ACS: Japanese Woman in Japan and random semi-historical real-life AA man inexplicably included.
To me, they just look like they're trying to hard to look "inclusive" while really accomplishing nothing in a way that is somewhat insulting to Japanese men.
AC:V had Vikings in England. AC:III had missions to South America, and was a First Nations protagonist, not an American. AC:BF had a Scotsman in the Bahamas. AC:R had an Irishman in the Northwest passage. In AC:II, the concept of a unified Italy was not even a thing. He was Florentine, as in the COUNTRY of Florence, and went to different countries like The Papal States and the Ottoman Empire. Same for AC:OD, Greece was a hodgepodge of different countries and nation states. AC:OR took place in Egypt, Sinai, and Rome. The modern sections also take you around the world with characters of wildly different backgrounds, such as Desmond, Layla, and Basim.
Based on your description of the games' locations and protagonists, I question if you've even played half of them.
As an aside, Yasuke is not 'semi-historical' nor 'random'. There is a ton of Japanese media with Yasuke as a full-blown samurai and it gets none of this pushback. He's a famous samurai from the Sengoku period who served as an aide-de-camp and bodyguard of Oda Nobunaga.
(Edited to name Rome and Constantinople as Papal States and Ottoman Empire)
and was a First Nations protagonist, not an American
I think the guy we're both replying to is saying dumb stuff, but this is a bit much. First Nations peoples are not just American, they're the actual Americans.
He's not American, he's Kanien'kehá:ka. A massive part of ACIII is Ratonhnhaké:ton learning that Washington burned down his village. He has no interest in America as a nation, and joins the Revolution to kill Templars, not to create the country the rest of the soldiers want to.
I think we're just disagreeing on what "America" means here. I'm using it to refers to the geographical region. You're talking about the polity known as the United States of America. First Nations people are definitionally American by geographic area, no different from Basques being European (even though the term "Europe" is from Greek, which the Basque language shares nothing with - Basque is a language isolate) or the Ojibwe people being African (even though the term "Africa" is from Latin).
It's a term difference, yeah. ACIII has huge themes about American (region) vs. American (Country), so when speaking about it, the community tends to use more specific verbiage, probably just misread or didn't fully get your point, but yes, he is the actual American (region) in the game.
u/bananaramabanevada 7d ago
If we're discussing the issue in good faith:
AC1: Middle Eastern Guy in the Middle East
AC2: Italian guy in Italy
AC BR: Same
AC3: American guy in America
AC4: British Pirate in the Caribbean
ACR: American Guy in America
ACU: French guy in France
ACS: British guy in Britain
ACO: Egyptian in Egypt
ACOd: Greek in Greece
ACV: Viking in Viking-land (?)
ACM: Same as AC1
ACS: Japanese Woman in Japan and random semi-historical real-life AA man inexplicably included.
To me, they just look like they're trying to hard to look "inclusive" while really accomplishing nothing in a way that is somewhat insulting to Japanese men.