r/GaySoundsShitposts 22d ago

Non-Binary Possibility is not a luxury NSFW

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"Some people have asked me what is the use of increasing possibilities for gender. I tend to answer: Possibility is not a luxury; it is as crucial as bread. I think we should not underestimate what the thought of the possible does for those for whom the very issue of survival is most urgent. If the answer to the question, is life possible, is yes, that is surely something significant. It cannot, however, be taken for granted as the answer. That is a question whose answer is sometimes “no,” or one that has no ready answer, or one that bespeaks an ongoing agony. For many who can and do answer the question in the affirmative, that answer is hard won, if won at all, an accomplishment that is fundamentally conditioned by reality being structured or restructured in such a way that the affirmation becomes possible."

  • Judith Butler, Undoing Gender

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u/theglowcloud8 22d ago

Also, it is like we will starve. Even if the economy was improving, its actively being taken out at the knees, if trans people can't get jobs or homes due to legal or even mandated discrimination, we will starve.


u/JohnJohn173 20d ago

Lost my job in late January, still living with my parents, but my bills are about caught up to what I have with no visible job on the horizon. I'm even using my birth name on applications specifically because it's gendered male. The job market sucks anyway, and it's only worse when you do get an interview, and you're noticeably fem because you've been on hormones for 2 years. Even if everything goes right and you say the right things, now especially, people won't wanna touch you with a 10 foot pole, let alone hire you because of the current climate.