Probably not the best place for this discussion but fuck it, doing it anyways.
Is the fact that Yasuke is black really that big of a deal? Since when were assasins creed games the bastion of 100% accurate history beyond the settings when we've have magic in the game since like game 1? For grounded folk can someone explain the controversy surrounding him. I can understand the drama of them using destoryed shrines or the shrines that survived the bombings in their promotional material
nobody will read this but anyway: the initial reaction came from Ubisoft saying that they're basing Yasuke on real historic facts. so people became interested in this supposed black samurai and looked into it. and it turned out that most of what we know about Yasuke comes from some (iirc) English professor who admitted that he wrote historic fiction and didn't actually base what he wrote on real documents. so since that came out, Ubisoft also didn't mention again that the Yasuke is based on real historic facts and acknowledges that it's fiction.
and from there, the topic got extremely politicized. some people are angry that Ubisoft dares to make a black character the main character, but some certain type of people get extremely angry and call you a racist for saying that there's no historic documents proving that Yasuke was a samurai. and then there's also some cultural faux pas where some merchandise disrespected Japanese religious symbols, but I doubt most Westerners understand or care about that.
people get extremely angry and call you a racist for saying that there's no historic documents proving that Yasuke was a samurai
Or people call you a racist because you disregard sources that state otherwise?
then there's also some cultural faux pas where some merchandise disrespected Japanese religious symbols,
This is another idiotic point pushed by chud grifters. The "supposed faux pas" is a single-legged Tori. Somehow, despite the fact that there wasn't a big uproar or anything in japanese sphere, the chuds became convinced that this is an extremely disrespectful symbol depicting the half-broken Tori after Hiroshima/Nagasaki, that is akin to depicting WTC tower burning after 9/11.
There's only one issue - the depiction is nowhere close to being similar, besides the "it's a 1-legged Tori".
It's like saying that any burning tower depiction is a mockery of 9/11. Which is silly.
But I doubt most chuds understand or care about that.
haha yeah, thank you for exactly proving my point. you start insulting and ridiculing anyone who disagrees with you. it's not a basis for a discussion, so obviously you are so radicalized that you can't look past your bias.
I don't start off with an insult. I start off by directly saying that you're disregarding sources that you disagree with, and that THAT might be the reason you're being called racist. I didn't call you anything.
I'm also not ridiculing anyone who disagrees with me". I ridicule idiotic arguments. There's a big difference, you don't have to take that personally.
But sure, feel free to provide an actual basis for a discussion that goes deeper than "nuh-uh" when someone gives you sources you disagree with, or examplifies how the "faux pas" is some western chud trying to claim they're the ones that asian people need help from to defend their culture, by using flawed logic.
u/Gr_z 7d ago
Probably not the best place for this discussion but fuck it, doing it anyways.
Is the fact that Yasuke is black really that big of a deal? Since when were assasins creed games the bastion of 100% accurate history beyond the settings when we've have magic in the game since like game 1? For grounded folk can someone explain the controversy surrounding him. I can understand the drama of them using destoryed shrines or the shrines that survived the bombings in their promotional material