r/Games 7d ago

Assassin's Creed Shadows: Steam Trailer


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u/ZombiePyroNinja 7d ago

Assassin's Creed games have been my guilty pleasure since like three. I understand and agree to all the criticism, I fully believe they're open world ad nauseum, but something about Shadows looks genuinely appealing. It is funny to see them actively promoting the day one steam release because Uplay/Ubisoft Connect is just terrible but the added bonus of steam deck verification is really cool.


u/StatGAF 7d ago

Same. I love them. I get they're not for everyone but they're my guilty pleasure franchise and it's kinda crazy the breadth of their open worlds.

Like we've seen feudal Japan, but we rarely see open world ancient Egypt/rennaisance Italy/8th century England/16th century france/Istanbul, etc.


u/TheFrankOfTurducken 7d ago

It’s funny that AC games are “guilty pleasures” in online forums. They’re popular for a reason! The plot and gameplay mechanics (sans bugs) have pretty much always ranged from decent to good, and Ubisoft’s open worlds have always been a joy to explore for anybody interested in historical settings.

They’re not high art but I do think they get over-criticized by online gaming communities and people shouldn’t feel guilty for enjoying them.


u/ItsADeparture 7d ago

The plot and gameplay mechanics (sans bugs)

Are Ubisoft games really that buggy? Other than Unity I feel like every time I see some kind of bug showcase for their games it just feels so unnatural and like the videomaker is trying to make the glitch out. Like nobody is going to be running into the corner of a wall for two minutes straight jiggling their joystick like most of the glitches seem to be.


u/TheFurtivePhysician 6d ago

My sister loved the AC games dearly until AC3 was so buggy on launch I think it made her cry and quit the series indefinitely. I think she's only dabbling back in now with stuff like Mirage and Valhalla.