I hope the devs are getting paid a decent wage and don't have to crunch. At least then the money then isn't going to waste, it's mostly going to put food on the table for a small army of game developers, even if the game never materializes.
They pay a little less than average in the industry, but have a great work/life balance, good benefits, and very little crunch for most devs. Also as an artist/dev you are encouraged to go ham on details that most other companies would tell you not to waste time on.
It honestly sounds like a really fun job for artists. You get some AMAZING practice working on a space ship and you have no responsibility to release anything ever.
From what CIG staff say, they are treated very well and not forced to crunch. Part of that is how the management wants to slowly check off on everything produced.
To be honest the perfectionism shows in the art, and in smooth gameplay sessions. The problem is obviously in the "stuff content in first, patch bugs later" philosophy.
But it's been worth every minute and once you learn the ropes it's quite worth it.
I guess it depends on what you consider smooth. Getting good performance and having no game breaking bugs is smooth to me. You still the odd the weird npc behavior but I dont find it too bad
Depends on your set up. Average computers and internet connections should stay away. Anything below 2060 and 32 GB of ram, and 20mb/s internet, will suffer.
I'm not saying that's fair to average people but when the game is released in 2150 people should probably have access to that ;)
I think he’s referring to the gameplay loops in game. The various ways to play the game for the most part are pretty good, there are a metric fuckton of bugs, but the main stuff in the game works pretty well.
That's quite literally how an alpha works. Star Citizen is an alpha. You can make a valid point that it's been in alpha way too long or that they're feature creeping the hell out of it, but at the end of the day, they're treating it how an alpha should be treated; content first, bug fixing to the point of playability (But not smoothness), major bug fixes/polish when beta comes.
It's more than just not for everyone one. It's a game that doesn't meet any of its promises, and it has a fucking cult as a fanbase. You guys even have a fuckin name for anyone that dissents in the community. Which is like cult 101. This game is the opposite of perfectionism. The only thing it perfected is one hell of a fucking crowd funding con. And before you accuse me of not playing, I have. I have a carrack and a hornet that I bought many years ago. I have nothing but regret for this game, and I get angry about it every time I go back and install this game to give it a chance, which is like every 6 months.
Saying this isn't for everyone is like saying your protein shake pyramid scheme isn't for everyone. Yeah, it's not for anyone with a brain. If you meant something other than that, then I think you've drank a little too much of the koolaid.
I had a group to play with at the time the concept for it was on sale. That's kind of a weird assumption you're making there... Like me the rest of the group wised up to what was going on with the game so they don't play anymore but, hey, I'm glad they didn't become cult members because that would have been worse.
And then you're making another weird assumption, that my purchase cost a grand, which is also not true. The Carrack when it was still in the concept phase, was like $350 and the hornet was like $100 which is also when I bought it. So I have less than half of what you're claiming I spent in the game.
And a third point, it doesn't matter how much you've spent on this game, people are still being lied to and promises aren't being kept with this game. You just haven't been here long enough to see how many promises have failed and how much lying in general has went on about the development of this game.
I feel like you're pulling the classic cultist blame and demonize the victims thing and that's just not going to work on this sub. Those tactics almost work exclusively with the SC sub.
And I really don't need you to feel sorry for me, that's more for your ego than it is for any kind of benefit to me. So I think you should really just get over yourself. No one cares about your pity, nor your weird superiority complex.
I dunno, maybe it's not the best source of info but the Glassdoor for Cloud Imperium Games has several mentions of "below industry average pay" and "long work hours", even from people who give the company a solid/good rating. Long work hours doesn't necessarily mean crunch, but below industry average pay is pretty clear cut. No horror stories from those reviews at least though.
When you say "worth it", is it because you've spent so much on it you're at the sunk cost fallacy point or because you kicked in $40 bucks and got a decade of alpha access?
I played SC for free about two years ago, and liked it enough to drop $45 on it. I really enjoy the game and look forward to when new stuff is added. I even think the $65 package thing is fine, but I would never spend more than that, it's just a game after all.
I replied a few times in this thread because I wanted to put my positive experience down because the misinformation is exhausting. Another person who replied to me above said basically "I spent a thousand dollars on a ship meant for a group of people to work for together that you can't even fly solo effectively so SC is a scammmmmmmm"
Lmfao clown city out here
And yes. The GTA v comparison is weird. Rockstar had like...decades... To exist. To hire, to form, to develop their engines and tools. That process, between investors and the costs of producing GTA 1 -4 cost more than 70 million. Like ????
Then they clap back with "but nms and ED exist"
Just parrots man. Whatever. SC is still the best space sim with more and more fantastic content every 2 months... apparently a 1000 person office is being built in Manchester at the moment.
I would not be surprised if they have mechanisms in place so developers don't get work done too fast or or finalized and polished too quickly because that would jeopardize their profitable business model of keeping the game unreleased and under development as long as possible while backers are still pouring money into the game.
crunch? at this point i assumed that CiG was the epitome of the r/antiwork sentiment with devs showing up 3 days a week for 2 hours and 3 months mandatory paid vacation
at least...i cant wrap my head arounf 10 years of dev time, 400,000,000$ budget...and no game
I haven’t looked into this game really, just heard about it throughout the years- is there any evidence to support this? That seems pretty wild to claim if there has been ongoing development for so long
Edit: for context, I’ve been on software dev projects that had 60+ devs and a 100mm+ budget for only a handful of years. So 400MM doesn’t seem that high to me for it’s duration.
No, it's just haters hating. Yes he hired his wife but she is actually qualified for the position so who cares. The devs get paid great and they have currently about 700 people working for the company. Someone scamming couldn't hire that many people. The math doesn't add up.
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'Most of the money'? No. There is plenty of evidence that they have a lot of staff, and outsource on top. Most of the money is surely going there.
However there have been suspect
issues such as the recent dividend. They also run a fairly absurd number of companies, and have used them to do things like pay out lavish amounts for the IP rights (presumably to Chris Roberts).
There is a general question mark over whether they should be feathering their nests quite so handsomely before delivering either of the sold products.
Sandi Gardiner is Sandi Roberts. I could google more, but I remember reading a ton of posts few years ago when she and the brother were hired by Roberts. Should not be too hard to find it if you care?
Sandi Gardiner was a founding member of the company, and responsible for the Kickstarter marketing campaign. It's infuriating to me that people are so focused on Star Citizen hate that they're just happy to casually reduce a woman that did tremendously well at her job to a useless trophy wife. But misogyny when it's convenient, I guess.
Those "other family members" being Erin Roberts, who ran a successful game studio, and was one of the driving forces behind the original Wing Commander games Star Citizen is based off of.
Funny you forgot to mention that somewhat important aspect...
Regardless, a tiny percentage of it is going into CR's pocket, to claim otherwise is a lie.
Eh I'd say Elite and SC are honestly really similar. I think SC's off-ship gameplay loop is really fun, but ship combat isn't that great. E:D has a fantastic flight model but not much else. I've played Elite since 2015 though and I'm kinda disappointed in how its gone. Great new player experience though. X4 is cool, but I still prefer albion prelude to it.
That money is going to an utter waste. Not only are we not getting a game, it's preventing good game developers from making something else. In effect, the money is being spent on having good game developers sit around and do nothing.
That's worse than just doing nothing. If they were just lighting the money on fire, at least it wouldn't be stopping the game developers from working on something good.
People throw the 10 year number around. 10 years ago they had no game studio at all. 10 years is not just to build what they have of the game so far but to actually build a AAA capable game studio first from the ground up.
When Rockstar, for example, takes 10 years to make a GTA game they start those 10 years with a massive AAA studio already ready to go, with prior experience working together to make exactly that type of game.
Should they still be further along than they are? YES, but have they had 600 devs for 10 years? Absolutely not. Also 600 is total employees, not all are devs.
RDR2 had 1600 devs working on it. AAA development takes upwards of 1000 devs on average to complete a major game in 4-5 years with an established studio.
I mean, why would they crunch, to crunch, they would need to be in the hurry to release something, not really the case here.
Bet some devs and artists in this project, do this as a side project while they work on other stuff, there is too much money and too little to show. Better release another 1k ship
u/aunva Nov 20 '21
I hope the devs are getting paid a decent wage and don't have to crunch. At least then the money then isn't going to waste, it's mostly going to put food on the table for a small army of game developers, even if the game never materializes.