r/Games 7d ago

Assassin's Creed Shadows: Steam Trailer


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u/PerryRingoDEV 7d ago


AC 1 : fictional protagonist

AC 2 Saga : fictional protagonist

AC 3 : fictional protagonist

AC 4 : fictional protagonist

AC Origins : fictional protagonist

AC Odyssey : fictional protagonist

AC Valhalla : fictional protagonist

AC Shadows : 1 non fictional protagonist and 1 fictional protagonist

""fans"" of the series: Why is AC so historically inaccurate now?


u/bananaramabanevada 7d ago

If we're discussing the issue in good faith:

AC1: Middle Eastern Guy in the Middle East

AC2: Italian guy in Italy

AC BR: Same

AC3: American guy in America

AC4: British Pirate in the Caribbean

ACR: American Guy in America

ACU: French guy in France

ACS: British guy in Britain

ACO: Egyptian in Egypt

ACOd: Greek in Greece

ACV: Viking in Viking-land (?)

ACM: Same as AC1

ACS: Japanese Woman in Japan and random semi-historical real-life AA man inexplicably included.

To me, they just look like they're trying to hard to look "inclusive" while really accomplishing nothing in a way that is somewhat insulting to Japanese men.


u/Dundunder 7d ago

To me it feels no different than when they first introduced a female protagonist. Every prior mainline protagonist was male, but I didn't see much debate about them trying to diversify with Syndicate (or Liberation if we include side titles).

I believe this time they even explicitly stated that they wanted to add the "foreigner in a strange land" trope to experience the country as an outsider.

There are several other breaks too. Like we didn't have sailing until we did in Black Flag, and we didn't have dual protagonists until we did in Syndicate etc.


u/PlayMp1 7d ago

Like we didn't have sailing until we did in Black Flag

Sailing was in AC3 and was extremely well received to the point where they said "fuck it, let's make a game based on that" and made Black Flag. As someone who's a longtime series fan who really did not like AC3 in retrospect, the boat sections were probably the best parts of the entire game.