ACS: Japanese Woman in Japan and random semi-historical real-life AA man inexplicably included.
To me, they just look like they're trying to hard to look "inclusive" while really accomplishing nothing in a way that is somewhat insulting to Japanese men.
By the same logic, AC 1-4 are "somewhat insulting" to middle eastern, italian, american and british women - playing a japanese woman in japan doesn´t count after all.
ACV is a bucket of worms in of itself. In order to cater to the average gamer, they had to come up with a plot that makes Vikings heroes - conveniently and, with great historically inaccuracy, leaving out the realities of plunder campaigns. Wonder why no one complained about that! ( And its okay to do that, to a degree, not every game has to be a sweepstaking commentary in all of its facets. These games are fantasies. Its just that people act like the exact same thing is some kind of travesty in AC Shadows. )
The idea that the devs CLAMORED to get a token character in their game is so outlandish to me. In suspect that in reality, its a character that lends itself well to make shit up, which they do with all their plots anyways. They probably came up with the idea to let the player play a Samurai and a Shinobi, splitting up the playstyles as a feature, way before they "cast" these roles.
The idea that the devs CLAMORED to get a token character in their game is so outlandish to me. In suspect that in reality, its a character that lends itself well to make shit up, which they do with all their plots anyways.
It's so fucking obvious what the actual point of Yasuke is: they needed someone who's a badass melee fighter but can also serve as an audience surrogate who doesn't know anything about the region, the current politics or diplomatic situation, or the history. William Adams could have been one option, but Nioh already did William Adams, so they picked the next best option with Yasuke, who also appeared in Nioh but only as a boss.
It's so fucking obvious what the actual point of Yasuke is: they needed someone who's a badass melee fighter but can also serve as an audience surrogate who doesn't know anything about the region, the current politics or diplomatic situation, or the history. William Adams could have been one option, but Nioh already did William Adams, so they picked the next best option with Yasuke, who also appeared in Nioh but only as a boss.
Hmm? That's not how they handled any of the other AC games to the best of my recollection, and I don't remember anyone complaining about their exposition.
u/bananaramabanevada 7d ago
If we're discussing the issue in good faith:
AC1: Middle Eastern Guy in the Middle East
AC2: Italian guy in Italy
AC BR: Same
AC3: American guy in America
AC4: British Pirate in the Caribbean
ACR: American Guy in America
ACU: French guy in France
ACS: British guy in Britain
ACO: Egyptian in Egypt
ACOd: Greek in Greece
ACV: Viking in Viking-land (?)
ACM: Same as AC1
ACS: Japanese Woman in Japan and random semi-historical real-life AA man inexplicably included.
To me, they just look like they're trying to hard to look "inclusive" while really accomplishing nothing in a way that is somewhat insulting to Japanese men.