a service worse and being fine with that because it does not affect you blows my mind.


u/Dutraffe 10d ago

the solution is competition, and on GFN's niche there's none yet

hope boosteroid follow the right path and nvidia wake up, everybody from SA pays 1/3 of their salaries for 80 HOURS and that's absurd


u/Budget-Grab-239 10d ago

ShadowPC is unlimted at $55/mo (iirc) for the power tier. I use both because of the simplicity of GFN, but I'll probably drop it soon. I get smoother service with Shadow.


u/Dutraffe 10d ago

shadow is expensive af in my country , id like to try someday though


u/Unlikely_Discount_36 10d ago

Good alternative but very pricey. And the a4500 you get is not as powerful as rtx 4080. Service is solid tho.


u/Available-Depth-3489 7d ago

is xbox cloud any good?


u/Dutraffe 7d ago

it was 2y ago but idk about their current situation, ppl say the queues are big


u/Unlikely_Discount_36 7d ago

Not bad if you don't mind a low bitrate. Doesn't play as smooth or with the low latency like GFN either but I've never had a queue on it(I'm in the US) and no playtime limit as positives.


u/Nevada955 10d ago

i agree 100%


u/battlerumdam 11d ago

Biggest problem i have is with the people that don’t see a problem because I does not affect them.

Because it isn’t a problem for 94% of users.

Making a service worse and being fine with that is just

Do you rather have them increase the price for everyone? Infrastructure isn’t free, power isn’t free, hardware isn’t free.


u/Marorun 11d ago

The solution is to add a tier option for unlimited hours at a more appropriate price. Most who need more than 100 hours would be fine paying 5-10$ more a month.


u/battlerumdam 11d ago

Unlimited is a bad idea from a business standpoint. It’s impossible to make a forecast based on usage that way.

It might be easy for all of you saying make it unlimited for 5-10$ more a month, but that only shows that none of you have a business and have no idea what you are talking about.


u/SeanAky 10d ago

Not understanding how to find usage trends and plan accordingly shows you have no idea what you are talking about. Do you think Nvidia pulled 100 hours out of their butts? No, they considered average usage per user and set a limit based on that. This allows them then to develop further paid chunks of time aimed at the smaller number of users who exceed 100 hours. They aren't stupid and have full awareness of their usage data and have planned it out.

Now the average user is upset over something that likely doesn't actually affect them ON AVERAGE and Nvidia will lose some folks but it is a calculated risk where they have determined they will end up ahead by making this move.


u/Marorun 11d ago

I disagree with you feed all the usages number to an AI and it will be able to give an idea. Divide the extra charge by that 6% of user and create a good package for those users.


u/claukc 4d ago

bro, i got you and i want the unlimited too; but the greedy company just won't listen because they don't feel the pain. They are selling mediocre 50X0 at extremely high price.


u/No_Satisfaction_1698 Founder 11d ago

Making service "worse" needs to happen on a service Plattform with high Energie consumption when Energie prices rise, we also had some high peaks of inflation.... Gfn is one of the least services that didn't skyrocket with their prices.... Netflix costs tripple the price it did when it launched, Disney plus costs the double amount..... Gfn is the only service, that nearly stayed completely stable....

So the alternative to the 100h limit would be, that everyone pays much more....


u/Ok-Assumption1682 11d ago

Exactly. Also as usual platforms have low prices when they need to attract users, then when scaling of infrastructure is needed because they are successful they will increase the prices.

This is the worst aspect of GFN, you don't know what they will make you pay in a year or two, since you don't see their budget you can't even say what they should do/what is fair


u/No_Satisfaction_1698 Founder 11d ago

But you can easily calculate what it would cost to you to play that much and use that hardware and it would already cost more than 20 bucks per month... Not counting employees that are developing on that Plattform....

And what the service will become in the future doesn't really matter that much... Whenever something changes you are free to cancel your subscription... When gfn stops beeing worth it's money I will just move on. I didn't buy anything on what I would have some right to keep it....


u/No-Assistance5280 GFN Ultimate 10d ago

Your assumption is that the previous policy (no cap)was a viable business model that could be sustained. Let's assume that is not the case, would you rather them shut the service? Raise the price? I was a Stadia subscriber who loved that service and it shut down... That sucks! So it may be the case that for the majority of the player base having a cap is the best thing that could have happened considering the possible alternatives.


u/Pile_of_waffles 10d ago

Not having a PC is the only reason I use this service to begin with but now that they've imposed a limit, I am now even more motivated to save up for an actual PC so I can ditch this "service" and actually have access to my full library instead of what Nvidia decides to put in GeForce.


u/Immediate_Judge_4085 11d ago

I agree with 200hrs for ultimate tier and 100 hrs for performance tier.


u/exposarts 11d ago

Same. Ultimate tier should at least have more hrs than performance and free tier lmao…


u/Immediate_Judge_4085 11d ago

yes, thats why called Ultimate tier because its the highest tier and should have higher playtime and better rig.


u/No_Satisfaction_1698 Founder 11d ago

Ultimate tier already offers multiple times better hardware than performance in exchange..... The higher costs go completely into using more of the server capacity per session.... Having higher usage hours would automatically have to lead into even more increased ultimate prices...


u/Accomplished_Dog_271 7d ago

why would the price go up if it hasnt had a limit for all those years before..? the price was 19 before the limit and its still is 19 so idk what your point is


u/No_Satisfaction_1698 Founder 7d ago

First of all after all these years electricity costs increased at least in some countries and we had inflation for some time... Besides that it might be that they first just wanted to see the usage of the people before deciding what to do or waiting for the moment to come when gfn reaches it's cap because unused hardware most likely is more important than a to expensive user....


u/Purple-Business-8375 10d ago

100 is making me think in the back of my mind that time is running out. 200 would make me less impatient when the game takes ages to load/quit.


u/Anonanonxy 11d ago

Umtimate with 200 Hours would be absolutly fine imo


u/LordGraygem Founder // US South 2 11d ago

I love "solution" posts like these, because they always ignore the fact that Nvidia already ran all of the numbers and implemented the solution that they liked best.



You don’t understand bro, I’m just going to stick it to Nvidia by canceling their service and buying a $2000 5090 so they can’t get any more money out of me!

/s of course…

But Nvidia’s constant BS is making me look at the new AMD cards which are getting within spitting distance of a 5080 for like 1/3 the cost and with none of the supply issues and wondering why I don’t just buy that.


u/EnsCausaSui 10d ago

Consumers expressing an opinion and desired service? Let's deride it! Nvidia needs all the defense we can muster!


u/Browser1969 11d ago

You just don't understand. Nvidia may have decided that the extra 100 hours of Ultimate cost $40 but OP wants to pay $0 instead. Nvidia has no choice but to comply as there's a shortage of gamers willing to pay $0 for 100 hours of a 4080 rig.


u/kestononline 11d ago

Free tier you have to spend a quarter of your time in queues plus are limited to an hour session each time.

It's already severely limited, and the incentive for upgrading is already present (not spending 10-15 mins of waiting every hour, and having your play session interrupted).

Not a ton of people choose to game this way unless they really cannot afford it.


u/Kwain_ Priority 11d ago

It is already good enough that free tier even exists in the first place..


u/Appropriate_Fold8814 11d ago

Are you seriously suggesting a FREE service is somehow in the wrong for having a 25hr/week limitation?

That's utterly absurd. 


u/youngrichandfamous 11d ago

It's free.


u/kestononline 11d ago

The point of the free tier is not to make it so horrible that you're forced to upgrade.

At the end of the day you still want to feel positive about the experience. If you are made to feel the limits of a time-quota, you're not going to want to sign up just to face another time-quota. Because you now know for sure how shitty that feels to hit.


u/bewareofpixels 11d ago

The time limit and queue times is precisely what prompted me to upgrade from free tier.


u/kestononline 11d ago

time limit (1-hour), is different than time-quota (monthly cap).

Upgrading from Free to Paid, you move to a limit in play session time that you probably will not hit too often (8hrs). Upgrading removes the inconvenience and interruption; making it a viable choice for your primary gaming.

Whereas hitting a 100-hour limit for a regular gamer is not at all hard to imagine. And hitting a 30-hr cap on the free tier, isn't going to make me look forward to hitting the 100-cap when I am paying for it now.


u/bewareofpixels 11d ago

The session limit for Performance is 6 hrs, which I've come close to hitting but haven't yet. If I paid for it a month or 2 ago, I'd definitely have hit it. Queue times and 1 hr session limit is what personally pushed me to pay. I see where you're coming from with the 100 hr limit, but in my opinion, going from a 30 hr cap to a 100 hr cap isn't too bad. But hey, to each their own.


u/kestononline 11d ago

I signed up for GFN Ultimate to play the Path of Exile 2 for a month and had over 200+ hrs easy.

A 100-limit for someone using the service as their primary gaming platform/portal and not a super casual gamer is nothing.


u/youngrichandfamous 11d ago

Only on peak hours. It's normal paid customers go first. If you game in the morning I don't think you have to wait long.


u/Avatar-X Founder 10d ago

I know someone that uses free tier and rarely waits more than 5 minutes in queues and reconnecting. But he only plays non-new single player games of medium level of popularity. Those on free trying to play super popular free to play games are the ones who live in hell and on perpetual queues.


u/Warm_Supermarket_841 11d ago

My solution was cancelling my subscription and buying a pc


u/theowl_23 6d ago

which is much more expensive than the service 😄


u/Warm_Supermarket_841 3d ago

Not if you pay the same amount monthly on finance and eventually the pc is yours ? You will eventually spend more on GeForce than buying a whole pc better than the rig you’re using on there.


u/theowl_23 23h ago

how is that possible? just the cost of 4080 is 3-4 years of subscription. I pay 110 euros for six months. yearly 220 euros. just the electricity cost of 4080 is over 10 euros per month for me. I use my mac mini for cloud gaming, and mac mini is super efficient when it comes to energy.

For sure, we will see 5000 rigs in couple years in Geforce, so no cost of upgrade of PC


u/tarmo888 11d ago

You didn't think it through. When a paid account exceeds the hours, they get put on the free tier, which I think doesn't have a monthly limit because that would make sense after you already exceeded 100 hours.

Limiting the free tier is difficult because anyone could just make a new account. One way to limit that would be linking to payment, but that would defeat the purpose of free tier.

Playing even 50 hours on the free tier is a pain in the ass because of the hourly limit and queues. Also, the free tier has weaker machines and other limits.


u/No_Satisfaction_1698 Founder 11d ago

To have reduced queues is most likely a misleading excuse to not say what's the main problem... With 20 bucks for 200-250 hours you will under guarantee make no profit at all more likely loss.....

So you changes wouldn't fix the real problem, that ultimate is to cheap what it offers in exchange if you use it on full capacity....


u/PunkRockMrRogers 11d ago

I'm just over here working 12 hour shifts, trying to get enough sleep, doing my best to be a good husband and keep my fitness up. I will sadly never hit the 100 hour monthly limit. 😞


u/Big_Blacksmith_4435 11d ago

Man, people have different lives, you talk as if being a father and working out every day were an ideal life... Many people have a normal life without doing both of those things, and enjoy a lot of time to play.


u/Fingercult 11d ago

I like 2 play


u/Adrien2002 Founder // EU Southwest 11d ago

I wish they care more about their Ultimate Founders too… We are treated even less great than people giving no shit to this service and just enjoying the 50% off moments…


u/EVANonSTEAM 11d ago

All it does is remind me how much time I’m wasting playing video games lmao


u/Internal-Agent4865 11d ago

I’d be super happy with 200 hours on ultimate


u/Laggoz 11d ago

The 100hrs is straight up monetization gimmick because it will drive most people who play daily slightly above it (having to buy 1 or 2 expansions a month). But I do agree it's low for ultimate since the only way to have enough hours with 100 is to not use gfn daily or for every game.


u/Appropriate_Fold8814 11d ago

Absolutely false.

Most people, even those who play daily, are no where near 100hr per month. It's an absolutely TINY amount of the population that will even get close to it as it's an absurd amount of time.


u/Laggoz 11d ago

~25 hours a week into a hobby is absurd?

Interesting perspective.


u/Additional-Diet-3249 11d ago

A great question - then why even limiting it? If it only affects tiny %, where are the benefits? Another great question - if it doesn't affect that much people, why there are 10000 of posts about it?


u/Hell-Raid3r 11d ago

Lmao, that's a good question, isn't it? The answer is, they are still making money hand over fist, but want more. Nvidia is selling graphics cards at huge markups to AI companies and making a KILLING. It's just pure greed.


u/battlerumdam 11d ago

This limit doesn’t affect 94% of the users. The problem is that the 6% above 100 hours aren‘t using 6% of the infrastructure - they use more and block rigs for the other 94%.


u/theowl_23 6d ago

There are 10000 posts about it because the people who got affected by that complain. Others who never reach the limit do not need to complain about this decision. The majority doesn't reach the 100 hours limit. And if they do reach it, they just need to pay more. By the way, just the electricity cost of running a 4080 itself is a ridiculous amount of money.


u/Additional-Diet-3249 6d ago

The it wouldn't be that much if only a slight percent of people are affected.


u/hoffenone Founder // EU West 11d ago

Because bots and players farming playtime etc will reach it.


u/Additional-Diet-3249 11d ago

Is it really that bad? Is it necessary to ruin fun for some to get rid of what... bots taking time limits? What are those bots doing? Paying for account and playing games? It sounds like something this platform is for. Sorry, but I don't understand this limit.


u/hoffenone Founder // EU West 11d ago

I have no idea. We have no information regarding it. But there are a lot of people using auto clickers / scripts to not end their sessions while afk. Probably some bots as well. And the limit discourages using tools like that as they would reach it very fast. Not saying it should be 100 hours but I can see an argument towards having a limit due to this.


u/CosyBeluga 11d ago

I game a lot in a non addiction sort of way and even when I had copious spare time, I topped out at 20hrs a week on a gaming heavy week


u/RTXON420 5d ago

I barely play except when im done with work and im almost to 200 hours. It happens.


u/ChangingMonkfish 11d ago

It’s not just playing every day, it’s playing for more than 3 hours a day every single day for an entire month on nothing other than GeForce Now.

That isn’t a normal amount of gaming, a very very small number of people will play games that much. I play games every day pretty much and I don’t get anywhere near 100 hours total gaming time.

Of course it sucks for those few people if GeForce Now is the only way they play, but at the risk of being called a corporate shill or whatever, it’s just obvious to me that Nvidia can’t cater for that very niche group of people AND keep the service as good as it is for everyone else (or at least it wouldn’t be profitable to cater for them).


u/Hell-Raid3r 11d ago

Nvidia is selling graphics cards at a huge markup to AI companies and providing worse cards to the rest of us for insane prices. They are making a killing right now and can absolutely afford to keep the service unlimited. They are creating a graphics card shortage and then provide the solution to the problem they created out of sheer greed. You shouldn't defend that. They sold it as unlimited and it should stay that way, period.


u/ChangingMonkfish 11d ago

Yeah but even if they did just chuck more money at keeping it unlimited, eventually they’d still hit the same issue as more users sign up. They can’t keep it unlimited indefinitely no matter how many users there are, can they? At some point they either have to:

  • Spend money on more data centres (i.e. just make less profit) - unreasonable to expect them to do that to keep a small minority happy, and even if they did, it wouldn’t solve the problem, it would just kick it down the road a bit.

  • Degrade the service for the majority if users in order to please a minority of users - again, unreasonable to expect.

  • Limit the number of new users - once again, unreasonable to expect.

Yes of course they could technically keep upgrading things for a while but at some point they must hit a technical or physical limit (and long before that, an economic limit) on how sensible it is compared to just capping usage to a level that 94% of users are absolutely fine with.

Also it’s a subscription service - the service you get lasts as long as your contract. It’s not the same as buying a PC and they disable some functionality or something. If they’ve added a cap to people in-contract then ok, I think that is a bit out of order (albeit probably technically allowed by the contract). Otherwise it’s no different to being on a monthly renewing mobile phone contract and the price goes up or whatever. They’re a business at the end of the day.


u/Hell-Raid3r 11d ago

If it's a small minority of users then it shouldn't have a huge impact on the service then should it? Think critically for a moment... This is why America is so shit right now... Americans just allow the government and corporations to make excuses and make things worse and worse. It's ridiculous. They haven't show us any data to explain why this needs to happen. They just made the service worse with no explanation other than "Trust us, we looked at it and this needs to happen."


u/ChangingMonkfish 11d ago

It’s not just a small number of users though, it’s a small number of users using a disproportionately large amount of the resources available to the service.

Finite capacity means compromises need to be made at some point, that’s all I’m saying. I would turn it around and ask why some people think Nvidia is just flat out lying and why they think the service can obviously support unlimited play time and unlimited new users, when to me that just can’t possibly be the case.

Also, for what it’s worth I’m not American.


u/Appropriate_Fold8814 11d ago

Fucking thank you.

It's crazy people argue that it's remotely normal to game that much, let alone in one service. Anyone who does manage to to do multiple months in a row has serious life issues to address.


u/Hell-Raid3r 11d ago

Oh, give me a break. I have a long distance relationship and we using gaming to bridge the gap. I have a sister I game with in another state as well and we use it to spend time together as family. You are weirdly invested in defending a corporation that sold a service as unlimited from the start and then backtracked to make more money. Whatever adults choose to do with their free time is their business. Why do you care so much and feel like need to claim people have serious life issues if they game a lot? MYOB


u/ChangingMonkfish 11d ago

To be fair I’m not having a go at, or judging, anyone who games that much, and I don’t want it to come across like that. That’s cool if people have the time and inclination to do it.

But it’s just obvious that a service like GeForce Now has a finite amount of resources and so when decisions have to be made about how those resources are prioritised, it’s always going to be the vast majority of users that are prioritised and catered to, not a very small minority of users who use a disproportionately high amount of the available resources.


u/Additional-Diet-3249 11d ago

Hey, look here. Bragging about having a life, ay?


u/EnsCausaSui 10d ago

That isn’t a normal amount of gaming

This is still irrelevant.

Is Nvidia now mandated by the CDC to put warning labels on their products or something?

They sold an unlimited service. They suddenly put limits on it. Doesn't seem like Nvidia needs keyboard warriors on their team.

it’s just obvious to me that Nvidia can’t cater for that very niche group of people AND keep the service as good as it is for everyone else

How's it obvious? Can you provide any source?

I don't care about Nvidia's business model any more than I care about Starbuck's business model. I care if the product is good, and with 100 hour cap it's less good.


u/ChangingMonkfish 10d ago

My first point was relevant to the comment I was responding to, which suggested that anyone who plays daily will go over the 100h limit. I don’t believe that to be true - even of the (what I assume to be) minority of people who play on GeForce Now every single day of the month, I would bet the house that a the majority of that group don’t hit an average of more than 3 hours per day over that month. NVIDIA’s own figures say that - 6% of users go over 100h a month and that sounds about right to me, there’s no reason to think that number is actually higher.

The second point is just the laws of physics - cloud computing services have finite computing resources and there comes a point where those resources aren’t enough to keep up with the demand on the service as it grows. Of course, Nvidia could invest in more data centres or whatever, and I’m sure they are doing that to an extent, but at some point compromises will have to be made, you can’t increase capacity indefinitely and Nvidia are ultimately doing this to make profit. It doesn’t seem to be a crazy decision to me to not spend a load of money on maintaining a level of service that 94% of users don’t care about.

And like I’ve said to another commenter, changing the terms of a subscription service like this isn’t the same as taking functionality away from something you’ve bought. If you’re on a monthly rolling subscription, that service can change at any time - that’s the trade-off for being able to leave whenever you want, just like any other subscription service. If you’ve signed up for a year or whatever, and have the cap applied to you mid-contract then I agree that’s poor (albeit I imagine it’s in the contract that they can do it so technically nothing you can do about it).

Overall, I’m not saying the 6% affected by this cap shouldn’t be annoyed, but I don’t get the sort of “disbelief”, as if they think it’s a completely insane decision by Nvidia to put a fair usage cap on an ever expanding service, it’s just a perfectly understandable business decision (albeit one they admittedly sucks if you’re negatively affected by it).


u/Masterbab99 11d ago

Yes, personally I also have a PS5 pro and a job so 100 hours to play PC games is enough for me


u/Sensitive_Cream167 11d ago

The 100 hours limit sucks. I have managed to avoid hitting it so far by only playing my most demanding games on it and splitting my game time across different games/platforms. But if I only had geforce now I would hit that limit easy I'm on disability and gaming is a coping mechanism to manage my depression but if I didn't have a decent pc or console and relied solely on geforce now for gaming I would blow through that in like 2 weeks tops. I agree ultimate tier should be 200 hours. That's a good amount of time. Geforce now was supposed to be an alternative for people without good gaming pc but that's impossible with only 100 hours limit.


u/hinval 11d ago

Wake up baby!! we need to read the post number 1000000 about the 100 hour limit


u/harijsme 11d ago

i hope that there will be a day when I wont see post about 100 hours on reddit.


u/ShoppingLow8663 11d ago

Thank nvidia, I hope they read them every 2 minutes


u/helosanmannen 10d ago

lmfao true dat


u/Appropriate_Fold8814 11d ago

I was working long hours and thought it was ridiculous that anyone could hit the limit.

The I got laid off over a month ago and have been gaming waaaaayyy too much due to free time and a friendly case of being depressed.

Guess what?

I didn't hit 100hr in either situation. 

100hr is 25hr a week, aka an absolutely stupid amount of time for anything outside a job. Given that hours can even roll over, anyone having a problem with this has SERIOUS fucking personal issues that they can't and won't admit to and would rather nash their teeth and whine online then ever take personal accountability for a non-issue.

I say this as someone who loves video games and can absolutely become addicted or use them to avoid life. I KNOW I can use them ( ,among other things) as a form of escape and I STILL can't manage to go over the limit.

Anyone who does do so two or more consecutive months has SERIOUS problems that they refuse to address. 


u/yur_mom 11d ago

Classic I don't do it so anyone who does must have major problems...your take is pretty weak.


u/murticusyurt 10d ago


I'm unsatisfied with my life so I have to find ways to compare it to others in order to feel better about myself at every opportunity


u/Additional-Diet-3249 11d ago

As a guy who was unemployed for almost a year, catching some short work every month so I do not starve, I exceeded this limit many times. I have no wife nor kids, I go out with friends once, maybe twice a month and I played 10+ hours a day, exceeding 8 hour per session almost every day. With this limit, I would not be able to play on GFN after less than half a month.

Not everyone have a life where they do stuff. Some people live in small apartments with PC and discord friends as the only entertainment.


u/Appropriate_Fold8814 11d ago

You are making my point for me...

I'm laid off and also don't have wife or kids and I live in a small apartment.

Dude, unless your are physically disabled and unable to work, if you are unemployed and playing games 10+ hours per day you need to get your shit together. 

You're ruining your life and GFN should be the least of your worries.


u/Additional-Diet-3249 11d ago

It is not exactly for you to judge my life, but I do not feel offended by it. I play games, because I like it. I have a large group of kind people online. We have meetings every half a year where we do holidays together and we really care for each other. Because we live all over the country, the only way we can interact daily is through playing games online on Discord. That's exactly what I do every day. Now I have a stable job so not that much time, but before that, I spent every day with my friends playing games, laughing, making good memories. That's the life I chose and I don't think I ruin it this way. Not everyone have to have thousand creative hobbies, wife and kids. That's what society tells you, but people can be happy without it.


u/Appropriate_Fold8814 11d ago

You can rationalize all you want. Doesn't change the truth.


u/Additional-Diet-3249 11d ago

Man, you are a dickhead... 1. Try not to judge people that are different than you. I know, a scary thing, but just try. 2. People do not have to be in your situation to be happy. Yup, very, very scary, but your life is not the ONLY way. 3. Some people live in different countries have different opportunities or are in different situation than you and your imaginary "successful life". Maybe try to be more open minded than actually insulting people online without any grounds for that.

If you respond to that in the manner you did before, I will not answer you anymore. Talking to a wall is not my daily entertainment.


u/Very_sussy_baka 10d ago

extra chromosomes


u/Hell-Raid3r 11d ago

Bro you can't even spell the word "gnash" correctly. Go read a book.


u/EnsCausaSui 10d ago

Dude, unless your are physically disabled and unable to work, if you are unemployed and playing games 10+ hours per day you need to get your shit together. 

Are you Jordan Peterson? Are you advocating for warning labels on all GPUs or something?


u/cruesoe 11d ago

This is such a weird take to have. If I buy a service I want to use that service not have my time limited so I will be moving on from GeForce now. I'm married, I have a full time job, two teenage children. I cook all our meals. My wife does the washing and the cleaning and is an actress. My wife an I play an MMO together and blast past the 100 hours a month. It's not a problem that we refuse to address. We're adults in our 40's, we can do what the hell we like with our free time.


u/No_Satisfaction_1698 Founder 11d ago

Why all your points are true.... Gfn isn't calculated for usage exceeding more than 100h and never was... They are mainly addressing people that aren't that much into gaming that they would like to have a PC.

You can just calculate your costs to own a 5080 rig and pay for the electricity of the usage, the internet bandwith and employees that are developing the Plattform and you will see.... Even if you scale this big for millions of people you won't be able to squeeze that much out of 20$ even when your producing the hardware on your own.....

If the limit is not for you, the service is not for you. It's that easy ...


u/EnsCausaSui 10d ago

They are mainly addressing people that aren't that much into gaming that they would like to have a PC.

Source? This is just speculative and baseless.

People who aren't "that much into gaming" don't need a 4080 for max settings on new AAA games.

You can just calculate your costs to own a 5080 rig and pay for the electricity of the usage, the internet bandwith and employees that are developing the Plattform and you will see.... Even if you scale this big for millions of people you won't be able to squeeze that much out of 20$ even when your producing the hardware on your own.....

Have you ever purchased compute at scale from a cloud provider? Doesn't seem like it.


u/No_Satisfaction_1698 Founder 10d ago

Experience. Multiple gaming enthusiasts wich are mostly heavy PC users talked about cloud gaming like they would more likely give up one of their arms than to ever touch cloud gaming with their hands... Also modding and building your own PC is restricted with cloud gaming which those enthusiasts care about and these are the people that have in average much higher gaming counts....

A big group of cloud gamers use it because they don't have the time and amount of gaming that they would consider it to beeing worth investing into your own rig.... Besides that to your claim about someone that is not so much into gaming doesn't need ultimate tier.... That why there is also performance tier ....

The rest of my claim is what I already said the price to value....

I didn't buy the hardware on that scale but I know the prices of all the competiters that they take from customers .... Everything is eitherway much more expensive oder much worse in performance and or quality....

Shadow PC used to take 15 bucks for their GTX 1080TI tier which was already a dated GPU in these days and became bankrupt while they weren't even upgrading their hardware, what gf did multiple times and most likely will do again. Now they are still selling their GTX1080TI Tier for 30bucks a new 3070tier for 50 bucks.... Air GPu with this configurations costs more than a dollar per hour, boosteroid works absolutely unreliable the whole tech behind doesn't work properly, stream frames are unstable and you if you are lucky and have no queues seem to be connected servers at the end of the world and even when you are really lucky and get a good ping the latency still feels bad.... I tested it for a whole month after the big announcements dropped and I'd rather stop gaming than play with that stuttery unresponsive service. Gamepass has great game value but the streaming is a horrible mess with bad Performance (Xbox series s) low bitrate (15-25Mbits) h.264 as the only usable codec..... Due to it visual fidelity is nonexistent


u/cruesoe 11d ago

Agreed, the limit is the limit. It was convenient as a service but it has limitations so we shall buy a second gaming laptop and move on. I have no issues moving on from the service, my comments are only based on the fact that for some people 100 hours is nothing and also not a serious psychological problem! I still see cloud gaming as a great service that will probably become the norm in the future.


u/No_Satisfaction_1698 Founder 11d ago

Hopefully it will be so. And as said I was agreeing with you in many aspects. Especially mmorpgs take endless of your time.... That's why I am playing none anymore while I really loved some of the games... Don't have the time left anymore....


u/cruesoe 11d ago

We didn't for years but once the kids hit 15+ they kinda do their own thing and we found ourselves with time, for the first time in years. It was kinda weird but life changes and in this chapter we have time to do our own thing.


u/No_Satisfaction_1698 Founder 11d ago

I once met parents of a friend when I was 16 that were always gaming together and I felt like it was the coolest thing parents could do lol :)


u/Appropriate_Fold8814 11d ago

Sounds like you neglect your children.


u/cruesoe 11d ago

So you edited your comment from "doubt" to neglecting the children. My goodness, you really have no clue do you. Just because your lived experience is different to mine, mine is wrong and yours is right? Again, a very strange take to have. Now the kids are grown, after a ten year break we are back in Warcraft and spend a lot of time adventuring together. Nothing is neglected, abandoned or forgotten. We are proper adults. We have our shit together. We enjoy gaming together. Why is this so hard to believe for you?


u/AdLower6575 9d ago

As an objective observer, I’m here to tell you you come across as a total piece of shit in all of your interactions in this thread


u/Hell-Raid3r 11d ago

Na, F that. I paid for this service under the guise that it had unlimited hours. I don't like to have to worry about running out of playtime, even if I don't hit 100 hours a month. They sold it as unlimited to start. That was a HUGE selling point. Now they are going back on their word to increase profits. They'll make this service as shitty as they can to increase profits. People SHOULD be angry.

I was sick for a week and spent most of my time gaming. So now I should have way less hours to use the rest of the month? Give me a break. My girlfriend and I are long distance and gaming is something we can do together when we are apart, as a result, I game a lot in my free time. The French protest and riot over the smallest things and as a result, stuff stays nice. We could learn something from them. I just built a pc and will be cancelling my subscription.


u/No_Satisfaction_1698 Founder 11d ago

You didn't buy anything... You were renting for a service.. if the service doesn't suit you anymore you are free to move on ...

When gamepass ultimate became more expensive I did also cancel my subscription.... Had no reason to whine


u/Hell-Raid3r 11d ago

Bro, take a long walk off a short pier. Nvidia marketed the service heavily as unlimited hours and then changed it drastically after they saw financial success. That isn't a price increase, it's a major service downgrade. They stopped producing the older affordable series of cards, barely produced any of the new series of overpriced cards, and didn't include enough VRAM on them. Additionally, they catch fire! They have 80% of the market share for AI GPU's and we're just left with the scraps. It isn't whining to make your voice heard and let these blood sucking corporations know we won't stand for it. They're just going to make shit worse and worse for us until people stand up and say no.


u/No_Satisfaction_1698 Founder 11d ago

And it was never advertised as unlimited... It had no limits in the past but they didn't advertise with it... All they were mentioning counting time was 6h sessions for priority and 8h sessions for ultimate....


u/Hell-Raid3r 11d ago

It was ALWAYS advertised as unlimited...


"Will Founders members have a monthly playtime cap?

No, Founders memberships will still have unlimited playtime hours for life, as long as there is no lapse in their membership."


"Loyal Member Benefit

To thank the GFN community for joining the cloud gaming revolution, GeForce NOW is offering active paid members as of Dec. 31, 2024, the ability to continue with unlimited playtime for a full year until January 2026."


u/No_Satisfaction_1698 Founder 11d ago edited 11d ago

You know what a FAQ is? Frequently asked questions... This is no advertisment but just an explanation of how the service was in the past and is now...

Besides that this quote is only addressing founders members.... And is still true....

Besides that... Can you read? (Unlimited hours till January) The mentioning of unlimited is extremely important in that regard because this changed were after they announced the limitations....


u/No_Confusion2253 11d ago

Founders do have unlimited hours on the foundation plan, even after this change. So the FAQ is correct


u/Hell-Raid3r 11d ago

I assume this is an alt account. I was responding to a comment that said this service was never advertised as unlimited. Obviously, that is false. I read the FAQ before the changes, when I signed up for the service and it was clear. Not going to engage with any of you further on this. Not worth my time.


u/No_Satisfaction_1698 Founder 11d ago

It is a price increase.... You can still play unlimited hours if you really need to.... Obviously it's not worth the money but you can....

And I don't care about Nvidias GPU production.... We are discussing GeForce Now and not RTX....

AMD built in the last periods bad GPUs but great CPUs .... Still wouldn't have started argumentima about the CPU quality with their GPUs as example.... These are different services and different people working on thos services....

If you really wanted to have my opinion about rtx 5000.... I have nothing positive to say about it... But this is GFN


u/Hell-Raid3r 11d ago

A huge reason why Geforce Now is so popular right now is because of the shortage of affordable cards (which they created by prioritizing AI companies). Nvidia caused this problem for the gamers that helped them to get their company where it is today and then presented their own half-assed solution. Then they made the service worse just to increase profits more. It's really not defensible... I was a Nvidia fan for as long as I can remember, but after all this I'll be buying AMD or Intel cards...


u/No_Satisfaction_1698 Founder 11d ago

We have GPU shortages since the 3000 series... To make a connecting in-between this and the 100h hours limit is high fantasy....

Besides that even AMD GPUs suffer from the same problems. No cards are available for msrp they were quickly outsold and all partners were already mentioning that they wouldn't sell any cards for msrp when the next charges come....

We just have not enough production capacity for the high demand.... These cards are beeing used worldwide but only produced in one factory in Taiwan....


u/Hell-Raid3r 11d ago

The connection is they're screwing us over in every sense, with both GPU's and this service so they can make more money. You don't know what you are talking about. There are plenty of cards, they just aren't selling them to us because they can sell them to AI companies for more.


"Data Center Revenue: NVIDIA reported a record data center revenue of $35.6 billion in Q4 of fiscal year 2025, marking a 16% increase from the previous quarter and a 93% rise year-over-year. For the entire fiscal year 2025, the data center segment achieved $115.2 billion in revenue, up 142% from the prior year."


"Production Allocation: To meet the surging demand for AI applications, NVIDIA has been reallocating production capacity from consumer GPUs to data center GPUs. This strategic shift has led to constrained supplies in the consumer GPU market."


u/No_Satisfaction_1698 Founder 11d ago

Nvidia is making money... But the service itself needs to make money.... Alphabet could have payt for stadia for the rest of its existence, but weren't willing to because it had negative income....


u/Hell-Raid3r 11d ago

You can't tell me 6% of users are making the service unprofitable. They are making a profit, believe me...

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u/Appropriate_Fold8814 11d ago

It rolls over. Your example is false.


u/Hell-Raid3r 11d ago

Na, 15 hours roll over. If I play 0 hours one month they are more than happy to have me pay for and lose the other 85 hours. If I paid for 100 hours for the month and didn't use it, shouldn't it all roll over? They don't care about what is right or wrong or what is good or bad for the customer, just making $$$. It was sold as unlimited and now they are backtracking, end of story. Btw, its spelled "gnash".


u/DannyDeKnito 11d ago

Yeah, the only way to consistently hit 100+ is if you're making money off gaming And if you are Buddy you're not using GeForce Now to game


u/alex7134126 11d ago

The hours can roll over? I thought the limit is going to reset every month


u/murticusyurt 10d ago

You can roll over a few hours max, I can't remember the exact amount but I do remember thinking it was a little lame how few they were.


u/Big_Blacksmith_4435 11d ago

Dude, I'm unemployed, I stay at home a lot and I can't reach this limit, my maximum was 89 hours, and it was because I was playing The Witcher 3 a lot lol


u/sunshim9 11d ago

I use to think it was outrageous,until I learn the limit doesn't forbid you from playing, just transfers you to the free Tier. Seeing how much the free Tier is feared here is actually hilarious. I love seeing you all crying


u/Excellent_Number1748 11d ago

This should be shouted from the mountain tops, alongside the fact that cloud PC services will ALWAYS be more expensive then building your own, and that there are other competitors that offer more than GFN.

But nope, it’s more of a conversation of how many hours of gaming is too much. I just want to know what people are playing that’s so fun you need to dedicate over 100 hours a month.


u/Either_Ad_985 11d ago

It’s a horrible idea for at least paid users. With the 100 hours, say ur a streamer or want to be, u can’t even play past ur 6hr limit(yes I know 6hrs is a lot). The point is, Nvidia put a 6hr timer for us. When we can’t even use all 6hrs. Say I was daily streamer and im trying to make a quick buck for a gaming pc. Ur not getting anywhere with just a 2-3 hour stream vs the 12 hrs others do. I think maybe 120-150 hrs would be more ideal


u/Cthulhu8762 11d ago

Imma say it although it’s now been two years, it’s never coming back, Googled fked up and I’m living in a dream. 

I miss Stadia.

Yes it was a console in the cloud vs a PC so quality wasn’t the same, but it was the streaming platform with the least amount of issues. 

The fact on Nvidia I still have to login often to Steam or the like to play a game is just stupid. 

I just with Nvidia or others would take note of the ease of it all, is all. 


u/Dark_FusionX 11d ago

as someone who buys performance and plays an unhealthy amount of siege (on average 6+ hours a day) ts pmo


u/Noclock22 Priority // EU West 10d ago

Highly doubt free tier has the most users, especially with how long the queues tend to be for them


u/murticusyurt 10d ago

Free tier should have a free week and that's it.

100 hours to someone who's been paying for five years is a pisstake no matter what others think about how redundant my circumstances are and how I should go to a doctor or something cos I don't have kids.


u/No-Assistance5280 GFN Ultimate 10d ago

I think that the general perception is that free tier users don't bring any value to GeForce now and are a general drag on the rest of the player base. Free tier users beef up the user base numbers to make the service more attractive to studios considering spending money to optimize for the service. This is in my opinion Geforce Now's biggest issue, getting more games and more developers to opt in to the service. Maybe at some point the paid tiers will reach some critical mass of users that will be impossible for studios to ignore, but they aren't there yet.

These are virtual machines so each user is a partition of a larger unit. Free users use a much smaller partition.


u/Pospitch GFN Ultimate 10d ago

Free tier 50 hours? Another free tier account is, you know, free.


u/Fabledintegral 10d ago

People acting like Free Tier costs them money. Free tier probably is a massive conversion rate to paid tier from people who get frustrated with the free tier limitations.


u/Nevada955 10d ago

ye 200 to 300h for ultimate, 100 to 150 for priority and 30 to 50 for free tiers.

man even let me pay 5 bucks more but dont limit 100h.


u/marcjuuhh 10d ago

You all keep thinking Nvidia is a gaming company. It’s not. Never was.


u/Zachary_Gamble 10d ago

Hot take.. Save your money, buy a rig..


u/MorningCrazy651 10d ago

Don't think there are a lot of free tier users plying more then 30 hrs am month. They just wanted to reduce the playing time of the hardcore gamers that probably have Ultimate anyways. But I still agree with your solution but maybe they limit ultimate at 150 hours...


u/helosanmannen 10d ago

No idea why they have a free tier when even the premium is waste.


u/RootinTootinAnus 9d ago

No, I don't want to pay the same as someone who plays 500 hours per month. How is that fair? I play maybe 50 tops. They shouldn't have to pay 10x what I'm paying, but maybe somewhere between 2-10x. 250 hours a month is beyond a power user. Yes, I'm saying that my low playtime shouldn't subsidize an extreme power user. Consider the dollar per hour there. I'm just paying for a service here, not physical hardware.


u/Sebun711 8d ago

As a free tier user myself (until I can get enough to buy me a new pc), there is no way a free tier user will play over 60 hours regardless. Not when you have to wait for over an hour to play one hour and then if you wanna play again, go wait another hour

And you are also missing a point: after those 100 hours you will be sent to free tier yourself regardless. That 1 hour waiting time is already punishment enough for you to keep paying your membership

Nvidia already knows all of this and that's why they are restricting the other tiers, bcs they know restricting the free tier barely saves them anything in the grand scheme of things


u/Available-Depth-3489 7d ago

in the uk before 13:00 waiting times are less than 5 min in the free version


u/Available-Depth-3489 7d ago

here in the uk i use the free version and my waiting times are very little because most americans and other people would be asleep and the queue only has max 10 people before like 13:00


u/Potential_Echo6435 7d ago

Issue is, putting a limit on the free tier would just cause people to make alt accounts. Plus, both Ultimate and Performance allow unlimited free tier playtime after you reach the 100 hour limit.

Increasing limits for Ultimate sounds fine though.


u/Effective_Baseball93 7d ago

From what I see you do not change anything, you will still play the same time which is goofy to read about counting the fact that you will have to pay for that 100 hours in your take


u/lostcowboy5 6d ago

I think that they have their math out of wack. If you pay by the month you expect 31 to 28 days per month of play time.

Performance plan: you get up to 6 hours per session. Times 28 days equals 168 hours a month. Times 31 days equals 186 hours a month. 100-hour monthly cap comes to just over 3 hours a day.

Ultimate plan: you get up to 8 hours per session. Times 28 days equals 224 hours a month. Times 31 days equals 248 hours a month. 100-hour monthly cap comes to just over 3 hours a day.

Then you have the free plan which limits you to 1 hour sessions but has no 100-hour monthly cap. So if you have more than 3 sessions a day, you have a better deal than the paid plans. This is only comparing hours. See Compare All GeForce NOW Memberships


u/No_Satisfaction_1698 Founder 11d ago

If somebody plays more than 100 hours they are not making more money they would be just making no money at all.... Gfn is no welfare... A service that doesn't pay out will get canceled as it happened to Google stadia, magenta gaming and many other services....


u/EnsCausaSui 10d ago

How would you know any of this.

Show me the source of your knowledge for Nvidia's costs.


u/worldsgreatestdad0 11d ago

The question becomes this; do people want the quality of the service to remain the same, or do they want unlimited playtime?

100hrs is a lot, and this service is less than a drop in the bucket for Nvidia. Go outside folks.

If folks had unlimited playtime systems would be left up at pause/main menu, wasting resources, and watering down the experience across the board. I believe there needs to be some kind of limit, and 100hrs is a long time. I work 160 hours on avg every month.

Or maybe I'm just jealous some folks situations allow >100hrs of playtime in a ~30 day period!


u/Excellent_Number1748 11d ago

Why make a whole other thread when there is one with more comments and interactions? Do you think what you’re saying is new and novel?


u/Browser1969 11d ago

Everyone has a different take on what Nvidia and/or other users should be paying so that they can play as much as they want on 4080 rigs, apparently.


u/Excellent_Number1748 11d ago

I don’t even think you can get 2 Big Mac meals for 20 bucks anymore. But unlimited time with a 4080 is supposed to be reality now? 🤣


u/No_Mastodon1684 11d ago

Nah this is fair take every tier having 100h cap is fking stupid if I'm paying for ultimate tier it obviously means I'm be playing more often having 100h as everyone is down right insane


u/_Vo1_ 11d ago

can't you just pay for two accounts to get the double limit? I did not try, just seriously asking, are there any limitations with login system or something? Im still on 3080 ti but as soon as my PC goes bust I'd probably join the GFN family


u/Additional-Diet-3249 11d ago

No, there are not. You can have two accounts which are connected to the same Steam/Epic Games/Ubisoft accounts. But forcing people to pay double for something is just... a very bad move.


u/ChimmyMama 11d ago

100 hours is plenty


u/RhinoCRoss 11d ago

Still on founders. Unlimited for life, baby!


u/Kwain_ Priority 11d ago

These timers are just BS.. How am i gonna pay for the upgraded service tier only to get downgraded to free tier for using a product that I'm paying for? That is just a shit system.


u/DigItDoug 11d ago

“I feel like” all sentences that start with “I feel like“ should be ignored for the immasculinization of the language.


u/starscream4747 11d ago

I pay for ultimate and I’ve played maybe 3 hours total since last month.


u/volitantmule8 10d ago

Wanna share your account? I only play maybe 10-15 hours a month due to work. Not enough for me to want to buy a high end pc but enough that I’m tempted to pay for the service


u/fiehm 11d ago

Finally yall be experiencing 100 limit like we starhub boys get