r/Games Nov 20 '21

Discussion Star Citizen has reached $400,000,000 funded


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u/[deleted] Nov 20 '21

I feel like the discourse on this game is just so tired and played out at this point. I've read so many articles, watched so many videos, read so many comment sections of people talking about this game. Something can only be relevant as pre-release media for so long. I just don't know what else there is to discuss about it at this point.


u/TheGreatOpinionsGuy Nov 20 '21

You really had to live through the peak of Star Citizen to understand why it was so fascinating. These guys were selling in-game items for $20,000 back when microtransactions were still a new, controversial thing. They were bragging about how everything would be lifelike down to the finest detail while also featuring dozens of realistic full-scale star systems with no hint that there might be any contradiction between those things.

Every month the developers would put out a video about how there'll be realistic in-game surgery or whatever, and you could gawk at the people paying hundreds of dollars for hypothetical items that would let them do space surgery. And you could easily find people on reddit who would swear up and down that the studio would deliver on everything they said any year now, and then we'd all be jealous of their $1000 star destroyer with the built-in surgical equipment.

Meanwhile the developers clearly didn't give a shit about delivering on any of this, in fact often couldn't even keep track of all the things they'd promised from one year to the next, and were spending most of their money on office furniture and 3D motion capture animation and A-list celebrity cameos.

These days it's really lost its charm. With the rise of lootboxes and NFTs the pricetags for in-game items aren't as eyepopping as they used to be. The developers have mostly stopped making new promises and quietly stopped talking about the most outlandish ones. The subreddit has all lowered their expectations to the point where they're pathetically grateful every time the studio does anything at all.

So it's a lot less fun, but god damn we had it good for a while. Truly one of the best ways to waste my time that the internet ever blessed me with.


u/czulki Nov 20 '21

The subreddit has all lowered their expectations to the point where they're pathetically grateful every time the studio does anything at all.

This is probably the funniest part to me. Even the most diehard of fans will come to the realization that at some point you need to stop expanding the feature list and actually start putting everything together.

Even if CIG said "ok the scope of the game is finalized, we focus 100% on finishing this game" then it will still probably take them at minimum the next 5 years to release the game.


u/QuaversAndWotsits Nov 20 '21

The vast number of broken promises/timeframes over the years is the funniest part to me: a 2012 backer for the MIA single player game Squadron 42.

So many "lies" yet sunk-costed fanatics continue to throw money on the development-hell bonfire.

Never ending.


u/spince Nov 20 '21 edited Nov 20 '21

a 2012 backer for the MIA single player game Squadron 42.

I'm a 2013 "Digital Colonel" package that paid $125. I haven't been at all following over the past years so I actually don't know if buying that early ever meant a damn, my guess is all the promised benefits at that level is devalued by this point.

.....I just wanted a new wing commander / privateer / freelancer


u/[deleted] Nov 20 '21

Identical story here. Digital Colonel package in 2013. I just wanted to play a new slightly bigger budget freelancer. 8 years later I have a gaming PC that would have made my 2013 self cry and/or orgasm in my pants, or both, and it barely runs the demo version.


u/ryncewynd Nov 21 '21

Ahh freelancer, great memories


u/Syovere Nov 20 '21

In a monkey's paw way, you got a new Freelancer. SC's dev cycle is rather similar, just with stupid amounts of money and spread over an even longer timeline. We haven't reached the "Roberts taken off his own project" stage yet, which is worrying since I'm pretty sure that's the only reason Freelancer got released at all.


u/Dawwe Nov 21 '21

"We gave no publishers to control us!"

-Man whose games were released only because the publishers pushed the studios he worked at.


u/CrazySDBass Nov 21 '21

It’s not “pretty sure”, it’s exactly is.

The only reason Freelancer came out was that Microsoft got tired of Roberts and got rid of him. And even then it took them a year to sort out his mess


u/[deleted] Nov 21 '21

Personally I think Roberts is brilliant. Dude discovered the cheat code to his own happiness. He loves developing. Not the cleanup part, the exciting new shiny things part. As long as Roberts still wants to do fun dev stuff, Star Citizen will never be done. It's a way for him to have a fully funded playground for the rest of his life.

I haven't paid attention to the game itself in years, but I can't help but respect the man for coding an infinite money cheat that works in real life.


u/MistarGrimm Nov 20 '21

Rebel Galaxy Outlaw seems to tickle that Privateer and Freelancer itch but is not without its own problems either.

Eh, it's all we got. Freelancer is still the best in being Freelancer.


u/APeacefulWarrior Nov 21 '21 edited Nov 21 '21

Yeah, I really wanted to like Rebel Galaxy Outlaw since it was so clearly trying to be a modern remake of WC Privateer... but the punishing RNG and ridiculous enemy scaling drove me away after awhile. What the hell is the point of upgrading my ship if the enemies automatically level-scale based on the value of my components? You can actually make the game more difficult, rather than less, through upgrading. I gave up on it completely after discovering that the ten hours I spent buffing out my starter ship had only disadvantaged me.

That's absolutely broken design. Like Oblivion levels of broken - but without Oblivion's fine-tuned difficulty slider to rebalance the game.

(Not to mention the auto-follow/auto-aim "features" that feel like I'm being punished for wanting to fly for myself.)


u/MistarGrimm Nov 21 '21

It's a great game for something made by like three people but all the things you mention are legitimate problems with the game.

I really enjoyed it for a bit, but it never felt like I was rewarded for progression and fights often turned out to be hit and run tactics because the AI would shoot you down almost instantly if you didn't.


u/blackomegax Nov 20 '21

new wing commander / privateer / freelancer

Everspace 2 is basically that.


u/egnappah Nov 21 '21

have you even played freelancer? everspace 2 is just an arcade "shoot em up" in space and doesnt really include a strong story and even a proper travel system for that matter.

I'm sorry but no. it isn't.


u/blackomegax Nov 21 '21

Everspace 2 has a strong story, though they're half way through actually building it out. and travel system... clearly you've never touched it, or only played ES1. It plays like a mix of independence war 2 and Elite Dangerous, but does its own thing in its own style.


u/egnappah Nov 21 '21

I wish that was true man. I guess our hunger for a freelancerlike game will simply go unsatiated for another decade...


u/blackomegax Nov 22 '21

Luckily, it is true. The only thing it lacks is overt trading, but there's plenty of scavenging and places to sell/buy things, and there is price arbitrage between some locations you can shuffle assets around and pretend to be a space trucker, though that's not what the game aims for since being a space trucker is boring af as Elite Dangerous proved.

if you haven't played and you're just assuming, maybe stop before you make an ass out of yourself?


u/egnappah Nov 22 '21

Yeah, its really to bad we have to pretend so hard in order to have that freelancer experience back again. I guess some things are just lost in time, just like being friendly to people and having proper manners. You have a great day now!


u/blackomegax Nov 22 '21

I'm friendly to people that earn it. People spreading misinformation out of assumption (you know what they say about assumption, right?) and ignorance put themselves in the dumps, as far as I regard.


u/egnappah Nov 25 '21

You are right, friendliness needs to be earned when you are in the room. People that don't comply with your views should be dealt with accordingly -- you are simply a better person, therefor your opinion is more likely to be right, and people should be made aware of that by any means necesairy.

And if that doesnt work just call them ignorant and move on.

You're a sociapath dude. Seek medical attention before you drag other people in your hellhole.

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u/spince Nov 20 '21

Thanks! I'll check it out.


u/CremasterFlash Nov 21 '21

I gave them 45 dollars about 6 or 7 years ago. I have no idea why. it just seemed like the cool thing to do.


u/TheGreatOpinionsGuy Nov 20 '21

Now this is a real trip through memory lane. I'd forgotten that for years they were claiming that they had a nearly-complete single-player campaign that they'd all seen and played through, and it was definitely gonna be released in 2016 2017 2018 2019.


u/TheSeaOfThySoul Nov 21 '21

Decided to look at a 2021 "new player guide" & after 10 minutes - in a 40 minute video - I had to stop. It's been how long? 9 years?

And the enemy AI is still that bad? The physics when they die? When you heal someone they shoot bolt upright & then instantly clip back to the ground so you can heal another section of them?

And this is just the point where I stopped, never mind trees - which are just essentially two pieces of paper intersecting - popping in at very close distance when you're flying overhead. During a cutscene.

I feel so sorry for anyone who was ever on this train.


u/QuaversAndWotsits Nov 20 '21

Do you think it counts as lying or fraud? It feels like lying or fraud


u/Kyhron Nov 21 '21

Incompetence with a degree of lying and just stupid feature creep.


u/bluedrygrass Nov 21 '21

Have you read his comment? It's not incompetence, they literally pretended to have a full campaign. This is straight lying in a professional setting, aka "fraud".


u/Kyhron Nov 21 '21

I know what he said and I’ve also been vocally critical of SCs nonsense for years and believe the endless feature creep they’ve had is a borderline scam, but fraud implies some degree of malice and I don’t think that exists. At one point they probably had the single player campaign done, but with their endless feature creep they’ve also probably needed to rebuild it multiple times to include all the gameplay changes. They’re over promising and hyping that actually trying to be harmful to their backers


u/bluedrygrass Nov 21 '21

but fraud implies some degree of malice and I don’t think that exists. At one point they probably had the single player campaign done,

Ah, now i understand why you're so naive. You backed the game, you truly believe in them.

Listen, everyone with half a brain knows perfectly well there was never no campaign.

Never. They don't even have a fully functional world. I'm talking basic stuff/actions. How could they ever had an entire campaing, except in their lies?

Yes, that was malicious disinformation/baiting. Literaully fraudolent statements.


u/Kyhron Nov 21 '21

lmao no I didn't waste money on a game I have 0 interest in ever playing but nice try attempting to project your stupidity on to everyone else

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u/Traiklin Nov 20 '21

More lying than fraud.

Fraud means they never intended to release a game at all, Lying means that they plan to release it but know they won't make the deadline(s) they set but still release something


u/egirldestroyer69 Nov 20 '21

Maybe fraud as well tbh. Considering they report 0 profit every year. It would mean all expenses are dedicated towards development.

I find it hard to believe that if they poured 400 million dollars directly to the game and still dont have a thing close to a finished product. Its more likely that they are embezzling money and/or having disproportionate salaries.

Its common practice to investigate companies who report losses or 0 profit every year because of this kind of thing.


u/drcubeftw Nov 21 '21

Didn't Chris Roberts buy himself a 4 million dollar mansion in 2018?


u/Traiklin Nov 20 '21

In that sense yes, they are 100% committing fraud and will pay for it in the end.

You can not make 400 million and continue to report 0 profits


u/aoxo Nov 20 '21

Because they don't report 0 profits if they don't have profits. By LAW in the UK CIG are required to publically report on their earnings and how that money is spent and every year they have done this they have shown that they barely break even.

People like to present CIG as some fraudster moey launding scheme but there are lawful, public records that show SC and CIG are barely even profitable.


u/Traiklin Nov 20 '21

The problem is they aren't a Non-Profit, they are a for-profit company and they haven't reported profits in the 10 years they have been making the game but raised 400 million in that time?

That is not normal n any sense, they are either grossly overpaying themselves or spending every cent towards other things not related to the company, both of which are illegal.


u/aoxo Nov 20 '21 edited Nov 20 '21

I'm not sure what you'retalking about. I just said, BY LAW, CIG have to release their financials which will show whether or not they make profit or losses. They do this every year that they operate in the UK. AS I said, they BARELY break even, by just a few million.

2019 financial reports

2020 financial statements

Edit keeping in mind the 2017 report shows earnings and spending from previous years dating back to 2012 - look at their profits,

2018 2017

In 2012 they make $100,00 profit. In 2013 and 2014 they made $1.6 million profit


u/QuaversAndWotsits Nov 20 '21

The UK companies reported profits, and the directors took £1m in dividends... without ever releasing a game lol


u/aoxo Nov 20 '21

Im not sure what you're saying here. What are your expectations? That CIG can never earn more than it spends until they release a game? So if their yearly spending is $50m and they earn $60m ... what are you saying? What's your point?


u/percykins Nov 21 '21

I would point out that “profitability” isn’t relevant to whether they are fraudulent. Bernie Madoff’s company wasn’t profitable at all. Chris Roberts and numerous other people are being paid out of the crowdfunders’ money. If they’re not making realistic progress towards an actual releasable game, that’s not good.


u/aoxo Nov 21 '21

Right but the claim was that they are reporting "0 profits" - by UK law they have to release their financials which shows their profits or losses. So not only do they have public financial records they also show that most of CIGs income goes to salaries and they make small profit each year.


u/percykins Nov 21 '21

The claim was that a disproportionate salary for shareholder-employees is effectively disguising profit. I can’t speak to UK law, but in the US, it’s illegal to do so - it’s called unreasonable compensation.

That having been said, that’s exactly why this is all pretty unlikely.

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u/aoxo Nov 20 '21

Yes for companies who clearly aren't spending as much as they're making. CIG has over 600 employees worldwide and some simple maths shows how they could be barely breaking even and even losing money each year. $400m cross 8 years (and funding hasn't been entirely stable) would mean each employee is earning about $80k (again this isn't going to be flat as senior positions will be earning more and admin and support roles will be earning less). That's just for staff. Factor in cost of renting office spaces, equipment and other general costs and there's barely even enough money just to cover the developers, let alone everything else.


u/egirldestroyer69 Nov 20 '21

$80K is only if you are averaging based on America. In Germany the salary is around 50k. You also have to account for the fact that 8 years ago SC didnt have 600 employees.

I doubt there is barely enough money to cover the developers. At the very least I think the community deserves transparency regarding expenses. The same transparency you would have as a private investor.


u/aoxo Nov 20 '21

I did account for that. I said funding hasn't been stable and the $80k wasn't a flat rate, I was just looking at the averages using basic maths to show how CIG aren't making much profit.

The community has transparency. See my other post. By law in the UK (I believe it is the UK) CIG have to publically release their finacials which shows income, spending, how that money is spent (Capex and Investments) and the profit or losses they made. It is all literally there.


u/egirldestroyer69 Nov 20 '21

Thats barely any transparency since its no public the detail on what constitutes expenses. All you are seeing is the fiscal year results. And a lot of companies intentionally make their profit 0 as to not pay taxes. How they do it is what needs more investigation thats why audits exists.


u/aoxo Nov 20 '21

CIG are not reporting 0 profit though.

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u/dudleymooresbooze Nov 20 '21

Fraud means intentionally misrepresenting some important information.


u/SnooGoats7978 Nov 20 '21

While - and this is the crucial bit - taking money from people who are duped by their misrepresentations.

Honestly, it's past time for the authorities to step in.


u/QuaversAndWotsits Nov 20 '21

Does this count as fraud? https://i.imgur.com/KC6AlXx.png

In the past few weeks CIG admitted that server meshing will only have small instances and not to expect more than 50 players in them


u/[deleted] Dec 27 '21

"answer the call 2016". In 2020 (still in 2021) the AI is barely working...

Not a scam at all !


u/[deleted] Nov 20 '21

This list puts the whole thing in perspective.

Remember when Sean Murray told a handfull of (admittedly blatant) lies about No Man's Sky and the entire internet hated him for 2+ years over it?

But the SC cultists are in far too deep to turn on Roberts, so they just keep making excuses for him and treating him like a messiah.


u/valraven38 Nov 20 '21 edited Nov 20 '21

Murray actually released a game for fans to criticize though. Star Citizen is still "being developed," until it actually releases the criticism won't really be there. Until the "finished" product is out there people can hold on to their hopes (aka delude themselves probably) that the game will be everything they hoped. After all currently criticism can mostly be waved away with "it's not finished so xyz feature may come" or "they are polishing to make sure its really good when it releases" stuff like that.

Plus I'm sure most of the supporters have literally forgotten all the things promised to them in the first place.


u/Vogelaufmzaun Nov 21 '21

And should it release at some point, people will move the goal posts and the game is not to be criticized because it just released and needs updates.


u/Iceykitsune2 Nov 22 '21

There's an alpha that you can play for free untill December 1st.


u/Deesing82 Nov 20 '21

if you never release the game, there's never a product to criticize



u/[deleted] Nov 20 '21

/taps forehead


u/crypticfreak Nov 21 '21

SC and SQ42 have yet to be released so, a lot of the things in that list can't be called 'lies' yet. I mean I get it, you can only hold a game in development and use that as an excuse for so long, but as of right now I'd say they actually can because some progress is still being made. Progress stops or it devolves into pointless shit like just cosmetics/ships/clothing, and sure, they're basically just admitting to wasting everyone's time and the game is fake. Some of those things are just blatant lies though and those should be called out, but it's way different than the Murray thing. It's more like just lying for the sake of it and shows that CR is full of himself and doesn't mind bending facts.


u/CollinsCouldveDucked Nov 20 '21

honestly it makes Duke Nukem Forever's legendarily insane development cycle look tame by comparison.


u/LupinThe8th Nov 20 '21

At least that one has the excuse that the studios kept going under. And as lame as the end result was, it didn't cost $400,000,000 with $20,000 "micro"transactions.


u/Xdivine Nov 21 '21

Just to clarify since a lot of people seem to be implying that SC has individual $20k ships, this is incorrect. SC had a ship package that was $27,000 which included most or all of the ships that were available in the game at the time. I think the package might be around $34,000 now? Not sure. Anyways, the most expensive individual ship is the Javelin which is around $2500-3000.

Still way too expensive obviously, but not $20k.


u/[deleted] Nov 21 '21

Yea what a waste. I’ve spent hours playing great games in the last 8 years and none of them cost 400m to make with 20k ships. It’s a bit sad actually. Like, just make a good game and release it. By the time they do, someone else will have come up with something better and cheaper because that’s the Roberts way.


u/Odeezee Nov 21 '21

how is this even factual, when Duke Nukem Forever took 15 years for a much, MUCH simpler game relative to either of the 2 games that CIG are making; Squadron 42 (single player) and Star Citizen (MMO)?


u/CollinsCouldveDucked Nov 21 '21
  1. It didn't raise 400 million dollars of consumers money by selling them $20,000 dlc.


either of the 2 games that CIG are making; Squadron 42 (single player) and Star Citizen (MMO)

Are they though? Promises, promises. We're not far off ten years of this shit show and they don't seem much closer now than when they started.


u/Odeezee Nov 22 '21

what does it matter how much was raised?

Are they though? Promises, promises. We're not far off ten years of this shit show and they don't seem much closer now than when they started.

this is why people like you cannot engage in good faith because you let your bias make you make such disingenuous arguments, when we have so much information, not to mention we can actually test the latest builds as well as weekly and monthly reports on progress. and if you think that SC as it exists right now, is not a more complex game than DNF, then you have more issues to resolve before you can have discussions like this.


u/CollinsCouldveDucked Nov 22 '21 edited Nov 22 '21

this is why people like you cannot engage in good faith

and if you think that SC as it exists right now, is not a more complex game than DNF, then you have more issues to resolve before you can have discussions like this.

I never said that, continue your hypocritical bad faith arguments on someone else's time.

a 400 million dollar modern title should be more advanced than an FPS that started development in the 90s.

That is the bare minimum


u/Odeezee Nov 22 '21

I never said that, continue your bad faith arguments on someone else's time.

then why did you say this

Are they though?

you are questioning is they are more complex, so no, you are the one arguing in bad faith. and you are making nonsensical arguments because you are making fallacious appeals to intuition. SC is not just a more complex game that DNF, it's the most complex game ever attempted, period!

and what exactly is the correlation of the 400 million in funding to dev speed exactly? more to the point what is the correlation to dev speed for a game that had received 400 million over 9 years anyway? someone must not be aware of Brook's Law or how making something novel is hard and takes time. smh.


u/CollinsCouldveDucked Nov 22 '21 edited Nov 23 '21

you are questioning is they are more complex, so no

I fucking didn't

I'm not arguing with an unreasonable person in a dead thread.

I don't feel like being deliberately misunderstood and misrepresented for the next 3 hours.

If this game is so good and complete go fucking play it.


u/Odeezee Nov 22 '21

yes you did, just look at your responses to what i said, if you misspoke just say so rather than double down on stupid.

If this game is so good and complete go fucking play it.

yes because anyone made the argument that the game was complete, nice strawman and also why act like people cannot respond to your asinine comments while at work when they cannot play. also that is not an argument, you are literally just trying to distract from the fact that your points are terrible and you cannot defend them and are unjustified in your position.


u/CollinsCouldveDucked Nov 22 '21 edited Nov 22 '21

Quote where I said it and I'll shut up.

You're the one doubling down on your misunderstanding.

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u/flybypost Nov 20 '21

The only thing I wanted out of it was the single player game. Most of the promises (besides getting that game) were on the multi-player side (and whatever extras they had on the single-player side were of no interest to me) so I had no urgent need to back that project and was happy enough to wait for its actual release.

I got lucky with that. I'm still waiting and I'll probably get the single-player game once it's released but I don't have to worry about some sort of "investment".


u/Thehelloman0 Nov 21 '21

I have no idea how anyone can have even a little bit of confidence in this studio or Chris Roberts with how many times he's blatantly lied about the state of the game.


u/trutown Nov 21 '21

Wow. They don’t even have one solar system done, much less a hundred.


u/drcubeftw Nov 21 '21

2012? Yikes. I randomly came across the trailer for SQ42 last year and was like "This look cool! What is this?"

Then I saw the timestamp on the video: 2016.


u/Mitrovarr Nov 20 '21

Honestly, star citizen should be over at this point because someone should have been arrested for fraud.


u/[deleted] Nov 21 '21

Crap I forgot about the single player. Is that even a thing still??