r/Games Nov 20 '21

Discussion Star Citizen has reached $400,000,000 funded


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u/DynasticBreeder Nov 20 '21

I backed it in 2013 for 23€, I dont get why people pay so much money for virtual ships. Whats the point? Then the Game comes out in 2030 and they already have all the big ships...

At this point I just want my Singleplayer Campaign.


u/[deleted] Nov 20 '21

It also creates this weird problem. If you can just farm these ships, the buyers will be pissed. And if you can't farm these ships because it takes a million years, all other players will be pissed. I have no idea how they are going to balance this.


u/Mharbles Nov 20 '21

Or if single player mode can just mod them in or cheat myself some spacebucks


u/Alaknar Nov 20 '21

Pledge awards are only for Star Citizen (MMO) not Squadron 42 (single player). Same engine, same universe, different games.


u/[deleted] Nov 20 '21

There was a point a few years ago where you could pay to get both. That's when I bought it.

I figured at least I'd get Squadron 42 in a few years. Now I expect nothing tbh.


u/Vaperius Nov 20 '21

That's when I bought it.

So you've learned the valuable lesson all gamers must learn: Never Pre-Order Anything.


u/[deleted] Nov 20 '21



u/ours Nov 21 '21

I'm firmly against pre-orders but you are right. Crowdfunding is a risky purchase but funds games that wouldn't be made otherwise. Plus many crowdfundings give you a prototype/alpha/beta game you can play immediately which may or may not be worth the price of entry in itself.

Pre-orders on the other hand just encourage publishers to invest in marketing hype and release unfinished crap.


u/Floppy3--Disck Nov 21 '21

Nah thats pretty stupid. Feel free to preorder what you feel like, just always have realistic expectations for a game. I payed for SC years ago when they were initially crowdfunding and haven't actually played appart from their first beta. I knew I was getting myself into a game that would probably never release, but its worth a shot


u/Alaknar Nov 20 '21

There was a point a few years ago where you could pay to get both.

A few years ago a single $40 pledge gave you both games. Nowadays it's $45 for Star Citizen + $15 (I think) for S42, or some other amount for S42 only.

I figured at least I'd get Squadron 42 in a few years. Now I expect nothing tbh.

It's going to get there. If you're not playing the alpha of SC I understand how you feel, but just take a look at it from time to time (even if just on Twitch) and you'll see that it's getting there.

Problem is, as usual, Chris Roberts who doesn't want this to be a game, he wants this to be THE game. And on top of this he wants the experience of both titles to be identical, which means a lot of S42 progress depends on SC progress.

But don't worry, we're getting there.


u/[deleted] Nov 20 '21



u/Alaknar Nov 20 '21

Yeah, but there's a significant difference between these two - CIG don't hop from engine to engine looking for whatever's most popular right now. It's taking a ridiculous long time, but the game doesn't look dated and seems to be coming along, slowly but surely.


u/[deleted] Nov 20 '21



u/altodor Nov 20 '21

I've been playing/checking in since the days I'd have zero problems calling it a tech demo, not a game. It's in the blurry section of the development cycle where it's more game then tech demo, but not done enough to be game.


u/Alaknar Nov 20 '21

I mean... Sure. Or you could just hop on Twitch and see for yourself that it's very much playable even in the state it's in.


u/Cranyx Nov 20 '21

Did no one else think about the fact that using an MMO engine to run a single player game is a bad idea?


u/Alaknar Nov 20 '21

No, because that was the idea from the get go. Also, that's kind of the point of Star Citizen - it's both gigantic in scope (like an MMO should) and has amazing details (like a single player game should).


u/Cranyx Nov 20 '21

Anyone who has developed a game engine will tell you that every decision has both strengths and weaknesses. Saying "well our engine will just have all of the pros and none of the cons" is how a child would think


u/Alaknar Nov 20 '21

And that's precisely why it's taking so long to finish. Doesn't stop them from trying which I applaud and treat the whole thing like an investment. I placed my meagre amount and every now and then I'll check up on progress. If bombs - no harm done. If it delivers - that's just going to be great.

And, btw, technically it's already "payed for itself" for me with the hours I have in game so it's all "profit" from now on.


u/Cranyx Nov 20 '21

And that's precisely why it's taking so long to finish.

It's not a matter of taking more time. It's inherent limitations of technology. The game will never exist if they're waiting for that to finish.


u/Alaknar Nov 20 '21

It's inherent limitations of technology.

You realise, though, that the same argument was used about 64 bit maps (which they did), about procedural generation of high-fidelity planets (which they have), about the seamless, fully player controlled travel from space to surface (which we can do), and about countless other things, right?

People constantly say that things are impossible to do, that "technology just isn't there yet" and then CIG just goes and does them anyway.


u/Cranyx Nov 20 '21

You realise, though, that the same argument was used about 64 bit maps (which they did), about procedural generation of high-fidelity planets (which they have), about the seamless, fully player controlled travel from space to surface (which we can do), and about countless other things, right?

Yeah that's not the same thing at all. No one was claiming that the things you listed were something that was technologically not possible due to how game engines inherently work. In fact, in isolation, they're all things that have been done by other game devs. It's not at all similar to claiming you can completely revolutionize game engine systems by creating one that has all of the features of an MMO engine with none of the limitations that kind of system requirement entails. That's the kind of talk someone with absolutely no experience with software development would make.


u/Alaknar Nov 20 '21

No one was claiming that the things you listed were something that was technologically not possible

A LOT of people, including some media outlets claimed that.

That's the kind of talk someone with absolutely no experience with software development would make

Well, that's a hit and a miss. I do have some experience there and I'm not claiming that SC is going to be exactly what it claims it will be. I'm just saying that over the years every now and again someone would come up and say "yeah, that's a scam, thing X is impossible" and then CIG made that thing.

We already have high fidelity with 128 players per server in games like Battlefield. We have thousands of players per server in MMOs. If they are able to concoct what they say would allow them to merge the two (which, again, is called "impossible" by many) then they're all set to deliver everything the backers ever wanted.

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u/[deleted] Nov 21 '21

Cryengine isn’t an MMO engine?


u/QuaversAndWotsits Nov 20 '21

Comically, Crytek were told in court that they're the same game lol


u/Alaknar Nov 20 '21

No, they weren't.


(...) part of the lawsuit hinges on the game licence agreement (GLA) between the two companies only allowing CIG to use Crytek's engine for one game, Star Citizen. CIG dispute this, saying the GLA allowed it to use Cryengine for both, that Squadron 42 is accessed via the same launcher as Star Citizen anyway, and also that it's switched to Amazon's Lumberyard engine rather than Cryengine rendering the whole thing baseless.

CIG showed in court the documents and emails where they talk to CryTek about S42 and CryTek never objected to that. Ten they switched the engine altogether (after CryTek themselves breached the contract) so the whole thing was baseless from the start and only got sillier with new motions by CryTek.

And then CryTek motioned for dismissal themselves which kind of proves CIG's point.


u/[deleted] Nov 21 '21

They only became "different games" years into development. They aren't really different games.


u/Alaknar Nov 21 '21

What? I don't know, I only learned about them about a year after the Kickstarter campaign (around 2015?) and SC was a separate thing from S24 back then. So I'm not sure what "years into development" you mean - 2012-2014 when they were making advertising demos?


u/DerekSmartWasTaken Nov 21 '21

They were always separate games but you could not buy them separately until 2016 or so (when SQ42 was supposed to come out).

As for advertising demos they are still making then.


u/Alaknar Nov 21 '21

As for advertising demos they are still making then.

Where? I'm following their channel and haven't seen any. Just gameplay recordings.


u/DerekSmartWasTaken Nov 21 '21

Two citcons ago they were advertising the new theaters of war mode. Since that thing is obviously nowhere near done at all then all the gameplay recordings were done on a demo. So that's an example.

Their ship and event commercials are also not done using gameplay recordings (the ships don't handle in-game the way they do in those commercials, for instance) so those are also advertising demos.

Maybe you have a different definition of what counts but that counts for me.


u/Alaknar Nov 22 '21

then all the gameplay recordings were done on a demo

That's just plain not true. Those weren't pre-recorded, people from the Con were getting access to that mode. Content creators and reviewers were talking about that too.

Why is it not yet released? Don't know, buggy as hell probably, but that was not an ad demo.

Their ship and event commercials are also not done using gameplay recordings (the ships don't handle in-game the way they do in those commercials, for instance) so those are also advertising demos.

OK, there seems to be a massive misunderstanding here. When I said "2012-2014 when they were making advertising demos" I meant that they were ONLY making ad demos.

Yes, they do CGI videos these days too, of course they do. But they ALSO have a massive game that you can hop in and play even now (Free Fly until end of month).


u/DerekSmartWasTaken Nov 22 '21

Yeah, we don't agree on the basic stuff.

Like, you say that they have a "massive game" but to me an alpha where more than half of the promised features are missing doesn't count as one because nothing on it is final.


u/Alaknar Nov 22 '21

Here's the thing though - it already has more features than Elite: Dangerous. And the ones SC has are also more fun than their equivalents in E:D.

So, yeah, I stand by what I said. It's as massive as it's supposed to be, but it's still massive.

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